Kibaki’s Survival Strategies

  Kibaki and his cronies are using some of the Moi/Kanu tactics of the past dictatorial regime of Moi.  These included using boot lickers like Mungatana to go out there and tell the world something completely out of line with the public desire.  This approach usually serves two purposes in a dictaorship; first it sends signals in advance of what is going to happen, and secondly it is used to gauge the response of the public.  Kalonzo Musyoka having worked for Moi for twenty years, perfected these methods.  Nowonder, he recently chaired the PNU/GPC meeting that opposed any power sharing arrangement even though “his” official party is ODM-Kenya.  In the same breadth Kibaki announced yesterday that any agreements must be in line with the existing constitution of Kenya.
  What in effect these people are telling the world is that while Koffi Annan’s negotiations which they “suport”, might soon strike a deal, all agreements will first have have to go to parliament for debate as is required by the constitution before they are passed into law.

 They hope that ODM may not be able to garner enough majority to vote in a power sharing deal having killed two of ODM’s MPs.  How many ODM MPs have since been bought is any one’s guess.
  The point here is that ODM has somewhat lost ground down from demanding Kibaki’s outright removal, to a power sharing arrangement which must first be endorsed in parliament.  Kibaki and PNU having succeeded to this point are now telling ODM that they are not even willing to share power but that they are willing to accomodate or coopt ODM members on board.  
  It is critical that ODM does not lose ANY further ground to these thieves.
  Reliable sources now confirm that Kibaki has thought out option number 2, should the above option become bloody;
  The Othaya MP last week held a meeting with all heads of the armed forces in Kenya and other top ranking security officials.  The details of this meeting were not made public but it would not be far fetched to conclude that; Kibaki and his Mt Kenya friends, rather than share power with Raila and ODM where his party is a minority, may opt for a military solution lead by his own clique in the forces.  This transitional Military Junta  would promise to call for elections in the “near” future.  
  It is crystal clear that the goal right now for this regime is survival and so far they are managing.  Will they survive a power sharing arrangement with Kenya’s largest and most popular political party?  
  We in the diaspora have recently been silent because of our trust in the Koffi Annan mediation and the hope that these might bear fruits.  My concern is that we can all pick the signals that this illegitimate government is sending and yet we are now silent.  I once pointed out that a thief will never both own up and agree to return stolen property.  Most thieves serve their time without ever returning thge loot and Kibaki is no exception and he knows this.  After all, he is from a community whose expertise in thievery has in the passed attracted many genetic scientists/engineers.
  It is time we resumed the momentum of January to drum up support and point out loudly to this illegitimate regime that they are there illegally and that the least we can accept is a transitional situation that will allow them to exit peacefully.
  George Nyangweso


William wrote:

  I think it is about time we convened a forum to have/add some consistent voice to call for international pressure to push for comprehensive constitutional reform before Kenya can truly claim democratic credentials that the likes of Mwai Kibaki are so ready to hide behind.

Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 17:15:54 -0800 (PST)
From: George Nyangweso

Subject: Nyongo’s Interview with VOA

          Below is an excerpt from Nyongo’s interview with VOA yesterday.  
  While most of US believe in sovereignty, we cannot hide behind this when it has been clear to all, that the Kenyan Constitution needs an overhaul.  It is ironical that Kibaki was in the team that six  years ago was advocating for a change of the Kenyan Constitution.  It is bordering on blasphemy for Wetangula to tell the whole world that the way forward for Kenya now is to go back to the same Constitution that Kenyans have wanted overhauled for over 20 years.
  Wetangula is a learned friend but clearly his state of mind does not reflect that and we in the diaspora should continue to push for change and removal of all stumbling blocks.
  George Nyangweso
  Kenya’s Opposition Says Power Sharing the Way Forward
    By James Butty
Washington, D.C.
18 February 2008
  As Kenyans await the arrival of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Monday, an official of the opposition Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has given more details on what would constitute a possible solution to the country’s post-election crisis. ODM secretary general Peter Anyang Nyong’o said the opposition hopes Secretary Rice is coming to Kenya to re-enforce former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan’s mediation effort and President Bush’s call for a power sharing government.  

