Leave them cards alone

Do you like shopping? Which is your favorite store? How would you feel if someone put an injunction against you from visiting the store especially during the time when items are on sale?

But that is exactly what has happened to some people.
Several retail stores have from time to time found themselves barring some customers from going to their stores for a period of time. These are the customers that have not trained themselves to keep their hands to themselves.

It’s rather sad that some customers of all age groups do not know the different between what’s theirs and what’s not. Any time they see anything that they like but do not have money to pay for, they just grab. Many have ended behind bars.

Unfortunately, the same thing applies at many working places. It’s no secret that people steal from their work places thus causing themselves, family members and others untold misery.

If we don’t have money to buy something, let us train ourselves to be content with what we have. To steal from our spouses, friends, work mates, work places, and any other place will only cause us untold misery.

But perhaps the most compelling reason is the commandment, “You shall not steal.” Any thing beyond there is totally unacceptable. Remember it only takes a few minutes to steal, but the consequences are many. As for I, me and myself, we have decided to leave them cards alone. How about you my friend?

Just a thought.

Pr Birai

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