Category Archives: USA

USA: Protecting Ohio Children with Lifesaving Medicine for Allergic Reactions; brown

From: Senator Sherrod Brown

Last week, I traveled to schools around the state to hear from students, nurses, parents, and health professionals about what severe allergic reactions can mean when they occur unexpectedly in a classroom, playground, or sports field. These severe allergic reactions – known as anaphylaxis – can occur within minutes of exposure to any allergen. The most common allergens that cause anaphylactic shock are food, insect stings, and medications.

It’s estimated that one in every 13 children in the U.S. has a food allergy. That’s about two students in every classroom. Having a food allergy means that if these children come into contact with food that triggers an allergy – whether it’s from the school cafeteria, a birthday party in the classroom, or even another student’s food – it can create a potentially deadly situation.

Speaking at Dayton’s River’s Edge Montessori.
Allergic reactions to food send Americans to the emergency department once every three minutes – that’s over 200,000 ER visits per year. A medication called epinephrine – commonly provided through an EpiPen – is the first line of defense to treat the reaction. EpiPens administer medication that quickly stops the severe symptoms of allergic reactions – like swelling that impairs breathing or dangerously low blood pressure.

Many kids with an allergy have an EpiPen at home and at school, just in case. But a quarter of anaphylaxis cases at schools involve kids with undiagnosed allergies.

At a school in Youngstown, Theresa Murphy of Cortland, a nurse and mother of a nine-year-old son with severe food allergies, reminded me that we prepare for fire drills, and yet we’re unprepared for equally unexpected cases of anaphylaxis. We should be doing everything we can to prepare for the unforeseen.

That’s why the School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act, which I cosponsored and President Obama signed into law earlier this month, is so important.

Theresa Murphy of Cortland explaining EpiPens.
This commonsense, bipartisan law gives funding priority for asthma control programs to states that ensure that ALL schools maintain a supply of EpiPens for students with undiagnosed allergies and as a backup for the kids suffering from known allergies.

This bill also encourages states to allow school personnel to receive training on how to use the EpiPen in case of an emergency – a potentially life-saving action, especially in rural areas where quick access to medical care may be a problem. But, only states that ensure that ALL schools have a supply of EpiPens and training for their use are eligible for the priority federal funding for this bill. Thirty states already have laws or guidelines in place that allow schools to maintain a supply of epinephrine.

A long-standing law in Ohio only allows schools to keep an EpiPen for students with a known allergy and a prescription written specifically for them. And it has been illegal to use an EpiPen on a student without a prescription.

Answering questions at Fairview German School in Clifton.
The Ohio House recently passed legislation that would allow schools to keep undesignated EpiPens on hand for students who have an undiagnosed allergy. This is a step in the right direction, but it doesn’t go far enough.

Further action by the Ohio House is necessary to ensure that all Ohio schools have an emergency supply of EpiPens, thereby enabling Ohio to qualify for priority federal funding. We should take every precaution to protect our kids from unforeseen emergencies.

It’s critical that the Statehouse take action to expand this legislation, and that Governor Kasich signs it into law.



Sherrod Brown
U.S. Senator

Washington, D.C.
713 Hart Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510
p (202) 224-2315
f (202) 228-6321

200 N High St.
Room 614
Columbus, OH 43215
p (614) 469-2083
f (614) 469-2171
Toll Free
1-888-896-OHIO (6446)

Breaking news: House Republicans to torpedo President Obama’s Iran agreement

From: Sara Haghdoosti

U.S. House: Don’t lead us down a path that could lead to another senseless war in the Middle East. Please back President Obama’s diplomatic approach to Iran.Dear MoveOn member,
Sign the Petition!

Dear MoveOn member,

Breaking news: Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is working on a hawkish bill that would torpedo President Obama’s interim agreement with Iran by setting unrealistic goals for the final deal.

Just how bad is the bill? “It would blow things apart. If you want a war, that is the thing to do.” That’s how a Democratic senator summarized a recent, similar proposal.

And this isn’t a fringe bill either—it’s gaining ground among Democratic members of the House—and if we do nothing it will become bipartisan.

Congress is debating this bill in the next few days. This a crisis for diplomacy. If even just the House of Representatives passes this bill, it tells the Iranian people that America isn’t serious about diplomacy—and even if President Obama vetoes it, the damage is done.

That’s why I created an urgent petition on, telling the House of Representatives to back President Obama’s diplomatic approach to Iran.

Click here to sign the petition to demand diplomacy, not the march to war—and then pass it on to your friends.

Remember when MoveOn members and allies banded together to stop military action from becoming a reality with Syria, after war seemed inevitable? We won! It was so inspiring.

That’s one big reason that I’ve been campaigning on for a while now to help to pave the way for diplomacy. We know from our past efforts that diplomacy can work as an alternative to war and violence.

But if Eric Cantor and his war-hawk colleagues succeed this week, Congress will tie President Obama’s hands, destroy negotiations, and edge us closer to another senseless conflict in the Middle East.

Click here to sign the petition to stop war hawks in Congress from destroying peace and diplomacy, and then pass it on to your friends.

As you read this message, we have a once-in-a-generation chance to not just fight back against a potential conflict, but to proactively build peace and diplomacy in the Middle East. But it’s up to us: You and me.

Our chance really could slip away in the next week—since Congress is about shatter the deal with Iran unless there’s a massive outcry. And how hard we fight to stop Congress from torpedoing Obama’s diplomatic efforts in the next week could ultimately determine whether or not we go to war again in the Middle East.

Sign the petition now, and I’ll tell you how we can fight hard next week to save diplomacy.

The interim deal with Iran is a win for everyone—Iran has agreed to opening itself up to the potential of daily inspections and in turn the U.S. has offered some relief from sanctions. That’s why 64% of the American public, 100 rabbis, and leading military and national security experts support the president’s diplomatic path with Iran.

Diplomacy with Iran is the best way for us to support change-makers in Iran and it’s in America’s national interest.

Please sign this petition urging your representatives to back the Obama administration’s efforts in Iran, and then pass it along to your friends.

Thanks for your support.

–Sara Haghdoosti

This petition was created on MoveOn’s online petition site, where anyone can start their own online petitions. Sara Haghdoosti didn’t pay us to send this email—we never rent or sell the list.

USA: Mitch McConnell ACTUALLY said this

From: Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet

Senator Mitch McConnell is claiming he spent a lifetime working for equal pay for women. But it’s a lie–he’s blocked all equal pay legislation. Tell Sen. McConnell to back up his words by endorsing the Paycheck Fairness Act.

Dear Readers:

Wow. In a recent interview, Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell’s spokesperson said this about pay discrimination: “As the father of three daughters, fair pay for women is more than a talking point for Sen. McConnell. It’s something he’s worked to achieve his entire career.”1

This would be all fine and dandy if it were the truth. But it’s not. Sen. McConnell, who is up for re-election, has voted against every piece of legislation that sought to establish equal pay for equal work like the Lily Ledbetter Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act (twice!).2

While Sen. McConnell is falsely claiming to support pay equity now, women are still making an average of 77 cents per every dollar a man makes. And the numbers are even lower for women of color: Compared to white men, African American women were paid 64%, and Latina women were paid just 55%.3 And because two thirds of mothers are breadwinners, it’s not just about women–families and children are affected by pay discrimination, too.4

It’s time to set the record straight. Pay equity has become a major issue in his reelection campaign and Sen. McConnell thinks he can get away with lying about his track record. But we can stop that and make sure the truth comes out. Can you sign the petition asking him to prove his commitment to pay equity by endorsing the Paycheck Fairness Act? If tens of thousands of us speak out, we can expose the truth–that Sen. McConnell is no friend of pay equity.

Can you sign this petition calling on Sen. McConnell to endorse the Paycheck Fairness Act?

On average, women lose $10,784 a year because they are paid less than men. What could you do with almost $11,000 extra a year? You could pay rent for over a year, buy groceries for over a year, or pay health insurance premiums for almost 4 years. You might even be able to save up to $800,000 for retirement.5

It is unfair that women have to pay a tax for simply being women.

Mitch McConnell’s blatant lie is disrespectful to all the people who have truly fought for equal pay only to find themselves unable to get legislation through Congress because of politicians like Sen. McConnell.

But this is Sen. McConnell’s moment to redeem himself. He might not have spent a lifetime fighting for equal pay, but he can start now by supporting the Paycheck Fairness Act. If it finally passed, it would get rid of loopholes that allow employers to pay women less. And as the Senate Minority Leader, Sen. McConnell is influential in shaping what GOP members will support.

But if thousands of us don’t speak up now, he’ll get away with lying about support for equal pay while nothing changes. If we show Sen. McConnell we’re onto the lie, media will take notice, and he’ll be forced to endorse the Paycheck Fairness Act or risk the media exposing him as untruthful as he campaigns for re-election.

Tell Sen. McConnell: If you say you care about equal pay, then publicly endorse the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Thanks for all you do.

–Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Malinda, Adam, and Gabriela, the UltraViolet team


1. Grimes calls for additional child care tax breaks, Associated Press, November 22, 2013

2. Despite Voting Against It, Top Republican Claims He ‘Worked His Entire Career’ For Pay Equity, Think Progress, November 25, 2013

3. Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage, 2012 Census

4. Fact Sheet: The Wage Gap for Women, Center for American Progress, August 16, 2012

5. What Women Could Afford If They Earned Equal Pay For Equal Work, Forbes

USA: Democrats ditch historic U.S. Senate rule blamed for gridlock

From: Judy Miriga

Good People,

John Boehner ought to have done that, sign up for Insurance through Affordable care (Obamacare) long time ago; the moment it was made law. It is because, Law is Law and there is no BUTS or IFS about the Law. First instinct is to obey the law first, then talk later. It is how things are suppose to be done. Law is an order and you cannot talk over the law. If you have a problem with the law, you sign up first, and bring up your case later.

Here is what wise people in the democratic space will do. Knowing that the Government is a People’s project, all rich and poor must play by the same set of rules. People’s project demands that all (Rich and the Disadvantaged or Poor) must comply by the same set of rules as guiding principles to achieve whatever people want to achieve in life……..that, the Government is the resource pool for opportunity to all big and small people/ rich or disadvantaged.

Corporation are people, is undoubtedly true, because a group of affluence (rich) people decides to pull their power together to achieve a common business interest agenda for PROFIT MAKING in their network ……but that is only 1% of the group missions against those of the 99% of the population majority interest. This is the reason why the 1% cannot dictate and command over the interest of the 99% in the People’s Democratic Governance ……. if they do, then it stops being a People’s Democratic Government. It becomes the Rulership of the most powerful rich which in the essence is a DICTATORIAL GOVERNANCE by the rich who having succeeded in opposing the interest of the 99% of the majority, imposes their demands on the 99% of the population.

This is where the interest of the majority is weakened and have no say of how they wish to be governed, because the rich will have influenced and imposed their demands unfairly on the majority; in which case, the People’s Government of the majority 99% will have been overpowered and superseded by the 1% and the 1% becomes the MASTERS controlling and imposing their demands on the 99% who will have no option but to be swallowed into SLAVERY because their voted REPRESENTATIVES who are suppose to represent and protect their interest are bought off by the rich and compromised their service to people and engaged into conflict of interest to do and serve the will and demands of the 1%. Practically, they fail to go by PUBLIC MANDATE that had them voted into public service, instead of complying to the wishes and interest of their voters who carried the 99%, they switched interest to serve Corporation of Special Business Interest in public service delivery.

Good people, this was headed to end the People’s Government. Which is why, President Obama diligently kept the space in the bipartisan, knowing that he was elected by the people to DELIVER PUBLIC MANDATE. That, he is a custodian of the People’s Government and must pay attention to what the people want. It is the same reason why when the going gets tough at the Washington, he takes solace in the people’s Referendum; and it is because, in the democratic space of the People’s Government, people decides how they wish to be governed. It is the opposite of unfair Corporate Dictatorship Rule of imposing Special Business Interest demands on the majority people. This is unacceptable.

Selfish Greed is a cancer meant to destroy good intent of Love, Unity and Peace in harmony that are for common good of all people. Selfish Greed must be defeated to achieve harmony and happiness we all want. Which is why, filibuster rule was proposed by Hurry Reid in the Senate so that things can move in the right direction, and it is the good thing to do, to avoid gridlock and obstruction that stall people’s business from taking effect at the Washington because of Corporate Special Business Interest negativity and selfish greed of a few that are not for Public Interest Mandate. We shall expect a lot of drama, because they want to resist everything and anything a BLACK PRESIDENT is about to bring to the people………….to them, BLACK IS EVIL………and have not RIGHT to go down in record in the books of HISTORY………..BUT, we all must be watchful and resist any kind of pressure that are driving people to SLAVERY, because, we cannot go back to those dark days………. the days of unwarranted killings, pain and sufferings that bring no good to this wonderful great Nation that leads the world. ALSO, they have to learn that, BLACK IS A PEARL OF LOVE, PEACE, UNITY AND HAPPINESS. That they should stop HATING BLACK and begin to adjust so we can all be ONE. That BLACK is only a COLOR and when we are all dead, WE ALL RESEMBLE THE SOIL OF THE EARTH……………

JF Kennedy was WHITE, but had the heart that welcomed all people of color. He knew that people cannot form barrier amongst themselves. That all had talents and skills to contribute to the well being of all. He saw this 50years ago and walked the path of PEACE and UNITY. He knew what the people want is the right thing to do. He remained firm to do the will of the people and persistently pushed for Public Mandate. He was killed because special business interest did not want to hear about People’s Civil Rights with other to do list that was going to be made into a LAW to become a BILL. After he was killed, Civil Rights Bill with all other bills still became the LAW. Why then did they have to kill JF Kennedy??? …….. The answer is simple……..Selfish Greed.

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

– – – – – – – – – –

Democrats ditch historic U.S. Senate rule blamed for gridlock

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate, in a historic and bitterly fought rule change, stripped Republicans on Thursday of their ability to block President Barack Obama’s judicial and executive branch nominees.

The action fundamentally altered the way Congress’ upper chamber has worked since the mid-19th century by making it impossible for a minority party, on its own, to block presidential appointments, except those to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The change in the so-called “filibuster” rule does not apply to legislation, which can still be held up by a handful of senators.

The now-defunct rule, a symbol of Washington gridlock, has survived dozens of attacks over the years largely because both major political parties like to use it.

The action will undoubtedly come back to haunt Democrats the next time they lose the Senate and the White House simultaneously. Getting rid of it was considered so momentous and divisive that it was dubbed the “nuclear option” in the Senate.

On a nearly party-line vote of 52-48, the Senate reduced from 60 to 51 the number of votes needed to end procedural roadblocks.

Obama, a former senator, praised the action, calling the filibuster “a reckless and relentless tool to grind all business to a halt.”

The change will speed up the confirmation of Obama appointments to the courts as well as to cabinet and regulatory agencies.

One beneficiary is likely to be Representative Mel Watt, whose nomination to take over the agency that regulates mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was being blocked by Republicans.

But the immediate spark was Democratic frustration at Republican use of the filibuster to block Obama’s appointments to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, considered the nation’s second most important court after the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Washington-based appeals court handles crucial disputes over the powers of the presidency and Congress, along with regulatory matters involving air and water pollution, banks, securities trading, telecommunications and labor relations. It has also been a feeder to the Supreme Court, with four of the current justices being former D.C. Circuit judges.


