Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 19:33:55 +0300 [11:33:55 AM CDT]
From: Dere South

A couple of Points i think you should consider here my friend.
(1)Operation Iron fist is simply a total FAILURE.Why is Kony still a threat to the Kampala Regime?Operation Safe haven was even worse,led by a mere boy who has no skill in conducting warfare,simply because he is the son of the King.Why did the operation cause some heat from the generals of the army as to who should led the entire operation.N wonder Kony managed to hide and still shoot down your stone age MiG 21 fishbeds.
(2)CMI could be making ‘covert’ operations inside Kenya.Is Kenya’s NSIS sleeping?
(3)You say that that Kenyan Military is highly tribal,have you asked yourself why inside UPDF,most of the low rank and file are men from the North and the people up the Ladder come from south western Uganda and those at the top come from the Bahima clan of the banyankole?
(4)Is Runyankole the lingua franca inside PGD(Formerly PGB)?
(5).The reason as to why Ug appear to have won the War in Congo is because of some simple plain reasons as i will put them
-They had support from Local militia groups
-Armies from Kinshasa,Namibia,Angola and others had to cross the huge rain forest to face off the UPDF and RPF.This significantly reduced their fighting capablities.What did UPDF have to encounter to diminish their output?

On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 8:37 PM, kamya andre wrote:

Comrades long time.
i didnt take your hostile responses to my submissions personally cz unlike y pretenders to democracy i believe in free expression however shallow.
anyway i have got some classfied intelligence info from Ugandas intelligence community i wld like to share with y, it evalutates kenyas military capabilities in case of war with Uganda, and how kenya is likely to be in 12yrs and what Uganda shd do to influence evernts there, but am sorry am going to edit it.
1.The report considers kenya a failed state, with tribalism thatS going to affect its basic state functions, economy, and civil society for at least a decade whatever the out come of any “democratic process” It suggests that Uganda shd increase its covet operations to take advantage of the unstable climate to influence evernts in its strategic farvour.
The report puts kenyas military balance at approx 24,120 men, the navy 1620, airforce personnel 2500, with a paramilitary whose nber isnt certain the combat man power is approx 29,000 which is only 2 divisons of the Uganda UPDF{ which has 50,000 troops tht are battle harden, and highly trained}. kenyas amry recruits mainly officer cadet on ethic considerations which undermines cohesion and displine in case of war like it was the case with Amins army while Uganda has a policy a regional balance in recruitment, traing and promotion tht has created a highly motivated and displined force. while both armies possess more or less the same military hardware with kenya having an edge, kenya lucks experiance in command and control, rapid deployment, actual warfare and unlike Tanzania it doesnt subject its force in refresher courses and war games. Uganda has the best example of using fewer resources to wage war like in congo where it held off a combined attack
of angola and other countries.
kenya has air superiority with planes like 11 hughe 500 MD attack choppers, 11 SA 330 specialsed transport choppers, and a nber of MiGs but Uganda whose doctrine is Air Defence has Anti aircraft systems tht can put all the above planes down, note Uganda put down a nbr of planes during the congo war and the sudan war. Uganda 4th and 5th divisons numbering 20,000 r considered to be the best infantry troops in subsaharan africa {read janes sentinel security assessment{JSSA}, anyway dont waste yr time coz Uganda usd those divisons 2 fight 2 wars at the same time, Operation Iron Fist against Sudan and the LRA, and Operation Safe Haven in congo.
3. The intelligence report says that while the possibilty of war bn Ug and Kenya is remote a very unstale kenya tht is being inflitrated by Ug covet operations can disrupt or close its border with Ug and cause the collaspe of Ugs economy, it suggests tht Ug shd consider seriously and urgently the southern corridor to the indian ocean via TZ.
CONCLUSION OF THE REPORT IN SUMMARY- A RELATIVELY UNSTABLE KENYA IS GOOD 4 UGANDAS LONGTERM STRATEGIC INTRESTS – viz creating a friendly regime that will give Uganda a competitive advantage in East africa federation negiotiations MUSEVENIS DREAM.[REPORT IS FROM KYAKWAZI POLITICAL SCHOOL]


— On Mon, 4/20/09, Isaac Ochola wrote:

From: Isaac Ochola
Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 10:28 AM

You seem to have a pretty small brain and I would not want
to waste my time in any sort of exchange with you, but I
feel compelled to say the following.

To compare UG with Israel is laughable and to say
“you” cant allow …..anyone to be president is
hilarious to say the least. Who are you to determine who the
President of Kenya or any other country for that matter
other than UG is ? The fact that you hate Swahili is your
business,but also sounds stupid coming from an East African.
Anyway who cares what you hate or like ?
I love Ugandans in general and Im glad I dont have the
burden of hating anyone or anything for no reason at all.
You must be a bigot, tribalist, etc… who suffers from a
superiority complex and all I can do is pray for your
deliverance from this myopic, backward/primitive way of
The rest I will not even bother to talk about. You seem so
one track minded that it is not worth my time.
As for Migingo, all I can say is that it belongs to its
rightful owner no matter what you or anyone else says or
I wish you the best in your aggression/expansionist policy

kind regds


— On Sun, 4/19/09, kamya andre wrote:

From: kamya andre
WAR ……………..
Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 5:31 AM

i am Ugandan and i have read y desperate calls for war
with Uganda plz dont be fooled you leaders know wt happened
to Angola, Chad, Zimbabwe,Congo and Rwanda whn they tried to
wage war against Uganda whn it occupied Kisangani. its only
the security council tht forced the mighty UPDF to withdraw.
forget abt amin his force was forght by a combined force tht
included many ugandans not to mention Museven, the TZ force
wldnt have otherwise managed revise y history.
migongo is Ugandan bt even if if its not we can fight for
it!!!!, we r small tht why like isreal we have to be
aggressive to survive.
its our policy to creat spheres of influence like in
southern sudan where we defeated the arabs by supportg SPLA,
in Congo and Rwanda. and we cant allow Oginga to be
president of kenya coz its against our strategic intrests
hate swahili and who believe a superior militarily and have
proved it 4 and can prove against kenya.

— On Thu, 4/16/09, otieno sungu wrote:

From: otieno sungu
Subject: RE: migingo
Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009, 11:29 PM

Have you really been around or you just arrived? How
many times have delegations from Kenya and Uganda met and
agreed on certain measure only for Uganda to add more troops
on the Island?

Did you hear that Kibaki met Museveni over the same in
Zambia and it was agreed the flag of Uganda be
lowered, the troops removed and the ownership determined when is is
still treated as neautral territory. What did Musevini do
the next day? Send in more troops, a helicopter and patrol
boats. You must be Mahatma Gandhi himself if you still think
Museveni will dialogue. The message he is sending is clear,
“:if you want Migingo, come and fight for it”.

Brother, open your eyes. About the hurt to the common
man, which war has even been fought without losses? It is
called collateral damage, the suffering some have to go for
the good of the nation.

The allies lost hundreds of thousands of troops to
subdue Hitler, was it worth it? Yes, very much!!!


— On Thu, 4/16/09, Anthony Wangondu wrote:

From: Anthony Wangondu
Subject: RE: migingo
Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009, 6:13 AM

Actually, uprooting the railway line at Kibera will
also hurt Kenyans. This is certainly the wrong approach.
Professionals should advocate and support dialogue not
violence – violence has never and will never resolve
Kenya is still reeling from the senseless violence
after the 2007 elections and no one (apart from the
benefitted from that; in fact things are generally
worse than they could have.
We must shun violence; it should have no place in our
language and in our actions

From: otieno sungu
Sent: 15 April 2009 18:27
Subject: Re: migingo

Very true, and the blockade of the goods to Uganda is
yet to begin, Kenyans will do what Kibaki has failed to
do, and Museveni will surrender in less that 2 weeks.

For Museveni, you cannot defeat a people’s
resolve, for
Kibaki, you cannot procrastinate forever.

