Dear Raila Wuod Odinga, Save Ruto, Redeem Yourself

Agwambo, Tinga, Owadgi Akinyi,

I am writing this letter to you as a personal friend, and displaying it in public as evidence that I was able to give you free advice.

Things are falling apart. The center cannot hold. Please re-evaluate your priorities. This coalition government is not what you envisioned. It will fall apart shortly and consume both Kibaki and you. Currently, our private polling is indicating that your approval ratings have taken a nose dive. Kibaki’s have always been low and will not be running for elections again. If elections are called today, the mood of the country is ANY outsider will win.

As for you, a good number still view you as someone who has brought about change in Kenya, but whose hands are tied down so low, with a knot so tight, they are almost giving up on liberation.

Agwambo, let me tell you without reservation, that if you do not support Ruto, it will be the biggest betrayal case I have witnessed. Ruto might have screwed up in awarding tenders to brokers, but this is nothing compared to Goldenberg, Anglo Leasing or Kimunya’s Grand Ragency scandals. These scandals killed many more that the consequences of Ruto’s blunder if any would. Yet to date, nothing has been done to perpetrators of these major scandals. As a matter of fact, most are still sitting in the cabinet. Ruto has done nothing wrong, but mere failure in judgement and if you and ODM do not support him during this PNU orchestrated siege, you will be worth nothing to me and many more. I am a long time supporter of your ideals and leadership because I believed in them and not that you are my tribesman.

To prove my point, if you do not support your ODM colleague, I will withdraw my support from you and give it to this man, William Ruto arap Seromei because of his honesty. Agwambo, let me repeat, do not betray this good man. He put you in power. If you do, ‘mene mene, mene mene tel uphasi’ to you.

So what if the names in the Waki envelope go to The Hague. After all it is the only place that Kenyans can get justice. Kibaki stole elections and brought about harsh consequences to Kenyans, of which we are still paying price what with these curse-like frisky calamities of Nakumatt and Molo fires. To continue working with this man and give up Ruto, is the biggest case of hypocricy i have known.

Agwambo, I would rather than see Ruto crucified and do nothing, you get out of coalition government of 50/50 bul@#$%^ notwithstanding the PM post!.

This article is also posted on facebook.

Joram Ragem
wuod Ndinya, wuod Onam, wuod Amolo, wuod Owuoth, wuod Oganyo, wuod Mumbe, wuod Odongo, wuod Olwande, wuod Adhaya, wuod Ojuodhi, wuod Ragem! (Are you my relative?)

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Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 22:10:50 -0500 [09:10:50 PM CST]
From: Joram Ragem
Subject: Dear Raila Wuod Odinga, Save Ruto, Redeem Yourself.

4 thoughts on “Dear Raila Wuod Odinga, Save Ruto, Redeem Yourself

  1. Domnic Okello

    To me.Ruto’s problem over the maize issue is not of his own making but a calculated move by enamies of ODM to bring a rift
    in the party.The weakness of ruto is the lack of administrative
    skills of running a ministry where his technical lots are politically
    bend to undermine and exploit his weaknesses.Ruto has just
    shown a tough face as a politician.He made errors out of ignorance not that for economic gain.

    Politics made ruto to a very high level that he could not accept
    his mistake though the events have confirmed his lack of skills.
    The minister has not gained any tangible experience in management taking into consideration that he was a minister
    for only two months during Arap Moi’s regime.Prior to joining
    parliament,ruto was just kanu youth winger in uasi gishu. When
    he took over the ministry of agriculture,ruto never realised that
    his input of running the ministry will reduce his activity in politics.He got cheated by PANU friends without knowing the
    real motive of his friends.They main intention was to use for
    destruction of ODM and then later damp him.

    Since ruto was ignorance of the move by panu,ODM should help
    him by not sacking ruto.In any case ,ruto has now learnt a lesson of danning with an enamy .In fact,ruto can make a good
    leader in future.Raila should not sack ruto since he is a young man
    who will provide leadership to odm after retirement of people like

  2. Jacque Abillah

    Please have admired Ruto since I knew him. Its good ODM has nominated a Team to Probe on the issue. This shows how much ODM Members love one another.

    Mr. Ruto I am happy you believe in yourself so dont worry God is in control.

  3. Were

    I cant believe what’s being said here in support of Ruto. So its about gaining power at the expense of the well being of Kenya? You people in ODM are no better than those you villify who belomg to the other side of the divide. The question here is not the magnitude of Ruto’s mischief but the act itself.

    That the selling of maize to brokers is in the same league with the other scandals that have taken place in Kenya is beyond any form of splitting hairs in a bid to justify Ruto’s rapaciousnes.

    Kenya has suffeed immensely as a consequence Goldenberg and Anglo Leasing scams, and now we are feeling the heat as a result of Triton and maize scams respectively.

    Therefore this rubbish of advocating for the letting of Ruto off the hook simply because his fellow scammers preceding him have been let go scot free is akin to saying that the only way power can be gained in Kenya is through the perpetuation of impunity.

    As a parting short I would like to be informed of the levels of intelligence of the author of this blog and the preceding two contributors. My advice to you all is that take off your eyes those ODM blinkers and perhaps you could be able to see things in their right perspective.

  4. Joram Ragem


    Your point of view is well taken. However, how can atheif catch a thief? Is it proper that Ruto be purnished now for the errors he made, but the planners and beneficiaries of Golden, Anglo, Grand be let off the hook? I wish I was sure of your tribe. I would have concluded if you are a watchman by choice or birth, seing that you are following on the footsteps of Shikuku. Talk talk but no action even when you think you’ve conered a theif.


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