Democrats quickly used the new rule by ending a Republican filibuster against one of those court nominees, Patricia Millett, on a vote of 55-43. A vote to confirm her nomination will be held later.

Millett is a Harvard-trained lawyer who worked in the administration of both Democratic President Bill Clinton and Republican President George W. Bush. The American Bar Association gave her its top rating for the D.C. Circuit post.

As is often the case with stalled nominations, Republicans did not contend that Millet lacked qualifications. They simply do not want to give Obama more appointments to the important court, which they argue is underworked anyway.

For nearly two years, Republicans held up confirmation of Richard Cordray as director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau because they objected to the bureau’s powers, not to Cordray, who has since been confirmed.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, led the charge on the rules change, accusing Republicans of record obstructionism and saying the American public is right to believe that “Congress is broken.”

Reid said that of the 168 filibusters against presidential nominees in U.S. history, half were held against Obama’s picks.

“It’s time to change,” Reid said.

Republican Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa fired back, “This is a naked power grab.”

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell insisted that there was no reason for a rule change, saying Republicans had confirmed the vast majority of Obama’s judicial nominees.

McConnell also accused Democrats of taking the action merely to divert attention from the botched launch of Obama’s healthcare law, known as Obamacare.

But with Congress’s approval rating in single digits and no indication Republicans will compromise with Obama on much of anything, Reid decided to pull the trigger.

Reid assumes that voters, who polls show are disgusted with a largely “do-nothing” Congress, won’t be upset by a rule change to confirm stalled nominees, Democratic aides said.

Reid also figured that if he did not change the rules, that increasingly anti-compromise Republicans would change them when they win control of the Senate, which could happen in next year’s election, the aides said.

Stephen Hess, a congressional analyst at The Brookings Institution, said, “There’s a good reason why it’s called ‘the nuclear option.’ This does change the system.”

“And whether it’s good or bad depends on from whence you view it and at what moment,” Hess said. “It is good for Democrats on the 21st of November, 2013. And it may not be good (for Democrats) if the landscape changes in the mid-term election” next year and Republicans take control of the Senate.

Asked whether the Democrats’ move could worsen relations with Republicans and make it more difficult to pass legislation, Hess said “I don’t know that relations this bad can get an awful lot worse.”

(Reporting by Thomas Ferraro, Richard Cowan and David Lawder; Editing by Vicki Allen, Fred Barbash and Tim Dobbyn)


John Boehner Has Officially Signed Up For Insurance Through Obamacare

House Speaker John Boehner has officially enrolled in a D.C. insurance exchange under the Affordable Care Act, he said in a blog post on his website Thursday evening, after having some difficulty signing up earlier in the afternoon.

“Like many Americans, my experience was pretty frustrating,” he wrote of his experience at first, a reference to the dysfunction that has plagued the exchange websites since their launch.

“After putting in my personal information, I received an error message. I was able to work past that, but when I went to actually sign up for coverage, I got this ‘internal server error’ screen.”

In his original blog post, he wrote that he had put a call into the help desk. A short while later, he added an update:

“Kept at it, and called the DC Health Link help line. They called back a few hours later, and after re-starting the process on the website two more times, I just heard from DC Health Link that I have been successfully enrolled.”

Brendan Buck, Boehner’s press secretary, joked that “sure didn’t take long after the blog post.”

The federal health care law requires members to enroll in D.C. exchanges.

USA: How we’ll confirm Nina Pillard

From: Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet

Had enough gridlock and obstruction to the pro-woman agenda? We have, too. Tell Majority Leader Reid and Senate Democrats: Reform the filibuster!

Dear Readers:

A once in a lifetime opportunity is approaching to change the landscape of women’s rights, and we can’t miss it.

Here’s the story: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is considering a change in the Senate rules that would stop the Tea Party from blocking all the progress we care about.1 Most recently, the Tea Party blocked pro-choice, pro-woman superhero Professor Nina Pillard from a judgeship on the powerful DC Circuit Court, despite a clear majority of 57 Senators supporting her.2

She’s not alone, either. Pillard is the third woman nominated by President Obama for the DC Circuit to be blocked by the filibuster–the rule that allows a minority of Senators to stop a vote from even happening–this year alone.3 Also blocked is commonsense gun safety legislation and, if the Tea Party has their way this week, legislation to address military sexual assault.4

Majority Leader Reid is just a few votes shy of reforming the filibuster so well-qualified, pro-woman judges with majority support like Pillard can serve our nation. If we take action now, we can push this boulder over the hill. If we don’t, then despite a pro-woman majority in the Senate and a pro-woman President in the White House, we could lose this opportunity for change.

Visit here to tell Majority Leader Reid and Senate Democrats: Reform the filibuster. We can’t miss this opportunity for change.

Professor Pillard is not the only casualty of the extreme right-wing’s war on women via the filibuster. Among the other examples are:

This week, as Sen. Gillibrand’s bill to address the epidemic of sexual assault in the military has the public support of a majority of Senators but may be blocked because the filibuster requires a super-majority

– In April, when a Senate filibuster defeated hopes of restoring mandatory background checks on gun purchases and a ban on assault weapons in the wake of widespread gun violence

– In 2009, when Indiana University Law Professor Dawn Johnsen was nominated by President Obama for the powerful Office of Legal Counsel. Johnsen was opposed by nearly all Republicans solely because of her work decades ago for NARAL, a pro-choice organization, and her nomination was cleared by the Judiciary Committee but never given a floor vote due to a filibuster threat

Not all filibusters are bad, and the filibuster is an important right meant to protect the minority party. But over the last few years it has been abused. And that has to stop. The right-wing’s decision to filibuster everything that moves has literally hit record numbers–the number of filibusters doubled immediately after Democrats took the majority in 2006, and nearly 400 filibusters have occurred since. Contrast that with only 23 in the entire 18th century and fewer than one per year before 1969.5 Elections have consequences, and it should not be that 41 Senators from a party not elected to govern can forever block progress, then blame the majority for doing nothing. It’s not in the Constitution nor the public interest.

Professor Pillard is a rare chance to put a fabulous pro-woman advocate on court that many consider to be a stepping stone to the Supreme Court. She’s highly qualified and her accomplishments in the courtroom include upholding the Family and Medical Leave Act and ending the Virginia Military Institute’s exclusion of women. She’s been a lawyer for the Justice Department, ACLU, and NAACP, and has written in favor of comprehensive sex education and a woman’s right to choose.6 In short, she’d be our response to the Rick Perrys, Lindsey Grahams, and Antonin Scalias of government.

If we let the right-wing have their way now, they’ll push us around when Justice Ginsburg retires from the Supreme Court, too. At a time when states like Texas and Senators like Lindsey Graham are forcing through an ideological, anti-woman agenda, the courts are our last refuge–which means we need to do everything in our power to make sure fair-minded judges like Pillard sit on them.

Tell Majority Leader Reid and Senate Democrats: Enact filibuster reform. The stakes for women’s rights are too high to let this moment pass us by.

Thanks for all you do.

–Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Malinda, Adam, and Gabriela, the UltraViolet team


1. Harry Reid is set to go nuclear, The Washington Post, November 20, 2013

2. Republicans Again Reject Obama’s Pick For Judiciary, New York Times, November 12, 2013

3. Senate Republicans Filibuster Judicial Nominee Who Dared To Talk About Women’s Rights, ThinkProgress, November 12, 2013

4. Senate Blocks Drive for Gun Control, New York Times, April 17, 2013

Fierce Floor Debate Ahead On Military Sexual Assault Proposals, ABC News, November 20, 2013

5. Statement by Senator Tom Harkin on the Reform of the Filibuster,, January 24, 2013

6. Nina Pillard Nomination for D.C. Circuit Advances, Legal Times, September 19, 2013

Cry of the Republican Male Senator, Slate, July 25, 2013

Scary Feminist Nominated for Federal Judgeship; Conservatives Flip Out, Jezebel, July 24, 2013

Sen. Brown and Portman: Stop military rape

From: Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet

The Senate is about to vote on a proposal to take military rape cases out of the chain of command and finally get justice for survivors. Can you call Sens. Brown and Portman and ask them to pass the Military Justice Improvement Act?

Sen. Brown – (202) 224-2315
Sen. Portman – (202) 224-3353

Dear Readers:

Right now is our big chance to stop the epidemic of rape in the military and finally get justice for survivors.

This week, the Senate will vote on Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-NY) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would take military sexual assault cases out of the chain of command.1 That means that decisions about these cases will be made by an independent, objective military justice system–not commanding officers.

Momentum for Sen. Gillibrand’s proposal, called the Military Justice Improvement Act, has been growing and the bill has support from Republicans and Democrats. But it also faces resistance from some members of the military brass, and it’s being .2

Your senators, Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman, will be key votes on this amendment, and they need to hear from you right away. Can you call Sens. Brown and Portman and tell them to stand up for survivors of military sexual assault? Ask them to support Sen. Gillibrand’s amendment to the NDAA.

Here’s where to call:

Sen. Brown – (202) 224-2315
Sen. Portman – (202) 224-3353
Then, please report your call here, so we can track our progress together.

Here are some points you can make on your call:

– The military should be a place that is safe for the men and women who are willing to give their lives for their country. They deserve better.

– The Gillibrand bill creates an independent, objective, and non-biased system of military justice. It leaves commanders with the tools they need to maintain good order and discipline.

– Both survivors and military brass say the current system has failed. Survivors and many retired military leaders support the Military Justice Improvement Act.

Military sexual assault is a national crisis. The Pentagon estimates that 26,000 service members were sexually assaulted in the military last year. That’s up from 19,000 the year before. But only 3,000 incidents were reported.3 This has to stop.

It’s time to take oversight and prosecution of military sexual assault cases out of the chain of command. Will you ask Sens. Brown and Portman to vote for the Sen. Gillibrand’s amendment and help military sexual assault survivors get justice?

Call Sens. Brown and Portman and tell them to vote for the Military Justice Improvement Act.

Thanks for speaking out,

-Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Malinda, Adam, Gabriela, and Karin, the Ultraviolet team


1. Gillibrand ready for next fight over sexual assault reforms, MSNBC, November 17. 2013

2. Retired U.S. Military Officers Who Support The Military Justice Improvement Act, Senator Gillibrand

Veteran & Women’s Groups Supporting the Military Justice Improvement Act, Senator Gillibrand

3. Sexual Assaults in Military Raise Alarm in Washington, New York Times, May 7, 2103


From: Ouko joachim omolo
The News Dispatch with Omolo Beste

The Vatican ambassador to the U.S., Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has sent a signal to American bishops at their first national meeting since Pope Francis was elected, that the new president of the U.S. Bishops’ conference should not “follow a particular ideology” and should make Roman Catholics feel more welcome in church.

Addressing the bishops during their meeting at Baltimore, which is also to elect new president, Vigano did not only emphasize on the challenges from broader society to Christian teaching but also cautioned that the bishops’ witness to faith would be undermined if they failed to live simply.

They are to be pastors and not ideologues. This is indirectly indicating to the bishops that they should work towards a laborious process of reshaping the hierarchy to meet the pope’s dramatic shift in priorities.

Almost since his election in March, Francis has signaled that he wants the church to strike a “new balance” by focusing on the poor and on social justice concerns and not overemphasizing opposition to hot-button topics like abortion and contraception and gay marriage.

In a September interview, Francis said Catholic leaders should give greater emphasis to compassion, arguing the church’s focus on abortion, marriage and contraception has been too narrow and alienating.

Under New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, dozens of Catholic charities and dioceses, along with evangelical colleges and others, are suing the Obama administration over a requirement that employers provide health insurance that includes contraceptive coverage. The issue is expected to reach the Supreme Court.

The fact that the opening of the U.S. bishops’ annual fall assembly Monday morning was marked by noted changes in tone and emphasis for the prelates, who have focused extensively in the last two years on a fight against the Obama administration’s implementation of the health care law, is an indication that U.S. bishops are now saying that Obama was right in his health scheme.

Although Cardinal Dolan, who is stepping down this week after three years as the conference’s president, barely mentioned that fight in his presidential address, instead focusing on the issue of religious freedom globally, is a sign that Dolan is still nor happy with Obama’s scheme despite its massive support.

The affordable care act was signed into law to reform the healthcare industry by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 and upheld by the Supreme Court on June 28, 2012. ObamaCare’s goal is to give more Americans access to affordable, quality health insurance, and to reduce the growth in health care spending in the U.S.

The care act expands the affordability, quality, and availability of private and public health insurance through consumer protections, regulations, subsidies, taxes, insurance exchanges, and other reforms.

Up to 82% of nearly 16 million uninsured young U.S. adults will qualify for cost assistance or Medicaid through Obamacare’s marketplaces. This has been opposed by insurance companies who see it as a threat to their businesses.

Already 54 million Americans with private health insurance have access to preventive services with no cost sharing due to the new minimum standards of Obama Care. The care reduces the growth in healthcare spending. The current $2.8 trillion U.S. healthcare system costs almost $9k a year for every man, woman, and child.

Quoting extensively from Pope Paul VI, Viganò urged the American bishops to be witnesses rather than teachers, mentioning a meeting he had with Pope Francis in June, Viganò said the new pope told him that he wants pastoral bishops. Not bishops who profess a particular ideology.”

Viganò also quoted from Francis’ meeting this summer with bishops in Brazil, where the pontiff said, “The church is never uniformity but diversity harmonized in unity, and this is true for every ecclesial reality.” “We should also ask ourselves today a question posed by Pope Francis to the bishops of Brazil,” Viganò pointed out.

Viganò’s references to Francis’ style and tone were not the only ones Monday morning.

Francis was cited and quoted several more times as the bishops moved on to other agenda items, particularly discussions of the Vatican’s request for wide input on a planned global meeting of bishops on the family called for next October and how to address poverty in their strategic planning document.

Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, the secretary of the Synod of Bishops, asked bishops’ conferences in an Oct. 18 letter to distribute the questionnaire “immediately” and “as widely as possible.”

U.S. Catholic bishops will choose new leaders at an assembly in Baltimore this week and possibly signal a new direction for the American church under the influence of Pope Francis.

All eyes will be on whether the new leaders of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops continue vigorous opposition to Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate, or increase their push to help the poor and immigrants given Pope Francis’ emphasis on social justice issues.

In an interview with a Jesuit journal published in September, Pope Francis said the church cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and contraception, and must become more merciful or risk falling “like a house of cards.”

The conference broke with tradition in 2010, electing the outspoken conservative Dolan to a three-year term as president of the U.S. bishops. It is speculated that Dolan’s former vice president Gerald Kicanas of Tucson, Arizona, who was seen by some as more moderate could be elected president.

However, conference observers believe bishops will follow tradition this time and choose the current vice president, Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky. Kurtz is viewed as a reliable conservative who is well liked and effective.

Fr Joachim Omolo Ouko, AJ
Tel +254 7350 14559/+254 722 623 578
Facebook-omolo beste
Real change must come from ordinary people who refuse to be taken hostage by the weapons of politicians in the face of inequality, racism and oppression, but march together towards a clear and unambiguous goal.

-Anne Montgomery, RSCJ
UN Disarmament
Conference, 2002

USA: They’re only hearing from haters

From: “Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet”

Right-wing groups are trying to block an amazing, pro-woman lawyer from becoming a judge on an important court. Tell the Senate: confirm Nina Pillard!