Viva Kenya!!



— On Wed, 4/15/09, toprank899 wrote:

From: toprank899
Subject: migingo
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 8:44 AM

is it tru that railway has been uprooted in kibera in
solidarity with
migingo kenyans and plans are underway to do the same
in western and
nyanza provinces so as to make UG surrendor migingo on

52 thoughts on “Re: RE. KENYA A FAILED STATE{ UGANDA INTELLIGENCE}; Re: migingo

  1. Okello Martin

    My “myopic” brothers and sisters in Kenya have never faced or tasted anything close to a war.You can read that they are praying for one but the choice should be put into consideration because I would not advise any Kenyan to start off a war with Uganda. it will be a wrong choice if they decide to experiment themselves on Uganda. I am a Ugandan who hates Swahili with a passion and your mad dog Odinga. Anyway, like any mad jaluo would do, they should stand warned and stop provocking Ugandans and our dear president. if you a jaluo, Your total madness will not work. let me take you to Butabika because your madness has gone overboard.
    1. Operation Iron fist was not simply a total FAILURE as you myopically see it. but for your small brains and information, Kony is no longer a threat to the Kampala regime because he does not even occupy an inch of land in Uganda. Oeration Safe Haven was safe and successful as it was carried out on the ADF in the Rwenzori mountains and DRCongo.You should ask what happened to the Allied Democratic Forces who were bankrolled and fought alongside with the Sudanese Army? Just pick a phone and call Omar Bashir, he will give the right answers instead of making noise and argiung for the sake of doing that….I understand a jaluo would never allow you to marry his daughter if you did not know how to kupiga kelele……You are not dealing with a fellow Jaluo whose brains is filled with Posho and madness. You are dealing with a Ugandan who beleives in action. Never underestimate the strength of the mighty UPDF.You are just making noise with your Kony. Is he a Luo anyway? That is your business, even if he is but Where is Kony as we talk? LET ME TELL YOU MY MYIOPIC BROS AND SIS. Kenya would try to match UPDF if it applied guerilla tactics like Kony and due to a small number of armymen you boast of, you ahve no option but to apply those tactics and we shall excuse you because you do not have the capability and capacity to match the mighty UPDF. Even a mere boy you are talking about can capture Nairobi within a day so do not say that he has no skill. He has the same capacity which is equivalent to a nation like Kenya and with the skills he got from his sudanese mentors, you cannot match him and no wonder that is why you are praising him.As I told you, we Ugandsn believe in action and With your little mad brains, you are decieved that Kony has ever shot down any plane it is just the propaganda you get from the Standard and the daily Nation newspapers because you will never find a fault in the mighty UPDF.Let us leave madness because it is for street lumpens, if you did not know CMI is seriously making ‘covert’ operations inside Kenya, it is better for you to go and inform your sleeping NSIS.Now there you go asking whether Kenya’s NSIS sleeping?. It is just a simple answer and the answer is that What aboout your Commander-in-chief. he is sleeping like your impotent NSIS.You know….I am totally buffled that you reason like a Primary school kid who without shame says that the reason as to why Ug appear to have won the War in Congo is because of some simple plain reasons as i will put them
    -They had support from Local militia groups
    -Armies from Kinshasa,Namibia,Angola and others had to cross the huge rain forest to face off the UPDF and RPF.This significantly reduced their fighting capablities.What did UPDF have to encounter to diminish their output?. Now…Did they walk through the rain forests to reach DRCongo?. That is an argument I cannot involve myself in because of Ugandans might think that I am trying to argue out a UPE candidate, that if you r one.Otherwise you should ask Jane of the Jane’s Sentinel Security Assessment (JSSA)to educate more why and how she came out with such type of report. Uganda is the second Powerful military nation and second to only Sudan. I would be causing myself a headache, if I compared Uganda and Kenya militarily. but it is not your problem, you go and do some research. It is not our concortion.Kenya has air superiority with planes like 11 huge 500 MD attack choppers, 11 SA 330 specialsed transport choppers, and a number of MiGs but Uganda whose doctrine and belief is Air Defence has Anti aircraft systems that can put all the above planes down, you boast of. Ask Omar Bashir of Sudan on what happened to his antonovs? Should a mere chopper give UPDF headache? Anyway, Bashir can give you free military advice not to tamper with and provoke Uganda with your rusty choppers. Uganda is capable and has the capacity to put down any plane and we have proved it with a number of planes during the congo war and the sudan war.So do not be fooled by your politicians or waste time because we shall use only two divisions to match Kenya’s capability and capacity. Uganda 4th and 5th divisons numbering 20,000 are considered to be the best infantry troops in subsaharan africa {read janes sentinel security assessment{JSSA}- Jane is not a Ugandan, because if you asked her she will even tell you not to waste your time coz Uganda usd those divisons 2 fight 2 wars at the same time. Just concentrate on your Kelele….and leave Ugandans alone.

  2. Okello Martin

    Kenyans can only defeat Uganda if it was a war for noise. bambi…….In that area, they have skilled people and highly trained people like Raila. Keep it up!!!!

  3. Kabanda Ismeal

    What can’t Kenyans see that they will be humiliated for no good reason if they dare Uganda in a military war. I pity those Kenyans who believe that they can defeat one of the powerful armies in East, central and Southern region (Africa). Kenyans should stop being egoistic over issues they know they are week and inexperienced in. Why do they think Kibaki has not sent in troops to Mgingo despite calls from the Kenyan parliament. He knows the truth and lessons he can be taught freely without incurring any tution fee.

  4. John Kulubya

    Tell those Kenyans…..that there are better things they can involve themselves than provoking Ugandans. I think President Museveni was right to call Jaluos mad but they are indeed mad dogs waiting to be vaccinated.Kenyans will lose on both fronts because Kenya is the bigger beneficiary of the large volume of bilateral trade, even if they decide to uproot the railway line. They should also know that Uganda is also Kenya’s access to lucrative markets in South Sudan, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. they should also know that a ministerial sub-committee has been established to consider Uganda’s strategy of developing an alternative southern route to the sea through Tanzania. Let me conclude by a verbatim of the UPDF spokesperson,Maj. Felix Kulaigye, “We would not advise the Kenyan army to go to war with us(Ugandans)” citing the spirit of the East African Community. He added that “We have the capacity to defend our airspace” and said Uganda was proud of its infantry. Hope my brothers and sisters in Kenya have got the information.

  5. Demore

    Very Interesting Reading Indeed. we are all East Africans but i want to say something about military doctrine and Philosophy. Numbers dont count much in the Military its a combination of what we call Salute ( strenghth, Armamment, loyalty, training and i leave the e for the ppundits ) and WAR (We Are Ready).

    Who can lose a war. We kenyans are very proud and very resilient people that is why we have never been ruled by unfortunate mad dogs.

    Soon Museveni will force himself on Ugandan behinds ( forthcoming eleections) and nobody will talk because he is a suprior Myankole. Msevenis adventure towards Kenya which can be very disastrous is driven by the desire of scape goating but we will not want to help him the way he rushed to recognise a flawed election in Kenya.

    Ugandans never fought for independence, tolerated Amin and the cowardly Museveni who was staying at Banana in Kiambu Kenya pretends to have been in the bush waging war while he was just womanising in Kenya.

    Its only Andrew Lutakome Kayiraa that fought the war of liberation in Uganda Mseveni should stop lying that he is a soldier. Some ex Paramilitary guys from here can decide to take civilian action and the Uganda police marines may live to regret why they decided to migrate to migingo with old communist training style. we are watching and undertsnad Uganda Military psyche.

