Weighing options!

Do you know a place where I can purchase a good working vacuum cleaner?

Much as I like vacuum cleaners and do appreciate them for making my cleaning work easier over the years, I must confess that they have not been nice to me? Why do I say that?

You see I have yet to find a good working vacuum cleaner. Every time I dump the old one for a new one, it has ended giving me almost the same problems if not worse. They always start good but only for a short period of time. My family has not only seen several of them, but also heard all kinds of praises for each one of them.

One very important lesson that I have learned from all the vacuum cleaners that I have had is this: “Think twice before you thumb that which you consider trash.” Here is one other example. When we first migrated to this great nation, we bought an old car for  $250.00. This car served us faithfully for three years despite the fact that we complained about it all the time. When money came by,we dumped it and bought a good station wagoner Subaru for $ 5,000.00. That Subaru turned out to be a real nightmare. Even as I write several years later, I can feel the pain of all that we went through. Hence the reason I need to make the following appeal:

There is every need to weigh your options before you make any move in almost everything in life. I will mention a few examples:

1. Are you tired of your old TV, car, computer, vacuum cleaner, or bicycle? Think twice before you dump it!

2. Are you tired of your major at college and feel like changing to another one? Find more about the other program before you move.

3. Are you tired of your career and want to move to something else? Get all the information on the other career before you change.

4. Are you tired living with your parents and want to be on your own? Life is tougher than you think. Not all that glitters is gold. If I were you, I would do everything possible to  hang around for some time with my folks.

5. Are you tired of your spouse and feel like life without him/her will be roses? How come you have forgoten so soon that you promised that”… until death do us part?” You and I will do well to “hold fast that which we have lest someone comes and takes it.” You and I will also do well to remember that that which we consider trash will be “someone’s gold.” Do you think that there are good ones out there? Is that not what you thought when you married your sweet heart? Would it be possible that you and I have spent a lot of time trying to change our spouses instead of changing ourselves?

Well, the bottom line is that before we make any move if life, let us weigh our options. Did I say with much prayer? Shall we?

Just a thought

Pr Birai-612-386-4608

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