RE: The Future is a new Political Party

Date: Thu, 01 Jan 2009 12:56:55 +0200 [04:56:55 AM CST]
From: Paul Nyandoto
Subject: Vs: Re: The Future is a new Political Party


I am already defeated with our emptyness in actions. You mean we luos with all the education we have today, nobody is even interested to know about even on to what types of projects the CDF (constituency development funds) are being channelled into?. CDF is already paid money and this money does not come only from Kenyan tax payers , but also partly from the money Diaspora luos keep on sending home to relatives or projects, because in Kenya almost everything is taxed. Whatever you buy in Kenya whether you use the money sent from abroad or money you earn in Kenya you pay value added tax, so where is the tax payers money go to in luo Nyanza?. We can not keep on speaking and writting poems which does not add up to something. And by the way if our aim is to make differences in Luo Nyanza then please whoever wants to do something, please channel it directly to luo Nyanza NOT Nairobi or Mombasa. We already have schools in luo Nyanza, we do not need to keep on building new ones, but can upgrade the already existing ones. The other time Bob Awuor suggested that we work together to uplift some of luo Nyanza schools to universities or colleges just as the kikuyus and kambas are now doing, but very few luos really wanted that. By the way do you know that the new Nairobi metropolitan is almost including Machakos also?. So why do we luos keep on sleeping while other parts of Kenya are being built by all tax-payers money. To me it looks that we ourselves are made up of some con-mens and that is why no proper projects are merging out of all these poems and nothing proper is being done by the CDF money or luos do not know what they want, some luos are already thinking that Obama will do everything for luo Nyanza. Infact Obama might just collect his grandmother out of Nyanza and say good bye to luos, the old lady is also already over 80 years she will not leave for ever.

Happy new year guys, but sometimes the truth has to come out in one way or the other.

Paul Nyandoto

patrick opondi > 31.12.08 23:31 >>>
I have followed the on going discussion for a while and I am baffled and disoriented by the ultimate goal of the whole discussion. As pointed out by Nyandoto and some of the readers, we are moving in circles, pointing fingers as we begin to dream and think big. But as we continue with siasa online, our schools are failing to deliver, poor kids with promising futures are home because of lack of financial support and our people are dying in local hospitals because of inadequate facilities in those institutions. It is time somebody out there suggested how we can source for books and other educational equipments for distribution to deserving schools and regions in Nyanza. Empty rhetoric?s and schemes to wrestle the status quo is a familiar tune we are all used too?dwaro wacho gi timo, ok goyo koko e wi got.? I would be glad to hear people soliciting for help to fund and equip dispensaries, clinics or even educating farmers on modern farming techniques, supplying seedlings etc Magi gin yore dingruok
The greatest threat to our socio-economic development is politicking too much and just like Moi once said ?siasa mbaya, maisha mbaya?. Our people talk too much politics at the expense of everything else. Why are schools performing poorly? The only straw I can cling on is politics. Teachers, students and even parents pay too much attention to politics as if it is a fulltime occupation for all.
Nyocha asomo ni ma higa mar chapni kendo kithni. Ere kaka wadwa chapni kendo kithni? Let us not sink our heads in the sand of politics, particularly in this forum. Those blessed and are willing to help our people can begin pulling together, either as friends etc. Let us identify those projects in dire need and attention and focus on them. The little we can manage to do now will eventually spring to something big, enough to win appreciation from the community. These are the platforms we can speak from to mobilize people forward instead of rushing downstream to suggest party agendas. Parties alone do not create changes in a society but people do.

From: Joram Odus
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 6:41:33 AM
Subject: RE: The Future is a new Political Party

Migosi Abonyo

Your rejoinder is most welcome.

What I said has nothing to do with Peter’s work, infact I was even unaware that he runs a NGO. I thinks we were talking about forming a new political party and the merits and demerits of that in terms of developmental matters in Luoland. As a matter of fact and just for your information, I am no stranger to the world of NGOs I have presided at the top level on a number of them either as chairman, secretary/CEO and founder to some.