  6. mwas

    your shortsightedness deeply worries me.Uganda is ranked as one of the poorest countries in the world and yet you have the audacity to suggest that your feeble aid and donor dependent economy can sustain conventional warfare with the kenyan armed forces.Your army lacks discipline as evidenced in the 20 year search for joseph kony:word has it that your generals falsefied their troop numbers to cash in on the salary.Pathetic.We need not even fight you,thats a waste of tax payers money,Just close our borders to whatever crap you sell and watch the cookie crumble so that next time your dictator gets a bout of verbal diahrroea,u should really be worried. And for the record we pinched the whole rift,nyanza&western provinces from you(consult your history books)

  7. Olekoima

    Uganda/UPDF can defeat Kenya in days? Where do you get that from? How
    will they?
    Ugandan economy is a dwarf compared to that of Kenya. How will Uganda
    sustain the war?
    All Ugandan fuel supplies come from Kenya so how will UPDF run their war
    machines if they are starved of oil?
    You talk of a bigger military than that of Kenya. Numbers don’t matter in
    todays warfare. In any case Kenya has a much larger population than Uganda
    and can mobilise if need be.
    Look at the military expenditure of the two countries and available arms and their quality. Also look at the training and who has a professional army.
    Finally read articles on world militaries and get updated before blowing up smoke.
    East africans should be thinking of pooling resources for faster development
    instead of engaging in useless wars which will retard everyone. We have always
    considered Ugandans as our brothers and sisters hence harbour no intentions of fighting them. The same goes for Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi but nobody
    should construe our silence as a weakness. We have the resources to defeat any enemy in the region.

  8. Stephen Ogunde

    We should increase our military budget and focus on capacity building.

    This will give us an edge over our Uganda brothers.

  9. Olekoima

    Lest i forget most of Ugandas stated strenght is made up of ghost soldiers.
    The tank force is made up of obselete T-55 tanks bought from ex-Soviet states
    and majority are unserviceable scrap.
    There are a few mordern Chinese made T-85II tanks but these could be for demonstration purpose only since they are very few.
    The stated anti-aircraft guns are known to Kenya and can be taken care of in case of war.
    Yes Uganda has a strong infantry force but how much damage can this force
    cause in the wake of a highly mechanised warfare? This is the reason Kenya
    maintains a small highly efficient well balanced, well financed and well equiped
    all round force. We are under no threat and can always re-stock without anybody knowing. How about Uganda? Anything they do will always be known
    by either Tanzania or Kenya unless flown, but how many heavy tanks can be flown and for how long?
    In the region, Kenya is known for buying new equipment as opposed to others
    who buy surplus ex-Soviet equipment. How then would these armies pose a threat to Kenya? Let’s be realistic and go by facts not emotions.
    I do not advocate for war among East African countries but let’s not provoke others by posting trash.

  10. John Kulubya

    DeMore, what doctrine does Kenya employ or which one are you talking about? I would be surprised if you tell me that you are employing an American, Chinese, russian, british or North Korean Military doctrine. each has its own merits and demerits. You should know that Americans are masters of their own doctrine and the same applies to the Chinese or Russians. Defense is a military philosophy. Applying convetional or non-conventional methods is a military doctrine. All you talking about SALT ( which you failed to fill) and WAR are part of military science and unlike Kenyans who believe in the resilience they do not possess apart from making noise, uganda has built its army through serious military science lessons.

    For starters like you, Military science is the process of translating national defence policy to produce military capability by employing military scientists, including: theorists, researchers, experimental scientists, applied scientists, designers, engineers, test technicians, and military personnel responsible for prototyping. In so doing, military science seeks to interpret policy, philosophies and doctrines into what military skills are required, which, by employing military concepts and military methods, can use military technologies, military weapon systems and other military equipment to produce required military capability.

    Uganda has gone a step further by taking Military science seriously. I urge you to read Janes reports on Militaries around the world. Uganda has involved the full creation of theories, concepts, methods and systems applicable to the functions and activities of the armed forces. it has moved a step further to undertake and increase its overall military capability by increasing efficiency, effectiveness and simplicity of complex concepts, methods and systems used in military operations.

    That is why Uganda employs both convetional and non-conventional methods when on a military war. it combines both numbers and high-tech methods to win a war as it has done in DRCongo, Sudan and Rwanda.

    Military science in Uganda looks at the means by which military personnel obtain military technology, weapons, equipment and training to satisfactorily provide military capability. This is an area which Museveni has invested heavily. As required by the national defence policy to achieve specific strategic goals like quelling these noisy and mad jaluos, we are capable of using our Military science to establish enemy capability as part of technical intelligence.

    Military strategy is in many ways the centerpiece of military science. Leave alone the doctrines and philosophies. military strategy directs the planning and execution of battles, operations, and wars as a whole.

    There are two major systems that prevail on the planet today. Broadly speaking, these may be described as the “Western” system, and the “Russian” system. Each system reflects and supports strengths and weakness in the underlying society.

    The Modern Western military art is composed primarily of an amalgam of French, German, British, and American systems. The Russian system borrows from these systems as well, either through study, or personal observation in the form of invasion, and form a unique product suited for the conditions practitioners of this system will encounter.

    The system that is produced by the analysis provided by Military Art and strategy is known as doctrine.

    The Western military doctrine relies heavily on technology, the use of a well-trained and superior information processing and dissemination to provide a level of battlefield awareness that opponents cannot match. Kenya does not have a capacity and capability to employ this type of doctrine because there is no African country that has high-technology within its military. Much as its advantages are extreme flexibility, extreme lethality, and a focus on removing an opponent’s C3I (command, communications, control, and intelligence) to paralyze and incapacitate rather than destroying their combat power directly (hopefully saving lives in the process). Its drawbacks are high expense, a reliance on difficult to replace personnel, an enormous logistic train, and a difficulty in operating without high technology assets if depleted or destroyed, which the UPDF is capable of doing because it has destroyed high technology equipment in Sudan and DR Congo. You should ask Angola, Zimbabwe or Chad who thought that such type of doctrine would work.

    The Soviet military doctrine relies heavily on masses of machinery and troops, a highly educated (albeit very small) officer corps, and pre-planned missions. This is where Ugandans partly fall.Its advantages are that it does not require well educated troops, does not require a large logistic train, is under tight central control, and does not rely on a sophisticated C3I system after the initiation of a course of action. Its disadvantages are inflexibility, a reliance on the shock effect of mass (with a resulting high cost in lives and material, which Ugandans are used to anyway), and overall inability to exploit unexpected success or respond to unexpected loss, which Kenya might not be capapble of inflicting on ugandans.

    The Chinese military doctrine is influenced by a number of sources including an indigenous classical military tradition. One distinctive characteristic of Chinese military science is that it places emphasis on the relationship between the military and society as well as views military force as merely one part of an overarching grand strategy.

    So Uganda uses a 2:3:5 ratio for the American doctrine, Chinese doctrine and Russian doctrine respectively.

    Then, I urge you to bring your false resilience and you will learn a lesson of a life time.

  11. Olekoima

    John Kalubya,

    If you really posses all these advantages then how come you have not routed a
    small band of thugs led by Joseph Kony inover 20 years of engagement?
    Your doctorines don’t work then hence placing your soldiers in a precarious position. You need to try other things, don’t boast of non-existent caspabilities.

  12. Olekoima


    Our military budget is already the biggest and un-rivalled in the region. We are quite okay. There is nothing to worry about, let any neighbour be stupid enough and start war with Kenya and face the music.

  13. wamulla

    I am suprised that Okello Martin hates the Mad Wajaluo with a passion , guess what as his name suggests he belongs to that one large community called LUOS who migrated from South Sudan , in Kenya , he wolud actually be lamped as the wajaruo he so derides ! in kiswahilki tuna sema hi ni maneno ya nyani kucheka kendule ! On war m please read San Tsu book on Art of war, he states that when some one is quite then be careful how you deal with him ( READ kIBAKI) as oppossed to an army making noise and rush statement( read M7)

  14. Demore

    To me John Kulubya sounds like a man who has read alot of Football coaching tactis. I do understnad that one thing he cherishes is clouding the concept of guerilla warfare on society. it only works where the citizenry are in support unless terror is used like in the case of Taliban.

