Christ’s method is the best!

If there is one who understands the far reaching consequences of sin,then it’s our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He paid the highest price.

That said, His approach in dealing with sinners was quite different from that of the religious leaders of His day. Amidst all kinds of accusations for spending too much time with those that the community regarded as sinners, He made it very clear that He had come for the “sinners and not the righteous ones.”

He not only taught how to relate with sinners, but also put it in practice. All this because as Ellen G White puts it, “He loved the sinner but hated sin.”

I will cite two examples to prove my point.

Do you remember Judas, the son of Iscariot? He was one of his disciples that was assigned to the treasury department. The Bible states very clearly that He was a thief. None knew about this except Jesus. Did Jesus expose Him? Never! To the contrary, He tried different
methods of reaching and touching His life.

In Luke chapter 7, is found another interesting story of two characters; Simon,a pharisee, and Mary Magdalene(referred to as a woman that was a sinner.) The party was called by Simon in appreciation of what Jesus had done to him-healed him of leprosy-a very dangerous disease then.  Mary, who had her own reasons for thanking Jesus–healing her of seven demons–was not invited.

Of those present, at least two knew what Mary had been through-Jesus and Simon. Jesus was willing to accept Mary but not Simon. If anything, Simon did not want Mary at the party at all.

In the book Desire of Ages, Ellen G White writes in a very touching manner. She reveals that in fact it was Simon who led Mary into sin,the very woman he now despised!

Jesus, of course knew all this. But did He tell on Simon? Never! But He, in many ways made Simon to understand that He knew more about both of them.

In light of the above, I feel that we should never at any time wash our dirty linen before the public. Yes, it’s true that from time to time, we all do things that annoy those that we love and have no intention of hurting. But even then, the offended party should exercise maximum patience.

Everything in life has its right place. When we violate this rule, we hurt even more people and, in the process, hurt the cause of God on earth.

In all our differences, we need to apply the golden rule as found in Mathew 7:12 ” Do unto others that which you wish to be done to you.” So before you take any action, stop and ask yourself this question. ” If I were the one, or any of my family members, how would I have liked this case to be handled?

Yes, as we journey home, it’s possible that many more will hurt us but let us leave revenge and all our concerns to the man of Galilee, for He only is an expert. Will I? Will you?

Just a thought.

Pr Birai-612-386-4608

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