Movement Against Classification Of People As Black Or White

From: Joram Ragem
To: jaluo jaluo

When and where did classification of people as Black or White begin? I don’t know. When the judge asked Steve Biko why he referred himself as black yet Steve was more brown than black, Steve asked why the judge referred to himself as white yet he was more pink than white. In South Africa, Nelson Mandela and others fought and are winning against apartheid. In USA and other nations, slavery has been eradicated and what’s left is this ambiguous use of these two colors. In the next fight for equallism, shouldn’t we petition the UN to ban the use of these two terms. At best one is either Kenyan, Cameroonian, South African or at worst African. At best one is also Mexican, Brazilian, Floridian, Californian, or at worst British, American, Spanish, French, German Japanese, Chinese, Philippino or Russian. Yes we will move a step beyond where MLK, Biko, Mandela and Obama have brought us, if we stop using these two terms can be outlawed.


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