    Ugand can be thumped by rapid assault in the new concept of airland awr in shot if we bomb the dam in Jinja uganda will be in darkness and we can take out their Airforce at entebbe in Lighning raid. Ugandan president ( small p) loves loud sounding titles like the Alpine Brigade…

    We kenyan love peace but should this be mistaken for Cowardice wait until the two months ultimatum on the survey is over. Mark my words Civilians not the Military civilians in this part of Kenya will bring Uganda to its knees.

    There is a case in which your military in its provocative charcter attacked our brothers in pokot and herded away their cattle in remote barracks. what happened is sad that uganda had to lose some of its acclaimed senior officers and cattle rescued.

    Military succes is a combination of logistics foward planning, creation of foward operations bases, personnel, ease of movement of miltary supplies, scouting , morale and above all materiel we know your psych we train your senior officers, have undertaken joint exercises witth your military among others. our army is well taken care of and do not undertake stealing from the citizenry to survive in a war front.

    secondly reserve capability is critical. the misconception you have is that Kenya military is made up of about 25,000 i beg to differ. all kenyans are ready to for war period and we are eager and edgy to fight a war.

    Museveni should not hide behind the appointmebnt of his family and being the King of uganda no ugandan talks. We do not want to bring genocide to uganda. Let museveni Rule you but in one months time he will need to respect the resilience of Kenyans.

  15. Shaka

    I wonder if some of this people in here ever take the time to read thru the crap they just wrote, not that i would take any time to read thru mine either .. but ooh! well .. who gives a f***. Anyways … should get back in track here,sounds to me like the m7 boys a.k.a ug’s are getting lil bit paranoid about the all situation. Glorifying how good their military is and all … typical paranoid shyte bet u scared as f*** too and hoping no one call on their bluff. m7 is a man who is basically scared to death of loosing power, and is resorting to unconventional tactics that will eventually bring him down. Hard. The dude is in a panic mode and it really bothers him how casually the kenyan’s are handling the all matter … not the attention u hoped for m7?

  16. georgefelix kolunga

    its very astonishing to realise how premitive thise ugandans are as fer as warfare is concerned.
    have read all the comments from the like of Martin Okello and the rest and come to a conclusion that they talk as if they don’t leave in uganda.

    lets set this record clear to every one more so to danderheads who make comments for the sake of it.

    A war is not won by the number of solders but with weaponry and well trained puzzling to hear ugandans praise their UPDF solders.let me give them a simple example,Kenya had in two ocassions whon battle along the uganda border with kenya,they were repelled within a matter of hours.

    secondly Kenya has more advance weaponry than any nation within the subsaharan africa.we have well equipt military.ugandans misconceive Kenyan peaceful nature to a weakness,we explore diplomacy first before engaging in any warefare.let me bring to your attention that kenyan armed forces are doing vigorous military war games within the country.

    Am assuring every one that with the achaic UPDF air defence,they can not bring a single kenyan military plane.they are forgetting that all uganda military hardware pass through our port and we know what they are.

    i challenged those who comments that uganda can win a war over kenya to check wakipedia,they will know what kind of junk military hardware they posses. should kenya go to war with uganda,it will be a matter of weeks before our professional military capture kampala and its president.Only kenya paramilitary unit is enough to damage the banana people.

    kenya has well trained professional solders than any nation in africa.we can only bow down to egypt and who are the military power house in africa

    the likes of martin and his vagourbond friends who give comments for the sake of it should have little knowdlege of military.let them not talk of the number of UPDF soldes ,we want facts.they totaly know nothing as far as intelligence is concerned.let me remind them of what Tz did to them,when they capture uganda capital which to us is a trading centre,not worth to be called a capital.

    The ugandans do forget that we train they senior military commanders in Kenya.

  17. ndio mimi

    i kindly urge any kenyan to exercise the highest standard of restraint. save your precious time from the bastards and sons of bitches. i know it is pretty difficult but try.we’ve got more important issues. avoid reasoning with a fool, for heaven’s sake.

  18. joe gitau

    I sincerely hope these fools talking of war have at least served in combat.

    I concede in a ground operation, we Kenyans are at a disadvantage, but our special operations boys would take Uganda’s strategic points in minutes (20th battalion and company). That’s like the S.A.S of east Africa.

    Our f-5s would knock out your ammo dumps, air bases, radar sites etc.

    Did I hear talk of air defense? In the same breath anti aircraft guns? Are you people crazy stupid or both? A.A is no defence. Ever heard of terain following flying? Or jammers or anti defenses air strikes? Lebanon’s SA4 n SA6 missiles could not stop Israeli strike aircraft from coming through….zsu guns are pea shoters against kaf.

    If we cut off your oil and steel imports you would have to look to the western borders for them, and the Congolese would not touch you with a ten foot pole.The Tanzanians would not get involved (remember 77-78). Our T-72s would pour through your defenses with infantry closing the gaps between Armour. The way would be cleared by the gunships, and in a month, the war would be over.

    So lets not have any more talk of war especially if you have not lived it.

  19. joe gitau

    Then again this kulubya dude has a measure of sense. Remember Rommel’s thrust into Al Alemein in 42 against inferior British forces. In less than a month the assault had ground to a stop. Remember the Vietnam war in general and the tet offensive in particular.

    Remember American technical superiority in Mogadishu failed in the face of ten thousand angry sammies. They had good plans and adequate aerial support but once super six four was shot down, the shit hit the proverbial fan.

    What’s my point? My point is Kenyans tho we know we can make the ug/libya-tz war look like a Sunday picnic, war is unpredictable n to tell the truth ad rather av a neighbor i can borrow salt from.

    I trained at Sandhusrt. I live the military. But we’ve built Kenya for 40yrs. Is it right to throw it all away to prove a point? Ugandans, be notified, if you attack, well fight back, but with your African Union commitments, past regime blunders, and those nasty LRA pests, would it be wise to go to war with us?

  20. eddy

    i can’t even understand y ugandans r braggin dat they can trigger war against kenya n they win tha is like palestine waging war against israel….the problem with ugandans is that they r highly primitive in matters pertaining to diplomacy.

    they will always wage wars which shows lack of intelligency…

    what i can advice them is that they should be aware of de wrath of a humble nation…

  21. Ole Nkarei

    Right on the nose, Joe Gitau, UG has not a chance in any sort of war against Kenya anytiime soon. So here goes. Check this battle-plan simulation and add your comment to – it is just fiction, but not unlike what we have been training on for years. And quite realistic all things taken into consideration.

    Day 1. At 04H30 Open Hostilities with Uganda, Pathfinder elements of 20th Paras HALO-jump off KAF Transport Planes and abscalling out of Puma Helios; take and hold Entebbe; SU-30MKK destroyed on the ground in Entebbe.
    06H30 – deep-insertion Delta & CDU long embedded inside UG have paralysed /crippled the entire UDPF Command & Communication/ Control structure; staging fields East of Mbarare / South of GULU taken out – mined or cratered.
    Accelerated large-scale 20th Paras landings at Entebbe, surburbs Kampala. Strategic Positions taken / taken out. Large-scale population fragmentation tactics by Delta and CDU – Civies flee, Kampala empties .
    Full-strength Armored break-out through Busia, Malaba and several other border points at speed. Engineers, Mechanized Infantry and Artillery Divisions in full chase.
    08H00 All other Combat Aircraft, both fixed and rotary winged wiped out in their bankers parking aprons by KAF Tac-wing and deep-insertion Delta and CDU, Dog-fights Eastern Uganda
    10H00 50th Air Calvary Killer-MD 500 ranging along Advance deep-franking this egress, all hard/fortified positions by-passed for later attention. Tororo encircled , by-passed, Armored pincer- columns move on full-tilt toward Kampala. Ground troops jump off Border, destroying by-passed fortified position, consolidate Strategic points and mop-up behind Advance.
    12H00. Heavy selective 120mm Artillery bombardment of Kampala Suburbs, target-ranging by the Delta & CDU. KAF F5E Tigers and Air Calv MD 500, WZ-9s Helios weapons-free over Kampala. Marauding lead 81st Armored T-72 MBTs in the suburbs of Kampala City with the MD 500 and WZ-9s in tow. KAF full Tac-CAP ring Eldoret to Mbarare/ Kabale, Air suppression attained entire UG. Exit Funnel to Western Sector created.
    18H00 The UPDF stream out of Eastern Sector in full rout through Exit Funnel towards Mbarare Western Uganda, Helio-borne Delta & CDU, Air Calv MD 500, WZ-9s Helios, F5E Tigers, 81st MBTs in search-and-destroy sorties .

