Category Archives: Health


From: Sam Muigai

I have noted, with deep concern, the suffering of Kenyans as a result of the ongoing strike by health workers in Government facilities. This strike is totally unacceptable and goes against the Hippocratic Oath and basic principles of humane consideration for fellow Kenyans.

I urge the Unions involved in the strike to think, not of their personal interests, but the thousands of Kenyans who are suffering.

I call upon all the doctors and other health workers who are on strike to resume work immediately so as to relieve the pain and anguish that Kenyans are
currently enduring.

Whatever differences exist, we have to put human life above all other interests.

We definitely cannot allow men, women and children to continue living each day fearing the worst for themselves and their loved ones as a result of disagreements that can easily be resolved by following the law.

I particularly call on governors and public health workers to speedily resolve the stand-off.

However, in the event of continued disagreement, we encourage governors to make urgent alternative arrangements to ensure all health facilities in
their Counties are manned and operational.

Kenyans have a right to receive essential services and this is not a matter to be negotiated.

Let me make it abundantly clear. My government is committed to fully implementing the Constitution, and especially the provisions on devolution.

The essence of devolution especially of health services is to
bring services closer to the people. We must therefore give devolution a chance to work.

18th December, 2013


From: Yona Maro

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Dear Colleagues

Once again, your lovely AIDS WEEK IN REVIEW publication is here. Take part of your time to read and know what is going on in Tanzania and elsewhere to end the problem of HIV and AIDS.

Don’t hesitate to share this copy with friends/others

Your feedback on what to improve, add or rectify will highly be appreciated

Thank you!

Perege Gumbo

P O BOX 33237

Read or d/l document

USA: Protecting Ohio Children with Lifesaving Medicine for Allergic Reactions; brown

From: Senator Sherrod Brown

Last week, I traveled to schools around the state to hear from students, nurses, parents, and health professionals about what severe allergic reactions can mean when they occur unexpectedly in a classroom, playground, or sports field. These severe allergic reactions – known as anaphylaxis – can occur within minutes of exposure to any allergen. The most common allergens that cause anaphylactic shock are food, insect stings, and medications.

It’s estimated that one in every 13 children in the U.S. has a food allergy. That’s about two students in every classroom. Having a food allergy means that if these children come into contact with food that triggers an allergy – whether it’s from the school cafeteria, a birthday party in the classroom, or even another student’s food – it can create a potentially deadly situation.

Speaking at Dayton’s River’s Edge Montessori.
Allergic reactions to food send Americans to the emergency department once every three minutes – that’s over 200,000 ER visits per year. A medication called epinephrine – commonly provided through an EpiPen – is the first line of defense to treat the reaction. EpiPens administer medication that quickly stops the severe symptoms of allergic reactions – like swelling that impairs breathing or dangerously low blood pressure.

Many kids with an allergy have an EpiPen at home and at school, just in case. But a quarter of anaphylaxis cases at schools involve kids with undiagnosed allergies.

At a school in Youngstown, Theresa Murphy of Cortland, a nurse and mother of a nine-year-old son with severe food allergies, reminded me that we prepare for fire drills, and yet we’re unprepared for equally unexpected cases of anaphylaxis. We should be doing everything we can to prepare for the unforeseen.

That’s why the School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act, which I cosponsored and President Obama signed into law earlier this month, is so important.

Theresa Murphy of Cortland explaining EpiPens.
This commonsense, bipartisan law gives funding priority for asthma control programs to states that ensure that ALL schools maintain a supply of EpiPens for students with undiagnosed allergies and as a backup for the kids suffering from known allergies.

This bill also encourages states to allow school personnel to receive training on how to use the EpiPen in case of an emergency – a potentially life-saving action, especially in rural areas where quick access to medical care may be a problem. But, only states that ensure that ALL schools have a supply of EpiPens and training for their use are eligible for the priority federal funding for this bill. Thirty states already have laws or guidelines in place that allow schools to maintain a supply of epinephrine.

A long-standing law in Ohio only allows schools to keep an EpiPen for students with a known allergy and a prescription written specifically for them. And it has been illegal to use an EpiPen on a student without a prescription.

Answering questions at Fairview German School in Clifton.
The Ohio House recently passed legislation that would allow schools to keep undesignated EpiPens on hand for students who have an undiagnosed allergy. This is a step in the right direction, but it doesn’t go far enough.

Further action by the Ohio House is necessary to ensure that all Ohio schools have an emergency supply of EpiPens, thereby enabling Ohio to qualify for priority federal funding. We should take every precaution to protect our kids from unforeseen emergencies.

It’s critical that the Statehouse take action to expand this legislation, and that Governor Kasich signs it into law.



Sherrod Brown
U.S. Senator

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Writes Leo Odera Omolo In Homa-Bay Town.

UNSCRUPULOUS fishermen in Lake Victoria have recently introduced the use of cyanide and other chemicals to improve their fish harvesting in a manner which could prove to be very harmful and a health hazard to the consumers.

The time is ripe for the government of Kenya, particularly the Fisheries Department in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Minerals – Kenya, especially the Department of Fisheries in the Ministry of Minerals and Natural Resources, to institute thorough investigation on these claims with the view to protect fish commodity from this region as its economic mainstay.

Fish is one of the most important assets, which is raking millions of shillings into the country and as such is playing a pivotal role in Kenya’s economic growth.

According to Homa Bay County Governor Cyprian Otieno Awiti the county is earning about Kshs. 7 billion annually from the fishing industry.

It is being moderately estimated that Kenya earns about Kshs. 15 billion per year,most of the money come from foreign exchange from its experts to foreign countries in Europe, Middle East, Japan, Israel and the US. A highly prized item is the delicious fillets from the economically important Nile perch.

Nile perch fillet dishes is said to be so popular with consumers in the EU countries.

However, the laxity and complacency with which the government of Kenya is treating the fish industry could hurt the fish trade and further force close to 20,000 fishermen currently employed in the industry out of jobs.

In Homa-Bay County alone fishermen harvest approximately 80,000 metric tones worth Kshs 2 billion. This represents about 50 percent of the total catches in Lake Victoria waters, especially along the narrow Nyanza Gulf which the Homa Bay County is sharing with the neighboring Siaya, Kisumu Busia and Migori counties.

According to available statistics out of the total fish landings, Nile Perch accounts for about 40,000 metric tonnes valued at Kshs 6 billion and Omena (Ndaga) accounts 33,000 metric tonnes worth Kshs 2 million.

The Lake Victoria region, however, now has 1,801 fish pounds covering an area of 540,3000 square metres. Annual fish production from aquaculture is about 50 metric tonnes worth Kshs 12 million.

Governor Awiti disclosed that his county government has launched a campaign to popularize aquaculture to help ease pressure on Lake Victoria and its natural resources and is working closely with the Fisheries department in concerted effort to stamp out the use of illegal fishing nets, a practice which is to blame for the sudden decrease of fish stocks in Lake Victoria.

However, the other practice which is proving to be the worse is the increase in cases where unscrupulous fishermen use very cyanide chemicals in poisoning the fish. The practice is so bad as it killed fish in thousands and then destroyed the breeding grounds.

Equally met into great danger are the consumers of those fish killed with chemicals

Overseas consumers of Kenya fish often are unaware of the chemicals fishing method used upon some of imported fish from Kenya. The practice is also posed as being a health hazard to the breed consumers, therefore must be discouraged at all cost.

