A book review; _The Key _ by Whitley Streiber;

Reviewed by octimotor

The book is titled, _The Key_ published by Tarcher / Pinguin; 2011 ed. Its author, Whitley Streiber, provides a written account recalling an approximately two hour amazing conversation with an extraordinary individual.

On a night in 1998, W.S. had been resting in his hotel room, near the conclusion of an author’s tour to promote his then most recent book. The visitor to his room that night was a guy evidencing great depths of knowledge and abilities to clearly communicate in a number of fields. Those fields ranged over a number of topics in spirituality, religion, science, metaphysics, history.

The visiting gentleman, early in the narrative, is quoted as saying, ‘Your feet are chained to the ground. I am from The Good. I offer you a key – – a way out of your culture’s condition of bondage and ignorance’.

So it seems reasonable to infer that this was the basis for the book about this meeting and conversation to become titled, _The Key_.

W.S. does not know the name of that amazing individual. So W.S. calls him simply, “the Master of the Key” (M.o.t.K), for lack of knowing his actual name.

Who are you?

At one point the guy said, he was a Canadian. He did not pay taxes, nor did he have a driver’s license.

At another point, he said, ‘you might call me Michael. Or you might call me Leagon’.

Readers may recognize correlations, of spiritual significance, out of the Judio-Christian tradition. On one hand, there is Michael, an arch-angel among the heavenly hosts. On the second hand, there is the name given by an unclean spirit (spirits). That is from the story in which Jesus performs healing of a mentally ill / possessed, man. He removes possessing spirit, transferring it / them into a herd of swine.

It is an interesting ambiguity, though, that in answering a question as to what was his name, the M.o.t.K chose both of these apparent spiritual opposites in his response.

Who, what, were Buda, Jesus the Christ, the prophet Mohamed?

They existed and were as they said they were, as given in accounts within the scriptural documentation associated with each one of their ministries, respectively. These bodies of tradition and written words contain great truths spoken by their spiritual teachers.

Consider them together, as three aspects of an overall spiritual system. In Christianity, there is Seeking after the Divine. In Islam, there is Surrender to the Divine. In Buddhism, there is Experiencing of the Divine.

Exercise discernment, though. There have been additions and alterations. These were done by others afterward. This was done by those who were, thru such insertions, seeking to promote various political / social / economic ends.

Spirit, Soul, are real. Divinity is real, said M.o.t.K. We humans are divinely created immortal spirits. As such, we do not vanish when the biological body dies. This is not intangible and supernatural. Rather, it is natural, and in accordance with physical laws discoverable thru scientific study.

Spirits’ existence involves patterns of energy, electromagnetic fields, plasma-state matter (ionized gases). Therefore, suitably crafted technologies and devices could in principle detect, interact with, communicate with, spirits – – such as those of deceased earthly humans.

Spirits / Souls, are generally immortal. M.o.t.K indicated, however, that:
– they can be destroyed;
– they can be executed;
– they can suicide; however, this would not be an instant or even quick ending. Rather, that soul would, subjectively, experience pain lasting an almost endlessly long duration.

Additionally, stated M.o.t.K, spirits can be captured, exploited to achieve certain utilitarian ends. This can be done via employment of technological devices crafted for such purposes.

Mis-use, said M.o.t.K., of abilities to interact with – – exploit, technologically, as unwilling servants – – the souls of the dead, figured in as one of the reasons why a prior scientifically advanced earthly human civilization was destroyed long ages ago.

That was a culture in which scientifically advanced knowledge was used and horded in secrecy by an extremely small upper class. All the rest of the people were kept in ignorance – – treated essentially as slaves, considered almost valueless except as exploitable for simple laborers. That was a grave mistake. Each and Every soul has the same High value – – not only those who set themselves up on Top. That civilization fell because of its habits of secrecy and exploitation of the masses. You should take this lessen to heart in your own current times and global culture.

An extremely devastating war occurred. It left huge long lasting scars throughout this solar system. A region in the brain of humans, responsible for allowing them to more readily sense, communicate with, souls of the dead, was for the most part deactivated thereafter.

The ruined remains left from that age will hardly ever be found by you. A great portion of such is under ocean depths. For some other places, the climate was changed. Now those parts are hidden under deep sands of desserts.

How common is life, how common are intelligent lifeforms?

Throughout the universe, Life is ubiquitously abundant. It exists under a huge variety of conditions.