    Day 2. Hon. Kikwete, Kagame, Meles, Kabila, Clinton, Aanan fly into Nairobi.
    Intensive FBU in Kampala another two days Delta, CDU,1stbtn 3rd btn 20th btn KAR, 50th Air Calv, KAF CAP engaged; organised, coordinated resistance wiped out in Kampala ,

    Day 3. M7 arrive in Nairobi, sues for peace.
    Hold-Position orders issued. ALL FORWARD MOVEMENT CEASES

  22. Ole Nkarei

    First hypothesis is that the objective of this Action is not economic, and therefore not to holding of ground captured, but a clear and unequivocal political statement for a either change of leadership or attitudes of present regime to Kenya. So that the objective is basically to capture and hold even for a short while the seat of Government in UG. Consequently military action would be a quick, crisp, campaign using maximum and overwhelming force, waging a rapidly developing, highly mobile war to take Kampala in the shortest period. Even a partial occupation of the seat of power would suffice this objective.
    UG options at this (Day 2)moment would be rather limited, and none with any immediate military or political benefit. Since we would not be aiming to subjugate and economically exploit our advance, considerations by M7 for an armed drawn-out resistance through unconventional means would not have substance. At this point, his Military Council will advise M7 to sue for peace or get rid of him themselves.
    The political angles and ramifications of this vista is not my concern, am just a grunt seeing this purely from a military prism.
    Moreover, for decades we have mapped anything of strategic value in UG, and have a detailed knolwedge of every whisper their Brass makes even as they make it. Those insertions teams have trained for half this decade for just this sort of scenario, extensive subortage and population-dispersal in the event of a short crisp hostile exchange between Kenya and Uganda. The SU30MKK is a bleat from a pegged sheep exesperated by the danger that sorrounds it.

  23. Patrick

    This is good to hear but Ole Nkare tell us how you will get the 2oth paras and hallo assault team jump into Entebbe without aircover and without challenge from Ugandans

  24. mombasani.

    When it comes to war on migingo island,one question that the ugandans should ask themselves is,do they have the navy?They only have the marine police who train at L.VIctoria.So,how can they really compare their marine police with our kenya navy personnel,who train in the indian ocean ?Of coz,this is bcoz they re primitive!our kenyan navy usually train from their mombasa naval base upto sri-
    Lanka,a distance of 4500 km,what about Migingo island,which is surrounded by the very tiny L.Victoria that Ugandans call it a sea bcoz they ve never seen how a real sea looks like?When it comes to ground war,when amin and his (bushmen),also called updf,wanted to invade kenya,kenya only sent APs to deal with the UPDF.After 2hrs,when kenya sent the GSU personnel(recce company) from Ruiru,when they reached Nakuru heading to western kenya,they found the APs returning since the Ugandans had already ran away,so,the GSU returned back to Ruiru.GSU is a branch of the police in kenya.This means the GSU could have captured even Kampala….!
    What the Ugandans should ask themselves is what about when kenya could have released its military…?The answer is ,Kenya would have captured the whole of Uganda in less than 6hrs.
    The ugandans helicopters were destroyed by Tanzanians during their war when they were beaten and killed by the migthty Tanzanians.The ugandans since they are poor they can not purchase pther helicopters since their money value is useless like a tissue paper.Joseph kony has been fighting museveni for the 24 yrs that he has been in power.If museveni has not succeeded in winning the war against kony who is within uganda,what about the somalias al-shabaab…?by last month his 20 soldiers were killed in mogadishu,this month a bomb blast in kampala killed 74 people,how can he then win the war in mogadishu….?his soldiers are paid less than 5000,kenya money hence are corrupt and poor,they sleep in grass thatched houses.

  25. just me

    I went to school in UG n all these cmnts that my UG friends are making are laughable, UPDF are not soldiers, to us they r like the national youth service. 1st they dnt even have proper military attires. all the soldiers that i was saw in my 3yr stay at Bugema which is in the Luwero triangle used to wear gum boots, they lived in shaks not houses n they had A.K 47’s! talk of lack of equipment and proper budgetary allocations! so during my graduation, M7 was the guest of honour and my god! the whole place was turned into a military zone! this is unheard of in Kenya. there were primitive looking soldiers with rocket launchers and substandard radio equipment for a mere graduation that lasted less than 5hrs! that was crazy, so now these guyz are talkin of war with Kenya is really primitive, anyway cant blame them they r ugandans! btw they have discovered oil in some lake but all that is useless unless they bring it to Mombasa so that we can show them wot to do with their find te he he he!!! so now that we are going to show them our military might this friday, i hope they can put their tails btwn their legs and adress the big boys with respect! oh btw did i mention that we have new fighter jets! the kind m7 see’s in movies??? so the nxt time m7 thinks we can go to war over an acre of rocks, he shud think twice! then also the numbers of updf shud not be a problem, they steal Kenyan cows to feed themselves! we cannot fight hungry forest gaurds(read updf) I hope all these ugandans who have commented on this artical will be watching NTV and Citizen tv on friday 27th Aug 2010.

  26. RAZAK

    You two countries what is your problem? you do not know your enemy,your enemy is the foriegner that is here for business look at how to do away with him and look for the Black unity and how to leave like brothers and sisters.our enemy is enjoying our stupidity,minerals and our divisions(differances) if we fight each other we give a chance to the enemy to manuplate us kenya is not uganda’s and so is uganda please look at the development of the two countries then fighting.
    Unity Africa

  27. tanui

    Rocking the east african boat will not help UG nor Kenya. The real enemy of East africa is disease, poverty and ignorance. Our past present and future is too intertwined. M7 is no fool, Y he has pitched camp at migingo buffles me. But the intention stinks. He is on the wrong side of history. If Kenya and UG go to war, believe me, Musevenis kids and grand kids will be very far from the fight, (irrespective of how “mighty” UPDF is)
    After all this borders were drawn by Kaburus (who will be very happy to supply arms for the fight).
    M7, shame on you and by the way, u are yet to pay for your part of the cost for the survey which you chickend out of!

  28. chrisikam

    I think you people are not familiar with the consequences of war especially to the civillian population. The after taste of war ain’t sweet, so please be calm because you will be the most vulnerable in time of war.


  29. jmn

    from kenya:::::African countries should be uniting not fighting….so sad….but anyway….Uganda as of now cannot win in a war with Kenya….war is not just won by soldiers ,guns n jets……further victory by kenya would be quasi victory…uganda is our biggest market….Uganda imports goods through Kenya….

  30. john bosco

    We are all Africans from east africa,looking forward to form united states of Africa,wat shit are we talking about?why are we beating war drums?if we have nothing to do we better stop writing nosense and post 4 p’ple to read,we are brothers and sisters moving freely in these east african countries therefore such provocative words will not bring peace among us.If we the blacks are trying to bring division among us why do we always complain that whites are racists?Bro jmn,your words are sounding so gud,keep it up,let the fools make noise,we want to see one Africa with one vision,Africa must be united and if possible fight the western powers who are oppressing us………..One Africa one people,from Uganda.

  31. eric

    All i can say is that uganda can br cleared in 30minutes by the kenya armed forces with no casualties on the kenya side. Mu7i has failed to curb konys forces.. Wt about the british and us trained kenyan personel??? Really????

