Gi madwong ma agombo

Gi madwong ma agombo ni wan kaka joluo onego wachak paro en mana kaka wadak. Piny oloko constitution, wan bende onego walok timbewa moko mondo piny luo odhi nyime. Mokwongo to en nyangi. Rewereni onego otim kamano mondo jogwa owe tho gi UKIMWI. Science wacho ni jo ma otimo kamano dwoko twuo mar UKIMWI piny gi 60%. Jo Rwanda sani timo gi ne vijana teh.


4 thoughts on “Gi madwong ma agombo

  1. achieng nya alego

    First off that is not our tradition nga’go lak is.
    The way to reduce HIV is by abstaining and respecting other peoples’s wives and husband. It is quite annoying when an educated Luo man knows that someone has HIV but they say ni “ber mitho go” It has nothing to do with choping of your fore skin it is common sense which am afraid to say that most nyikwa ramogi lacks.Tero dhako has been there since time immemorial but it is meant to take care of your brother’s wife not nessesarily sleep with them. We are not Kikuyu we are luo and kitwa gi timbewa does not say ni we get circumcised

  2. Adundo Nyadundo

    Aungi lwedo kabisa Achieng nyar Alego. James, thank you for bringing up Ayaki for discussion, but I beg to differ with regard to nyange.

    Can I first say that the notion that you mentioned about reduced infection rates is a a theory. It may be true false or have a varying degree of both. I must say that it has failed to convice many including myself. It is also a potentially dangerous one if advocated for in the third world in such a casual manner. It is more likely to be literally interpreted as: chop off your foreskin and you shall acquire immunity from HIV, as I beleive is the case in Rwanda today.

    Omio, ka in dichwo dimor ahinya kitimo hera kod thako and vice-versa ma ingeyo maler nitwo kod ayaki to eiwiyi igoyo kwan tiwacho ni an mana kod probability mar 40% mar mako ayaki. Anyisi e odichieng ma kawuono ni kitemo tim no kata ka dibed ni itimo nyange ni nikech josayans nene owacho to gin to girwako opira, Ibotho tho malit kendo mos or piyo. Remember that as per your figure, 60% chance of not catching HIV is not an absolute protection ie 0. There is still a 40% chance of infection to contend with as per that theory.

    HIV doesn’t discriminate. It knows no race, colour, creed and doesn’t care about the presence or absence of a man’s foreskin. It is sweeping through all communities in Kenya and it appears to be catching up with those who may have been misled by the concerned authorities or media into thinking that HIV was/is confined to one region or one community.

    The best way to avoid contracting HIV from sexual intercourse is to practice safe sex. If you ever have to practice promiscuity for one reason or another then please use a condom. As for your example about Rwanda, let us wait and see. I wish them well but I can only predict a sharp rise in HIV infection rates.

    Finally Bw. James, with all due respect Gombo ok rach. En adier ni wan kod kite kod timbewa kendo ekwom timbe go nitie moko madaher ni walok/wachaktimo kata wawetimo ka luwore gi dak ei piny masani. To nyange ne purposes miwachogo ok en achiel kwo timbe go. I beleive that there are more pressing issues.

  3. Karachi Rabuoch

    I am not very good in speaking or writing either dholuo or english. But as I read between lines I can understand that the debate is on the subjcet whether male circumcision can prevent guys from attracting HIV/AIDS. How selfish and folish is this? Guys want to utilise the pleasure of sex without concern of
    others, while advocating simplicity or shot-cuts, They are saying that “lets circumcise, so that we can enjoy sex with(NO, from)all women, regardless of their HIV/AIDs status, and we don’t attract the desease. Let those who provide us with sex remain with their HIV/AIDs, so long as we enjoy their sex services”.

    You are finished politically. Now you want HIV/AIDs to eliminate your remnants.

    Circumcise for hygenic reasons, NOT for sole purpose of leaving the deases with those you enjoy sex with.

  4. peter makori

    Bwana Rabuoch:
    Now i see what you meant when you said that you arent good at writing in English or dholuo

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