On the matter of Lolwe, which was formed last year (not 3 years ago as you mentioned) I was the founding Chairman for a year and stepped aside at the end of my term) allowing others to carry on. That is why you do not hear me talk about Lolwe simply because I am no longer Lolwe spokesperson. Lolwe is still going strong except that they are not bombing us at every little opportunity with this and that. Barack, you are not accurate on the issue of Rev. Otura, JR Otieno (Lolwe Chairman) any myself. This matter was indeed about Dominion Farms on Yala swampland NOT Lolwe as you are alluding. As the chairman of Lolwe at the time I raised issues regarding how Rev. Otura was handling the Dominion issue. At first you were supporting Rev. Otura and as the matter was generating more heat in the entire diaspora, you turned against Rev. Otura who in turn attacked you, just like he attacked anybody who dared ask a question. I know there are people in this forum
who can confirm this position. BUT, anyway going back and forth is no progress as you have said, yet you have altered old stuff and re-introduced them a fresh, I find this unhelpful and interesting.

Barack, you need to persuade us how this intended new party will have a national outlook different with what Professor Nyong’o had with Mrs Ngilu and what Orengo had, and so forth. I maintain that the political topology in Kenya and Luoland has not shifted sufficient enough to allow the formation of an effective political party this moment, now, that which we envisage in this forum, that will bring economic transformation to nyanza, our first focus.

As good students, we MUST ask questions. This does not mean we are doing it just for the shake of it. We have had great ideas which never materialised because the Leadership is not prepared to be accountable and are dismissive. This is why Dominion Farms is facing problems on the ground. Your are wrong on this matter of a new political party just like you were wrong in supporting Rev. Otura at first.

I agree with you that too much talk that does not translate into anything in this forum and elsewhere has to be avoided , that is NOT to say we cannot ask hard questions and debate. As we are aware all these NGOs in Luo Nyanza always claim, this and that project will benefit the NEEDY, provide clear water etc. But a visit to Nyanza tells a different story. Only a tiny minority of NGO’s are delivering in the area.

The problem here is the introduction of politic while we were discussing issues of development and economic transformation. This is simply confusing the debate thus making us loss focus. Nobody is suggesting that politics do not affect development. But our first and foremost concerned right now are issues of development.

As for me; If I leave my rural home to Nairobi or point A to B, I must know point B where I am going, my destination. Similarly, a road Engineer MUST know where a new Road to be constructed will START and END, this informs his/her planning for effectiveness.

Joram Odus

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Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 21:21:07 +0000 [03:21:07 PM CST]
From: barack abonyo
Subject: RE: The Future is a new Political Party

One thought on “RE: The Future is a new Political Party

  1. Domnic Okello

    Starting a new political party by luos will only increase confusion
    in the luoland.The odm is serving luos and other kenyans very well.It is through odm that the long awaited new constitution is
    going to be realised.Therefore,the luos everywhere should now
    turn to socio-economic development inorder to uplift the status
    of our people.

    A good number of luos have NGO which should be seen to be working.When you go to luoland ,you will hardly see the impact
    of NGOs’ work.These NGOs are just poorer run like government
    departments in luoland.The luo leaders in these organisations are
    run corruptly.This mismanagement of the NGOs in luoland is encouraged by provincial administration whose main agenda
    is to underdevelop luoland.

    In fact luos should lower their political participation a little inoder
    to focus on socio-economic development inorder to reduce poverty in luoland and uplift education of our children.If we ignore improvement of education in luoland ,only four years from now,we shall have medical doctors worth talking about. Please
    my luo people wake up and start helping home people to go over
    these pending problems. Stop being selfish by concentrating only
    all politics.

    Again,the luos everywhere should think about investing in luoland.There are alot of business opportunities in kisumu
    which we should take inoder to play a win win situation.
    We should not be talking of doing something in kisumu
    without action.Let us be practical people and leave politics
    to elected members.

    Woun Abonyo,kaka jathuru,akwayi ni mondo iwe wach siasi
    ni matin mondo iger ngo ni cha.You are capable to be our mp
    in the year 2012 if you play your card well.For now for get about starting
    a party at the moment.It is not necessary because it will not
    bring a difference.Recently Tuju started a party with the help
    of kibaki government which ended nowhere.Party is people
    and at the moment people are still with Raila.The way out
    is to wait until Raila is defeated to delivery new constitution.

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