  32. steve

    Ug? Defeat kenya? Oh please, where will you even get fuel to cross the boarder? We’ll kick ur candy asses!!

  33. efrommers

    =>Okello Martin

    Hi guys I have just stumbled upon this web site and i feel justified to add a point. I think this war-mongering Ugandans are like their somali counterparts. The Heat in Somali is fervent becos of what the KDF are doing. What alshabbab is doing is playing phsychologigical war games because their rhetoric is proving futile and they know their days are numbered. I wish the so called Alsh*b**B who resisted the US/ETHOPIAN incursion in 2006 can fight more with their artillery than with their mouths. And my brothers like Okello Martin fom UG are just dreamers. Uganda cannot afford a war because it is landlocked. Just like the much hyped and overrated Ethiopia is landlocked; they have no open sea to at least regroup and launch an offensive as shown by the stiffness of the battle of the port of Asmara, which the Eritreans showed them. Ugandans the same Which means if they have to attack kenya, they have to adopt Strategic reconainsance that is they have to do a sting operation against kenya while it sleeps. OK! where will they start at the MIGINGO? If they do so the Administration police (AP) is fit to do so we do not need to deploy KDF nor GSU personnel because they will suffer heavily. Now Okello martin and his war mongering ugandans are compar Uganda to Israel. Uganda 100 times bigger than Israel. Israel is 1000 times mightier and more intelligent than UPDF. And again they are basing their thoughts and arguments far way back during the topple of MoBUTU’s regime in DRC. How many decades ago? 2-3!

    If, UPDF is to topple KDF. they will do so on basis of the following:

    1.For UPDF to topple KDF, they have to be assissted heavily by a combined military contigent of EAC soldiers otherwise half of the UPDF army will die while trekking on their way to kenya without even fighting while trying to walk from kampala to Lanet or to Nairobi Via Gilgil. They will starve to death while on the road. If they manage to pass Gilgil, then atleast they can mount a substantial attack. But my advice is they need help even in trying to repell 12 year old child militia that have set base in Central African Republic that come in and out Uganda and others from DRC to cause havoc. At least it is time now that Okello Martin’s “Mighty UPDF” have to validated their credentials as a hardened army by trying to solve that crisis of child militia, then they can comfortably talk about a confrontation on Kenyan Soil with KDF

    2. If UG’s Mi-22 are to pass over lanet or nanyuki they will waste all their resources on fuelling and refuelling. Their Mi-22s which have not undergone any MLU or air test since they were given as donations from SOUTH AFRICA.

    3. I can feel my brother who introduced us brothers from KN as “Myopic” well we are short sighted but I believe were it not for the UN reinforcements and equipments, I think now our so called “Mighty updf’s ” blood will have bathed the streets of Mogadishu. Initially deployed in Mogadishu as 9000, now we dont know if they exist even in numbers ranging from 3000 from their initial figure. Call for help Okello Martin we will be glad to assist one another as EAC brethren to wipe this menace called Alshabaab. You went it alone now AMisom nearly faced extermination but thanks to the UN

  34. Rutilio Mexicano

    Uganda to beat Kenya? Lol. Havent had a laugh in a while. Ugandans wake up, we dont leave in the 19th century no more.

  35. shem

    The 2011/2012 Kenyan budget was bigger than that of Uganda,Tanzania,Rwanda and Burundi combined.Now only a fool would like to imagine that Uganda can be superior to Kenya in military terms simply because they claim to have a guerrilla military.We dont even need to fight them,closing our borders will mean they dont have fuel,the Uganda economy depend on kenya.Our millitary equipments are very superior compared to them.All the major companies there are Kenyan,including the monitor,equitybank,kcb,nd many more,now uganda will be best placed to avoid any war with kenya.we can dismantle their economy in a second.Or are they putting their trust in that dictator they call museveni,checkout what happened to gaddafi,hez next.

  36. AMK

    he best war is never fought by weapons or the mouth like our bro is busy yapping about but rather by the heart.
    While you people are busy discussing war between the East African nations, other nations are busy equipping their population with basic needs which both Kenya and Uganda lack……..a huge majority of citizens in both nations go hungry while both governments use billions to acquire arsenals.
    One thing my fellow East Africans should all know is that the issue of Migingo along other issues in EAC have been politicized for reason…which is to make us forget about the basic issues that should unite the common man against the government which consist of corrupt individual but all in all we have chosen to fall to their traps and we sing war songs while they party and merry the drinking the blood of our freedom fighters, the blood of the youth and now the blood of our military personnel.
    We need development and not war in East Africa, but if any nation messes with its neighbors integrity then if I may speak for Kenya…….we are ready to quash you anytime. We might have a small but very well equipped military with every other Kenyan acting as a reservist. Kenya is a country of silent warriors we leave the mouth bickering to idiots……….”Be smart like a Kenyan…don’t yap alot while you are a coward at heart”.
    God bless Kenya, EAC and the African continent.

  37. Charles Mulupi

    I stumbled upon this thread and trust me Okello and co. ltd, i have read it line by line. This is cheap chit chat aimed at siphoning infor from each other yet apparently some of you are millitary elements or is it mere chest thumping.

    It is fun to hear you blubber like infants yet God forbid, you know where the scale tilts in the event of war between Uganda and Kenya.
    Guerilla!! to me sounds archaic like the primate itself. Convention, technology, budget and skilled personel should be the real parameters in the debate.
    M7 is like behaving like karate kids who often attempt to pull a first on their masters only to get disappointed. As someone mentioned, it is a ploy to divert attention from teething social-economic issues but he possibly knows such a mistake will buy Besigye a one way ticket to state house.

    That 1 acre real estate of a rock should not make orphans out of rather happy Ungandan families.

    For the UPDF! these boys have not seen or heard real millitary sh!t in a war theatre… they will forget to shoot but clup thinking they are in the movies.

    Come on people, Kibaki-M7 courtship is over. Let those running mouths decelerate with Odinga otherwise the party is over.

  38. lemmy

    i agree with Charles. This much talk of Uganda being a battle hardened and experienced force is a little over exerggerated. I this era weaponery and militery technology matters more than the so called gaurillar experience. Besides, in the event of a war between kenya and uganda…..we will be fighting a conventional war….not a gaurilla……and you just can’t compare uganda and kenya in such a fight…..kenya can atterly dismember uganda.

    uganda has men……and AKs……and pretty much nothing else…….two to three jet fighters cant make an airforce……we incase of a war will rule the air……and you know what that means…… rule the air you pretty much win the war…….but if our friend who started this thread disputes this…..then let him stop feeding himself on uganda’s intelligence propaganda and try to compare these two forces using independent and unbiased parameters.

  39. Joshua Kato

    Lemmy, i am afraid you do not know about Uganda`s airforce. How can you claim that Uganda has AKs and two-three planes? Just this year, Uganda has acquired 8 and not six 4th generation planes called the SU-30mkm. These are in the range of the USf-18s or even better. in comparison, Kenya has got at least 16 F-5tiger planes all of them manufactured in the late 60s. Uganda`s planes were manufactured this year, straight from the factory. So the two cannot compare in terms of air superiority. In fact, given the amount of armaments and versatility that the SU-30s have, just two of them can destroy the entire Kenyan fleet in a dog fight. By the way, these are the most expensive planes in the region and Africa!

    In addition, the over 10 MIG21s that Uganda has were upgraded to Mig-29 standards and again, these are far better than the F-5s you are yupping about. So brother, in the unlikely event of war between the two countries, you won`t control the air space. It will be controlled by Uganda. By the way, the SU-30s range can move them from Kampala-Mombasa and back without landing anywhere! The F-5 cannot cover such ground! And i have not mentioned the Mig-23s!

    In addition, I have seen the Kenyan choppers-the so called MD500 in action and it is just a light attack chopper that cannot in anyway meet the UG`s heavily armed MI-24s and MI-35s. Contrary to what you think, Uganda has got lots of these machines.