Dear Readers:

This week is our last chance to get a pro-woman, pro-choice judge confirmed to one of the most important and influential courts in the country.

President Obama nominated a superhero–Nina Pillard–to be a judge on the DC Circuit Court. No really, she truly is a superhero, with a history of fighting injustices against women–and winning. She argued before the Supreme Court nine times, including upholding the Family and Medical Leave Act and ending the Virginia Military Institute’s exclusion of women. She’s been a lawyer for the Justice Department, ACLU, and NAACP.1

But right-wing groups like the Family Research Council are raising a ruckus, trying to get the Senate to block Pillard’s nomination because they don’t like her positions on abortion and abstinence-only sex ed.2 If their voices are the only ones senators hear, Pillard might not become a judge.

Senator Harry Reid is expected to call for a vote on Pillard’s nomination as early as Tuesday and some moderate Republican senators are on the fence about how they’ll vote.3 We have to show our support right away if we want her to be confirmed. Will you sign the petition asking the Senate to confirm Nina Pillard and put a great judge on an important court bench?

Sign the petition.

In the fight for women’s rights, judges have a HUGE influence. Most recently, 3 female judges appointed by George W. Bush reinstated Texas’s sweeping abortion ban that’s closing clinics across the state.4 Judges who are more concerned with pushing an ideological agenda than good law are hurting women.

But it’s not just Texans who have to worry. Another George W. Bush-appointed judge on the DC Circuit Court–the very court Pillard is nominated for–authored an opinion saying religious employers can ignore federal birth control coverage rules. The judge has also called the New Deal a “socialist revolution” and likened Social Security to intergenerational cannibalism.5

Pillard’s nomination won’t just bring balance to the DC Circuit Court, it’s also critical for the court to function. There are currently 3 vacancies on the court which only has 11 seats.6 The DC Circuit hears cases on federal regulations–everything from environmental rules to labor policy. That’s why the DC Circuit Court is considered second in power only to the Supreme Court. Four of the current nine Supreme Court justices served on the DC Circuit Court.7

We can’t let ultra-conservative voices like the Family Research Council be the only ones senators hear from about Nina Pillard. It’s critical that we get such an amazing pro-woman, pro-choice superhero appointed as a judge if we want women’s rights to keep progressing. Will you sign the petition asking the Senate to stop the filibuster and confirm Pillard?

Add your name.

Thanks for all you do.

–Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Malinda, Adam, and Gabriela, the UltraViolet team


1. Nina Pillard Nomination for D.C. Circuit Advances, Legal Times, September 19, 2013

Cry of the Republican Male Senator, Slate, July 25, 2013

2. Scary Feminist Nominated for Federal Judgeship; Conservatives Flip Out, Jezebel, July 24, 2013

3. Can You Be Openly Pro-Choice And A Federal Judge? We’ll Find Out Next Week, Think Progress, November 7, 2013

4. BREAKING: Three Bush-Appointed Judges Reinstate Texas’ Anti-Abortion Law, Think Progress, October 31, 2013

5. What You Need To Know About The Severely Conservative Judge Who Just Ruled Against Birth Control, Think Progress, November 1, 2013

6. Republicans Push Back On Obama's D.C. Court Nominees, NPR, September 19, 2013

7. Ibid.

Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way.
visit here

USA: This is heartbreaking

From: “Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet”

Senator Lindsey Graham is introducing an extremely cruel and inhumane abortion ban bill in the Senate. Sign the petition telling the Senate: no more attacks on women, block Graham’s bill!

Dear Readers:

Extreme conservatives in the Senate are about to introduce a sweeping ban on abortion. Here’s one family who’s already been hurt by this type of law:

Danielle and Robb Deaver were “over the moon” about Danielle’s pregnancy until her water broke at 22 weeks. They were heartbroken to learn their baby would not develop further or survive, but that heartbreak was compounded when doctors told them they couldn’t end their nightmare and induce labor because their state bans abortion after 20 weeks. Doctors had to wait for Danielle to get sick or for the baby to die before they could do anything. When baby Elizabeth was finally born, she survived for only 15 minutes.1

Senator Lindsey Graham is planning to introduce a national bill this week that criminalizes abortions after 20 weeks.2 When politicians introduce these inhumane bans on abortions, they are tying the hands of doctors who want to help couples like the Deavers. Less than 2% of abortions occur after 20 weeks, and many of them are for heartbreaking reasons that no one should ever have to face.3

Texas, North Dakota, and Arkansas have all passed 20-week abortion bans this year, and so has the House in Congress.4 If we don’t make a stand against Sen. Graham’s bill in the Senate, more states will be emboldened to pass these inhumane laws. We have to make sure that conservatives everywhere know we won’t stand for this.

Tell the Senate: You have no right to legislate our medical decisions. Enough with the attacks on women. Block Graham’s inhumane and extreme abortion ban bill.

Add your name to the petition.

Extreme attempts to criminalize abortion after 20 weeks aren’t new. Multiple states have already passed such laws, including Texas most recently. But Sen. Graham’s bill is unconstitutional, and it directly contradicts Roe v. Wade. A federal appeals court threw out Arizona’s ban in May. Courts have also overturned similar laws in Idaho and Georgia.5

What’s worse are the heartbreaking stories of women who needed to abort their much-wanted pregnancies after 20 weeks. We received some of these stories during the battle in Texas from UltraViolet members. There was Kathy, a military wife with 3 college degrees and already a mother of 2 wonderful boys. At the 20-week ultrasound for her 3rd baby, the doctors found a severe case of spina bifida, “the worst they had ever seen.” She and her husband chose to terminate for the sake of their family. Kathy wrote that she still grieves but knows it was the right choice.

Doctors are also speaking out against these extreme bills. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has resoundingly opposed such legislation and told politicians to get out of their exam rooms.6

These extreme bills are not about women’s health or the lives of healthy babies. They are not about good and safe medicine. They are about extreme politicians who think they know better than women and our doctors about what’s right for our families. We need to make a national stand against this inhumane extremism.

Tell the Senate: stop your attacks on women and our families; stop Graham’s extreme abortion ban bill.

Sign the petition.

Thanks for speaking out.

–Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Malinda, Adam, and Gabriela, the UltraViolet team


1. Danielle and Robb's Story, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland YouTube, March 5, 2011

2. Lindsey Graham Will Put 20-Week Abortion Ban Before Senate: Report, Huffington Post, November 1, 2013

3. Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States, Guttmacher Institute, August 2011

Who Has an Abortion After 20 Weeks?, Slate, July 11, 2013

4. Restricts Abortion After Specific Gestational Age, Guttmacher Institute, October 1, 2013

5. House Republican Calls Nationwide Abortion Ban Vote ‘Staggering Stupidity’, Think Progress, June 13, 2013

6. Ob-Gyns Denounce Texas Abortion Legislation, The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, July 2, 2013

Want to support our work? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way.
visit here

USA: Hillary running….away from Obama

From: Judy Miriga

Good People,

I dont think Hillary did any good to Foreign Diplomacy more specifically to Africa. During Bill Clinton and Bush Administration, there was seen the worse growing situation of Pirating, mushrooming of Militia Groups, Foreign Currency Laundering and trafficking, Drug and child prostitution trafficking, Serious irregular Proliferation of Arm, Forced evictions for Land Grabbing, massacres, atrocities and genocide in Africa………and the same was seen evidently gaining momentum during Hilary Clinton’s time in office. Show-Cases are seen in the Liberia-Taylor’s genocide massacre and the Video of “Butt-Naked” explains it all the pain of human destruction ………the same with M23 and Al-Shabaab networking rooting in East Africa and doing the unthinkables with Kagame and Museveni who are friends of family and home of Clinton’s Foundations.

It is sad that the Clintons have said and done nothing to-date about M23 and Congo massacre.

Since John Kerry took over, atleast, the Milita groups from Somalia and M23 from Rwanda but holed up in Congo Land is close to be decimated and wiped out completely, and Al-Shabaab are on their heels. Results of John Kerry’s work with that of Hillary Clinton in comparisons sees that, atleast the work of John Kerry is bearing fruits. It is also sad that, the Clintons did not make any effort to recognize or honor the struggle of Mama Winnie Mandela to bring change and have her husband Nelson Mandela to be released from Jail and save South Africa from Apartheid rule.

This woman, Winnie Mandela is the face and pride of struggle to free Africans from oppression and extinct. If other people who have done the unthinkable have been left scott free like Kagame and Museveni genocide with atrocities of their people with pains and sufferings of Congo People, why marginalize and segregate Winnie Mandela who fought and struggled to free Nelson Mandela and the freedom which the whole of South Africa Africans now enjoy? What is so discriminative about the gains of her struggle for Africa’s justice………???

I dont understand why Hillary is now on heat and is in a hurry to take position back in Obama Administration to replace Joe Biden.

In my wildest dreams, President Obama is better off with less troubles having Joe Biden than with Hillary Clinton and it is because, I don’t think Hillary likes Obama. Her running away from Obama was noticeable way back, long before she was still in the office and it is the reason why, since leaving the White House, she has been tied to the lingering controversy over Benghazi which she was not able to provide satisfying report. She should let Obama finish his term at peace with dignity to save the disadvantaged of America people and put America on the pillar to save the world from destroying each other.


Less than a year removed from her old job, Hillary Clinton’s popularity has fallen from its once-lofty heights, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll out this week. In that recent poll, 46 percent of adults expressed a favorable opinion of Clinton, while 33 percent viewed her unfavorably. All told, that means Clinton’s net favorability had fallen an astounding 18 points since the start of the year.

America is the pinnacle power of the world where Africa is the central value for wealth supply resource which the world urgently need for its Technology transfer and innovation and which is the reason for the scramble for Land in the Emerging World Markets……..but organization to regulate the same resource supply is essentially fundamental; where security, peace and unity for common good of all is guaranteed so all people have opportunity to survive and provide for their livelihood in a shared dignified manner.

We all want good life and it is essential and basic to appreciate each other in existence and to be fair sharing in love the gifts of God and in the exchange of our engagement in diversity…..”Give and Take” under mutual respect and honor……..This is because, Unity in Harmony shall be guaranteed for all our happiness ………

It Can Be Done People…..!!!

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

– – – – – – – – – –

The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia (Full Length Documentary)

Published on Jun 13, 2012
VICE travels to West Africa to rummage through the messy remains of a country ravaged by 14 years of civil war. Despite the United Nation’s eventual intervention, most of Liberia’s young people continue to live in abject poverty, surrounded by filth, drug addiction, and teenage prostitution. The former child soldiers who were forced into war have been left to fend for themselves, the murderous warlords who once led them in cannibalistic rampages have taken up as so-called community leaders, and new militias are lying in wait for the opportunity to reclaim their country from a government they rightly mistrust.
Replace Biden with Hillary Clinton? No way, White House says

By Olivier Knox, Yahoo News November 1, 2013 3:25 PM

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (L) stands with President Barack Obama as he announces Jeh Johnson to be …]

Did President Barack Obama’s top re-election campaign officials consider replacing Vice President Joe Biden with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton? Not seriously, the White House insisted on Friday.

“What I can tell you without a doubt is that the president never considered that, and had anyone brought that idea to him he would have laughed it out of the room,” press secretary Jay Carney told reporters.

The Clinton-for-Biden swap talk is one of the more eye-popping claims in the campaign-centered “Double Down: Game Change 2012.” The book contends that senior strategists for the president’s re-election campaign conducted extensive focus-group tests and polling on the matter in late 2011 when it seemed the president risked losing his bid for a second term.

“Campaigns, and pollsters as part of campaigns, test a lot of things,” Carney insisted. “I mean, they poll and focus-group on what you have for breakfast.”

Carney, a former spokesman for the vice president, said Biden “has been an asset to this president in two campaigns and throughout five years of this administration.”

“Whether it was handling the implementation of the Recovery Act, handling the very sensitive and important portfolio of Iraq in the first term or his key role in working with Congress on some very important negotiations, Joe Biden has been an excellent partner, in the president’s view,” Carney said.

The Obama team also leaned on Biden as a key political surrogate. During both the 2008 and 2012 campaigns, Biden was often deployed to swing states to speak to white working-class voters who were less receptive to Obama himself.

“And then as a candidate, I think if you look at the role he played in 2012 and you look at the job he did in his debate, I think there is little doubt that he was an enormous asset to the entire cause and enterprise,” Carney added. “If you look back at 2012 and you look at that moment in the campaign when the vice president had his debate, it was a key moment. And Joe Biden delivered of the ticket. I think there’s no question about that.”

And then, perhaps because the White House doesn’t want to be seen as playing favorites ahead of the 2016 presidential race, Carney lavishly praised Clinton.

“You all know that he believes that Hillary Clinton did a magnificent job as secretary of state. He believes he made the right choice in running mate. He made the right choice in secretary of state,” the spokesman said.

So did Biden know about the focus groups and the polling?

“I’m not aware that he was aware of it,” Carney said.

Hillary running….away from Obama
Published: Friday, 1 Nov 2013 | 1:41 PM ET
By: Ben White | POLITICO’s Chief Economic Correspondent and CNBC Contributor

[image Adam Jeffery | CNBC
Hillary Clinton speaks at the 2013 Clinton Global Initiative in New York.

President Barack Obama’s approval rating hit a new low this week as fallout from the disastrous health care rollout mounted.

The plummeting job rating could limit the president’s ability to get much done the last three years of his term. But it has even bigger ramifications for the most prominent Democrat who hopes to succeed him in 2016: Hillary Clinton.

Clinton is clearly aware of this problem and taking early steps to run not as Obama’s successor but as his antidote, a pragmatic, business friendly moderate who will ease the constant partisan strife in Washington and focus all her energy on creating jobs and growing the economy.

The signs of her early efforts to move away from Obama are subtle but unmistakable. As Philip Rucker noted in The Washington Post this week, Clinton’s recent speeches, along with those of her husband, former President Bill Clinton, tend to roast everyone in Washington for creating a climate corrosive to economic expansion.

Both Clintons train most of their rhetorical fire on Republicans. But their message extends to the entirety of the Washington power structure, which tacitly includes Obama.

“We are careening from crisis to crisis instead of having a plan, bringing people to that plan, focusing on common-sense solutions and being relentless in driving toward them,” Hillary Clinton said at the Center for American Progress last week in a speech that could easily have come from a corporate CEO.

The movement away from Obama is also clear in Clinton’s relationship with financial industry leaders in New York.

Obama still turns up in Manhattan for fundraising events he detests. But Wall Street long ago gave up on the idea of having any real relationship with or influence on the president, who spent a good bit of time ripping financial executives as “fat cats” standing in the way of reform. Obama has also shown more interest in what elite opinion columnists have to say than he has in listening to corporate executives.

Day 1 of Obamacare: Only 6 enrollments

CNBC’s Eamon Javers reports the low Obamacare enrollment numbers due to CMS failures.

Clinton, for her part, gave not one but two speeches at Goldman Sachs events in the last two weeks. She was well-paid for her time but showing up at all suggests she will not run away from the financial sector, or corporate America more broadly, in 2016.

Talk to anyone on Wall Street—even Republicans who strongly supported Mitt Romney—and there is a palpable hunger for the kind of message Clinton is now delivering.

And she obviously drew lessons from her own disastrous attempts at health-care reform in 1993 and 1994 and has jettisoned her more progressive instincts for a cooler pragmatic approach.