Fish harvested through the use of chemicals becomes perishable within hours and rotten even before reaching the consumer kitchen.


Professional Women confronted by Theocracy took up Arms; Iraq & WMD’s – – another viewpoint;

from; octimotor

Theocracy vs. women induced to take up arms

Perhaps readers may recall news accounts in the USA media during the early 2000’s concerning the situations of women and girls in places such as Afghanistan and other countries in the surrounding region.

For awhile the Talaban regime held sway. It operated as a theocracy.

Heavy restrictions against women seeking to hold employment outside of homes were enforced. Schooling of girls was ended for the duration of their time in power.

Eventually, using the events of the 2001 September NY City twin towers and Washington DC Pentagon attacks as the officially proclaimed motivations, US forces invaded and occupied Afghanistan and Iraq. Hence the Talaban regime in Afghanistan and the Sadam Husane regime of Iraq were unseated. After such actions eventually comes a time for the invading forces to be drawn down and prepare for what is to be established afterward.

In that context it occurred to me that there could be much value gained by setting up a particular kind of recruitment campaign.

It would be oriented toward involvement of the local women who had first hand experience of having been subjected to the restrictions imposed upon them by the prior Talaban regime. They would be provided with training in military skills and then equipped, formed up as military units.

Surely you would then reasonably expect that they could then be counted on to follow their natural interest and motivation to not again be placed under the thumb of elements of that kind of regime if it would seek to come back into power.

Against that background of my prior speculations, I was surprised to find recently a related history note. It was information in a presentation by mikitary historian Douglas Dietrich. Apparently that notion had already actually occurred in a near by geographic area a few years earlier. Those conditions arose in regards to the Iran / Iraq region at beginnings of 1980’s.

Under the US – sponsored 1950’s to 1980 Iran government of Shaw Raza Palavi, extensive moves toward Westernization of that nation occurred. Under programs pursued by that regime, women, often educated in Western nations’ universities, made major inroads into occupying high responsibility positions in the professions. These included Iranian universities faculty, law offices, government civil service, management positions in businesses.

Then in 1980. came the revolution in which the Revolutionary Islamic Republic of Iran was established, led by the clerics, very formally operating as a theocracy with religious law being held as supreme. Westernized socieo-econic-political forms were to be abolished.

In one of his presentations, Douglas Diettich said that the women, employed in such positions within the professions, were informed that they must end their participation in such activities, or else face execution. As a reaction to being confronted with that kind of drastic proposition, many chose to flee that country. Due to geographic closeness, having a shared national border with Iran, Iraq received a major influx of these Iranian expatriate women.

Iraq’s regime had seen the Iran revolution as its opportunity to try to grab some territory from Iran, hence beginning a war between the two which bogged down and became very costly to them both.

In this setting, a number of the women who had fled into Iraq from Iran under duress then were able to take up arms. They joined their efforts into a battle which they hoped would allow the regime of the new Islamic Republic of Iran to be overturned. The records show that their units proved to be quite effective, militarily speaking.

Tragically though, their potentials for successes came to be deemed to be not in the US national interests, as viewed by its top level foreign relations officials. This was on the basis that Iraq, and the military units composed by expatriate Iranian women professionals, were being interpreted as players who joined alliances with the then Soviet Union as the main source for their military supplies and anticipated future political support, in the event that that they succeeded militarily.

This was a time in which the US arranged to sell arms to Iran for use in its war against Iraq. Those deals were set up by members of the Regan presidency. They started as a way to leverage his election into office. They continued afterward as a an element in his actions to confront Soviet power world wide. Look into accounts under two headings. One is “October Surprise”. The other is Iran / Contra Arms Scandal.

Observe also that previously Iraq had purchased much of its military supplies from the US as well as from the USSR.

US, Iraq, WMD-s

In the Media, much attention has been placed on the question as to presence, or not, for Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s) in the hands of Iraq. The Younger President Bush made this the celebrated cause for the US invasion of Iraq following the Twin Towers Sept 2001 events. Afterward, the most widely published view holds that there turned out not to be any of those things found by the US & its allies.

But WMD’s – – chemical and biological agents – – actually had been in the possession of Iraq, at least for a period of time. However, these were items manufactured and sold by US companies to Iraq. with the quiet acquiescence of the US government. A witnesses to this fact stated he had been a member of a special forces team. During infiltration and recon operational mission he broke into the relevant Iraqi storage bunkers, and there read company receipts inside, and lettering stenciled on outside of the containers of such ordnance. Mr. Dietrich’s info is an additional account of this situation.

You can thus recognize that US officials would have strong motives to avoid national embarrassment which would arise if the presence these munitions were officially proclaimed by US / Allied officials. The trail of receipts which announced US origins likely would not go unnoticed if investigation followed high profile disclosure of such armaments. Thus a policy to have US forces in the field just bomb (not capture and retrieve) them can easily be understood as a tactic to remove inconvenient evidence.

Douglas Dietrich states that he served as an enlisted man in the ranks of the US Marines during the Elder President Bush’s Persian Gulf War. He reports being an eye witness, within sight of the event in which one of the largest storage areas containing chemical agents and bio-agents was exploded by US fighter-bomber aircraft attack. He reports that he saw the rising flaming clouds,and soon afterward experienced the strange odors stemming from some of those agents being dispersed with the winds, hence becoming a source for chronic health problems effecting the troops who had been there.

By contrast the US official position was and continues to be that our troops were not subjected to exposure to chemical and or biological weapons agents. But this is counter to the facts of the matter. A result is a rather new medical illness. This is the much talked about ‘Gulf War Sendrome’.

Some of these veterans face a very difficult predicament. A former army nurse from that theatre of conflict speaks out now advocating their cause. The veterans’ medical system has been skewed with intent to keep benefit expenditures low. It often asserts that the vets seeking treatments are officially deemed to only have psychological difficulties. In reality, though, these folks are subject to many important medical physiological pathology conditions due to exposures to exposures to toxic materials.

Signed, -om-


from: Ouko joachim omolo
The News Dispatch with Omolo Beste

Clare is a second year medical student from Kenya and she writes: “Beste tomorrow is World Aids Day and I just read a shocking report by World Health Organization (WHO) that more than 2 million adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19 years are living with HIV, and many do not receive the care and support that they need to stay in good health and prevent transmission.

In addition, millions more adolescents are at risk of infection. The failure to support effective and acceptable HIV services for adolescents has resulted in a 50 percent increase in reported AIDS-related deaths in this group compared with the 30 percent decline seen in the general population from 2005 to 2012.

Here in Kenya religious leaders have opposed a proposal by Family Health Options Kenya that primary school pupils be issued with contraceptives for protection against sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancies. The group, which deals with reproductive health, wants contraceptives such as condoms to be introduced in schools to promote safe sex.

Because of its seriousness can religious leaders allow the popular saying in ethics that the end justifies the means to be applied to save the lives of our young generations from dying of Aids?”

No Clare, I don’t think so because the “ends justifying the means” usually involving doing something wrong to achieve a positive end and justifying the wrongdoing by pointing to a good outcome is not the end in itself.

Another might be justifying the abortion to save the student from being discontinued from school. Taking an innocent life is morally wrong even if that was done good intention to help the student pursue her career.