    As far as the ground forces are concerned, Kenya`s 24,000 men cannot fight a border war successfully. Border wars need much more troops than the just 24,000 men. In fact, in the current operation in Somalia, the lack of enough men to cover captured and offensive positions is one of the reasons the ‘mighty’ KDF has been stuck in one place since the first week of the operation. At current troop strength, Uganda has over 60,000 soldiers and over 100,000 experienced reservists.

    You should also learn that UG mechnised divisions have MBTs in 100s-including T-72s and T-85s. So debate with information please!

  40. kenyana

    First of all i must say Ugandans really adore war jus like their dictator Mu7.I must thank God that they are the poor guys in the region coz had they been the Kenya of the region,everyone wud be trembling in fear!!You guys love war.Period.No wonder mu7 is buying the above ^^^ weapons in a country where internet access is unbelievably low and costs 10 times more than in kenya.Coz to him its all about war.The war in sudan ended(largely due to kenyas help) and now you lookin for a new one with a peace loving country this time.
    What mu7 is doing about migingo is that he wants to sell himself to the populace of uganda as a defender of his country coz he has realized he is widely unpopular.And i wonder how u guys do nothing against this ironfist man.Democracy in uganda is read in history books.Besigye is normally beaten up by police senseless and no law suits result?????seriusly!!!The last time is when he came to kenya for treatment(which he had been denied) and man i really pitied the man.He looked like a shoe shiner out of jail.Aiii ugandans u gotta style up and demand for democracy…You are where kenya was in the 80s democratically and of course no need of comparing economically cos ur toddlers.
    Please realise that mu7 is jus foolin u with migingo.And i can promise you he will rule you for life.(tho i doubt u find that sad in any way coz u r used to it).

    Now talkin of war,i wud mourn if that happened coz it would jus mean uganda in doldrums economically and socially.Kenya can afford to finance a war against u guys very easily and u wud have to use all your years budgets to finance the war(something mu7 can do without a second thought) and still get a thorough a$$ whippin.The hardened soldiers u kip yapping about would even join kenya due to admiration.
    And you say kenyan soldiers have never fought a war(as if thats a bad thing)huh!But for u it definately is.Then look at the number of kenyan soldiers dead in somalia over a month later,only 4 and they gainin territorry at alarming speeds and the locals supporting them 100%.Alshabaab are no longer talkin they jus runnin scared and choppin off ppls heads and arms.

    I jus hope the success of our soft soldiers in Somalia (making somalia a stable country and somalis livin freely for the first time) will prove a point or two to mu7 and the like mindeds.That:
    1. Our dream as kenya is to use our forces only and only if need be(read help troubled neighbours)
    2.Our untested soldiers dont go to the camps to smother women bt rather to train(modern day training).See how they butchering shabaab boys whose minds have been corrupted by religion.
    3.We shall be ready as hell to bring war to your tuff if you attack.(what happened after alshabaab attacked kenya)
    4.We never meddle in other nations affairs(yet we are surrounded by unstable/hostile nations) as you guys do due to poor leadership, unless our security/interests are touched on serious scale.

    Lastly i would not wish kenya to involve herself in ugandas mess cos that would be lowering our dignity.Its like lowering your pants in public!!!

    Work on your economy ugandans atleast you discovered oil(read cursed gold)

  41. john

    Am just happy to hear diffrent opinions from diffrent quarters , and though i would like to take a much more factual approach . How mch money does uganda spend in defence in comparison with kenya ? i can assure u if u have the figures on your table then you would change the tune . kenya spends approximately seven tyms the money uganda spends on defence . the issue of a hardy army is white wash , why was it that the batle hardened army could not subdue the ruandan army , see war is not about numbers always , it is also about the technology deployed . when u talk about rapid deployment what technology does the ugandan army use to do that . i can assure u that ugandan army does not have the capacity to handle there kenyan conterparts at all and thats all .

  42. elvis

    i find it rediculous for ugandans to think always in terms of war , on a serious note what i can say that most of the talk is driven by ignorance and lack of proper information . to start with ugandans have never fought a worth enemy and when they fought one there army came down in days . fighting for along tym earns u no expirience , it only diminishes your fighting capacity to wage war . thirdly i would like ugandans to know that there army is no march for el bashirs kathourm . elbashirs sudan has a beter armed and trained army than updf , infact khatoum have long range missiles to strike kampala without an army crossing there border . How wud you celebrate victory against a drc army which cannot stop even a milita with a few ak 47 , in short thats an empty victory . and by the way have u finished paying 4 the six planes or ur just bragging about them . and who told ugandans that an f5 is the best kenyans have ? and is my friend aware that todate f-5 is still in us military sevice . it is not about when it started its service but what systems weponary and navigation it uses and how efective they are . i got a question for u guys , why does updf need 100 military advisors from the us to hunt a fugitive ? shame shame shame and you still think that u can fight a convectional army . wake up from your slumber boys .

  43. elvis

    Across the East and Central African region, Kenya remains the most militarily powerful country. This is based on its capabilities including assets and resources at disposal besides human resources. Latest acquisitions particularly long range surface to surface missiles SSM and surface to air missiles SAM has bolstered its capability to strike enemies strategic military positions. Another major boost to its capability was the acquisition of a new fleet of F-5 –Tiger strategic fighter jets. These, albeit commonplace perception they are old, are upgraded 1989 Northrop editions, hence superior. They have speed and precisions besides modern radar and an anti-aircraft fire detection and evasion system, in simple words. The new fleet totals 25 and will back up another 18 all in compact condition.

    On Yearly basis, Kenya has been building up its infantry. Annually, 6000 troops are trained and the cadet school recruits hundreds of military aviators. As such, annually, an estimated 8,000 join the military. The military intelligence and the defense training college in Karen is a hub for senior military officials where strategy and geopolitics are assessed. Besides, the Kenyan military is disciplined well trained, and engaged in corporate social responsibility.

    Military threats facing Kenya hardly suffice to be high level let alone raise a major threat to the country sovereignty. A case scenario is Uganda and Somalia. The Ugandan regime has an expansionist doctrine that has seen them eye specific locales across Lake Victoria. Militarily, Kenya has the capacity to fed off Uganda both using flak and flank but there has never been any troop’s movement or deployment to insinuate Kenya’s military response to such a threat. Along the border with Uganda, tribal militia-like communities keep moving in and out of either country or joint disarmament exercises.

    Latest Military Realignment and Acquisitions in Uganda

    Uganda spent billions of Ugandan shillings to acquire Russian fighter aircraft besides upgrading its infantry technical capability. Latest acquisition of Sukhoi fighter jets

    Uganda, based on current threat matrix analysis poses a significant military threat based on two pronged factors. Its recent military upgrades including the acquisition of six sukhoi-20 mk2 fighter aircraft that are rated as top of the range fighters and the discovery of oil in the country is disturbing. It is right for Uganda to up its air defenses and upgrade its military technical capability based on its rising economic fortunes and the arising need to keep such resources safe. On the other hand, geopolitics force Kenyan oil rich north to remain an unexploited oil reserve but rising energy costs and Ugandan oil requires balancing the act.

    Migingo and Ugingo Island issues are geopolitical and a big issue all together. Kenyan military strategists and their intelligence counterparts have for a year now sought a way out without considering a military strike on Uganda owing to the fact that the F-5E cannot match sukhoi-20 mk2 fighter which Museveni is desperate to use. Instead, the NSIS proposed top-secret acquisitions of superior fighter aircraft. According to a series of defense, meetings between Kenyan air force officials, and agreed to seek which among US 35- F-15 fighter aircrafts should be delivered to cushion Kenyan against the increasing threat from her neighbors.

    Besides the F-15, the country has already acquired 50 z-9w attack helicopters from China and another fleet of Harbin gunship attack helicopters. In continuum for the rising levels of threat and powerful enemy flak, the NSIS along Military intelligence have been talking for sellers of F-15, JF-17, and Mi35 gunships to up the Kenya air force and diversify its technical and tactical capability.

