Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 19:33:55 +0300 [11:33:55 AM CDT]
From: Dere South

A couple of Points i think you should consider here my friend.
(1)Operation Iron fist is simply a total FAILURE.Why is Kony still a threat to the Kampala Regime?Operation Safe haven was even worse,led by a mere boy who has no skill in conducting warfare,simply because he is the son of the King.Why did the operation cause some heat from the generals of the army as to who should led the entire operation.N wonder Kony managed to hide and still shoot down your stone age MiG 21 fishbeds.
(2)CMI could be making ‘covert’ operations inside Kenya.Is Kenya’s NSIS sleeping?
(3)You say that that Kenyan Military is highly tribal,have you asked yourself why inside UPDF,most of the low rank and file are men from the North and the people up the Ladder come from south western Uganda and those at the top come from the Bahima clan of the banyankole?
(4)Is Runyankole the lingua franca inside PGD(Formerly PGB)?
(5).The reason as to why Ug appear to have won the War in Congo is because of some simple plain reasons as i will put them
-They had support from Local militia groups
-Armies from Kinshasa,Namibia,Angola and others had to cross the huge rain forest to face off the UPDF and RPF.This significantly reduced their fighting capablities.What did UPDF have to encounter to diminish their output?

On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 8:37 PM, kamya andre wrote:

Comrades long time.
i didnt take your hostile responses to my submissions personally cz unlike y pretenders to democracy i believe in free expression however shallow.
anyway i have got some classfied intelligence info from Ugandas intelligence community i wld like to share with y, it evalutates kenyas military capabilities in case of war with Uganda, and how kenya is likely to be in 12yrs and what Uganda shd do to influence evernts there, but am sorry am going to edit it.
1.The report considers kenya a failed state, with tribalism thatS going to affect its basic state functions, economy, and civil society for at least a decade whatever the out come of any “democratic process” It suggests that Uganda shd increase its covet operations to take advantage of the unstable climate to influence evernts in its strategic farvour.
The report puts kenyas military balance at approx 24,120 men, the navy 1620, airforce personnel 2500, with a paramilitary whose nber isnt certain the combat man power is approx 29,000 which is only 2 divisons of the Uganda UPDF{ which has 50,000 troops tht are battle harden, and highly trained}. kenyas amry recruits mainly officer cadet on ethic considerations which undermines cohesion and displine in case of war like it was the case with Amins army while Uganda has a policy a regional balance in recruitment, traing and promotion tht has created a highly motivated and displined force. while both armies possess more or less the same military hardware with kenya having an edge, kenya lucks experiance in command and control, rapid deployment, actual warfare and unlike Tanzania it doesnt subject its force in refresher courses and war games. Uganda has the best example of using fewer resources to wage war like in congo where it held off a combined attack
of angola and other countries.
kenya has air superiority with planes like 11 hughe 500 MD attack choppers, 11 SA 330 specialsed transport choppers, and a nber of MiGs but Uganda whose doctrine is Air Defence has Anti aircraft systems tht can put all the above planes down, note Uganda put down a nbr of planes during the congo war and the sudan war. Uganda 4th and 5th divisons numbering 20,000 r considered to be the best infantry troops in subsaharan africa {read janes sentinel security assessment{JSSA}, anyway dont waste yr time coz Uganda usd those divisons 2 fight 2 wars at the same time, Operation Iron Fist against Sudan and the LRA, and Operation Safe Haven in congo.
3. The intelligence report says that while the possibilty of war bn Ug and Kenya is remote a very unstale kenya tht is being inflitrated by Ug covet operations can disrupt or close its border with Ug and cause the collaspe of Ugs economy, it suggests tht Ug shd consider seriously and urgently the southern corridor to the indian ocean via TZ.
CONCLUSION OF THE REPORT IN SUMMARY- A RELATIVELY UNSTABLE KENYA IS GOOD 4 UGANDAS LONGTERM STRATEGIC INTRESTS – viz creating a friendly regime that will give Uganda a competitive advantage in East africa federation negiotiations MUSEVENIS DREAM.[REPORT IS FROM KYAKWAZI POLITICAL SCHOOL]


— On Mon, 4/20/09, Isaac Ochola wrote:

From: Isaac Ochola
Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 10:28 AM

You seem to have a pretty small brain and I would not want
to waste my time in any sort of exchange with you, but I
feel compelled to say the following.

