Commentary: The Luo People Should Prepare for What is Yet to Come

Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 02:23:49

How things have changed within such a short period!

Raila and Kibaki on a golf tour, smiling over a cup of chai, in a Chinese delicate ware. All the chaff -podder-pawns played to death. How far, and what a contrast, are the slums from posh Runda and Muthaiga!

I supported Raila, but, I am right now at a loss. Here is a man whom Kenyan people elected as their President, surrendering to a man who can never be trusted. Did all those who died, die for this stupid agreement, which is not even worth the paper it is written on?

The Mumbi boys here are about to die with laughter.

Mzee Jomo, played Jaramogi, Mzee Nyayo played Raila to the hilt, being given a post as the Kanu secretary general. Then came the Tosha period, a cabined post and abandonment. In all times, Raila left everything he had stood for. Just as the case is right now!

The point is this, why would Raila think that Kibaki has become an Angel that can be trusted??

There is going to be no power for Raila, the presumed post of PM is a ceremonial one, just like that of Pakistan. ( Serving at the pleasure of Kibaki.) Take a cue from Martha Karua, and Francis Muthaura-the president shall have all the power, and he shall be the one who appoints and chairs (the cabinet and the PM).

Is it not ironic, Raila, even being well educated and experienced, he still has never learnt and sadly he has refused to wake up from delusion and amnesia of believing in Kibaki’s Promises?

  • MOU 2002?????
  • 100 days constitution?????
  • 500 000?? Jobs / year?????
  • 500 000 Houses / year?????
  • Fair distribution of posts?????
  • Zero corruption?????
  • Small Cabinet
  • Not even the brazen assault of the Bomas draft, the peoples will?????
    • The press and peoples freedoms using the mercenary (Armenians)?????
    • Thievery of the Dec. 27, election?????
    • Fast swearing at dusk?????
    • Importing the Ugandan mercenary?????
    • Organizing the Mungiki assaults and using the thugs to invade Luos at night, demanding rents for the Kikuyu slum lords?????

    If you cannot learn from these stark glaring samples, then there shall never be a thing on Earth to teach you.

    Kibaki has no intention of doing all that he has said he will do. He is buying time then he shall fire Raila and pick one of his men to replace him. Raila shall call for a street protest, which Kibaki shall call all the trained, 5000, new Mungiki, to quell the irate populace in the name of restoring order.

    And if Raila persists, he shall be expedited like Mugabe Were or Ainamoi MP, David. After all, Luos have always been an easy prey. Kenyatta did it, and so did Moi. So who says Emilio cannot have his turn?! What will Luos do? Loudly scream, become hoarse and ebb away, till the next round?

    What Raila should have done, as a legally-elected president, was to sustain the revolt. Keep all the schools in Western Kenya, Coast and Nairobi closed. After all, it is the future of the young Kenyans that we are fighting for. All the Kikuyu businesses should have been boycotted.

    And planned a contingency measures to counter the vicious police and Mungiki.

    The Uganda-Kenya highway should have been manned and closed. Transport to and from Nairobi should have been blocked.

    Businesses should have been closed and interrupted. Massive civil disobedience should have been sustained. Massive arrests should have been met with all the families showing up at the detention centres and in prisons.

    Mudavadi should have been overseeing Western, Nyong’o Nyanza, Ruto (?) in Rift Valley, Balala in Coast, and Raila in Central and overall coordinator.

    Kibaki would have given in. Malagasy Republic did it. Georgia, Phillippines, Indonesia, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, France, and Croatia. And what about India?

    I will never sit down with a murderer of my people, friends or children, laugh with or even shake their hands. Nor would I forgive them. Raila, on the other hand, wend for chai with Kibaki. How dare you! His victims are not even burried! The Reconciliation and forgiveness shall suit only one group, the killers of Mboya, Ouko, Mbai, JM and all the killers who issued shoot-to-kill orders of defenceless Kenyans.

    Why would you, Bwana Raila, choose contrary? What did you negotiate for those whom you saw dead in a cold mortuary floor? Did they die for that, a merely ceremonial meaningless title?

    The nation reported arrests for those who set the Kikuyus in Eldoret Church ablaze. What about the Luos who were burned inside their houses, in Naivasha? What about those who were murdered by Kikuyus in the shoot-to-kill order?

    Bwana Raila, please wake up.