There is certainly a chance that Obama is only suffering a temporary decline following weeks of bad headlines on Syria, NSA leaks and now the health care problems, which include the incontrovertible fact that the president said people could keep their plans and now millions cannot.

The president has the benefit that Republicans are currently held in even lower regard than he is following the government shutdown and debt ceiling crisis. And there is a long time between now and when the Democratic primary process begins in late 2015.

But the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showed an intense public disregard for everyone in Washington, and there is little to suggest things will improve much in the next couple years assuming divided government continues after the 2014 midterm elections.

So Hillary Clinton may wind up moving away from Obama in 2016 and doing what Al Gore refused to do in 2000: run for Bill Clinton’s third term.

—By Ben White, POLITICO’s chief economic correspondent and a CNBC contributor. White also authors the daily tip sheet POLITICO Morning Money []

Hillary hired alleged fly-by-night firm for Benghazi consulate security

November 2, 2013
The U.S. Department of State’s former Secretary Hillary Clinton hired an inexperienced and virtually unknown foreign company to protect the U.S. mission in Benghazi with a force of nearly 50,000 guards, according to documents obtained by an “Inside the Beltway” public interest organization and released on Friday.

According to Judicial Watch, a group that investigates and exposes government corruption, the cost for the security firm’s services cost U.S. taxpayers only $794,264.

Several U.S. media outlets have reported an estimated amount of between $783,000 and $783,284 based on “miscellaneous” federal contract data, but the exact figure had not been disclosed until Judicial Watch revealed the true cost.

In fact, the Benghazi security deal was not listed as part of the large master State Department contract that covers protection for overseas embassies, according to Reuters.

“What surprises me is the fact that the contract was out-sourced to a foreign company without a peep from the media, but then again it’s not that surprising since the news business is so corrupt when it comes to aiding and abetting Obama’s cover-ups,” said former police lieutenant Anthony Borellino, who is now an operations director for a security firm in the U.S.

Judicial Watch obtained these latest files as part of an ongoing investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack and subsequent cover-up by the Obama administration. On September 11, 2012 Islamic jihadists raided the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the first diplomat to be killed overseas in decades, and three other Americans were murdered in the violent incident.

According to an Examiner news story, during the long-anticipated testimony by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee regarding the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Banghazi, Libya, Senate Democrats repeatedly referred to a report that blames the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies — but not the White House — for the misinformation allegedly contained in talking points that explained the details of the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate diplomatic in Benghazi, Libya.

“The Obama administration has worked hard to keep details of the attack—and the negligence that led to it—from the American public, but JW has gone to court and filed a number of public records requests to expose the truth. JW has also published two in-depth special reports on Benghazi, the last one on the first anniversary of the terrorist attack,” said Judicial Watch analysts in their report.

These latest documents obtained by Judicial Watch includes the actual security services contract between the Obama State Department and the untested, but cut-rate, British firm, Blue Mountain Group. The deal was for only one year and the contract called for specific requirements such as security officers performing foot patrols, package inspections, contingency and mobilization planning.

The total consulate security force consisted of 45,880, with an additional 1,376 guards for “emergency services,” according to the contract. The contract also included payment for one security vehicle and 12 radio networks.

The security officers were responsible for protecting U.S. government personnel, facilities and equipment from damage or loss, the contract states.

“The local guard force shall prevent unauthorized access; protect life; maintain order; deter criminal attacks against employees; dependents and property terrorist acts against all U.S. assets and prevent damage to government property,” stated the U.S.-Blue Mountain agreement.

“Clearly the firm failed miserably to fulfill its contractual obligation,” stated Judicial Watch staff.

Why would the Obama administration hire this obscure and unproven British firm to protect American interests in a dangerous North African country long known to be infested with terrorists? British government sources cited in a national news story revealed that even they were unfamiliar with Blue Mountain and in fact the British government uses a different—certainly more competent—security company to provide protection at their own diplomatic mission in Libya.

It’s not like the State Department wasn’t aware of the eminent dangers in Benghazi. In fact, a scathing report recently issued by an independent panel of security and intelligence experts discloses that the State Department has long known that weak security at American embassies and consulates worldwide could result in a tragedy like Benghazi yet senior officials did nothing to correct security deficiencies.

“Benghazi was simply the latest in a long string of security failures that date back more than a decade,” according to Judicial Watch.

“What I find hard to believe is the news media’s love affair with this female ’empty suit.’ What has Hillary Clinton done in her career that warrants serious consideration for the presidency? Can someone please give the American people just one real achievement — not long-winded speeches — something substantial that Mrs. Clinton did during her years as a senator and secretary of state?” asks political consultant Michael Baker.

Hillary Clinton Excited To Call Clinton Foundation ‘My Home’

By KEN THOMAS 06/13/13 11:43 PM ET EDT

CHICAGO — As she considers another White House bid, Hillary Rodham Clinton intends to work in the nonprofit world on issues like improving early childhood education, promoting the rights of women and girls, and finding ways to improve the economy – a set of priorities that could inform a 2016 presidential campaign.

The former secretary of state offered her most extensive description of her post-Obama administration agenda on Thursday since leaving her role as the nation’s top diplomat, basking in loud applause from admirers at a Clinton Global Initiative meeting in Chicago. The former first lady, a longtime advocate for women and children, said the foundation would serve as “my home” on a set of public policy initiatives close to her heart.

“What I think we have to be about is working together, overcoming the lines that divide us, this partisan, cultural, geographic (divide). Building on what we know works, we can take on any challenge we confront,” Clinton said. Reflecting the entire family’s involvement, the foundation has been renamed the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Clinton’s speech at the start of a two-day annual conference touched on themes that could be part of a future Democratic presidential campaign, with the former New York senator stressing the need for private and public partnerships to tackle issues like economic and educational inequality. She said climate change, “financial contagion” and nuclear proliferation were “too complex and cross-cutting” for any one government to solve alone.

“This can’t just be a conversation about Washington. We all need to do our part,” she said.

As secretary of state, Clinton avoided delving too deeply into domestic policy but signaled a desire to become re-engaged in pocketbook issues important to Americans. Pointing to efforts by a teachers’ union and others to improve conditions in rural West Virginia, she said economic inequality was “not limited to one county in West Virginia. There are too many places in our own country where community institutions are crumbling, social and public health indicators are cratering and jobs are coming apart and communities face the consequences.”

Clinton has emphasized similar issues in the past. In her 1996 book “It Takes a Village,” she discussed the importance of collaboration between families and community groups to help children thrive. As a presidential candidate, she was popular with many blue-collar workers whose wages had remained stagnant even as the economy flourished for many Americans.

As secretary of state under President Barack Obama, she promoted a number of initiatives to improve the standing of women and girls in developing nations. She said that work would continue at the foundation, both here and abroad.

Clinton capped off the day by offering criticism of the so-called sequester, telling supporters of a nonprofit organization that funds epilepsy research that the forced spending cuts would lead to $1.7 billion in reductions to the National Institutes of Health budget, meaning fewer researcher grants and jobs for scientists. She urged “citizen action” to raise awareness about the effects of the cuts but did not direct the criticism at Obama or congressional Republicans.

Democrats said Clinton had supported many of these social and political issues in the past and cautioned not to read too much into her priorities. “I’d imagine she’ll work on them till the day she retires, if she ever does retire. Whether she’ll try to do this work from 1600 Pennsylvania, who knows?” said Jill Alper, a Michigan-based Democratic strategist.

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, a longtime friend of the Clintons, said at the conference that he was sure she would “figure out what she wants to do in the future and we all look forward to hearing about it.”

Clinton noted that as secretary of state she visited 112 nations – “I’m still jet-lagged,” she joked – and had learned several lessons during her travels. Regardless of someone’s circumstances or homeland, “what people wanted was a good job,” she said. Her time abroad taught her that the United States’ greatest advantage was its “freedom, equality and opportunity,” and said she learned that the U.S. could overcome any challenges and divisions.

She did not address recent criticism from Republicans over her handling of the deadly attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, last September. She did not address a recent report that said misconduct complaints against American diplomats were improperly halted by senior State Department officials while she was at the State Department. The State Department’s internal watchdog has asked outside law enforcement experts to review the cases.

Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, said he was glad that she was joining him at the foundation. He credited her for teaching him about the work of nongovernmental organizations, pointing to the early years of her career at the Children’s Defense Fund.

The conference included sessions led by the former president; the couple’s daughter, Chelsea; Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew and actress Eva Longoria. New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie, a potential 2016 White House contender, was joining the former president on stage Friday for a session titled “Cooperation and Collaboration: A Conversation on Leadership,” a nod to Christie’s embrace of a bipartisan mantle as he seeks re-election in his Democratic-leaning home state this year.

For the former first lady, who grew up in suburban Chicago, the speech served as one of her most public forays since departing the administration. She has delivered a number of private speeches around the country and is writing a book about her time at the State Department but offered little indication on whether she’ll run for president again. She remains the heavy favorite within the party to succeed Obama, and Republicans have begun dissecting her record.

It also brought supporters of both the Clintons and the Obama teams together in the president’s hometown, including Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, longtime Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett and Lew, who served as Obama’s chief of staff and also served in the Clinton White House.

Mrs. Clinton was honored Thursday night at a dinner on Chicago’s Navy Pier sponsored by a nonprofit organization founded by former Obama senior adviser David Axelrod and his wife, Susan, and other parents to promote research into epilepsy.

As first lady, Clinton helped organize a White House conference on epilepsy in 1999. She urged the audience, which included many of Obama’s top donors, to continue to push hard to find a cure to the disease.

Foreigners gave millions to Clinton foundation

Donor list heavy with international business leaders and billionaires

updated 12/18/2008 3:44:09 PM ET2008-12-18T20:44:09

WASHINGTON — Former President Bill Clinton’s foundation has raised at least $46 million from Saudi Arabia and other foreign governments that his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton may end up negotiating with as the next secretary of state.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gave $10 million to $25 million to the William J. Clinton Foundation, a nonprofit created by the former president to finance his library in Little Rock, Ark., and charitable efforts to reduce poverty and treat AIDS. Other foreign government givers include Norway, Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei, Oman, Italy and Jamaica. The Dutch national lottery gave $5 million to $10 million.

The Blackwater Training Center donated $10,001 to $25,000. The State Department — to be led by Hillary Clinton if she is confirmed — will have to decide next year whether to renew Blackwater Worldwide’s contract to protect U.S. diplomats in Iraq. Five Blackwater guards have been indicted by a U.S. grand jury on manslaughter and weapons charges stemming from a September 2007 firefight in Baghdad’s Nisoor Square in which 17 Iraqis died.

The foundation disclosed the names of its 205,000 donors on a Web site Thursday, ending a decade of resistance to identifying the sources of its money. While the list is heavy with international business leaders and billionaires, some 12,000 donors gave $10 or less.

Clinton agreed to release the information after concerns emerged that his extensive international fundraising and business deals could conflict with America’s interests if his wife became Obama’s top diplomat. The foundation has insisted for years that it was under no legal obligation to identify its contributors, contending that many expected confidentiality when they donated.

The list also underscores ties between the Clintons and India, a connection that could complicate diplomatic perceptions of whether Hillary Clinton can be a neutral broker between India and neighbor Pakistan in a region where President-elect Barack Obama will face an early test of his foreign policy leadership.

Video: Vetting Bill Clinton The former president did not release specific totals for each donor, providing only ranges of giving. Nor did he identify individual contributors’ occupations or countries of residence.

Donors gave Clinton’s foundation at least $492 million from its inception in 1997 through last year, according to the most recent figures available.

After negotiations with Obama’s transition team, Clinton promised to reveal the contributors, submit future foundation activities and paid speeches to an ethics review, step away from the day-to-day operation of his annual charitable conference and inform the State Department about new sources of income and speeches.

Representatives of the foundation, including CEO Bruce Lindsay and attorney Cheryl Mills, and aides to Hillary Clinton met privately Wednesday with staff of incoming Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry of Massachusetts and ranking Republican Dick Lugar of Indiana to discuss the foundation’s activities and review a memorandum of understanding drawn up by the Clinton and Obama teams.

Video: Vetting the Clintons The Foreign Relations Committee will hold hearings and vote on Hillary Clinton’s nomination before sending it to the full Senate. Shortly after Obama tapped Clinton, Lugar said he would support her, though he said there would still be “legitimate questions” raised about the former president’s extensive international involvement.

Other political news of note

Getty Images
Gingrich: ‘Hope’ key to progress for GOP
Updated 12 minutes ago 8/14/2013 9:35:58 PM +00:00

Newt Gingrich has a message for Republicans: Stop being so negative, and start talking about ideas – including alternatives to President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul.

“I don’t know how, given all of our ethics standards now, anyone quite measures up to this — who has such cosmic ties,” Lugar said.

Some of the donors have extensive ties to Indian interests that could prove troubling to Pakistan. Tensions between the two nuclear nations are high since last month’s deadly terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

Amar Singh, a donor in the $1 million to $5 million category, is an Indian politician who played host to Bill Clinton on a visit to India in 2005 and met Hillary Clinton in New York in September to discuss an India-U.S. civil nuclear agreement.

Also in that giving category was Suzlon Energy Ltd. of Amsterdam, a leading supplier of wind turbines. Its chairman is Tulsi R. Tanti, one of India’s wealthiest executives. Tanti announced plans at Clinton’s Global Initiative meeting earlier this year for a $5 billion project to develop environmentally friendly power generation in India and China.

Two other Indian interests gave between $500,000 and $1 million each:

The Confederation of Indian Industry, an industrial trade association.

Dave Katragadda, an Indian capital manager with holdings in media and entertainment, technology, health care and financial services.

Other foreign governments also contributed heavily to the foundation.

AUSAID, the Australian government’s overseas aid program, and COPRESIDA-Secretariado Tecnico, a Dominican Republic government agency formed to fight AIDS, each gave $10 million to $25 million.

Norway gave $5 million to $10 million.
Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei and Oman gave $1 million to $5 million each.

The government of Jamaica and Italy’s Ministry for Environment and Territory gave $50,000 to $100,000 each.

The biggest donations — more than $25 million each — came from two donors.

They are the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, a London-based philanthropic organization founded by hedge fund manager Chris Hohn and his wife Jamie Cooper-Hohn and dedicated to helping children, primarily in Africa and India; and UNITAID, an international drug purchase organization formed by Brazil, France, Chile, Norway and Britain to help provide care for HIV-AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis patients in countries with high disease rates.

The foundation’s donor list is heavy with overseas business interests.

Audi businessman Nasser Al-Rashid gave $1 million to $5 million.

Friends of Saudi Arabia and the Dubai Foundation each gave $1 million to $5 million, as did the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office.

The Swedish Postcode Lottery gave $500,000 to $1 million.

China Overseas Real Estate Development and the U.S. Islamic World Conference gave $250,000 to $500,000 apiece.

The No. 4 person on the Forbes billionaire list, Lakshmi Mittal, the chief executive of international steel company ArcelorMittal, gave $1 million to $5 million. Mittal is a member of the Foreign Investment Council in Kazakhstan, Goldman Sachs’ board of directors and the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council, according to the biography on his corporate Web site.

Among other $1 million to $5 million donors:

Video: What about Bill? Harold Snyder, director for Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, the largest drug company in Israel. His son, Jay T. Snyder, serves on the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, which oversees State Department activities, and served as a senior U.S. adviser to the United Nations, where he worked on international trade and poverty. Jay Snyder donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the foundation.

