Poem against terror, Hope Kenya

From: Caroline Nderitu
Date: Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 9:17 AM
Subject: Poem against terror, Hope Kenya
To: jaluo@jaluo.com

By Caroline Nderitu

CCL would like to dedicate this issue to all Kenyans, especially the families affected directly by the Westgate siege. Our hearts and prayers are with you.

Why does the sun continue to rise
Into the Kenya sky each day?
Why do we get up every morning?
Why is there breath in our lungs?
Why are we still here?
For hope we live

Not because the path to healing
Stretches nice, wide and easy
Beneath our feet
Not because the skies
Have been calm above our heads
And the winds calm on our sides
But for hope
For hope we live

Hope is the colour in our eye
Hope is the flavour in our voice
Hope is valour in our step
For hope we live

[ . . . ] Read full poem

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