    Dr. Kipronoh Arap Ruttoh

    13 thoughts on “Commentary: The Luo People Should Prepare for What is Yet to Come

    1. Ochieng' JaSeme

      What is your solution? Any village philosopher and or drunkard can list the broken promises as you did, but your essay is outstanding for its lack of alternatives, other than lamentations of prophet Jeremiah proportion. What do you suggest other than not negotiating.

      Yours is the kind of attitude ad thinking, coming from a learned person, that has lead to the bleeding of the country, albeit instigated by pnu theivery. At root of the thinking is vitiriolic ethno-phobia.

      Daktari you have to look into the future and ask yourself – what is it that a protracted violence would lead to? It is easy for many to sit in the diaspora and wax poetic about “liberation” [my words] but the reality is on the ground is quite different.

      This is about Kenya and not Kikuyu or Kalenjin. I believe that ODM can see further than the temporary marriage of inconvenience. I believe when Ruto and Sally and Musalia and Orengo sat across from the Karua group they had the Kenyan interest at heart. Gauging from the way Kenyans celebrated from Mombasa to Eldoret – I am glad your thinking is exactly where it belongs – in the minority…

      By the way, get over your Kikuyu-phobia!

    2. noreen

      Dr. Ruttoh,
      What do you suggest he do? He cannot advocate violence, because he already knows what the consequences will be. I’m sure Kibaki does not sleep well at night knowing the truth of what happened last year during the elections. After what happened last year, everybody is wary of politicians, “will kibaki hold the deal” etc…The fact that Raila is drinking tea… whatever while doing these negotiations does not mean he does not care about the people who lost their lives in the struggle. He is human, this is new turf, I’m sure just as Kibaki is strategizing, so is he. It is like a game of chess it seems, hopefully the right person will be saying Check Mate! at the end. The Kenyan people are smart too ‘tumeamuka”. At the same time we are a peaceful people, we have been in a dark valley, and the storm is not over. God is with us, the days of those people who have been taking others for granted government/politics are coming to an end. You think he forgets what his adversaries have done. Raila is between a hard place and a rock.
      Let him be human.

    3. Leornard

      Do not be myopic.

      The agreement was made in public, had international witnesses and is to be entrenched in the constitution. Kibaki has no control over it!

    4. Julius Okelo

      Dr. Rutto,

      Your concerns are genuine ones and I think it is imperative that Raila treads carefully in this path of going public with Kibaki. Up to now Kibaki has not given majority of kenyans who voted against him any reasons to trust him and to understand that what he did in the last election was selfish and undemocratic. However, it is also important that you carefully select your topic to represent your concern. What have the luos got to do with how Raila behaves? Can you justify choice of these words in your topic “The luo People Should prepare for what is yet to come” . As my friend whom I have respect for, it is important that you do not add such generalizing wordings to a genuine thought. Luos just like Kalenjins, Luhyas, Coastal people and North Eastern plus Masai all voted for Raila. We need to be careful with our wordings lest we recreate this monster(tribalism) that we trying to kill.

    5. Joseph R. Alila

      Dr. Ruttoh,
      I do understand your pain; I believe Hon Odinga does too. It is true Raila’s rightful bride is not home, at the present time. It is also true that many Kenyans lost their lives as a result of ECK complicity with enemies of Kenyans. It is also true that Agwambo and his Pentagon have become highly exposed in the evolving deal. That is what leadership is–the leader must be prepared to be exposed. Amid all this, it is very African to move on even as a bride a man has worked hard for decides to look the other way. There is a time to fight, and there are fair fights too. But it is not strategically wise to fight every fair fight; sometimes one has to turn the cheek ten times to gain ten yards.
      Having said that, I believe that if the current impasse leads to a new constituion in Kenya in which power is properly devolved, then those who died during the crisis would have been apeased, and the friends of Kenyan Democracy shall have won.

      Dr Ruttoh, have you realized that since you posted this peace responses have been had to find? Most readers must be puzzled by the present stage-shows in Nairobi, except they don’t know who is enjoying whom

      JR Alila

    6. Lucia

      Dr. Kipronoh Arap Ruttoh;

      I HOPE ODM party and its supporters, particularly, those who paid the ultimate prize (died) have NOT been BAMBOOZLED. However,

      (1) The statement by Mr Francis Muthaura, on Monday, March 11, 2008 that “the President would appoint the Vice-President, Prime Minister and his deputies, and the Cabinet subject to the terms of the February 28 accord between him and ODM leader, Mr Raila Odinga” is a clear indication that nothing has changed.