No. 97 on the Forbes billionaire list, Ethiopian-Saudi business tycoon Sheikh Mohammed H. Al-Amoudi.

Issam Fares, a former deputy prime minister of Lebanon.

Mala Gaonkar Haarman, a partner and managing director at the private investment partnership Lone Pine Capital.

Lukas Lundin, chairman of oil, gas and mining businesses including Tanganyika Oil Company Ltd., an international oil and gas exploration and production company with interests in Syria, and Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd., an investment company that focuses on Russia and other former Soviet republics.

Victor Pinchuk, son-in-law of the former president of Ukraine. Clinton spoke in 2007 at an annual meeting of Yalta European Strategy, a group Pinchuk founded to promote Ukraine joining the European Union.

Video: Bill Clinton bounces back The top ranks of Clinton’s donor list are heavy with longtime Democratic givers, including some who are notable for their staunch support of Israel.

TV producer Haim Saban and his family foundation, who donated between $5 million and $10 million, splits his time between homes in Israel and California. “I’m a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel,” he told The New York Times in 2004.

Slim-Fast diet foods tycoon S. Daniel Abraham, a donor of between $1 million and $5 million, has been a board member of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which promotes Israel’s interests before the U.S. government.

The American Jewish Committee and the United Nations Foundation donated $100,000 to $250,000.

Clinton thanked his donors in a statement for being “steadfast partners in our work to impact the lives of so many around the world in measurable and meaningful ways.”

According to the memorandum negotiated by the foundation and top Obama advisers, Bill Clinton agreed to publish the names of all past and future contributors to his foundation during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.

Video: Clintons smooth way to Obama Cabinet The former president also agreed to step away from direct involvement in the Clinton Global Initiative, an annual charitable conference where businesses and many foreign governments pledge donations to help ameliorate AIDS, poverty and other social ills. He will continue serving as CGI’s founding chairman but will not solicit money or sponsorships. The CGI will cease accepting foreign contributions and will not host events outside the United States.

Clinton started raising money for his library before leaving the White House. Over the years, the Clintons repeatedly refused to identify all the foundation donors, and continued to do so during Hillary Clinton’s 2007-08 presidential campaign.

Names surfaced nonetheless. Several news organizations unearthed foreign-government donors, and in 2001, Bill Clinton turned over a list of 150 top foundation donors to a House committee investigating his pardon of fugitive businessman Marc Rich, whose ex-wife, Denise Rich, gave the library foundation at least $450,000.

USA: Don’t let JPMorgan stick taxpayers with a $4.5 billion tab

From: James Dubick

Dear MoveOn member,

I’m James Dubick of the organization U.S. PIRG, and I started a petition to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, which says:

As you negotiate what is likely to be the largest bank settlement for wrongdoing in U.S. history, please don’t let JPMorgan deduct the settlement from their taxes. If they are allowed to do so, it could stick American taxpayers with a $4.5 billion tab.
Sign James Dubick’s petition

JPMorgan is currently negotiatng a $13 billion settlement with the Department of Justice (DOJ) for mortgage lending abuses they allegedly committed during the housing crisis. However, taxpayers could end up underwriting more than $4.5 billion of that settlement.

That’s because JPMorgan is likely to claim the settlement as a tax deduction. Even though settlements like these are thought of as punishment for corporate wrongdoing, companies claim their settlement costs as tax write-offs all the time. They treat them as just another business expense.

We can’t let that happen. The financial crisis caused by banks’ irresponsible practices landed us in a recession that we’re still struggling to recover from. Taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay any more for JPMorgan’s bad actions.

Tell the Department of Justice not to let JPMorgan take the settlement as a tax write-off.

The Department of Justice has the power to include a provision in JPMorgan’s settlement that prohibits them from taking the settlement as a tax write-off. We just need to convince the DOJ to do the right thing. They’ve done it before, including with one of BP’s settlements for the Gulf oil spill.

The DOJ will be negotiating the final settlement deal with JPMorgan over the next few days, so we must move quickly to make sure the public doesn’t get stuck footing a $4.5 billion tab.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.

–James Dubick

This petition was created on MoveOn’s online petition site, where anyone can start their own online petitions. U.S. PIRG didn’t pay us to send this email—we never rent or sell the list.
Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.


from: Ouko joachim omolo
The News Dispatch with Omolo Beste

This is credible. I have never received many e-mails and Facebook like-as I have received following my dispatch of yesterday entitled: “Our turn to eat that exclude other tribes in Uhuru’s eating camp”. This demonstrates how Kenyans are fed up of democracy based on numbers and tribal favour.

Alex from Awasi, Kisumu County was very practical. He writes: “Father I am a Kalenjin and I do agree with you that after 10 years Uhuru’s people will not allow Ruto to succeed him, just like what late John Michuki said that Kenyans don’t need new constitution because what they wanted was to remove Moi so that the presidency goes back to the house of Mumbi.

My question Father is why did Ruto accept to be used when he would have known the trick best? And Father do- you think if constitution is amended so that we follow American voting system of college vote it will stop rigging in Kenya? Otherwise I indeed like your blog because it an eye opener to blind Kenyans”.

Alex William Ruto knows about these tricks very well than you do. The only reason he settled on Uhuru Kenyatta is not because they have a confluence of vision for Kenya but because of ICC paranoia.

The term paranoia is a thought process heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs, or beliefs of conspiracy concerning a perceived threat towards oneself.

So this paranoia is an important move by Uhuru and Ruto in confronting ICC charges. They use Kenyans as their shield to protect and defend themselves from charges. This exactly what is happening now, they want Kenyans and African Union to defer the case.

Alex even if constitution is amended for president to be declared a winner, not by numbers but popular vote just like what they do in America those who want to stick to power will always find their ways in how to rig themselves in.

In the United States, a system called the Electoral College periodically allows a candidate who receives fewer popular votes to win an election. Electoral votes are based on congressional representation — the sum of senators and representatives. The total is 538, and 270 votes are needed to be elected.

Should there be an electoral vote tie (such as 269-to-269) or no candidate receives a majority of the electoral votes (such as 268-267-3), then the U.S. House of Representatives must go into session immediately to select the President.

The U.S. Constitution limits the House to selecting from the top three Presidential candidates. A candidate must receive an absolute majority of the votes (26) to become the President-elect.

If no candidate for Vice President receives an absolute majority of electoral votes, then the Senate must elect a Vice President. The U.S. Constitution limits the Senate to selecting from the top two Vice Presidential candidates. At least two-thirds of the Senate must be present for balloting to take place.

That system cannot work here in Kenya where the IEBC Servers and the IEBC vote tallying computer system disc-space are completely made to malfunction and collapse failing to respond in correct downtime.

Like in March 4 presidential elections foreign players particularly the West, were accused of crashing the IEBC computer system by deploying the virus through the VPN infrastructure by Safaricom from abroad.

The number of rejected votes when the IEBC was using the electronic tallying system was nearly 300,000 at the 5million total votes cast mark, a very significant number that makes a case in the total vote cast.

When IEBC took up the manual tallying system the total number of rejected votes was 39000 at the 4.6million total votes cast mark, this is a disturbing significant decline in the electronic figures compared to the manual figures.

Deployment of viruses from secure computers to network servers was reported by Strategic Intelligence where Western spy agents deployed Red-October to mine vital data from government computer systems and data bases.

Viruses/computer bugs are used to mine and manipulate data from computer networks, servers, and computer memory facilities including data-centers, hence can mine crucial data including emails, conversations, and files.

The Petition filed at the Supreme Court of Kenya by Raila Odinga’s lawyers gives a glimpse of how rigging the presidential vote was executed. It alleges that TNA and IEBC outsourced ICT services from Kencall EPZ Limited- specifically web hosting for transmission of vote results from polling centres to their respective national tallying centres at Gatanga road and Bomas of Kenya.Fr Joachim Omolo Ouko, AJ
Tel +254 7350 14559/+254 722 623 578
E-mail omolo.ouko@gmail.comFacebook-omolo beste

Real change must come from ordinary people who refuse to be taken hostage by the weapons of politicians in the face of inequality, racism and oppression, but march together towards a clear and unambiguous goal.
-Anne Montgomery, RSCJ
UN Disarmament
Conference, 2002

OBAMA differs with RAILA – UHURU/ RUTO were democratically elected on – US will support ICC deferral.

From: maina ndiritu

Thursday October 24, 2013 – US President, Barrack Obama, on Wednesday differed with his “cousin”, Raila Odinga, by saying President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto were democratically elected during the March 4th elections.

Through statement dispatched by US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Linda Greenfield, on Wednesday, Obama said he is aware of Uhuru and Ruto’s case at the International Criminal Court (ICC) saying his government will support the deferral of the cases to allow the two leaders perform their constitutional duties to Kenyans.

“We are aware of the Kenyans’ concerns over the ICC issue and we are in talks with the Kenyan Government,” Greenfield said.

Greenfield said though the US wants justice for victims of the 2007-08 post election violence, Uhuru was voted in democratically in the March 4th general election presenting a rare scenario where a serving President was a suspect in a ICC trial.

The secretary said terrorists usually take advantage when there is a power vacuum and such a situation would not be allowed to befall on Kenya.

Obama’s statement is in total reversal of the hardline stance taken by former US Assistant Secretary of State, Johnnie Carson, who cautioned that the election of Uhuru and William Ruto on March 4th would bear “consequences”.

The US Head of State also differed with Raila Odinga who has been running all over the world saying Uhuru and Ruto were not democratically elected.

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USA: No winners

From: David Simas, The White House
Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 6:25 PM
Subject: No winners

Hello, everyone —

Late Wednesday night, after a 16-day shutdown, the President signed a bill to reopen the government and pay our country’s bills. Today, a government shutdown over delaying or defunding the health care law can no longer hurt our economy. We are no longer facing the threat of default.

While this bipartisan compromise is the right thing to do for the country, there are no winners when Washington keeps hijacking our economy month after month.

Nobody wins when hundreds of thousands of people don’t know when their next paycheck will come. Nobody wins when millions of veterans and seniors risk losing benefits that they’ve paid for, earned, and rely on. Nobody wins when businesses stop hiring and our economy grows slower than it could.

Ultimately, the reason this shutdown ended was simple: Democrats and responsible Republicans got together, recognized that holding the American economy hostage should have no place in our politics, and got the job done. They did what the American people elected them to do.

Today, every American should have a clear sense of where we stand, and where we’re going. Watch the President’s statement yesterday about the end of the shutdown, and then pass it along so that other folks see it, too.

In his remarks, the President asked Congress to focus on finishing three specific policy priorities in the weeks to come.

First, that means passing a budget that invests in the things that will create a better bargain for the middle class — like educating our children, and improving our infrastructure — while continuing to cut our deficit in a balanced way.

Second, it means fixing our broken immigration system so everyone plays by the same rules. The Senate has already passed a bill that would continue to strengthen our borders and grow our economy by bringing millions of undocumented immigrants out of the shadows and give them the chance to earn their citizenship by paying a fine and taxes, passing a background check, and going to the back of the line.

And third, it means passing a farm bill that ranching and farming families can rely on: one that protects working families and gives rural communities opportunities to grow.

We’ll be back in touch soon with more specific ways that every one of us can support this work. But for now, we should all have the facts on exactly what ending this shutdown means for all of us — today, and in the weeks to come.

Take a look at the President’s remarks from yesterday, and pass them along to the folks you think need to see them:

Thanks, and stay tuned.


David Simas
Deputy Senior Advisor
The White House

P.S. — It’s been a while since we’ve talked about immigration reform, and how it would help make our economy a lot better. Let’s change that. Take a look at this whiteboard video our team put together. Then share it.

The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111


From: Ouko joachim omolo
The News Dispatch with Omolo Beste

Kenyan actress based in Hollywood, Lupita Nyong’o will together with the director of the 12 Years a Slave Steve McQueen get an award on October 21. The two are expected to receive the Hollywood Breakout Director Award and New Hollywood Award, respectively at the 17th annual Hollywood Film Awards. Previous recipients of the New Hollywood Award include Robert Pattinson, Gabourey Sidibe, Jennifer Lawrence, Felicity Jones and Quvenzhane Wallis.

Lupita who is Kisumu Senator Prof. Anyang Nyong’o’s daughter stars in the movie alongside Hollywood bigwigs like Chiwetel Ejiofor, Alfre Woodard and Brad Pitt. She plays Patsey, a slave on the Epps plantation. Her other credits include playing Perdita in “The Winter’s Tale”, (Yale Repertory Theater), Sonya in “Uncle Vanya”, Katherine in “The Taming of the Shrew”.

Lupita who is also a graduate of Yale School of Drama’s acting program and also holds a degree in Film and African Studies from Hampshire College, Massachusetts, also a lead actress in the Kenyan TV drama Shuga in 2009. She acted as Ayira, a vivacious college student who loved the high-life. She has also graduated with a degree.

Lupita who was born in Mexico and raised in Kenya makes a brief appearance in the second season – Shuga: Love, Sex, Money, where she was also a co-director. Her other work includes the documentary In My Genes which she wrote, directed and produced. It tells the story of people living with albinism in Kenya. She has worked in the production sets of different movies including the Kenyan-filmed Constant Gardener.

The first trailer of her slave drama made its debut online this week and the Kenyan actress is seen working on a plantation picking cotton with other slaves and at one point coming to the defense of the main character, Solomon Northup, acted by UK-based Chiwetel Ejiofor.

It’s a movie adapted from the autobiography by Solomon Northup, who was a free man but was lured to a well-paying job in the US, kidnapped and sold as a slave in Washington DC in 1841.

Like Lupita, there are also other young, romantic and beautiful Kenyans women who have made us proud. One of them is Miriam Chemmos, a multi-talented Kenyan singer/song-writer and actress living in the United States.

Among the inspiring songs she has released include a new album titled Lovebird. Released on January 7, 2013, Lovebird celebrates love, peace and unity, and is a collection 15 tracks sung in both English and Swahili incorporating a verity of genres – reggae, salsa, hip-hop, rumba, pop, RnB, and soukous.

Miriam was born in Kenya by a Kenyan father and a Tanzanian mother. She spent her childhood between Kenya and Tanzania. She began singing and citing at an early age, and competed at the national drama and music festivals while in high school in Kenya.

In 1998, Miriam moved to Iowa in the US where she studied Theater/Music and Media, and graduated in 2001. After graduation she moved to Washington, DC, where she acted in several regional theatrical shows and also hosted her own radio titled “Retrospect’ on Voice of America. While in Washington, DC she also featured on CBS hit TV series “The District” 2003 and in several independent films such as “Refuge” and “Mirrors”.

In 2004, Miriam moved to New York and landed numerous roles on off-Broadway shows and on print and television modeling jobs. She also became a member of the famous Motown girl musical group “The Marvalletes Revue”. While performing with this group Miriam shared stages with legendary groups such as “The Escorts”, “Kool & The Gang”, and “Soul Generations”.

In 2007 Miriam released a hit single titled “RUDI” that would top charts and countdowns in several radio stations around the world: BBC Radio (UK), SARFM (New York), Voice of America (Washington, DC), Kiss FM (Kenya), Capital FM (Kenya), Sanyu FM (Uganda), Ghana Choice FM, among others.

