Kenya: Listen to What President Kagame is saying……..

from odhiambo okecth

A few great things are happening in Africa and we need to sit upright and take note.

In a Conference that just concluded in Rwanda, one which was attended by our Friend Japheth Ouda of the Global Peace Festival Foundation, President Kagame posed a simple, yet, very serious question; ‘Do we need donors to also help us clean our houses?’

This is a tough question.

I had a meeting this afternoon with Japheth- the Programme Manager Community Driven Development- Global Peace Festival Foundation, Mr. Vincent Rapando- the Director Strategic Partnerships East Africa- GPFF, Ms Wendy Wakhosama- Manager Strategic Partnerships- GPFF and Mr. Edwin Aketch- Programmes Manager GPFF and I was impressed with what the GPFF is doing with schools and communities around Kenya.

Now, what President Kagame is asking is one tough question we must all respond to. At KCDN and together with all our partners, we have been responding to this question; Do we need donors to help clean our country? I bet we do not. And this is why we at KCDN refused from the word go to be responding to calls for proposals on many things.

We believe that people of goodwill, people who believe that we can be the change that we want work towards realizing that change that we so need. Then, any donor who feels compelled can join us and help us make the difference- in our own way. Not in their confining ways. And so far, we are proving that we the people can be the drivers of the change that we want.

At Global Peace Festival Foundation, they are working with some women groups in Kariobangi and it is important to note that these groups have resolved to be cleaning their neigbourhoods every Wednesday from 4pm. My, this is the change that we need.

Can you all join us at KCDN in congratulating Global Peace Festival Foundation and the 3 groups that have come forward so far; Brave Footsteps, Jikaze Women Self help Group and Mzaituni Women Self Help Group.

They have set the tempo that we all need. Can we have similar groups, both youth and women, stepping forward and championing the change that we need as a Country.

We are happy that Global Peace Festival Foundation will be joining us on the 6th August 2011 at Donholm to help launch the Donholm Clean up Campaign. I have also confirmed that the DO Umoja- Ms C Torome, besides marshalling the Provincial Administration and the Administration Police, will be joining us for the event.

Let us help keep our neigbhourhood clean- let us not wait for any donor to help us clean our houses. That is our prime responsibility.

We must continue congratulating all the Friends of KCDN who have made this campaign the success story that it is. We owe you guys.

As usual, A Clean Kenya Starts With Me. And a Peaceful Kenya is My Responsibility. And those who might want to be of support to us may get in touch with the undersigned.

We are looking forward to creating a partnership that will add value to this campaign with all willing Kenyans.

We at KCDN firmly believe that we the People of Kenya can help Clean Kenya.

This is a campaign for Kenya by Kenyans. Let us make it big……

If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean Kenya Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.

Disclaimer; The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign is about us Kenyans. It involves all Kenyans from the various regions, religious persuasions, political thinking and we do not discriminate against any Kenyans nor any region.

Peace and blessings,

Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi
Nationwide Coordinator – Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
National Coordinator- Friends of KNH Maternity Unit
PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi Kenya.
Tel; 0724 365 557, 0735 529 126
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

Board at KCDN; Mr. Rashid Juma- Chair, Ms Janet Ongera, Ms Irene Wasike, Mr. Lameck Siage- Nigeria, Ms Brigitte Frey- Switzerland, Mr. Moses Tanui, Ms Shazeen Chatur, Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch- CEO.

Strategic Advisors; Mr. Elijah Agevi, Ms Grace Odhiambo- Australia, Dr. Matunda Nyanchama- Canada, Mr. Oduor Ong’wen, Mr. Peter Ngoge, Ms Dorcus Amondi

Odhiambo T Oketch is the current Chairman to the City Council of Nairobi Stakeholders Evaluation Team on Performance Contracting and Rapid Results Management. He is also Chair to the Nyamonye Catholic Church Development Fund.He was also the Co-Chair and Coordinator of The Great Nairobi Walk against Corruption that was held in Nairobi on the 22nd October 2010. He is the Convener of the upcoming 2nd Edition of the Great Nairobi Walk against Corruption to be held on the 21st October 2011 in Nairobi Kenya.
…….Moving From Talking to Tasking……..

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