The national chairman of the Inter-Religious Peace Foundation of Kenya, Bishop Joseph Maisha, argued that the introduction of contraceptives to school-going children would fuel teenage sex in the country.

Bishop Maisha argues that the Ten Commandments make it clear that murder, adultery, stealing, lying and greed are unacceptable in God’s eyes and He makes no “escape clause” for motivation or rationalization.

In other words, Bishop Maisha is trying to pass a clear message that only those who do not know God may be forced to justify their means to an end, but those who claim to be children of God have no reason whatsoever to break one of God’s commandments.

This proposal by Family Health Options Kenya comes after the recent Government report which revealed that girls as early as eight years were engaging in active sex and they risk getting infected and becoming pregnant.

Those who lobby for this means to be applied argue that the use of condoms is justified in order to stem the spread of disease and save the lives of young generation.

According to the report, HIV rates in Kenya are much higher for women than for men. This gender differential is particularly pronounced for young women aged 15 to 24 years, who are four times more likely to contract HIV than young men in the same age group.

The HIV prevalence rate for adult women is almost double that for men. This represents a female-to-male ratio of 1.9 to 1.0, the highest in Africa.

Despite the significantly higher prevalence rate among women in Kenya, however, the data also show that more men are sexually active than women. This trend is particularly pronounced for 15 to 19 year girls, 37 percent of which have had sex and carry an HIV prevalence of 2.7 percent, compared with 44 percent of boys who have had sex with a rate of less than one percent.Fr Joachim Omolo Ouko, AJ
Tel +254 7350 14559/+254 722 623 578
E-mail omolo.ouko@gmail.comFacebook-omolo beste

Real change must come from ordinary people who refuse to be taken hostage by the weapons of politicians in the face of inequality, racism and oppression, but march together towards a clear and unambiguous goal.
-Anne Montgomery, RSCJ
UN Disarmament
Conference, 2002

Kenya: Knives, Water, Culture


From: Brunsteve

manor adier. How can an adult be circumcised and be given false sense of safety?

– What is the healing period?

– What is his .nutrition ?

– An adult will experience several erections while healing, so it may take even years !

-This adult circumcision is a govt ploy to increase infections and make Luos feel culturally inferior!!

– the answer is behaviour change !!!

– pala mar govt. odwok Nairobi !!

– why are they so ready with knives but not water for Kisumu ??

Africa: “Global Health 2035: A World Converging within a Generation” – Report

From: News Release – African Press Organization (APO)

“Global Health 2035: A World Converging within a Generation” – Report

A report on investing in health and health financing released for the first time in Johannesburg, Tunis and London – December 3, 2013

TUNIS, Tunisia, November 27, 2013/ — The African Development Bank (AfDB) (, together with the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP) (, the Commission on Investing in Health (CIH) (, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) ( and The Lancet ( invites you to the release of a report on investing in health and health financing titled:

Global Health 2035: A World Converging within a Generation

Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at 9 a.m.

Novotel Tunis, Tunisia

This report, released for the first time in Johannesburg, Tunis and London on December 3, 2013, “suggests investment framework to achieve dramatic health gains by 2035,” said Agnes Soucat, Director of Human Development at the African Development Bank and member of the Commission on Investing in Health, who wrote the report.

What will tomorrow’s health sector look like? To answer this question, the Commission on Investing in Health decided to revisit the since December 2012 the case for investing in health on the 20th anniversary of the World Bank’s 1993 World Development Report (WDR 1993), Investing in Health ( The Global Health 2035 report argues that healthier populations have better education outcomes and are more economically productive, and that well-chosen health expenditures are an investment in economic property and individual well-being rather than a drain on the economy.

The international multidisciplinary group of 25 Commissioners, is chaired by Lawrence H. Summers (, President Emeritus, and Charles W. Eliot, University Professor, of Harvard University, and co-chaired by Dean T. Jamison (, Professor at the University of Washington. The CIH has received support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) (, the Harvard Global Health Institute (HGHI) (, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) ( and the BMGF-funded Disease Control Priorities Network (DCPN) ( project based at the Department of Global Health of the University of Washington.

The report includes an integrated global health investment plan for the period 2013-2035 and examines:

? How the context for health investment has changed over the last 20 years;

? The national policy opportunities for low- and middle-income countries to achieve dramatic health gains over the next 20 years and to reduce illness-related poverty;

? The future role of international collective action for health, particularly in supporting research and development (R&D);

? Controversial questions surrounding health care and health policy;

? Innovative research, including estimations of burden of disease and the cost effectiveness of interventions.

Click here to view profiles of the 25 Commissioners:

Kindly confirm your participation by sending email to:

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of the African Development Bank (AfDB).


Nawsheen Elaheebocus, .Human Development and Communications officer, AfDB, T. +216 71 10 12 24 /

Chawki Chahed, Chief Communications Officer, T. +216 71 10 27 02 / C. +216 98 70 31 68 /

About the African Development Bank Group

The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) ( is Africa’s premier development finance institution. It comprises three distinct entities: the African Development Bank (AfDB), the African Development Fund (ADF) and the Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF). On the ground in 34 African countries with an external office in Japan, the AfDB contributes to the economic development and the social progress of its 53 regional member states.

For more information:

African Development Bank (AfDB)


From: Ouko joachim omolo
The News Dispatch with Omolo Beste

The Vatican ambassador to the U.S., Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has sent a signal to American bishops at their first national meeting since Pope Francis was elected, that the new president of the U.S. Bishops’ conference should not “follow a particular ideology” and should make Roman Catholics feel more welcome in church.

Addressing the bishops during their meeting at Baltimore, which is also to elect new president, Vigano did not only emphasize on the challenges from broader society to Christian teaching but also cautioned that the bishops’ witness to faith would be undermined if they failed to live simply.

They are to be pastors and not ideologues. This is indirectly indicating to the bishops that they should work towards a laborious process of reshaping the hierarchy to meet the pope’s dramatic shift in priorities.

Almost since his election in March, Francis has signaled that he wants the church to strike a “new balance” by focusing on the poor and on social justice concerns and not overemphasizing opposition to hot-button topics like abortion and contraception and gay marriage.

In a September interview, Francis said Catholic leaders should give greater emphasis to compassion, arguing the church’s focus on abortion, marriage and contraception has been too narrow and alienating.

Under New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, dozens of Catholic charities and dioceses, along with evangelical colleges and others, are suing the Obama administration over a requirement that employers provide health insurance that includes contraceptive coverage. The issue is expected to reach the Supreme Court.

The fact that the opening of the U.S. bishops’ annual fall assembly Monday morning was marked by noted changes in tone and emphasis for the prelates, who have focused extensively in the last two years on a fight against the Obama administration’s implementation of the health care law, is an indication that U.S. bishops are now saying that Obama was right in his health scheme.

Although Cardinal Dolan, who is stepping down this week after three years as the conference’s president, barely mentioned that fight in his presidential address, instead focusing on the issue of religious freedom globally, is a sign that Dolan is still nor happy with Obama’s scheme despite its massive support.

The affordable care act was signed into law to reform the healthcare industry by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 and upheld by the Supreme Court on June 28, 2012. ObamaCare’s goal is to give more Americans access to affordable, quality health insurance, and to reduce the growth in health care spending in the U.S.

