Kenya: Kibaki Liar, Raila liar, the drums are now silent, reason can prevail!!!

Now that Kibaki liar; Raila liar drums have gone silent after Marende’s ruling, I want to invite both sides of these debates that became bitter to the exstent abuses were exchanged at some points in various forums. As I watched from the safety of the sidelines, I hoped we would look at the issues and not rely on the word of the two whose private meetings were to horse trade and when they differed, both began playing holier with one claiming consultation and the other denying.

How did either side know who is lying and who is telling the truth? Did you just believe depending on your affiliation, tribe or party loyalty?

This would be an interesting way of knowing how “we” arrived at who was lying or telling the truth, we are yet to even know who lied and who told the truth.

If we approached matters soberly this way, we will stop being the blind supporters who our leaders turn to to fuel political fires in their quest for power.

Now, let us talk to each other.

Was the law followed? This is the crux of the matter.

Otieno Sungu.

One thought on “Kenya: Kibaki Liar, Raila liar, the drums are now silent, reason can prevail!!!

  1. Jd Brown

    mr. Sungu:
    The people of Kenya would be much better off if they can spent time reading the newly minted constitution. I don’t think both leaders are “liars or were lying”. The major problem Kenya politicians…at this time is that they don’t take this constitution seriously and they lack knowledge in understanding international treaties and their obligations. The current appointments by Kibaki were done in the old context where Presidential decree dictated to: parliament, PNU and Ruto supporters to rubber stamp these nomination.

    What Kibaki and his supporters forgot was that this is new Kenya and the new constitution had to be followed in these appointments. Also as “the smoke clears” now,it turns out that the rush to appoint the judiciary members by Kibaki was meant to convince: AU, UN and ICC that Kenya was now serious about setting up judiciary system.As you can see based on Propaganda DVD video shown to African Head of States at AU recent AU meeting the.

    Kenya government, PNU and the newly formed KKK have vowed to do everything within their powers to protect the Six to ever going to ICC to trial.

    As the say goes ” the enemy of my enemy is my friend” your PM is in the bulls eye in the coming elections of the 2012.From now to 2012 election, the chances of your country discussing any national issues that may affect this country in the long run are not too high.The 24/7 politics as I see is to finish your PM politically and deny him everything he stand for before 2012 election. If PNU, Ruto group and KKK alliance they would like to have election now before ICC begin or finish its case against the Ocampo Six..WHAT DO YOU THINK OR HOW DO YOU SEE IT??

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