The success of the RUDI single gave Miririam a great deal of media coverage, including being featured in several US and overseas magazines. She was featured in the September, 2007 issue of Vibe Magazine, with the magazine calling her “The Queen of African Urban Music”.

The next one is Susan Anyango- half-Russian half Kenyan with the killer smile, endless legs and soft attitude currently holds the tiara as outgoing Miss Kenya. She is 6 feet tall, slight in weight, very soft spoken (a little coy even). She is involved with the jigger campaign which is a former Miss Kenya’s initiative.

In her tender age, Susan prays, reads a lot and plays basketball. She has also featured in a Safaricom advert and once Miss Kerugoya for two years. She owns a car (which she loves) which came with the crown. She is studying Journalism and Communication at KEMU (Kenya Methodist University). She will participate in the Miss World competition in London in October this year.

Known as Chantelle, Winnie Wambui Naisula Ole Siameto is another celebrity young and industrious woman. A friend got her the name Chantelle because she felt the song and Winnie did not blend well.

Born 21 years ago, Chantelle is a child of mixed race, with a father of both Maasai and Indian origins. Her mother was of the Gikuyu origin but passed on when she was only 11 years. She is the only girl in the family of four boys.

One day she will accomplish her dream of becoming a T. V. presenter. She especially admired Sophie Ikenye who was a star news presenter when she was growing up. In her absence, Julie Gichuru and Lilian Muli-Kanene are the people she looks up to, and is sure she will one day do her thing like them. For now though, she is concentrating on her newly discovered talent, rapping.

Chantelle is a firm believer in the Kenyan music industry. She is happy her generation is storming into the music scene and has great admiration for the Camp Mulla group, whose music is great although they are quite young.

Meet another young and romantic woman, Pierra Makena. She is talented lady set to perform in Big Apple in New York at the awards which are scheduled for Sunday then proceed to perform in Washington D.C, California and San Francisco. Pierra’s deejaying career has grown massively in the years and has even seen her ranked Kenya’s top female deejay.

Her moment of fame started a while back through acting in various local television shows including Kisulisuli and the all famous Tahidi High after which she was featured in a MNet show Changes.

This lady of many talents has a lot going for her as apart from acting she has other things up her sleeve. She is the Marketing Manager at ONE F.M and at some point she was a radio presenter before she quit and pursued her current passion, deejaying in which she proved that a woman can thrive in a male dominated field. One place you will be sure to catch her performing is at The Circle. Good work Makena.

Tanya (Sarah Hassan) Shish (Shirleen Wangari) Freddy (Abel Mutua) OJ (Dennis Mugo), Pierra Makena among others have been through Tahidi High and they have made Kenyans proud in theatre industries.

Miss Karun of Camp Mulla is another one. At 19 years old, this girl has risen above the ‘auto tuned, shake your behind while spewing crap’ madness. She has grown into a singer who understands her vocal capabilities and is surrounded by mentors who actually understand what music is about. Karun has flown off to the US for studies.

Born Karungari Mungai, Karun is the daughter of designer Molly Mungai, the CEO and creative strategy director at African Mystique Ltd, and Eric Mungai. President Uhuru Kenyatta and Eric Mungai are great childhood friends and he has therefore seen the young Karun grow up. She performed at Uhuru’s inauguration ceremony.

Others are Kambua Manundu, a good gospel singer. She works for Rauka, a gospel music show on Citizen TV. Rauka is Kiswahili for “wake up” – and Kambua has been waking up audiences wherever she goes with her drop-dead gorgeous looks and beautiful, soaring voice.

Sarah Hassan (Tanya) is another young Kenyan woman whose life revolves around fun. She is on One FM as the breakfast show presenter or on hosting Mashariki Mix. Then comes Sheila ‘Nikki’ Mwanyigha, a Easy FM’s broadcaster.

Sheila came to the limelight in the late 90s after she took the airwaves by storm with the track mapenzi tele. Sheila has released a new track with Camp Mulla’s Taio dubbed Feeling Good. The track is currently gracing the airwaves.

Sarah Ndunu and Sugar as she is known is a young actress, who was the talk of town after she won the Best Female Actress Kalasha Award and, Sugar, that tasteful singing beauty from Phoenix Records.

Others are Joey Muthengi musician, Alice Kamande, Wewe Pekee gospel star and the Groove Awards 2011 Best Female star singer, Amani, Tero, Sanaipei Tande, STL, Wahu, Habida, Size 8, a sizzling hot gospel singer, Brenda Wairimu, Avril and Marya among others.

Fr Joachim Omolo Ouko, AJ
Tel +254 7350 14559/+254 722 623 578
Facebook-omolo beste

Real change must come from ordinary people who refuse to be taken hostage by the weapons of politicians in the face of inequality, racism and oppression, but march together towards a clear and unambiguous goal.

-Anne Montgomery, RSCJ
UN Disarmament
Conference, 2002

USA: Thursday: Attend the Obamacare Day of Action event in Hyattsville

From: Judy Miriga

Forward and Spread the Word to your friends and loved ones you know ofand Register.

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

– – – – – – – – – – –

From: “Erin Hannigan,”
Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 8:39 PM
Subject: Thursday: Attend the Obamacare Day of Action event in Hyattsville

Dear Readers —

Last week, the health insurance marketplace created by Obamacare opened for business, and millions of uninsured Americans now have access to affordable health care — many for the first time.

No matter how opponents of Obamacare have tried to stop it — from spending hundreds of millions of dollars in deceptive advertising to shutting down the federal government — the law is already helping Americans get better, more affordable health care.

We’re going to spend the next six months of enrollment making sure people have the facts about getting signed up — and of course we’re going to keep telling the stories of the people who are already being helped by the law.

This Thursday, you can help make that happen in Hyattsville — OFA volunteers are holding an Obamacare Day of Action.

Can you make it?

Yes — I’m planning to join in!

No, I can’t make it this time — but I’ll make a donation to help support this work.

Here are the details:

What: Obamacare Day of Action event in Hyattsville Where: 3000 Pennsy DriveHyattsville, MD 20785When: Thursday, October 10th4:00 pm

The good news: Millions of people have already started exploring their coverage options, and many have already gotten coverage.

The bad news: The other side is resorting to dangerous tactics to keep Obamacare from working. We all know how Tea Party Republicans have forced a government shutdown because they didn’t want to fund health reform.

That’s not all. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent by the other side — including the Koch brothers — to scare people into not getting insurance. They want to see Obamacare fail, and they have the money to spread confusion and stand in the way of Americans learning how the law benefits them.

Obamacare is working — and we need to spread the word about how it’s helping Americans every day.

This Thursday’s Day of Action will be a great chance to help make the law a success by helping people in our communities get the information they need. We’ll also be telling the Tea Party: “Enough already — stop trying to block Obamacare, and end the shutdown today.”

Join the Obamacare Day of Action in Hyattsville:



Erin Hannigan
Health Care Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action

The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We’re fighting for change — chip in $5 or more to support OFA today.

Paid for by Organizing for Action

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible

USA: Obama on the Government Shutdown with CNBC

From: Judy Miriga

Good People !!!

Sit Back and Enjoy a motivative and inspiring News on the Hill US this weekend……….

Plus, Catching up with New Training Rules……….of Cutting to size……………!!!

Hehehehehehe, this is definately a pass for Josomo moyie………..Donge !!!

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

NB: MO Ma pg. achiel kende………….

– – – – – – – – – – –

Obama on the Government Shutdown
John Harwood of CNBC and The Times interviewed President Obama, who said he was not prepared to negotiate until he was presented with a “clean bill.”

Published on Oct 2, 2013
Credit – BBC & CNBC

Obama Doesn’t Rule Out Using 14th Amendment To Raise The Debt Limit

By Mary Bruce |
Saturday, October 6th 2013
ABC News – 20 hours ago

With the October 17 deadline to raise the debt limit rapidly approaching, President Obama is not specifically ruling out using the 14th Amendment to increase the nation’s borrowing ability if the political impasse continues and Congress fails to do so, but says he does not expect the fight to get to that point.

“I’m pretty willing to bet that there are enough votes in the House of Representatives right now to make sure that the United States doesn’t end up being a deadbeat. The only thing that’s preventing that from happening is Speaker Boehner calling the vote,” the president told The Associated Press in an interview Friday that was released this morning.

Four days into the government shutdown, the president reiterated that he is not going to make concessions on his signature health care law or negotiate with House Republicans until they agree to reopen the government and raise the nation’s debt ceiling.

“The only thing that is keeping that from happening is Speaker Boehner has made a decision that he is going to hold out to see if he can get additional concessions from us,” Obama told the Associated Press’ Julie Pace.

“What I’ve said to him is we are happy to negotiate on anything,” he continued. “But what we can’t do is keep engaging in this sort of brinksmanship where a small faction of the Republican Party ends up forcing them into brinksmanship to see if they can somehow get more from negotiations by threatening to shut down the government or threatening America not paying its bills.”

The president went on to criticize some Tea Party Republicans for seeking out controversy.

“I recognize that in today’s media age, being controversial, taking controversial positions, rallying the most extreme parts of your base – whether it’s left or right – is a lot of times the fastest way to get attention or raise money, but it’s not good for government. It’s not good for the people we’re supposed to be serving,” he said.

Republicans see shutdown fight shift away from ‘Obamacare’
Saturday, October 6th 2013
AFP….Michael Mathes 13 hours ago

Republicans acknowledged Saturday that ending the US government shutdown requires a new game plan.

A handful of Tea Party-supported conservatives have publicly backed off that fight, that their energy quivering against Obamacare has not been successful, but instead, caused deep rifts within the Republican Party. They feel there is need to move on to the larger issues with need to focus strictly on fiscal debt ceiling of the overall budget issues.

congressman Doug Lamborn told reporters during a rare weekend session for the House of Representatives. He was joined by congressman Dennis Ross, another favorite of the anti-tax, pro-small-government Tea Party movement. “We’re so close to the debt ceiling that I think the two will continue to be combined as we go forward.”

The White House has held firm that it will accept no changes to the Affordable Care Act, and Ross appeared frustrated with his party’s failure to adapt to the political reality that linking Obamacare with the funding of government would be a non-starter; dismissing that, “The Obamacare battle I think will live to be fought another day.”

Americans steam over Congress’s inability to keep government open made some Republicans to seek an escape hatch, to the point of even bucking leadership, to identify in advance some solution set that could draw enough bipartisan support for reopening government and raising the debt ceiling.

USA: Open Letter to Speaker Boehner with Republican Congress Representatives

From: Judy Miriga

To Speaker Boehner with Republican Congress Representatives,

As a Citizen of this Great Wonderful Nation, I feel obliged to petition for public interest, challenge, demand or share why I feel Sorrowful, Saddened and Concerned with Attitudinal Behavior of Speaker Boehner with his Republican Congress Representatives, going after President Obama with intent to Break him……….This is the whole purpose of Government Shutdown and good people must stand with President Obama to stop the stalemate and ask Boehner with Team to face reality and Open the Government facility to public without further delay. It is because, the Animosity towards the Affordable Healthcare (the Obamacare) is illogical, trivial, irrelevant, inconsiderate, irresponsible, insignificant, unconstitutional and is unjustified to warrant a Government Shutdown. Intelligent public leaders and Responsible lawmakers must not behave this way………It is shameful to display acts of hate for selfish reasons and close down on logics that bring value, no one will have respect towards such a mentality; and this is truely sad.

This morning Saturday, October 5th 2013, Speaker Boehner was heard saying:

“This morning, I get the Wall Street Journal out and it says, ‘well, we don’t care how long this lasts, because we’re winning,'” Boehner said, theatrically waving a copy of the paper.

“The American people don’t want their government shut down and neither do I,” he added.

“All we’re asking for is to sit down and have a discussion, reopen the government and bring fairness to the American people under ‘Obamacare,’ the health care law that is President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement.

Really, Speaker Boehner needs a reality check…….this his attitude is of total misconduct, violation and abuse of the Law. This is not the time to discuss Obamacare. Shutting the Government because of Obamacare is insane. Where was Speaker Boehner when the Obamacare was passed and made into law? Why now at this crucial juncture when the Government is facing critical budget default?…….More or so when the Budget Ceiling grew out of proportion even before President Obama came to Office.

Lawmakers are obligated to deliver public services diligently. Instead, these politicians seem to be embroiled on playing drama for cover-up in their conflict of interest, the reason for Government Shutdown. This is unacceptable…….

Logically thinking, if the Government is shut and is put to dysfunction, it means the Government ability is weakened, drains and depleted from economic stability that go towards hurting and affecting small business, the poor and the middle-class adversely and unfavorably.

It is sad therefore that the Speaker does not care and Congress do not seem to get any closer to resolving the fiscal debt impasse hurdle. Speaker and Congress Representatives must explain to the American people why they are shifting from resolving urgent fiscal Budget impasse and instead wasting time to discuss business of Affordable health care, nicknamed “The Obamacare” which is already a match-up with options of choices fair to all, the poor and the rich, where is the problem??? Why is Boehner with Congress Republicans so hateful about anything that are about to benefit the poor in ways and means???

It must be known to all that, the Affordable HealthCare (Obamacare) Bill of Rights is already an Act of Law in the Bill of Rights and it is a done deal…….that, if the People are healthy, the Nation becomes healthier, people get engaged in their own ways and the economy gets stronger.

Why does Speaker Boehner with his Republican Congress find it so hard to get this reality right and get moving forward, open the Government, get into public business interest and fix the budget…………???

Is President Obama the Goose for sacrifice to be cooked by Speaker Boehner along with the Republican Congress for mistake of previous leaders for not doing their fair share in fixing the budget every year they were in Office??? Is it because President Obama is black and must pay sins of the previous Presidents or is President Obama an Angel to curry the burden of proof of the past Presidents failure??? Why so much hate in every turn of event where President Obama does not even have a breather………and we shall never forget when the Republicans made it very evident that “They want to break President Obama”, is this it??? Because he is Black???……..Dont you all feel it it is all wrong ???

Get Real Speaker Boehner, get real !!! Play bi-partisan leadership as a Speaker of the House and put hate aside for the sake of American people and this great Nation to Unite the world in Peace and get down to business that give us all a good bill of safetynet, health and happiness…….We need each other and cannot afford to lead the world or challenge competitions with navigating enemies of the world successfuly, if we are going to remain divided with huge gaps between the rich and the poor. The poor too have a way of contributing to the Nation’s economy in their own small way………Why then make it so difficult for the poor through conspiring for the Government shutdown???

As much as we need Africa in the World Business Market Place, We need President Obama to lead the way while he is of sound mind so he is able to instill organizational order of democratization principles, security and discipline that which the Chinese spoil in magnifying corruption with environmental pollution, bringing the worlds economy into loggerhead.

We feel it in the bones and it pain us when President Obama is treated with disgust for mistakes that are not of his making…….when all he is trying to do is to bring order, peace, and unity with balanced opportunity mutually fair to all………..

Speaker Boehner, you dont have good reason to shut the Government, let it not be “your way or the highway” and all shall be fine if you open the Government immediately without any further drama.

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

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Long political crisis will weaken US abroad: Kerry

Saturday, October 5th 2013
25 minutes ago

Nusa Dua (Indonesia) (AFP)

US Secretary of State John Kerry warned Saturday the political standoff paralysing Washington was “reckless” and would weaken the United States’ standing abroad if it did not end soon.
The country’s top diplomat said the bitter struggle between Republicans and Democrats that has led to a partial government shutdown was sending a message to the world that the United States could not get its “act together”.