The care act expands the affordability, quality, and availability of private and public health insurance through consumer protections, regulations, subsidies, taxes, insurance exchanges, and other reforms.

Up to 82% of nearly 16 million uninsured young U.S. adults will qualify for cost assistance or Medicaid through Obamacare’s marketplaces. This has been opposed by insurance companies who see it as a threat to their businesses.

Already 54 million Americans with private health insurance have access to preventive services with no cost sharing due to the new minimum standards of Obama Care. The care reduces the growth in healthcare spending. The current $2.8 trillion U.S. healthcare system costs almost $9k a year for every man, woman, and child.

Quoting extensively from Pope Paul VI, Viganò urged the American bishops to be witnesses rather than teachers, mentioning a meeting he had with Pope Francis in June, Viganò said the new pope told him that he wants pastoral bishops. Not bishops who profess a particular ideology.”

Viganò also quoted from Francis’ meeting this summer with bishops in Brazil, where the pontiff said, “The church is never uniformity but diversity harmonized in unity, and this is true for every ecclesial reality.” “We should also ask ourselves today a question posed by Pope Francis to the bishops of Brazil,” Viganò pointed out.

Viganò’s references to Francis’ style and tone were not the only ones Monday morning.

Francis was cited and quoted several more times as the bishops moved on to other agenda items, particularly discussions of the Vatican’s request for wide input on a planned global meeting of bishops on the family called for next October and how to address poverty in their strategic planning document.

Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, the secretary of the Synod of Bishops, asked bishops’ conferences in an Oct. 18 letter to distribute the questionnaire “immediately” and “as widely as possible.”

U.S. Catholic bishops will choose new leaders at an assembly in Baltimore this week and possibly signal a new direction for the American church under the influence of Pope Francis.

All eyes will be on whether the new leaders of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops continue vigorous opposition to Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate, or increase their push to help the poor and immigrants given Pope Francis’ emphasis on social justice issues.

In an interview with a Jesuit journal published in September, Pope Francis said the church cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and contraception, and must become more merciful or risk falling “like a house of cards.”

The conference broke with tradition in 2010, electing the outspoken conservative Dolan to a three-year term as president of the U.S. bishops. It is speculated that Dolan’s former vice president Gerald Kicanas of Tucson, Arizona, who was seen by some as more moderate could be elected president.

However, conference observers believe bishops will follow tradition this time and choose the current vice president, Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky. Kurtz is viewed as a reliable conservative who is well liked and effective.

Fr Joachim Omolo Ouko, AJ
Tel +254 7350 14559/+254 722 623 578
Facebook-omolo beste
Real change must come from ordinary people who refuse to be taken hostage by the weapons of politicians in the face of inequality, racism and oppression, but march together towards a clear and unambiguous goal.

-Anne Montgomery, RSCJ
UN Disarmament
Conference, 2002

USA: They’re only hearing from haters

From: “Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet”

Right-wing groups are trying to block an amazing, pro-woman lawyer from becoming a judge on an important court. Tell the Senate: confirm Nina Pillard!

Dear Readers:

This week is our last chance to get a pro-woman, pro-choice judge confirmed to one of the most important and influential courts in the country.

President Obama nominated a superhero–Nina Pillard–to be a judge on the DC Circuit Court. No really, she truly is a superhero, with a history of fighting injustices against women–and winning. She argued before the Supreme Court nine times, including upholding the Family and Medical Leave Act and ending the Virginia Military Institute’s exclusion of women. She’s been a lawyer for the Justice Department, ACLU, and NAACP.1

But right-wing groups like the Family Research Council are raising a ruckus, trying to get the Senate to block Pillard’s nomination because they don’t like her positions on abortion and abstinence-only sex ed.2 If their voices are the only ones senators hear, Pillard might not become a judge.

Senator Harry Reid is expected to call for a vote on Pillard’s nomination as early as Tuesday and some moderate Republican senators are on the fence about how they’ll vote.3 We have to show our support right away if we want her to be confirmed. Will you sign the petition asking the Senate to confirm Nina Pillard and put a great judge on an important court bench?

Sign the petition.

In the fight for women’s rights, judges have a HUGE influence. Most recently, 3 female judges appointed by George W. Bush reinstated Texas’s sweeping abortion ban that’s closing clinics across the state.4 Judges who are more concerned with pushing an ideological agenda than good law are hurting women.

But it’s not just Texans who have to worry. Another George W. Bush-appointed judge on the DC Circuit Court–the very court Pillard is nominated for–authored an opinion saying religious employers can ignore federal birth control coverage rules. The judge has also called the New Deal a “socialist revolution” and likened Social Security to intergenerational cannibalism.5

Pillard’s nomination won’t just bring balance to the DC Circuit Court, it’s also critical for the court to function. There are currently 3 vacancies on the court which only has 11 seats.6 The DC Circuit hears cases on federal regulations–everything from environmental rules to labor policy. That’s why the DC Circuit Court is considered second in power only to the Supreme Court. Four of the current nine Supreme Court justices served on the DC Circuit Court.7

We can’t let ultra-conservative voices like the Family Research Council be the only ones senators hear from about Nina Pillard. It’s critical that we get such an amazing pro-woman, pro-choice superhero appointed as a judge if we want women’s rights to keep progressing. Will you sign the petition asking the Senate to stop the filibuster and confirm Pillard?

Add your name.

Thanks for all you do.

–Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Malinda, Adam, and Gabriela, the UltraViolet team


1. Nina Pillard Nomination for D.C. Circuit Advances, Legal Times, September 19, 2013

Cry of the Republican Male Senator, Slate, July 25, 2013

2. Scary Feminist Nominated for Federal Judgeship; Conservatives Flip Out, Jezebel, July 24, 2013

3. Can You Be Openly Pro-Choice And A Federal Judge? We’ll Find Out Next Week, Think Progress, November 7, 2013

4. BREAKING: Three Bush-Appointed Judges Reinstate Texas’ Anti-Abortion Law, Think Progress, October 31, 2013

5. What You Need To Know About The Severely Conservative Judge Who Just Ruled Against Birth Control, Think Progress, November 1, 2013

6. Republicans Push Back On Obama's D.C. Court Nominees, NPR, September 19, 2013

7. Ibid.

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Rifts emerge in scientists’ views on safety of GMOs

From: Yona Maro

Claims of there being a scientific consensus that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are safe are misleading and misrepresentative with potentially dangerous effect on regulation of GMOs, says a group of scientists.

The statement was signed last week (21 October) by an international group of 93 scientists, academics and physicians, gathered under the umbrella of the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility, a non-profit association.

Based on scientific articles and reviews that show contradictory data on the safety of GMOs to human health and the environment, they argue that claims of there being a consensus that GMOs are safe, presented by “GM seed developers and some scientists, commentators, and journalists”, is “misleading and misrepresents the currently available scientific evidence and the broad diversity of opinion among scientists on this issue”.

It could also encourage “a climate of complacency that could lead to a lack of regulatory and scientific rigour and appropriate caution, potentially endangering the health of humans, animals, and the environment”.

Scientific research on GMO safety “has raised more questions than it has currently answered”, they say, with results that are “nuanced, complex, often contradictory or inconclusive, confounded by researchers’ choices, assumptions, and funding sources”.


