President Obama Works So Hard He needs our Prayers Every Night…Will You Pray for him?

Forwarded by Judy Miriga …..spread the word and Thank you….

Folks, If you have not noticed…few Presidents have ever worked this hard for our country, with having to deal with such hatred and ill will. Many wonder, does he ever sleep? Only God can sustain such energy, knowledge and person. Will you please join in this prayer?

Let’s keep this going!


We pray for optimum health, mental clarity and political prosperity for President Barack H. Obama. We pray that what he lacks in political ‘experience’ you make up for with supernatural wisdom and power.

We also pray that when his enemies come upon him they will stumble and fall; and that your love will fill his heart to the end that ‘Your will’ be done through him.

We pray mightily for his protection. As we plead the Blood of your son, Jesus, over him and his family. We reverently ask you to dispatch hosts of angels to protect them from all hurt, harm, danger as he serves as the President of the United States of America .

We thank you and praise you for answering our sincere prayers, in Jesus’ precious name,

All you are asked to do is keep this circulating if you are so inclined.
May God bless and keep you…

One thought on “President Obama Works So Hard He needs our Prayers Every Night…Will You Pray for him?

  1. JD Brown

    While you are at it….don’t forget to pray for Kenya politicians to work hard and pass this constitution to the people of Kenya. To tribal political leaders and their followers, the time has come to this country “where you must look into the light..after living in the darkness of tribal/ethnic politics…”, the near destruction of this country during the election chaos of the past. As you venture forth from your despair of ethnic politics, let us all pray and ask God to give us wisdom to bring this country together in passing this constitution!!!!

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