Get Muthaura by Ears Immediately and show him the Door

Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2009 14:57:19 -0800 [04:57:19 PM CST]
From: Judy Miriga
Subject: Get Muthaura by Ears Immediately and show him the Door


This man Muthaura has no business staying in public office doing public services. He has defied all protocal and ethics of public service. Mr Francis Muthaura is appointing a team from former ECK employees to manage the transition of the proposed Interim Independent Electoral Commission (IIEC). He is opening old wounds which are still terribly sore. Mr. Muthaura is meddling with IIEC by appointing Mr. Chege back to Commission behind back doors to do a repeat of their dirty jobs as was seen during 2007 election fall out. Mr. Chege with colleagues in cohort as cartels almost drove Kenya to a deadly civil war with many lives lost as a result of their coup. Mr. Muthaura along with Chege and others blackmailed Kenya during 2007 Election, plotted a coup to overthrow Kenyans’ democratic election rights by installing Kibaki as President yet Kibaki did not win the election. It is clearly a known fact that President Kibaki did not win 2007 election. After all that has transpired, how could he Muthaura second Mr Chege back to the Commission? Do they think Kenyans both local and in the Diasporah with friends and sympathizers from Foreign Nationals are naive? This must be condemned in the strongest term and must not be allowed.

This is not a season time to fight or exchange hard stance. Muthaura and other power hungry lots want to take opportunity of this festive season to mess out Christmas and New Year celebration mood of peace, love with showers God’s Blessings. This is a defining moment people are tuned to recollect in both body and spirit, to spend quality time with family and loved ones in a sombre atmosphere which for 12 months is rare to families and is equally hard to comeby. Mr. Muthaura and company, with evil intentions, see it is fit to raffle the jungle by sneeking unwanted characters back into doing public service. Mr. Chege and team have been given red card to vacate public office and have been shown the doors. Muthauras’ action is not just messing with a household business but that of National standing and of grave public interest.

We feel we have been cheated and taken for granted for far too long by President Kibaki and cartel….. for this reason we want Mr. Muthaura, with immediate effect vacate the public office. President Kibaki should not hesitate to ask him to step down. PEOPLE DRIVEN FORCE MUST EVICT MR. MUTHAURA FROM OFFICE WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT. Mr. Chege along with cohort and others should be arraigned to court to face charges of genocide and treason. Let us all in total condemn this act if we want to weed acts of impunity and chart-out forward-strategy formula for “the Kenya we all Want”.

By copy of this email, as a Diasporan speaker, sounding my voice on behalf of many voiceless across the Globe request Kenyan Public, Civil Societies, Human Rights networks, Faith Based as well as sympathizers World wide with Foreign Communities to stand-up with Kenyans to press President Kibaki to have Mr. Muthaura removed from public office with immediate effect. Let us not rest until Mr. Muthaura is removed and shown the doors. The likes of Muthaura have turned hardcores requiring iron fists. So we cannot apply diplomacy anymore here because they do not understand that language. They are incorrigible. The general public have endured and sacrificed too much pain, we will not go that route. They are too frail we will not contain nonsense from the likes of Muthaura who only understands force. Unless such stringent measured are strictly adhered to, people of Muthaura behavioural characters will never change to cope with PEOPLE’S DEMANDS. They are thick skinned and selfish. They dont care, they only care for themselves with their nuclea families along with their cohorts.

Therefore people, Kenya will not change unless we weed all these rotten characters from the Government system by force before they influence more rotten and lethal spoilers detrimental to Kenyans Peace we are painfully striving to restore.

The world cannot afford to let Kenya collapse because we still have 90% good people. Let us in solidarity deal ruthlessly if necessary with the 10% who do not want CHANGE who are glutton minded and are ready to go any amount destroying nature and lives so we can save 90% that are ready to accommodate CHANGE a lasting solution to Unity, Love, Peace, Security and tranquility which the majority 42 tribes in Kenya are longing for so dearly.

Let us not relent, since the force we have steadfastly pursued in the past since 2007, we are now able to see spots of emerging progress however thinly veiled.

Yes, we can take a short break and deal with this urgent matter before it gains ground. We will then all lookforward to 2009 pregnant of peace with unending Blessings from God.

Happy New Years everyone,

With Lots of Love from,

Judy Miriga

Diasporah Spokesperson


Watch this……..


Updated 6 hr(s) 10 min(s) ago
By Maseme Machuka and David Ochami
Prime Minister Raila Odinga and the Head of the Public Service have clashed over defunct Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK).
The PM’s office is accusing Mr Francis Muthaura of unilaterally appointing a team of former ECK employees to manage the transition to the proposed Interim Independent Electoral Commission (IIEC).
The PM’s office said Muthaura’s action was illegal and wants it reversed.
In a confidential memo from the Office of the President, 38 members of staff were redeployed to be “in the transitional team” awaiting the IIEC, which is yet to be constituted.
In the letter written on Monday, December 29, senior ECK officials totalling 38 were allowed access to their Anniversary Towers offices in Nairobi to oversee the changeover.
Of these, 31 are ECK employees who will band up with six officers from the Ministry of Finance and one from the Ministry of Justice.
The 38 officers form a transition team to ensure smooth changeover from the ECK following its disbandment by Parliament.
The memo asks the Administration Police officers at the offices to allow the listed staff, among them ECK Secretary Suleiman Chege and the Registrar of Political Parties Lucy Ndung’u, into the offices.
Barred from office
Former ECK employees were barred from accessing their offices after the Government sent them on compulsory leave.
The decision by the Government to send the more than 500 ECK employees home was reached after President Kibaki assented to the Constitutional (Amendment) Bill last Wednesday. An interim electoral agency is to be put in place to carry on electoral reforms.
Sources at the PM’s office said Raila was incensed at the new turn of events. A Press conference that he was to address was cancelled at the last minute as he flew to Mombasa with his family.
The letter reads in part: “Following the disbandment of the ECK it is now necessary that appropriate transitional arrangements, pending the appointment if the IIEC, be put in place to oversee cross cutting issues relating to assets, liabilities, obligations and staff of the defunct ECK.”
It further advises Muthaura not to allow any of the 22 commissioners and members of staff of the defunct ECK into the premises: “All former commissioners and members of staff are barred, by operation of the law, from accessing the records, offices and the premises.”

One thought on “Get Muthaura by Ears Immediately and show him the Door



    It is neither Muthaura nor Alfred Mutua,Judy to blame for anything! Neither the head of civil service nor the government spokesman has the guts to say nor do anything that has not been specifically ordered by the head of state. Besides the President by any standards is never a fool. He knows what he is doing and he knows that impunity not only makes money for him but also puts him in power and maintains him there.

    While we should not blame the messenger we should at the same time know that power always deserts those who abuse it.

    By the way, are we so naive to forget that sometime last year Yoweri Museveni went to Washington to advice President Bush against Raila’s presidency and therefore later leading to the the erratic behaviour of Ambassador Ranneberger(his speedy recognition of the so-called Kibaki win? We indeed have a short memory!


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