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By Choice, Not By Chance: Family Planning, Human Rights and Development

From: Yona Maro

All human beings—regardless of age, sex, race or income—are equal in dignity and rights. Yet 222 million women in developing countries are unable to exercise the human right to voluntary family planning.

This flagship report analyzes data and trends to understand who is denied access and why. It examines challenges in expanding access to family planning. And it considers the social and economic impact of family planning as well as the costs and savings of making it available to everyone who needs it.

The report asserts that governments, civil society, health providers and communities have the responsibility to protect the right to family planning for women across the spectrum, including those who are young or unmarried.

Nevertheless, the report finds that financial resources for family planning have declined and contraceptive use has remained mostly steady. In 2010, donor countries fell $500 million short of their expected contribution to sexual and reproductive health services in developing countries. Contraceptive prevalence has increased globally by just 0.1 per cent per year over the last few years.


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USA: This is heartbreaking

From: “Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet”

Senator Lindsey Graham is introducing an extremely cruel and inhumane abortion ban bill in the Senate. Sign the petition telling the Senate: no more attacks on women, block Graham’s bill!

Dear Readers:

Extreme conservatives in the Senate are about to introduce a sweeping ban on abortion. Here’s one family who’s already been hurt by this type of law:

Danielle and Robb Deaver were “over the moon” about Danielle’s pregnancy until her water broke at 22 weeks. They were heartbroken to learn their baby would not develop further or survive, but that heartbreak was compounded when doctors told them they couldn’t end their nightmare and induce labor because their state bans abortion after 20 weeks. Doctors had to wait for Danielle to get sick or for the baby to die before they could do anything. When baby Elizabeth was finally born, she survived for only 15 minutes.1

Senator Lindsey Graham is planning to introduce a national bill this week that criminalizes abortions after 20 weeks.2 When politicians introduce these inhumane bans on abortions, they are tying the hands of doctors who want to help couples like the Deavers. Less than 2% of abortions occur after 20 weeks, and many of them are for heartbreaking reasons that no one should ever have to face.3

Texas, North Dakota, and Arkansas have all passed 20-week abortion bans this year, and so has the House in Congress.4 If we don’t make a stand against Sen. Graham’s bill in the Senate, more states will be emboldened to pass these inhumane laws. We have to make sure that conservatives everywhere know we won’t stand for this.

Tell the Senate: You have no right to legislate our medical decisions. Enough with the attacks on women. Block Graham’s inhumane and extreme abortion ban bill.

Add your name to the petition.

Extreme attempts to criminalize abortion after 20 weeks aren’t new. Multiple states have already passed such laws, including Texas most recently. But Sen. Graham’s bill is unconstitutional, and it directly contradicts Roe v. Wade. A federal appeals court threw out Arizona’s ban in May. Courts have also overturned similar laws in Idaho and Georgia.5

What’s worse are the heartbreaking stories of women who needed to abort their much-wanted pregnancies after 20 weeks. We received some of these stories during the battle in Texas from UltraViolet members. There was Kathy, a military wife with 3 college degrees and already a mother of 2 wonderful boys. At the 20-week ultrasound for her 3rd baby, the doctors found a severe case of spina bifida, “the worst they had ever seen.” She and her husband chose to terminate for the sake of their family. Kathy wrote that she still grieves but knows it was the right choice.

Doctors are also speaking out against these extreme bills. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has resoundingly opposed such legislation and told politicians to get out of their exam rooms.6

These extreme bills are not about women’s health or the lives of healthy babies. They are not about good and safe medicine. They are about extreme politicians who think they know better than women and our doctors about what’s right for our families. We need to make a national stand against this inhumane extremism.

Tell the Senate: stop your attacks on women and our families; stop Graham’s extreme abortion ban bill.

Sign the petition.

Thanks for speaking out.

–Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Malinda, Adam, and Gabriela, the UltraViolet team


1. Danielle and Robb's Story, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland YouTube, March 5, 2011

2. Lindsey Graham Will Put 20-Week Abortion Ban Before Senate: Report, Huffington Post, November 1, 2013

3. Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States, Guttmacher Institute, August 2011

Who Has an Abortion After 20 Weeks?, Slate, July 11, 2013

4. Restricts Abortion After Specific Gestational Age, Guttmacher Institute, October 1, 2013

5. House Republican Calls Nationwide Abortion Ban Vote ‘Staggering Stupidity’, Think Progress, June 13, 2013

6. Ob-Gyns Denounce Texas Abortion Legislation, The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, July 2, 2013

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Canadian Government uses Public Polling to set some Policies

From: Maurice Oduor

Some government policies made with help of public polling. Good or bad idea?


Should bike helmets be mandatory across Canada?

Yes, it’s a matter of safety


No, it’s an adult’s choice

Thank you for voting.

36,329 votes

Canadian Pediatric Society wants mandatory helmets for cyclists »


Subject: Rehabilitation Centre

By Agwanda Saye

35,000 people living with disability from Siaya County are set to benefit from a shillings 56 million rehabilitation center to be operational by mid next year.

Of the amount,Sh 24 million will be channeled to building,2 million for purchasing equipment,5 million for acquiring project vehicle and the rest for facilitating the beneficiaries to the facility.

The referral center being supported by Association of Persons with Disability in Kenya (APDK) in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, family health department, is scheduled to construct a one stop center at the Siaya district hospital by February next year.

According to the APDK chairman Hon Moody Awuori, the facility will offer crucial service to those living and supporting people with disabilities.

“The facility once completed will help those physically challenged receive support services without travelling long distances which is costly,” added Awuori.

The former Vice president was speaking at the Siaya district hospital where he graced the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the facility.

Awuori who called on the County government to support the initiative,at the same time urged the locals to embrace the project lest it becomes a ghost project despite huge funding from development partners.

He challenged the County government to ensure that 30 percent of the local contracts are available to the youths adding that APDK has adhered to the same in its management and contract allocations.

Awuori added that APDK is seeking to open another branch in due course once the Siaya facility proves to be successful.


From: Ouko joachim omolo
The News Dispatch with Omolo Beste

Following my postage on Facebook Timeline that the Vatican has asked national bishops’ conferences around the world to conduct a wide-ranging poll of Catholics asking for their opinions on church teachings on contraception, same-sex marriage and divorce, Martin writes via Fecebook: “I do hope some won’t see the Church as a democracy”!

Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary general of the Vatican’s Synod of Bishops, asked the conferences to distribute the poll “immediately as widely as possible to deaneries and parishes so that input from local sources can be received.”

Although Martin could be right that the Roman Catholic Church is not a democracy because the church hierarchy isn’t elected, doesn’t have any checks or balances, and it doesn’t solicit or care about the opinions of ordinary churchgoers as to how things should be run, but remember when Pope Benedict resigned there were speculations that the next pope would bring changes to Catholicism.

Benedict was well-known as an enforcer of orthodoxy, cracking down harshly on nuns, supporters of same-sex marriage and other progressive factions within the church, and the beleaguered liberals in Catholicism are hoping that the next pope will bring a change of direction.

Pope Francis believes that the church is the people and not hierarchy as it were understood previously. The poll, which comes in a questionnaire form, is going to be sent to national bishops’ conferences globally in preparation for a Vatican synod on the family next October.

It is going to be the first time the church’s central hierarchy has asked for such input from grass-roots Catholics since at least the establishment of the synod system following the Second Vatican Council called by Pope John XXIII who was seen as liberal pope. He died before he could see the implementation of the document.