To compare UG with Israel is laughable and to say
“you” cant allow …..anyone to be president is
hilarious to say the least. Who are you to determine who the
President of Kenya or any other country for that matter
other than UG is ? The fact that you hate Swahili is your
business,but also sounds stupid coming from an East African.
Anyway who cares what you hate or like ?
I love Ugandans in general and Im glad I dont have the
burden of hating anyone or anything for no reason at all.
You must be a bigot, tribalist, etc… who suffers from a
superiority complex and all I can do is pray for your
deliverance from this myopic, backward/primitive way of
The rest I will not even bother to talk about. You seem so
one track minded that it is not worth my time.
As for Migingo, all I can say is that it belongs to its
rightful owner no matter what you or anyone else says or
I wish you the best in your aggression/expansionist policy

kind regds


— On Sun, 4/19/09, kamya andre wrote:

From: kamya andre
WAR ……………..
Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 5:31 AM

i am Ugandan and i have read y desperate calls for war
with Uganda plz dont be fooled you leaders know wt happened
to Angola, Chad, Zimbabwe,Congo and Rwanda whn they tried to
wage war against Uganda whn it occupied Kisangani. its only
the security council tht forced the mighty UPDF to withdraw.
forget abt amin his force was forght by a combined force tht
included many ugandans not to mention Museven, the TZ force
wldnt have otherwise managed revise y history.
migongo is Ugandan bt even if if its not we can fight for
it!!!!, we r small tht why like isreal we have to be
aggressive to survive.
its our policy to creat spheres of influence like in
southern sudan where we defeated the arabs by supportg SPLA,
in Congo and Rwanda. and we cant allow Oginga to be
president of kenya coz its against our strategic intrests
hate swahili and who believe a superior militarily and have
proved it 4 and can prove against kenya.

— On Thu, 4/16/09, otieno sungu wrote:

From: otieno sungu
Subject: RE: migingo
Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009, 11:29 PM

Have you really been around or you just arrived? How
many times have delegations from Kenya and Uganda met and
agreed on certain measure only for Uganda to add more troops
on the Island?

Did you hear that Kibaki met Museveni over the same in
Zambia and it was agreed the flag of Uganda be
lowered, the troops removed and the ownership determined when is is
still treated as neautral territory. What did Musevini do
the next day? Send in more troops, a helicopter and patrol
boats. You must be Mahatma Gandhi himself if you still think
Museveni will dialogue. The message he is sending is clear,
“:if you want Migingo, come and fight for it”.

Brother, open your eyes. About the hurt to the common
man, which war has even been fought without losses? It is
called collateral damage, the suffering some have to go for
the good of the nation.

The allies lost hundreds of thousands of troops to
subdue Hitler, was it worth it? Yes, very much!!!


— On Thu, 4/16/09, Anthony Wangondu wrote:

From: Anthony Wangondu
Subject: RE: migingo
Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009, 6:13 AM

Actually, uprooting the railway line at Kibera will
also hurt Kenyans. This is certainly the wrong approach.
Professionals should advocate and support dialogue not
violence – violence has never and will never resolve
Kenya is still reeling from the senseless violence
after the 2007 elections and no one (apart from the
benefitted from that; in fact things are generally
worse than they could have.
We must shun violence; it should have no place in our
language and in our actions

From: otieno sungu
Sent: 15 April 2009 18:27
Subject: Re: migingo

Very true, and the blockade of the goods to Uganda is
yet to begin, Kenyans will do what Kibaki has failed to
do, and Museveni will surrender in less that 2 weeks.

For Museveni, you cannot defeat a people’s
resolve, for
Kibaki, you cannot procrastinate forever.

Viva Kenya!!



— On Wed, 4/15/09, toprank899 wrote:

From: toprank899
Subject: migingo
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 8:44 AM

is it tru that railway has been uprooted in kibera in
solidarity with
migingo kenyans and plans are underway to do the same
in western and
nyanza provinces so as to make UG surrendor migingo on

52 thoughts on “Re: RE. KENYA A FAILED STATE{ UGANDA INTELLIGENCE}; Re: migingo

  1. Lemmy

    Going through this thread, i can surmise that much of what our ugandan friends opine about the strength of their army is anchored on the argument of uganda being a war hardened force, that is they have fought many wars compared to Kenya. First let me say, that is bulshit, prior to American entry into the second world war, Germans dismissed them as inexperienced kids who would run for cover the moment bullets start flying. But once US joined, Japan who blown to shit, and German scuttled to nothingness, and as they say, the rest is history. Kenya has priorities, we have a country to develop, as such we are not about to involve ourselves into pointless show of military superiority, coz we know we dont have to since we rule the region already, and that is a fact.


    Ugandans and their Stupid Accent. NKT. Njagara njagara!!kubaff yote. We will come to th@shithole, fuck u up, make Swahili the National Language n give ourselves a treat at Nyali Beach in Mombasa while at it (Do they even know wh@ the word BEACH really means, Jesus!!)

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