 Nyong’o told VOA that only a power sharing government can produce a needed political stability for Kenya.

  “Given what President Bush himself has said, I think she is coming to re-enforce the Kofi Annan initiative to ensure that there’s a political solution that will finally bring justice and peace to our country. And that solution has to include power sharing in a coalition government in which the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) being led by Raila Odinga and the Party of National Unity (PNU) of Mwai Kibaki will share power and produce political stability for the nation,” he said.

  Nyong’o said whether President Kibaki remains head of state of Kenya during this power sharing period would depend on what formula is used.

  “He could still be head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces and perhaps in charge of foreign affairs as is in the case in France between the president and prime minister of France. The prime minister will then head the government and chair the government. I think that kind of arrangement is something that is being considered. And do hope that the secretary of state would lend support to the principle of a political settlement for the grand coalition, and then the details can be left for Kofi Annan and his team to work out,” Nyong’o said.

  He rejected Kenyan Foreign Minister Moses Wetangula’s warning of outsiders forcing a deal on Kenya.

  “Nobody is interested in forcing anything on Kenya. This constitution that is in place now has been contentious for many years. The multiparty era started in 1992. We had called for radical constitution change. The authoritarian presidency had remained in tact and got Mwai Kibaki. And I do believe that the foreign minister does not think that the authoritarian presidency is an answer to Kenya’s problems. So saying that things must be done within the framework of the present constitution is actually dragging that debate backward,” he said.

  Nyong’o said all of Africa must draw a lesson from what is happening in Kenya.

  “The lesson that can be drawn is that people must understand there has been lot of changes in Africa for the last 40 years since independence. Those changes are demographic; those changes are based on the social structures of our countries. And unless government structures respond creatively and imaginatively to these changes by allowing greater political participation, transparency, and accountability in government, then of course Africa will not move forward. I think the example in Kenya is something that should be a lesson to many African countries to understand the complexities of democracy and yet its vitality and necessity,” Nyong’o said.     

3 thoughts on “Kibaki’s Survival Strategies

  1. Joseph Ong'eng'o

    What do you call activities whereby Raila and ODM told Luos to go and occupy other peoples houses by force?
    What about telling them not to pay rent. There is no Section 8 in Kenya.
    We need to re-educate our people. People can make noise as they have been.
    Noise was made during Kenyattas time. Noise was made during Moi’s time. Noise was made during President Kibaki’s first term.
    Noise will always be made. How long will you make noise at the expense of your people. It is high time that you come to Kenya and be an activist to help change things on the ground.
    The same constitution is what Raila while campaining.
    It is the same under which ECK was when he submitted his papers.
    It is the same that he wanted to use if he won to declare him the winner. The same person Kivuitu was recommended to be retained by Raila and President Kibaki did so.
    The Rannenbergs will come and go. The Edward Clays will come and go. What will you do to your family?

  2. Domnic

    It is strange for mr.Ong’eng’o to forward the prediction of pastor,Thomas Manton who never saw the flawed election.May
    be the pastor encouraged Kibaki to steal election.If his action was to please Kibaki by predicting his reelection then his
    false predictions are not in line with
    the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.In fact,the preacher must
    repent because of encouraging the ringing which Kibaki did.

    Kibaki’s defeat was exposed by all election observors.And from what everybody knows Kibaki will never have strength to rule
    kenya effectively because he was never elected by people.
    From simple analysis of the pastor prediction,he was just reading
    what had been prepared by political opportunists who thought that peoples’mind could be altered by such funny predictions
    which were not based on truth.There are many heads of churches
    in kenya at the moment who behave like that. Look at the head
    of catholic church in kenya.He bahaved the same way during pre election ,election,and post elction times. People of kenyans
    are becoming confused about the behavior of these church leaders. Let them stop their conducts so that the public can
    start respecting them

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