The upcoming synod, which Pope Francis announced earlier this month, is to be held Oct. 5-19, 2014, on the theme “Pastoral Challenges of the family in the context of evangelization.”

While I don’t see many Catholics voting for same sex marriage, divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Holy Communion and other sacraments, overwhelming majority will vote for the use of contraceptives.

This is given that already majority of Catholics are using them, especially condoms. Recently Cardinal Martini was quoted by press saying that if Jesus would have never written Humanae Vitae.

“He is a Jesus who struggles against injustice. So he also opposes the “lies” and “damage” of the encyclical by Paul VI prohibiting artificial contraception”, writes the former archbishop of Milan in his latest book.

In his latest book-interview, published first in Germany and now also in Italy, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini calls himself not an anti-pope, as he is often depicted by the media, but “an ante-pope, a precursor and preparer for the Holy Father.”

Cardinal Martini puts us in front of Jesus from another perspective. Jesus is the friend of the publican and the sinner. He listens to the questions of young people. He stirs things up. He fights with us against injustice.”

Martini accuses Paul VI of deliberately concealing the truth, leaving it to theologians and pastors to fix things by adapting precepts to practice. The book is entitled: “Due in una carne. Chiesa e sessualità nella storia (Two in one flesh: Church and sexuality in history).”

Contraceptives are mostly used in Western countries where natural methods have continued to be considered not only completely ineffective, but also inconvenient and difficult to apply. The method was introduced by two married Australian doctors from Melbourne – Evelyn and John Billings whose natural birth control took the name.

Evelyn is from Irish Catholic ancestry who converted to Catholicism at their marriage. Together with her husband John Billings they dedicated their lives to this research of Billings methods of birth control which was adopted by Catholic Church as the best method for controlling birth.

For those who remember the campaigns of the feminists for the discovery of the female sexual apparatus – in the 1970’s, they advised women to use a mirror to examine their genitals – the Billings method seems perfect: the woman controls her power of procreation through her own knowledge of herself, without the mediation of doctors and medicine, in perfect autonomy. In reality, the feminists always treated with disdain.

But just as the questionnaires have been sent, German bishops have announced that Catholic hospitals can provide emergency contraceptives to rape victims, as long as the pills prevent the fertilization of an egg and do not stop the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Bishop Ignacio Carrasco de Paula told “Vatican Insider,” the online news supplement to the Italian newspaper La Stampa recently that the German Catholic Episcopal Conference had deemed it necessary to announce that.

The announcement came Thursday at the end of the bishops’ regular plenary meeting in Trier. The action models similar policy established by the archbishop of Cologne previous month, when a controversy erupted when it became public that two Catholic hospitals in Cologne had refused to serve a rape victim.

Cologne Cardinal Joachim Meisner had apologized for the hospitals’ refusal to serve the victim, who had a doctor’s prescription for a “morning-after pill.” He then announced that emergency contraceptives are acceptable treatment for rape victims in Catholic hospitals.

The announcement follows in 2011 when German pro-life activists sent to Cologne Catholic hospitals — including St. Vincent’s, Holy Spirit and two other hospitals run by the Augustinian nuns known as the Cellitines — a woman who falsely claimed to have been raped and asked doctors for a morning-after pill.

Doctors who complied with the woman’s request were reported to archdiocesan authorities, which resulted in letters of reprimand.

Fr Joachim Omolo Ouko, AJ
Tel +254 7350 14559/+254 722 623 578
Facebook-omolo beste

Real change must come from ordinary people who refuse to be taken hostage by the weapons of politicians in the face of inequality, racism and oppression, but march together towards a clear and unambiguous goal.

-Anne Montgomery, RSCJ
UN Disarmament
Conference, 2002

KENYA: What have we achieved in the health sector since independence?

From: Judy Miriga

Good People,

I think Kenyans are worse off and are not doing any better since 50 years of independence, where we expected to have elevated success with big strides progressing in Health care, expanded jobs creation and improved innovation and technical sciences.

Today, professionalism, code of conduct and discipline with care facilities and utilities needed to offer good healthcare promptly and effectively on time, with good remuneration and incentives are presently missing because of corruption and impunity; as well as poor management from conflict of interest afflicted by the interferences of politically correct. These are situation to blame for Healthcare failures in Kenya. cases like Clinix and NHIF saga having been put on the shelve without their cases being concluded in the court of law, are crimes, violation and abuse against humanity; that if they shall remain without being addressed, situation will go from bad to worse, an it is pathetic.

These are some serious injustices Kenya must be forced to address by the people excerting pressure, as justice delayed, is justice denied.

No business will work well if it is not supervised by those who own it. Peoples’ Government must be a concern of the people why they should not remain stagnant and people themselves must demand to engage effectively and be committed to make Democratic principles work. Peoples vote is their strength and it is the determining weapon for security of public mandate and interest. Poor and bad public servant must be showed the door and rejected by the people and new people must be hired in exchange to instil discipline in public offices to deliver service responsibly with integrity………….The Government system will begin to work only when people shall decide enough is enough…………and moving forward will surely begin to bear good success story for the people demands….…….

So answer to Prof. Nyongo, is that, Kenyans have achieved serious deadly cancer of corruption and impunity in Health care sector since independence, and in the past 50 years, things are worse and situation is not healthy at all. There is need for serious re-thinking to capture the lost glory………………

Nyongo need to know that, Kenya and the world does not need GMO foods except they need to engage in a collective safer strategic plan that shall improve and make life better with secure and safer environment, not polluted nature……….a plan that would provide conducive atmsphere for sustained innovation that protects and improves life rather than destroy life and kill naturals of God creation for life which is in itself is life………….and this is how Kenya, Africa and the world is ready to engage in Emerging MarketPlace of challenges that are competitive and are providing good value for progressive development…………

There is no success engaging in GMO that the world has rejected and dumped when you want to talk about achievements…………….Where shall you compete with that kind of backward theories in challenges at the world market………….it is retrogresive thinking if not worse……….. This is a peace that Prof. Nyongo need to rethink while in public service…………

I believe this contribution will provide for heads-up moving forward and people like Prof. Anyang Nyongo must be told the same in clear perspectives so they are aware that people are serious and are concern about how their business must be run and how they wish to be governed.

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

– – – – – – – – – – –

What have we achieved in the health sector since independence?

Updated Saturday, October 19th 2013 at 22:43 GMT +3
By Anyang’ Nyong’o

In general, are Kenyans living longer on this Earth than they did 50 years ago? The answer is probably not. Are we eating better, having access to fresh drinking water and living in cleaner environments than we did 50 years ago? The answer is that some are eating better, a good number drink water that is dangerous to their health and the problem of environmental degradation is a danger to health all around us, whether we are in Mandera, Mathare Valley in Nairobi or travelling on the highway to Mombasa as big lorries belch dark smoke from their exhaust pipes onto our faces.

In other words, the increase in the incidences of diabetes, heart disease, cancers of all types and other diseases since independence is no accident: it is the result of our systematic abuse of our environment over the last 50 years; our rising population with a decreasing ability to provide proper nutrition to this population across the board; and our inadequate awareness regarding the basic things we need to do to prevent diseases.