Kerry insisted the United States had not yet been diminished in the eyes of leaders around the world and that a solution would be found soon, but warned of consequences if the standoff continued.

“If it were prolonged, or repeated, people would begin to question the willingness of the United States to stay the course and its ability to,” Kerry told reporters at a meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum on the Indonesian island of Bali.

“But that’s not the case and I don’t think it will be the case.”

US President Barack Obama had been due to travel to Bali for an APEC leaders’ summit starting Monday.

But he had to cancel his Asian trip, which would have also taken in Brunei, Malaysia and the Philippines, to deal with the first government shutdown in 17 years.

Kerry is filling in for Obama on the Asian tour, and he made it clear that he believed Republicans blocking government spending in Congress were playing a dangerous game.

John Kerry waves as he arrives at Ngurah Rai Airport in Denpasar on Indonesia’s resort island of Bal …
“I think it is reckless, personally, to even provide those moments where you have these risks that are exposed,” Kerry said, referring to areas of spending on global security hotspots that have been suspended because of the shutdown.

Calling on Congress to immediately end the five-day standoff, Kerry urged those responsible to consider how other people around the world may view the situation.

“I believe that those standing in the way… of reopening our government need to think long and hard about the message that we send to the world when we can’t get our own act together,” he said.

US still the world’s superpower:

Nevertheless, Kerry insisted he was convinced the standoff would not be long term, and the United States would emerge as strong as ever.

“The United States will still be the strongest power in the world, in terms of our military capacity, the largest economy in the world,” he said.

Kerry also was adamant that Obama’s so-called strategic pivot to the Asia-Pacific had not been weakened by the president having to cancel his trip to the region.

“Let me be clear, none of what is happening in Washington diminishes one iota our commitment to our partners in Asia, including our efforts for both trade and investment throughout the region,” Kerry said.

Muslim protesters at a protest in Kuala Lumpur on October 4, 2013 against the visit of US Secretary …

Some analysts have said the dysfunction on display in Washington will dilute the appeal of the American democratic model, and that authoritarian governments around the world are viewing the chaos with glee.

In comments that appeared to address those concerns, Kerry emphasised even the rights of people with “incorrect” views were respected in the United States.

“This is an example of the robustness of our democracy, the capacity for many people to make their voices heard, sometimes we may feel incorrectly,” he said.

Kerry’s comments on US commitment to Asia were echoed by his host at an APEC gathering of foreign ministers ahead of the leaders’ summit.

“It is very important to underscore that the United States’ engagement in the region is a process, it’s not an event,” Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa told reporters.

“We have been seeing over the recent past the enhanced engagement by the United States in the region.”

Obama is refusing to negotiate with Republicans over budget issues until they pass a temporary bill to open the government and agree to raise the $16.7 trillion US statutory borrowing limit — without which Washington could default on its debts for the first time ever later this month.

But Republicans are demanding the president enter into talks on their goal to defund or delay his health reform law — a step Obama refuses to take.

Kenya & USA: Strong Words Mixed With Diplomacy From Former US Ambassador Alfonso Lenhardt.

From: Maggid Mjengwa

My take:

Ambassador’s ‘way of thinking’ could also be US’s ‘ way of thinking’. Alfonso Lenhardt is a diplomat.

Maggid. Iringa.

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” In a democratic society, freedom of press is paramount as media has a role and responsibility to disseminate information to help people make informed judgements., to shut down a press is to my way of thinking counter to that objective..

…Journalists have a part to play as well, by being professional- reporting the facts without bias, being as accurate as possible and doing it in a timely manner must not be compromised.

….In every situation there are two sides to the coin but I do not like what has happened… and I hope that will be rectified in some way.

I am not at all happy with the notion of suspending media houses in this case press organaizations because I would hope that as I said, it is freedom of the press.”- Alfonso Lenhardt, Former US ambassador to Tanzania, The Citizen, 4th October, 2013.

USA: Analysis: Republicans get opposite of stated goals

From: Judy Miriga

Good People,

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, speaks to members of the media after meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013. Republicans insisted they wanted to shut down the nation’s 3-year-old health care overhaul, not the government. beginning with Speaker John Boehner’s refusal to permit the House to vote on Senate-passed legislation devoted solely to reopening the government.

“Take a vote,” Obama urged Boehner in his speech. “Stop this farce and end this shutdown right now.”

It might not be so simple, however. Moderate Republicans have said they think they could provide enough votes to join with minority Democrats and push a bill through the House reopening the government with no restrictions on the health care law.

Common sense dictates that, President Obama is within the margin prerogative of the law, to serve people and lead Responsibly with Integrity, and from day one, he remained committed and focused doing what he promised he will do and as obligated and mandated by the American people accordingly.

In an interview afterward, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., scoffed at the president’s stance.

“He can’t get his way exactly the way he wants it because he doesn’t control the entire government,” McConnell said on CNBC’s “The Kudlow Report.”

People are bored knowing that unforeseen consequences are now getting the feel of Government Shutdown. As far as we are all concerned therefore, the few special interest Congressional Republican members purposefully exempted themselves from the law of land against Obamacare which is a done deal and have no business in the business of the house on BUDGET.

The most basic rule is that all Americans, with only a few exceptions, must have health insurance, or pay a penalty. People who already have insurance, through an employer or any other source, already comply with the law. All Americans must comply with the law and no one is above the law. President Obama has right to take legal action against those trying to undermine the law. It will be illogical if the Congressional members earn salary during this Government shutdown. Being the ones who put us on this mess, it is not right that the disadvantaged pushed into poverty while the rich have a fields day.

Speaker Boehner is sending a clear message to America that America is divided between the halves and the halve-not and that the law is predominantly for those rich special interest who they pledge royalty to instead of the People and Government of America. This is unacceptable…………..If John Boehner disputes this analogy, then, he and his GOP fellows will open the Government unconditionally without any more waste of time and pass the Budget to avoid default.

As for President Obama, the law doesn’t require him or any other federal employees to do anymore negotiations on Obamacare. The law on Obamacare has already kicked-in and taken hold in the Government system…..since, it has taken effects from October 1st 2013. In fact, when Obama leaves office in 2017, it is Healthcare Reform which is his biggest credential achievements and if he wishes, that shall remain his landmark “Obamacare” success story for real. Obama will have jazzed-up and stroked a fair favorable deal for both the rich and poor alike. Therefore, Obamacare is a done deal………

When will Speaker Boehner get his fact right???

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

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Obama Pins Government Shutdown on Boehner

Published on Oct 3, 2013
President Barack Obama says House Speaker John Boehner is the only thing standing in the way of reopening the federal government. Obama is speaking at a small business just outside of Washington on the third day of the shutdown. (Oct. 3)

During Speech, Obama Pins Shutdown on Boehner
Published on Oct 3, 2013
President Obama traveled just outside the Beltway on Thursday to Rockville, Maryland, to give a speech highlighting the challenges posed by the shutdown and a potential debt ceiling default on the private sector. “Stop this farce,” the president demanded of House Republicans, “and end the shutdown right now.”

Obama got to his key point quickly: The effects of the shutdown are much deeper than disputes over memorials on the National Mall. “Those hundreds of thousands of Americans, a lot of whom live around here,” he said, “don’t know when they’re going to get their next paycheck. That means stores and restaurants around here don’t know if they’ll have as many customers.” And further: farmers aren’t getting loans. Children can’t go to Head Start. “The American people elected their representatives to make their lives easier, not harder,” Obama said. “There’s one way out of this reckless and damaging Republican shutdown: Congress has to pass a budget that funds our government with no partisan strings attached.”

Catastrophic Consequences of a U.S. Default Explained
By Matt Nesto

October 4th 2013
By Matt Nesto | Breakout – 3 hours ago

As we close out the first week of the government shutdown, a bigger and even more toxic disaster is creeping into the fray that could make the contentious budget battle look like a slap fight. The Treasury Department said Uncle Sam will be broke by October 17th unless something is done. Treasury secretary Jack Lew hammered home that point Thursday by releasing an unusually ominous statement that warned of catastrophic risks to the economy.

House Speaker John Boehner has said he won’t let the government default on its debt, but until steps are taken to raise the nation’s debt ceiling, the possibility of default is still theoretically alive.

“If they seriously default on the debt, what we’re really talking about is a depression,” says veteran financial sector analyst Richard Bove, VP of research at Rafferty Capital Markets. In the attached video he explains how the fallout would be a lot worse than the recession suffered in 2008 and the aftershocks would be felt for at least a decade.

“The first thing you have to do is look at who holds the debt,” Bove says of the $16.7 trillion of bonds the U.S. currently has outstanding. “The first, biggest owner (of U.S. debt) is the social security fund, so you’d have all of these people who are receiving social security payments who now have to question whether they’ll get their payments.”

Clearly, that would cause a huge disruption to millions of Americans. But Bove says that is only the beginning since the second biggest holder of Treasuries (at about 12% of the total) is the Federal Reserve, which has “91% of its assets backed by U.S. government debt.”

If the value of those assets were to decline, which they indisputably would in a default, Bove says the net effect would be that “we have nothing of value backing the dollar.”

They’re actually “Federal Reserve Notes” as well as the number one asset of choice held in the reserves of governments and businesses all over the world. A plunge in Treasuries would also devalue the dollar, which would instantly make everything we buy more expensive, and in turn destabilize countries and economies all over the world.

“Eleven-percent of all U.S. debt is owned by the Chinese,” he says. “That $1.4 trillion represents about a third of the reserves of the People’s Bank of China, so what we’ve now said to the PBOC is, ‘Watch out, we may hit the value of a third of your assets and you can’t do anything about it.'”

And this isn’t even half of it.

As Bove explains, money market funds, which are used by virtually every person with a savings or investment account, are also “heavily loaded with Treasuries.” So are most bond funds and so-called balanced funds (growth and income funds). A default on U.S. debt would not only cause money funds to “break the buck” –not be able to pay 100-cents for each dollar invested)– but would also cause forced selling by countless other funds that are mandated to immediately sell any asset that has defaulted.

“That could easily put $750 billion of Treasuries on to the market” Bove says, inferring that rates interest rates would also spike, and normal borrowing/lending transactions would end.

Speaking of banks, the U.S. banking industry holds over a trillion dollars worth of Treasuries and another trillion dollars of government issued mortgage-backed securities, Bove says. If those bonds were to go down in value, he says the banks would also have to “write down the value of those assets and, in essence, wipe out their equity.” It would make the banks insolvent.

To summarize, Bove asserts that a default is unthinkable because it would trigger a huge reduction in the value of U.S. debt, which would go beyond disrupting social security payments. A default would upend money markets, destroy bond funds, slam the brakes on lending, cause interest rates to spiral, make our banks insolvent, and deal a blow to our foreign trading partners and creditors around the globe; all of which would throw the U.S. and the world into economic disarray.


Dems say it’s time for GOP to unite, end shutdown
Obama cancels Asia trip as Democrats pressure GOP to ‘come together’ to end shutdown

By Andrew Taylor and Nedra Pickler, Associated Press |

House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio walks to a Republican strategy session on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, Oct. 4, 2013. Boehner is struggling between Democrats that control the Senate and GOP conservatives in his caucus who insist any funding legislation must also kill or delay the nation’s new health care law. Added pressure came from President Barack Obama who pointedly blamed Boehner on Thursday for keeping federal agencies closed. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Fri day, October 4th 2013

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama decided to stay home from economic summits in Asia as Democrats stepped up pressure on congressional Republicans to rein in their tea party faction and reopen the government with no strings attached.

House Republicans said that with Congress and the president in town this weekend, now is the perfect time to start negotiating a plan to reopen the government.

“All I’m asking for is let’s sit down, like the American people would expect us, and talk to one another about getting the government open and dealing with the significant problems that we face,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, told reporters Friday. “This isn’t some damn game.”

GOP leaders said Friday the House will be in session Saturday so that Republicans can continue passing bills that would reopen selected parts of the federal government. The White House responded by issuing fresh veto threats, saying Congress should reopen the entire federal government.

The Labor Department, meanwhile, did not issue the monthly employment report for September that was due Friday because of the shutdown.

The White House called the partial government shutdown that entered its fourth day Friday “completely avoidable” and complained the shutdown was interfering with the president’s efforts to promote trade and U.S. influence in emerging world markets.

Democrats pointed to disagreements within the Republican Party, where reluctant congressional leaders were prodded into a showdown over government funding and Obama’s health care law by rowdier conservatives, such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

To get the government up and running again, “it will take some coming together on the Republican side,” said the House’s lead Democrat, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California.

“It’s very hard to negotiate with the Republicans when they can’t negotiate with themselves,” Pelosi said Friday.

Senate Chaplain Barry Black opened Friday’s business with a plea for God to “give our lawmakers the vision and the willingness to see and to do your will.”

“Remove from them that stubborn pride which imagines itself to be above and beyond criticism. Forgive them for the blunders they have committed, infusing them with the courage to admit and correct mistakes,” Black said.

Obama criticized Boehner for not bringing up a vote to finance the full reopening of the government without conditions.

“This shutdown could be over today,” Obama said Friday as he stopped for lunch with Vice President Joe Biden at a local sandwich shop near the White House. “We know there are votes for it in the House.”

Boehner and other Republicans put the blame on Obama. They say he should recognize the flaws of “Obamacare” and negotiate solutions as part of a deal to end the shutdown that forced the furlough of some 800,000 workers, more than a third of federal civilian employees.

Boehner said Obama was being “irresponsible.”

On Friday, the Republican-led House was keeping up a drive to finance certain agencies and programs on a piecemeal basis — a strategy rejected by Obama and the Democratic-led Senate.

“We are not picking winners and losers,” said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn. “I think what we are doing is exercising stewardship over the taxpayers’ dollars. …I’m ready to go to work today and get it done.”

The House planned a vote to fund a popular program providing food aid to pregnant women and their children, as well as ongoing disaster relief.

Furloughed federal workers would get retroactive pay under a bill the House plans to vote on Saturday. Some top Democrats have supported that idea alongside Republicans.

Obama had been scheduled to leave Saturday for economic summits next week in Indonesia and Brunei. His decision to cancel those plans underscored how entrenched both sides were in a partisan showdown with no end in sight.

“The cancellation of this trip is another consequence of the House Republicans forcing a shutdown of the government,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said in a statement. “This completely avoidable shutdown is setting back our ability to create jobs through promotion of U.S. exports and advance U.S. leadership and interests in the largest emerging region in the world.”

Lawmakers said the shutdown that began Tuesday when the government began its new budget year seemed to be quickly merging with a more critical showdown over the nation’s expiring line of credit, raising the stakes for the still-fragile economy.

Obama and his Treasury Department said failure to raise the nation’s borrowing limit, expected to hit its $16.7 trillion cap in mid-October, could precipitate an economic nosedive worse than the recent Great Recession. A default could cause the nation’s credit markets to freeze, the value of the dollar to plummet and U.S. interest rates to skyrocket, according to a Treasury report.

Obama cataloged a litany of troubles that could be caused by the failure to raise the debt ceiling, from delayed Social Security and disability checks to worldwide economic repercussions.

“If we screw up, everybody gets screwed up,” he said.

