Muthaura messing up again

At this time in history when Kenya is beginning to recover and regain her steps in the world of normalcy,
Amb Francis Muthaura is at it again. How can he second the Mr Chege back to the Commission? IIEC is supposed to right the wrongs of ECK and to that extent, we do not need Chege to be anywhere near the new Commission. He is the single individual who, in partnership with Muthaura, almost brought this country down.

It is time Muthaura was shown the door, for the man is in his dotage and his usefulness to Kenya is now questionable. He is the single source of pain in the smooth running of the coalition government. He is the one who is fronting some other people to come in and spoil for war.

And he knows that the National Accord was signed between Kibaki and Raila as equal partners. Kenyans are watching keenly what next Muthaura will come up with.


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Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2009 06:44:15 -0800 [08:44:15 AM CST]
From: odhiambo okecth
Subject: Muthaura messing up again

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