Yet when we were born as a new nation we were quite clear in our minds that we could only develop as a healthy and prosperous nation if we tackled problems of poverty, ignorance and diseases together and with the same intensity. Our 1965 “bible” for development, Sessional Paper No. 10 on “African Socialism and Its Application to Planning in Kenya” was quite clear on this: it envisaged a nation where the people and the government would work together for prosperity, each citizen bearing the responsibility for the development of the nation as well as the self.

This was the philosophy of “mutual social responsibility”.

In the area of education we did quite well. What of the airlift programme to the USA organised by Tom Mboya that availed higher education to many Kenyans who might have missed the boat altogether. What of a similar arrangement by Jaramogi Oginga Odinga for those who went to the then Eastern Bloc countries? Then came the Harambee schools and the government takeover of the same, making upward mobility possible for thousands of children born to poor peasant families.

Then the Narc government came with its free primary school education where even 75-year-olds went to school for the first time. Although as important — and even more important — than education, health has not received as much-hyped attention either by the government or by wananchi.

We are acutely aware of our health needs and challenges, but we seem to leave it to be the affair of the individual or the family until a friend or a relative gravely falls sick or dies, then the spirit of Harambee (or mutual social responsibility) is momentarily summoned, and we gather in droves to equally momentarily alleviate the burden or tragic consequences of ill health on one of us.

Granted that we have paid attention to the immunisation of children, improvements in maternal care, access to health care by the under fives and the creation of facilities for the same.

But the truth is: too many mothers are still dependent on traditional birth attendants who cannot always effectively handle the health problems of mothers and babies after delivery.

Health is a social issue not an individual issue. Sickness and disease are not individual problems: they are social problems. In the 1960s our nationalists were aware of this.

And that is why Kenya was the first country in Africa in 1963 to initiate a planned parenthood programme, led by the then minister for Planning, T.J. Mboya, to ensure a quality population.

Kenya was also the first country in Africa to establish a National Hospital Insurance Fund to ensure that access to treatment was guaranteed to those who were contributors to the subsidised health insurance scheme. Treatment in government health facilities was free then, making it possible for the poor to receive treatment when in need. With the growing population as well as rapid urbanisation, the burden of financing free health care became unbearable for the government.

With the advice and pressure from the Bretton-Woods institutions, a cost-sharing programme was started in 1989. Health sector reforms initiated in 1994, and expanded upon since then by successive administrations, have not dealt with the basic problem: universal access to affordable and quality health care for all.

Countries which have confronted this issue headlong, have used only one method: universal health insurance coverage, wholly funded by the government or financed by social health insurance package that marries direct government funding with contributors’ funds. Transforming the NHIF into a National Social Health Insurance Fund (or scheme), as was proposed by the Narc government, or Grand Coalition Government, is the only sane option.

What is holding Kenya back from fulfilling our constitutional obligation of providing affordable and quality health care for all are two things: vested interests in the insurance fraternity and among some Health Management Organisations and political myopia among those who are always ready to crucify a good message because they don’t like the face of the messenger. It is time to wake up and live by the dictum “a working and prosperous nation must also be a healthy nation”. Otherwise Vision 2030 will remain a pipe dream in our lives except the glittering and winding highways close to urban centres.

The writer is Kisumu County Senator



Kenyan communities which are living along the shorelines of Lake Victoria have raised complaints about the alarming increase in cases whereby unscrupulous fishermen are reportedly using dangerous chemicals which are killing thousands of fish species at the same time causing high risk of health hazards to the consumers.

Reports reaching us from low lying locations along the lake’s shorelines, especially in the Nyanza Gulf says that owing to the laxity and complacency on the part of, and lack of effective patrol of, the lake by the officials of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Fisheries Department, there is a sharp increases in the use of dangerous chemicals such as snide and other poisonous chemicals by unscrupulous fishermen.

Experts have said that poisonous chemicals are now being used excessively by unscrupulous fishermen in their concerted effort to enhance catches. Any adverse publicity in the media, particularly in those countries which are currently importing lake Victoria fish could put into jeopardy the booming trade in fish commodity. This is what once happened to the neighboring Uganda some years back when EU and other importers stopped their fish import from that country following allegation about chemical fishing. Kenya and Uganda shared Lake Victoria.

THe regions most affected by the latest incidences of chemical fishing included parts of Suba, Rarieda and Bondo sub-counties.

In Uyoma West Location, the local fisherman had ganged themselves and beat one of them who Was caught red handed using chemical whioef9ishng during the dead hour of the night

Fisherman are also reported to be working in total defiance against the laid down fishing regulations by Way of using unauthorized fishing nets and fish unlawful fishing gears

The Ministry has posted fish scouts at the various points within the lake, but the officials are said to be Corruptly sleeping on their jobs and having been compromised by the unscrupulous fishermen.

Chemical fishing is also said to be so rampant in the two major fishing islands of Rusinga and Mfangano.The practice is slowly spreading into other fishing locations in Karungu and Kadem within Nyatike sub-county of Migori, Gwassi and Kaksingiri areas.


With GM you cannot fire …………Be Warned …….!!!

From: Judy Miriga


I absolutely appreciate Science and Technology and I value innovation and inventions that has brought the use of new technology in modifying and making modern way of life be appreciated by many and which is not the real challenge to changing biological and mechanism of mixing and confusing gene of life, theories and tests that have failed over the years; which is the bone of contention I don’t agree with.

Science and Technology equipments are innovations that have passed their test of time and are made perfect through the required discipline observance and the International standards put for their qualification. But, I don’t want to take chances with an incompetent unqualified pilot the fear of flying me up in the air will be questioned; someone who most definitely will either crash on take off, or up in the air or even upon landing.

This is what I disqualify and dispute. That things are not done the right way the reason for Africa failing from competing with the rest of the world at par. That when the test has proved the science of GM is making people impotent and cannot fire…………Why still go for it??? So in my argument that, Nature and The Production Unit at South of HUMAN industrial are is in danger …………and biological science is yet to perfect their invention of how man and nature was created…….. and this is a grave situation challenging Gods purpose for creation; because at the end of the day, science have not advanced innovation of human production to its perfection……but we know how to protect and preserve the Nature……………..Why allow a failed theories that will destroy Nature and Why shouldn’t we not protect our Human Rights against crime, violation and abuse????

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,


From: “anyumba462@ . . . ”
To: Judy Miriga
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2013 12:27 PM
Subject: With GM you cannot fire …………Be Warned …….!!!

Judy, When you use technology to communicate, you don’t think about God. When you flew by plane to the USA, you didn’t think about God. When you use washers n dryers in your basement, you don’t think about God. When Afwande challenges your ignorance about GM you rush to God. God never made computers, man did through modifying those things which God created, same to all iphones et al. So why do you jump when GM is mentioned? Were all these things created by same God who gave human beings the knowledge to modify them for their own comfort? Sorry I lost you Afwande!

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


From: Judy Miriga
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 10:01:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: With GM you cannot fire …………Be Warned …….!!!


God’s work was made perfect. Haina makosa. Overhauling Gods’ workmanship through biological gene transfer is to challenge God, ambayo ni kutoa Mungu makosa.