    Regional Balance Necessitates More Military Spending in Kenya

    Kenya ranks 40 in military spending globally. However, the defense expenditure is warranted given the strategic position of Kenya in the region besides its strategic importance to Britain, Israel, and United States. The same scenario now applies to the Chinese. Massive infrastructure upgrades and construction in Kenya have been the responsibility of the Chinese since 2005 when President Kibaki began specific economic reforms in the country. Defense expenditure plans have been cushioned from publicity besides keeping the clandestine due to the sensitive nature of arms info that can prompt an arms race in the region. There is also the issue of Kenyan security pact with Ethiopia, which shields both from armed conflicts. Southern Sudan military, a rebel outfit without discipline is now being trained and equipped by the Kenya army. Kenya main fear lies within Khartoum, Uganda, and Somalia.

    Sudan has sought to repress the Juba regime and now that cessation was confirmed, keeping Khartoum away by building an army in the South besides adequately arming it is sensible and a long-term strategy. The theatre of the complex matrix of this threat compounds when type of arms comes to focus. Training pilots is expensive and cumbersome and the Southern Sudanese are not yet ready to fly an F-5E, an Instrument Kenya desperately wants to give them. Khartoum has MIGs, latest editions, besides a long-range facility that is producing a sizeable amount of surface to air and surface-to-surface missiles. The target would be Juba and Kenya since Kenya is the Juba proxy.

    Ugandan oil and visits by President Museveni in the recent past has prompted the war-happy Museveni to acquire armor and air defense including the 6-Sukhoi from Russia. Museveni has since then felt confident enough to try Kenyan military by taking two islands, a geopolitical dilemma for Kenya. Kenya will only respond once the 35-F-15 from the United States are delivered and tested. The United States stopped using the F-15 after unverified mechanical-and system problems caused crashes during recent mock action. With Kenya one of the world’s most secretive army besides spending massively annually, it is yet to be verified what exactly has been acquired, disposed, or upgraded. Such information surfaces two or more years after it is done and the detail is scanty.

    Somali’s extremists seek to expand their communal presence across the borders of Somalia, meaning Kenyan and Ethiopia will be annexed. Preparing an army that is well equipped and with sufficient intelligence framework to counter the threat is an urgent need. With a larger army today, and a fleet of armored vehicles/humvees, more land rovers, hundreds of Steyers, hundreds of main battle tanks with better armor, thousands of rockets, hundreds of missiles, a fleet of F-15 Eagles, Chinook attack helicopters, Harbins gunships, MD 500s, besides missile launchers, among many new and modern weaponry, Kenya is balancing the act and tilting the power balance to its favor as usual.

  44. Albert K

    Ugandan soldiers consist of Uncircumcised Gentiles who cannot call themselves men until they undergo that rite of passage plus Kenya Defense Forces total 63,000 plus active personel while updf has btn 40-45,000 active personel.In terms of those available and fit for military service kenya has 8,967,435 youths while uganda only has 2,564,783 due to the high HIV prevalence rate caused by being Uncircumcised immoral bastards led by their own Uncircumcised President museveni who is at best a HIV ridden Boy who undergoes blood transfusion every 6 months to prolong his life. I am a Kenyan who lived and studied in uganda and i saw first hand the deplorable conditions of your military bases such as Makindye are in, which is at best a shanty slum plus ugandan soldiers wear Gum Boots meant for the rain and walk at night in the streets of Kabalagala and Kansanga doing police duties-is that surely an army to be proud of?Finaly a Major in the updf earns 600,000 ugshs and equivalent of 24,000 kshs while the same in Kenya earns 165,000 plus allowances totaling 3million ugshs?Don’t over talk you black skinned ugly poor bastards lest we send our Superior military to annihilate you-Finaly do ugandans ever wonder why our beautiful ladies won’t stand a ugandan man courting her while we fuck ugandan bitches left,right and centre?Well, go get circumcised and learn why-Dirty insolent fools who mustarbate randomly like stray dogs!!!!

  45. B Maina

    Albert K,

    Just like you, am a proud Kenyan, however your choice of words on our Ugandan brothers leaves alot to be desired. I think you are out of line with your insults……that was uncalled for. KDF is reputed to be one of the most disciplined and professional armies in the world. Lets make them proud by upholding there standards as we engage in this cyber shadow boxing with our ugandan brothers. lets fight with facts, logic and psychology and leave insults out of this.

    what do you other guys think?

  46. Quentin Kariuki

    Well, Military information is not for everybody, if you have it, then you have a third rate information. Espionage is not boarding a bus and having a pistol at Aguba bar in Mbale, Namatala Road off palisa road. M7 has governed Uganda as a clan. Kenya Army is a professional Army with battle experience to talk off. Visit the Sierra Leone attack on a patrol trop of Kenya Army and know that Indian Battalian could not come and face the same bullets. Kenyans fought Fodey Sanko’s boys who had scared the Indians and the Nigerians, within 6 hours they were back in camp and safe. UPDF has been in South Sudan, Lulubo, Kapoeta, Juba, Kajokeji and Yambio beaten flat by LRA.
    In Congo, Zimbabwean Forces arrested Muhonzi a general where were his battle hardened men.
    In Ituri, Jean Bosco Ntaganda was the man leading the Hema. UPDF was bussy looting, What does that say of their professionalism. UPDF puts on gumboots and sleeps in grass thatched huts carries cooking pots to cook posho and beans-it is a pathetic scene to see them in battle camps. They even beg for cigarettes. While the Banyankole cowards sleep and mess the Army.
    You put Kenya army on the road to Kampala, nobody will stop them. The Langi and Acholi, Baganda and Teso elements in UPDF will have finished he business before we get there.
    M7 is no different from Gaddaffi, trains a few Bahima and hopes to have an army. If a bullet is shot in Kampala he will be caught at Owino Market in a gabbage pit.
    Kenyan airforce flies periodically over Nakasero and M7 is deep asleep in a bloated ego.
    Where did you say M7 went to school again? and to study what? The guy who led him to the thrown was Fred Rwigema a Rwandese clever fellow that he killed. Museveni is no match to Kenyan Generals, Like retired Ndolo, Retired Opande, Retired Sumbeiwo, the list is long, men of substance who can be compared to General Olusegun Obasanjo.
    Ugandans just barp in intellectual discourse without any substance. Makerere is a pale reality for University. A Kenya senior 4 is far better than a Makerere graduate.
    Kony who has been a headache for M7, what is he again? a P7 dropout with no military academy to his name, but look at how he has shamed UPDF.
    Men Ugandans are aparthetic to allow such an idiot to rule them for that long.

  47. Quentin Kariuki

    The latest on Uganda Military ” a soldier shoots another of a dollar in Mogadishu-SNM in Somalia. Imagine what you call a professional Army. Simply put M7 does not pay the army. The Kenya Army in Tabda, Dhobley earns $1800 per month, while his counter part in UPDF earns $120 and has not been paid for the last 6 months. Kenya Army soldier wifes live in Military barracks, 2bedroomed appartment for a private, Electricity, water and food taken care off. So the good soldier can focus on the task at hand. Infact, NOC from Uganda army is a class 7 and a village conscript. Kenya recruites equally from all the 47 districts. Minimum entry requirement is form 4 grade C equivalent to Division 11 in Uganda. If you compare the education quality, that is First Class material senior 6.
    So interms of understanding military strategy, the Kenyan soldiers just laugh at Ugandans.
    UPDF carries AK47 the gun of choice of for a ragtag army. Kenyan forces carry as a standard M4, and the german made mac. The M4 is full fitted with grenade launching, snipper binoculars, nocturnal device night vision.
    The Kenyan force is more professional. After Somalia, let M7 try, he will know that Kenya is not Kony and Alshabab.

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