The speaker’s office reiterated Boehner’s past assertion that he would not let the government default on its debt. “But if we’re going to raise the debt limit, we need to deal with the drivers of our debt and deficits,” his spokesman, Michael Steel, said. “That’s why we need a bill with cuts and reforms to get our economy moving again.”

Pelosi spoke on “CBS This Morning,” and Blackburn spoke on MSNBC.

Follow Andrew Taylor on Twitter at and Nedra Pickler at
Associated Press – 2 hours 8 minutes ago

Analysis: Republicans get opposite of stated goals

By DAVID ESPO | Associated Press

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, speaks to members of the media after meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013. Republicans insisted they wanted to shut down the nation’s 3-year-old health care overhaul, not the government. They got the opposite, and now struggle to convince the public that responsibility for partial closure of the federal establishment lies with the President Barack Obama and the Democrats. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

In this Sept. 25, 2013, photo, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, emerges from the Senate Chamber after his overnight crusade railing against the nation’s new health care law at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013. Republicans insisted they wanted to shut down the nation’s 3-year-old health care overhaul, not the government. They got the opposite, and now struggle to convince the public that responsibility for partial closure of the federal establishment lies with the President Barack Obama and the Democrats. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans insisted they wanted to shut down the nation’s 3-year-old health care overhaul, not the government. They got the opposite, and now struggle to convince the public that responsibility for partial closure of the federal establishment lies with President Barack Obama and the Democrats.

There’s ample evidence otherwise, beginning with Speaker John Boehner’s refusal to permit the House to vote on Senate-passed legislation devoted solely to reopening the government.

In the days leading to the impasse, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said he would do “everything and anything possible to defund Obamacare,” including a filibuster against legislation to prevent a partial closure of the federal government.

In the House, Rep. Jack Kingston told reporters his Georgia constituents would rather have a shutdown than Obamacare, and Rep. Tim Huelskamp added recently that in his Kansas district, “If you say government is going to shut down, they say, ‘OK, which part can we shut down?'”

Ironically, Republican leaders urged the rank and file not to link a defunding of Obamacare to federal spending for fear the unavoidable outcome would be a shutdown that would harm the party politically.

Yet Boehner, who survived a conservative-led attempt on his tenure in January, and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, who faces a primary challenge from a tea party-backed rival in Kentucky, were unable to prevail. Instead, they were steamrolled by Cruz, his allies in Congress and Heritage Action, Club for Growth, the Tea Party Express and other groups that have used the issue to raise funds.

The strategy in effect, Republicans negotiated exclusively with themselves in the days leading to the shutdown as they sought the demise of “Obamacare.”

First, they passed legislation demanding the health care law be defunded in exchange for a bill providing essential government funding.

When the Senate rejected that, they scaled back.

Instead, they sought a one-year delay in the law, combined with the permanent repeal of a tax on medical devices and creation of new barriers to contraceptive coverage for women purchasing insurance.

That, too, was torpedoed in the Senate.

The next GOP demand was for a one-year delay in the requirement for individuals to purchase coverage, along with a provision that would oblige the president, vice president and members of Congress and their aides to purchase insurance under the same system as the rest of the country without receiving the customary employer contribution from the government, for which they work. The principal impact of that is to raise the cost of insurance dramatically for thousands of congressional aides and political appointees of the administration.

That, too, fell in the Senate.

There have been ideological retrenchments, as well.

Despite their long-held positions against government mandates, House Republicans agreed beginning last week to leave in effect requirements in the health care law they have refused to embrace in the past. Among them is a requirement for insurers to cover individuals with pre-existing conditions and another to allow children up to age 26 to remain on their parents’ plans.

All are politically popular, although rarely mentioned by Republican lawmakers who say the country clamors for a total repeal of the law.

Despite pledging in the 2010 campaign to “repeal and replace” the law known as Obamacare, Republicans have yet to offer a comprehensive alternative. Efforts to create one have been hampered by opposition from conservatives to some of the mandates they tacitly agreed last week to leave in effect.

Conceding as much, Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., said that as a conservative, he had often found during Obama’s presidency that his choice was “between something bad or (something) horrible.”

Republican unity, so valuable in pushing to reduce spending in the past three years, shows signs of fraying.

Even before the shutdown began, some moderates said it was time to shift the fight against Obamacare to another arena and allow the government to remain open. A handful of conservatives, backed by outside groups, rebelled when GOP demands for changes in the law were scaled back.

“I feel like we’re retreating,” said Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga., while the conservative group Heritage Action said it opposed the last in a series of GOP maneuvers because it fell short of “fully defunding the president’s failed law.”

Restlessness grows.

In the Senate, Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., says routinely, “We’re in a box canyon,” and Sen. John McCain of Arizona observed, “We can’t win” when it comes to using a federal spending measure to squeeze out concessions on health care.

Ironically, Obama and Senate Democratic leaders have said repeatedly in recent days they are willing to negotiate changes in the health care law — on another day and another bill.

Even Democrats privately concede that a tax on medical devices isn’t likely to survive long, given that 79 members of the Senate backed its repeal on a nonbinding test vote last spring.

What survives is the expansion of the health care law that was passed in 2010, the opportunity for uninsured Americans to obtain private insurance at a cost oftentimes subsidized by the government.

EDITOR’S NOTE — David Espo is chief congressional correspondent for The Associated Press.
An AP News Analysis

Shutdown in 3rd day with bigger trouble looming
Government shutdown in 3rd day and bigger worry looms ahead for Obama, Hill leaders

By Alan Fram, Associated Press | Associated Press –

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama laid the blame for the government’s partial shutdown at the feet of House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday, escalating a confrontation that is running the risk of a potentially damaging clash over the nation’s borrowing authority.

The Treasury Department warned that a deadlock over raising the nation’s debt limit could touch off a new recession even worse than the last one that Americans are still recovering from. Worry about prospects for resolving the debt question within the next two weeks deepened as the shutdown standoff dragged on.

The shutdown showdown grew more personal Thursday.

Speaking at a construction company in Washington’s Maryland suburbs, Obama cast the House speaker as a captive of a small band of conservative Republicans who want to extract concessions in exchange for passing a short term spending bill that would restart the partially shuttered government.

“The only thing preventing people from going back to work and basic research starting back up and farmers and small business owners getting their loans, the only thing that is preventing all that from happening right now, today, in the next five minutes is that Speaker John Boehner won’t even let the bill get a yes or no vote because he doesn’t want to anger the extremists in his party,” Obama said.

Boehner answered by batting blame back toward Obama and his “my-way-or-the-highway approach.” Boehner said that if the president would negotiate to fix flaws in “Obamacare,” the shutdown could end.

“The president’s insistence on steamrolling ahead with this flawed program is irresponsible,” said Boehner, R-Ohio.

Majority Leader Eric Cantor said the House would continue on its course of passing separate bills to remedy “situations that are in critical stages” because of the partial government shutdown that began Tuesday.

The House was expected to vote to for more money for National Guard and Reserves and for veterans programs during the day, and officials said legislation to help Head Start and possibly the WIC (Women, Infants and Children program) could soon be drafted, as well.

Senate Democrats made clear they will not agree to reopen the government on a piecemeal basis. “You can’t fall for that legislative blackmail or it will get worse and worse and worse,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York.

Senate Democrats and Obama said the House must send them a measure that would restart all of government with no strings attached.

“Take a vote,” Obama urged Boehner in his speech. “Stop this farce and end this shutdown right now.”

It might not be so simple, however. Moderate Republicans have said they think they could provide enough votes to join with minority Democrats and push a bill through the House reopening the government with no restrictions on the health care law.

But under pressure from House GOP leaders, they failed to join Democratic efforts on Wednesday aimed at forcing the chamber to consider such legislation.

In the Senate, GOP Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said the problem was “Democrats’ refusal to apply simple fairness when it comes to Obamacare.”

Democratic and Republican leaders in the Senate blocked each other’s proposals for addressing the stalemate Thursday. Democrats rejected GOP proposals to reopen the national parks, speed up processing of veterans’ claims and restart some medical research that’s been put on hold. Republicans stymied a Democratic plan to bring the entire government back to work.

“Obviously tea party Republicans don’t really want a way out of this government shutdown. They like it the way it is,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.

Republicans who initially sought to defund the health care law in exchange for funding the rest of government have scaled back their demand, but say they need some sort of offer from Obama.

A meeting between Obama and congressional leaders at the White House Wednesday evening offered no glimmer of progress.

“All we’re asking for here is a discussion and fairness for the American people under Obamacare,” Boehner, R-Ohio, said after the meeting.

The White House said Obama would be happy to talk about health care — but only after Congress moves to reopen the government.

If the shutdown dispute persists it could become entangled with the even more consequential battle over the debt limit. The Obama administration has said Congress must renew the government’s authority to borrow money by Oct. 17 or risk a first-ever federal default, which many economists say would dangerously jangle the world economy.

Treasury’s report Thursday said defaulting on the nation’s debts could cause the nation’s credit markets to freeze, the value of the dollar to plummet and U.S. interest rates to skyrocket.

For now, Republicans planned to continue pursuing their latest strategy toward the shutdown: muscling bills through the House that would restart some popular programs.

Votes were on tap for restoring funds for veterans and paying members of the National Guard and Reserves. On Wednesday, the chamber voted to finance the national parks and biomedical research and let the District of Columbia’s municipal government spend federally controlled dollars.

As the politicians battled, mail continued to be delivered, air traffic controllers remained at work and payments were being made to recipients of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and unemployment benefits.

Taxes were still due, but lines at IRS call centers went unanswered.

Halted were most routine food inspections by the Food and Drug Administration. Some loan approvals for many low- and middle-income borrowers were thrust into low gear by the Housing and Urban Development Department. National parks were closed.

Workers were furloughed based on how essential their jobs were to the nation: Only 3 percent of NASA employees were kept on, while 86 percent at the Homeland Security Department were working.

Underscoring the rising intensity of the partisan battle, the Senate chaplain opened Thursday’s session with an unusually pointed prayer.

“Deliver us from the hypocrisy of attempting to sound reasonable while being unreasonable,” said Dr. Barry Black. “Remove the burdens of those who are the collateral damage of this government shutdown.”
Associated Press writers Connie Cass, Jim Kuhnhenn and Andrew Taylor contributed to this report.

Lawmakers feeling heat from government shutdown
Lawmakers feeling heat from Americans angry about gov’t shutdown, yet some say may last weeks

By Andrew Taylor, Associated Press | Associated Press – Wed, Oct 2, 2013 11:18 AM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Lawmakers locked in a political stare-down Wednesday were buffeted by rising anger from across the nation about a partial government shutdown that ruined vacations, sapped businesses and closed military cemeteries as far away as France. Some on Capitol Hill ominously suggested the impasse might last for weeks, but a few Republicans seemed ready to blink.

Republican Rep. Peter King of New York accused tea party-backed lawmakers of trying to “hijack the party” and said he senses that a growing number of rank-and-file House Republicans — perhaps as many as a hundred — are tired of the shutdown that began Tuesday morning and will be meeting to look for a way out.

But GOP leaders and tea party-backed members seemed determined to press on. The House GOP leadership announced plans to continue trying to open more popular parts of the government. They planned to pass five bills to open national parks, processing of veterans’ claims, the Washington, D.C., government, medical research, and to pay members of the National Guard.

The White House immediately promised a veto, saying opening the government on a piecemeal basis is unacceptable.

“Instead of opening up a few government functions, the House of Representatives should re-open all of the government,” the White House said in an official policy statement.

The move presented Democrats with politically challenging votes but they rejected the idea, saying it was unfair to pick winners and losers as federal employees worked without a guarantee of getting paid and the effects of the partial shutdown rippled through the country and the economy.

Funding for much of the U.S. government was halted after Republicans hitched a routine spending bill to their effort to kill or delay the health care law they call “Obamacare.” The president accuses them of holding the government hostage.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a tea party favorite, said there would be no solution until President Barack Obama and Democrats who control the Senate agree to discuss problems with the nation’s unfolding health care overhaul.

“The pigsty that is Washington, D.C., gets mud on a lot of people and the question is what are you going to do moving forward,” Chaffetz, R-Utah, said on CBS’ “This Morning.”

Meanwhile, another financial showdown even more critical to the economy was looming. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew told Congress that unless lawmakers act in time, he will run out of money to pay the nation’s bills by Oct. 17. Congress must periodically raise the limit on government borrowing to keep U.S. funds flowing, a once-routine matter that has become locked in battles over the federal budget deficit.

Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the second-ranking House Democrat, said Democrats would overwhelmingly accept a short-term spending measure to reopen the government and increase the nation’s debt limit while other political differences are worked out. “That would be a responsible way to go,” Hoyer told CNN.

At issue is the need to pass a temporary funding bill to keep the government open since the start of the new budget year on Tuesday.

Congress has passed 87 temporary funding bills since 1999, virtually all of them without controversy. Now, conservative Republicans have held up the measure in the longshot hope of derailing or delaying Obamacare.

House Speaker John Boehner blamed the shutdown on President Barack Obama’s “scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate” with Republicans.

“Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks,” Boehner, R-Ohio, wrote in an op-ed for Wednesday’s USA Today.

Fed-up Americans took to Facebook and Twitter to call members of Congress “stupid” or “idiots.” Some blamed Republicans while others blasted Obama or Democrats “who spend our tax dollars like crack addicts.”

Bruce Swedal, a 46-year-old Denver real estate agent, tweeted to Congress members: “You should not be getting paid. In fact, you all should be fired!”

Some 800,000 federal workers deemed nonessential were staying home again Wednesday in the first partial shutdown since the winter of 1995-96.

Across the nation, America roped off its most hallowed symbols: the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, the Statue of Liberty in New York, Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, the Washington Monument.

Its natural wonders — the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, the Smoky Mountains and more — put up “Closed” signs and shooed campers away.

Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia said he was getting pleas from businesses that rely on tourists. “The restaurants, the hotels, the grocery stores, the gasoline stations, they’re all very devastated with the closing of the parks,” he said.

The far-flung effects reached France, where tourists were barred from the U.S. cemetery overlooking the D-Day beaches at Normandy. Twenty-four military cemeteries abroad have been closed.

While U.S. military personnel are getting paid during the shutdown, thousands of civilian Defense employees are being furloughed.

Even fall football is in jeopardy. The Defense Department said it wasn’t clear that service academies would be able to participate in sports, putting Saturday’s Army vs. Boston College and Air Force vs. Navy football games on hold, with a decision to be made Thursday.

The White House said Obama would have to truncate a long-planned trip to Asia, calling off the final two stops in Malaysia and the Philippines.

Even as many government agencies closed their doors, the health insurance exchanges that are at the core of Obama’s health care law were up and running, taking applications for coverage that would start Jan. 1.

“Shutting down our government doesn’t accomplish their stated goal,” Obama said of his Republican opponents at a Rose Garden event Tuesday hailing implementation of the law. He said the Affordable Care Act “is settled, and it is here to stay.”

Senate Democrats led by Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada insist that Republicans give in and pass their simple, straightforward temporary funding bill, known as a continuing resolution, with no strings attached.

Republicans insisted that Democrats must agree to negotiate over the health care law as part of the funding deadlock.

Meanwhile, the District of Columbia was pursuing its own solution. The D.C. Council authorized using contingency funds to keep the city’s employees working, so that trash pickup, libraries and more could go on during the federal shutdown.
Associated Press writers Connie Cass, Lauran Neergaard and Merrill Hartson contributed to this report.