In a galaxy, there may be thousands of intelligent forms of life. The physical conditions supporting their existence is much rarer by contrast to those allowing simple life. Some of it resembles that found here on earth. Some is vastly different – – given local conditions which differ greatly from what is here on this world. There are even instances of intelligent life existing in the relative void of intergalactic space.

A reason for life’s very high abundance is that, as you have been informed by your scientists who research quantum mechanical systems, observers are necessary for physical events to take on reality. In performing this basic function, life forms do not need to be intelligent ones. Even the simplest of microbes are adequate for the task.

W.S.. noted that he certainly did recognize that in recent decades there are certainly conditions of great secrecy and miss-information associated with big government and big business.

M.o.t.K. stated, there is a great need for citizens to form a very vigorous assault to penetrate the veils of secrecy at all levels. Our survival may hinge upon doing so successfully. Even a number of the apparently high level elected officials inside governments are kept unaware of what is hidden.

A related comment has been publicised during interviews of Apollo Era CBS science advisor Richard Hogland. During his researches in recent years he has had received confidential background conversations with current or past USA intelligence community participants. The statement from one of them is especially important. “The Lie is different at every level”, he was told. Cover stories exist in layer upon layer on top layer of other cover stories. Each is targeted to the role of the given player.

Relevant to M.o.t.K’s discussions about possibilities for us to technologically obtain ways to communicate with no longer incarnate spirits, is an interview of a recent book author, on tour in support of its recent publication. Title is _The Sacred Promise_ , by Dr Gary Schwartz. The interview show appeared in the “Dreamland” section of Whitley Striber’s web site, www.unknowncountry.com, 15 Sept. 2011. Its author, with career in the sciences, had been previously of the mindset to view the universe as spiritless. However, his recent experimental research, pertaining to physics, electronics and computers / information science, persuaded him to shift toward the opposite view – – that of a ‘spirit – filled universe’.

One aspect he notes are results from a USA Stanford U. team involving the ‘Global Consciousness roject’ A world wide array of test computer systems have software applications running to assess the randomness level in ‘random number generators’. Slightly before the occurrence of major events which strongly catch the attention of the public, the test systems measure the generated streams of ‘random numbers’ to become more correlated, less random.

An experiment he had designed and ran used the tools of electronics, physics, computers & automation to investigate matters previously confined to the activities of persons calling themselves mediums. The heart of the measurement consisted of a closed chamber, enclosing a photo-multiplier tube able to record even single photon absorptions by the detector. Experiment tests made comparisons between two differing situations. One type of run was with normal background, nothing special. Second type of run was under the condition in which a recorded scripted, even power – point supported, audio visual presentation was made active while the photon detector measurements were performed. The script consisted of an invitation, welcoming the visiting presence, at that time and place, by a particular warmly remembered deceased family member. Random-number based computer automation process is what selected when either respective case ran.

He said that much to his surprise, he found that the occasions in which spirit visit was requested corresponded with those in which the data showed increased rates for photons detected in the unlit sealed chamber. Consequently, Spirits may be real and detectable by physical means after all, he concluded.

W.S. asked if there were things we could learn from the of spirits of departed earthly humans.

Reply by M.o.t.K indicated a need for caution. Some of those spirits are perhaps far less wise than yourselves. A few are more wise, and their advice could be worth having. Both, though, would likely to offer their advice, if asked. So we would need to very carefully exercise critical discernment of any such information.

There is much current concern expressed about our possible entry into a period of climate & weather shifts away from what he have been familiar with over recent several centuries. Is the concern merited?

The global climate situation, said M.o.t.K., is subject to cyclical wide fluctuations – – wide enough to profoundly effect the ecology of lifeforms here (and any civilizations, if applicable) at such times. There are periods of warmth, periods of ice-ages. The change-over can be very swift – – unlike the belief held by most climate and geology scientists. Intense warming occurs just before the freeze-ups. That would likely occur any way sometime within the next 2000 years. Humans’ impact upon the related processes simply speeds things up. It could thus happen very soon.

Arctic ice cover melting lowers the salt concentration in places such as North Atlantic ocean. The Gulf Stream circulation can thus be weakened or cease – – with very major impacts upon climate and weather problems for Europe. Thermal instability, high amplitude atmospheric convective events, can bring the development of storms more intense than any others seen during the past 10 thousand years. The importance for the impact of world wide food harvests failing many years in a row can not be overstated.

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