/* MyClass = Class.create(); MyClass.prototype = { initialize: function(a, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.secondfunc(); }, secondfunc: function(){ this.t = 'secondlife'; } } var mc = new MyClass("foo", "bar"); alert(mc.t) */ Livesearch = Class.create(); Livesearch.prototype = { initialize: function(attachitem, target, remove, url, pars, button, loaditem, searchtext) { this.attachitem = attachitem; this.target = target; this.remove = remove; this.url = url; this.pars = pars; this.button = button; this.loaditem = loaditem; this.searchtext = searchtext; this.t = null; // Init timeout variable // Style the searchform for livesearch $(button).style.display = 'none'; $(attachitem).className = 'livesearch'; $(attachitem).setAttribute('autocomplete','off'); $(attachitem).setAttribute('value', this.searchtext); Event.observe(attachitem, 'focus', function() { if ($(attachitem).value == searchtext) $(attachitem).setAttribute('value', '') }); Event.observe(attachitem, 'blur', function() { if ($(attachitem).value == '') $(attachitem).setAttribute('value', searchtext) }); // Bind the keys to the input Event.observe(attachitem, 'keyup', this.readyLivesearch.bindAsEventListener(this)); }, readyLivesearch: function(event) { var code = event.keyCode; var currentLivesearch = this; if (code == Event.KEY_ESC || ((code == Event.KEY_DELETE || code == Event.KEY_BACKSPACE) && $F(this.attachitem) == '')) { this.resetLivesearch(); } else if (code != Event.KEY_LEFT && code != Event.KEY_RIGHT && code != Event.KEY_DOWN && code != Event.KEY_UP && code != Event.KEY_RETURN) { if (this.t) { clearTimeout(this.t) }; this.t = setTimeout(this.doLivesearch.bind(this), 400); } }, doLivesearch: function() { $(this.remove).style.display = 'none'; new Ajax.Updater( this.target, this.url, { method: 'get', parameters: this.pars + $F(this.attachitem), onComplete: Effect.Fade(this.loaditem, {duration: .2}), onLoading: Effect.Appear(this.loaditem, {duration: .2}) }); }, resetLivesearch: function() { $(this.attachitem).value = ''; $(this.target).innerHTML = null; $(this.remove).style.display = null; } } Event.observe(window, "load", function() { new Livesearch('searchinput', 'dynamiccontent', 'primarycontent', 'http://blog.jaluo.com/wp-content/themes/3k2redux-klein/theloop.php', 'livesearch=1&s=', 'searchsubmit', 'rollload', 'Type and Wait to Search'); } , false);