Science in any form, biological, chemistry or physics go through many stages to produce good result and thus qualify for good bill. For it to be accepted for consumption, it has to pass the test of excellence …….which God perfected at the time of creation and is the reason why we are all alive through preserving, protecting and sustained Nature over the years. Changing it require a lot of wisdom, knowledge and understanding, discipline, value, focus, respect, dignity to bring about the required skills and talent ………..the type which current crops of African politician leaders dont have………

This is why in scientific study, when you try something and fail, from public protest which has experience adverse bad effect, you don’t go on with moving the reject from US to Africa for example. The failed experiments must be completely done with and trashed…………because it has failed the test and is unfit for human consumption………..But if you go on with what is rendered unfit for human consumption, you shall be doing worse damage on purpose and knowingly and this behavior is treated as a crime against humanity.

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,


From: “anyumba462@ . . . ”
To: Judy Miriga
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2013 11:25 AM
Subject: With GM you cannot fire …………Be Warned …….!!!


Do we accept test tube babies? Judy the Scientists are using genes God created “genesis” to produce better species. To modify is not to change perse! It is to make the same thing more suitable for the purpose at hand!


Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


From: Judy Miriga
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 07:57:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: With GM you cannot fire …………Be Warned …….!!!


Ndugu yangu Afwande, modification in simple terms is to change something from its original form. To qualify it, you can either modifying change from good to bad or bad to good. When you change the organism of God given gene of different species, you get system mechanism of both disorganized and disoriented species from that of its origin and that consequently results in complete change of appearance, character, behavior and circumstances; the reason for species getting confused from the change of metamorphosis that finally occurs from the change………Shall we therefore credit the workmanship of Scientist that are in the process of making their theories perfect or shall we go with that of God………Well, here is where we are tampering with God’s creation which he had made perfect upon creation. This is where science comes to crossroads with that of Gods perfect creation and instead it is not harmonizing, improving or making excellent to sustain and make life better for common good of all. This is where science must re-think itself to get in line to do good than bad.

Remember God’s commandment of Love and consider why God gave Satan its democratic rights to live on earth but with conditions to respect, value honor an dignify Creation or face consequences…………..

The Price of Sin is death and destruction……………But God is faithful, He will keep His promise to mankind and will never forsake us……..and that, in the midst of all these, our prayer in wisdom shall be that God should not destroy the world for the sin of few but have Mercy upon us and help us to overcome trial and temptations of the wicked and evil ones and guide our steps to safety and greener pastures…………………..

Cheers !!!

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,


From: “anyumba462@ . . . ”
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2013 9:22 AM
Subject: With GM you cannot fire …………Be Warned …….!!!

Judy Miriga! You are so naïve and nausetingly ignorant. What do you know about genetic modification? Genetic revolution is ubiquitous to mankind. Why do you think there are no black goats, sheep, or black camels in the desert? That is genetic modification. Why does you mother keep the biggest cockreel in the homestead to mate with chicken? That is genetic modification. Why did we have “Jagam” before marriage? Oooof! People just don’t know what they are talking about. GM has been practised in its subtle forms for aeons Afwande! Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

From: Judy Miriga
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 07:08:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: With GM you cannot fire …………Be Warned …….!!!

Good People,

With Genetically modified food, ok inyal chiwo mach…… cannot fire……..that is why former PM is campaigning to transfer GM from US to Kenya and the whole of Africa. You must say big NO NO NO NO…………….Africa Must Fire………….and GM is an enemy of Nature…………It is also a Crime against Humanity………..!!!!

Those who have taken GM foods or work in the farm of GM long enough have their body system function and behavior changed. Many even begin to have sex with animals because their urge is transformed……..

Because the world has rejected Genetically food, its theorists are now looking for a damping site in Africa because it is another reason for Africas Land Grabbing. This is the unfinished business that has kept former PM Raila on his toes; which is why, he frequent visits to US with different groups of Governors……………..!!!

Is this the Emerging Markets Kenya and Africa look for??? The new Agricultural way of doing farm business??? To go for GM that make Africans stop firing??? Is this it??? What is wrong with former PM of Kenya???

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,


Health and Environmental Consequences of Genetically-Modified … environmental… Cached

… and to pass on these genes to the next generation Rats GM to … Health and environmental risks of food … is a Genetically Modified (GM) Food?.
Genetically modified foods: potential human health effects … Pusztai/GM/GMHuman… Cached

The conclusion of the ENVIRON panel that feeding rats on GM … GM crop is easily measured. There are now … in genetically modified novel foods. Food …
Cancer row over GM foods as French study claims it did THIS … 2205509/Cancer…

Cancer row over GM foods as study says it did THIS to rats… and can cause organ damage and early death in humans. French team claim bestselling brand of GM corn …
Negative Impacts of genetically modified (GM) Foods on Human … genetically-modified-gm… Cached

Negative Impacts of genetically modified (GM) Foods on Human and Animal Health and the Environment
The Problems Of Biotechnology – GM Foods – Science 2.0…/problems_ biotechnology_gm_foods-94650 Cached

In my previous article, the fundamental equivalence of foods was discussed recognizing that there is a difference in assessing problems with the food, versus problems …GM … are many health risks and huge environmental effects …
Genetically Modified (GM) Food, Genetically Modified … Cached

Genetically modified GM food, … pollution would cause so much vast environmental harm. Now nearly 1/3 rd of all species are … male rats were fed GM …

USA: Thursday: Attend the Obamacare Day of Action event in Hyattsville

From: Judy Miriga

Forward and Spread the Word to your friends and loved ones you know ofand Register.

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

– – – – – – – – – – –

From: “Erin Hannigan,”
Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 8:39 PM
Subject: Thursday: Attend the Obamacare Day of Action event in Hyattsville

Dear Readers —

Last week, the health insurance marketplace created by Obamacare opened for business, and millions of uninsured Americans now have access to affordable health care — many for the first time.

No matter how opponents of Obamacare have tried to stop it — from spending hundreds of millions of dollars in deceptive advertising to shutting down the federal government — the law is already helping Americans get better, more affordable health care.

We’re going to spend the next six months of enrollment making sure people have the facts about getting signed up — and of course we’re going to keep telling the stories of the people who are already being helped by the law.

This Thursday, you can help make that happen in Hyattsville — OFA volunteers are holding an Obamacare Day of Action.

Can you make it?

Yes — I’m planning to join in!

No, I can’t make it this time — but I’ll make a donation to help support this work.

Here are the details:

What: Obamacare Day of Action event in Hyattsville Where: 3000 Pennsy DriveHyattsville, MD 20785When: Thursday, October 10th4:00 pm

The good news: Millions of people have already started exploring their coverage options, and many have already gotten coverage.

The bad news: The other side is resorting to dangerous tactics to keep Obamacare from working. We all know how Tea Party Republicans have forced a government shutdown because they didn’t want to fund health reform.

That’s not all. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent by the other side — including the Koch brothers — to scare people into not getting insurance. They want to see Obamacare fail, and they have the money to spread confusion and stand in the way of Americans learning how the law benefits them.

Obamacare is working — and we need to spread the word about how it’s helping Americans every day.

This Thursday’s Day of Action will be a great chance to help make the law a success by helping people in our communities get the information they need. We’ll also be telling the Tea Party: “Enough already — stop trying to block Obamacare, and end the shutdown today.”

Join the Obamacare Day of Action in Hyattsville:



Erin Hannigan
Health Care Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action

The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We’re fighting for change — chip in $5 or more to support OFA today.

Paid for by Organizing for Action

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