      (2) The sending of air/land forces to Mt. Elgon to kill people there should not have taken place because the land issue associated with that conflict must be resolved peacefully. The people fighting for this land cannot be treated like terrorists that must be eliminated.

      (3) Raila cannot be a golf buddy with Kibaki who has very elaborate protection from both the Western and Chinese arms dealers. These chinese do not beleive that Africa can be democratic and have been providing Kibaki’s group with arms SINCE 2002, an indication that this group do not believe in negotiation.

      (4) If the pentagon think that the prize of the support they got from voters, many of who have since lost their lives and properties, was for them to get token appointments from Mr. Kibaki and PNU so that they can live lucratives lives, THEY ARE DEAD WRONG! THEY MUST REMEMBER THOSE WHO WERE HACKED TO DEATH. THOSE CHILDREN WHOWERE TURNED INTO ASHES. THOSE LUOS WHO WERE CIRCUMCISED BY MUNGIKI PANGAS THEN HACKED TO DEATH.


    7. WithoutBorders

      There will always be hardliners, alarmists, pessimists, or whatever name one wishes to ascribe. To be simplistic, Raila cannot please everybody. I am sure Raila knows that. However, he has to do what’s right for Kenya and Kenyans. This is not about kalenjins, luos or any other tribe. This is now about a tribe called ‘Kenya’ that must be salvaged before every tribe beneath it can find peace, or maybe even live. Raila is now a PM for the tribe called ‘Kenya’. If he can stay focused on that tribe, he will be a great national leader. Raila is not about ODM anymore, he is about Kenya. ODM hardliners need to get over it and embrace this new reality! Of course it is understable that factions with different agendas may not like this or even benefit from such change. But if ODM is to deliver what it promised, even it has to compromise given the circumstances. Would you rather Kenya burn to the ground? Do you prefer ODM continue subjecting the poor to more suffering? How ironic and hypocritical would that be?

      BTW, Moi assaulted Kenya from all angles(human rights, democracy, economy, institutions, etc.) for 24 years and I would never expect kalenjins as a tribe to pay for his sins. Stop assaulting the kikuyu tribe for the sins of a few? That’s a good place for us to start moving forward. Let’s start sowing seeds that will propell us to greater heights, not slide us into the darkeness we’re trying to crawl out of.


      Dr Ruto

      Please all we want in kenya is peace I do belive Raila is a states man and all things are possible with those who believe. In 2 years time you will agree with me that Raila is a states man. We are being punished for what Kenyatta did and my luo brothers nor the kikuyu’s unless few selfish individuals would like to shed more blood. Raila is a visionary leader and very soon the whole world will experience what He is made of.

    9. Dr. Presidential material, the next Luo King

      Dr. Ruttoh,
      Your concerns are very right!, those who oppose your sentiments are themselves living in despair and do not understand the reality. The reality is that Raila won the election. And the people stood by there decision. I pitty Raila!!, its never easy to get pple approval the way Kenyans gave him and were ready to die for that course and change the course of direction. Kenyans died, to install democrasy then Raila stopped the democrasy and agreed to an illussioned power sharing deal.
      The truth will never be told and its high time that we as Luo start chatting our Vision 2030, and not 2012 as Raila thinks.
      He has let as down

    10. admin

      Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:56:59

      Dr. Rutto,

      Whatever Raila does, he does in the name of democracy.Kenya was not breathing and Raila gave it a fresh breath of air.Raila may not have got what Kenyans wanted him to get,but he has managed to live and fight another day and that is the kind of wisdom and bravery that is lacking in many African leaders.

      Raila mainly goes away with decision made by the Pentagon.It was Ruto, Mudavadi, Ngilu, Nyagah and Balala who had mandated Raila to negotiate.There is no way that he would have failed American, Eu and Au brokered peace.

      Dr.Rutto, Upto now you have not told me how much arsenal in terms of weaponry you have at your disposal, tanks,m-16,antitank claymore,grenade,apache helicopters and gunships.Remember the beginning of insurgency was arrows, but now live ammunition will be needed and since the goverment owns sophiscated weaponry,we will need such arsenal to go one on one.We do not need Raila to do this for us, if you have the said weaponry, we can start tommorrow, me and you fighting Kibaki.If not, I will ask you in the name of my grandfather Otira Abudo, to desist from making statement that may jeopaardize the hard won peace.It is time that we wait for parliament to enact the accord, if not you will still have the last laugh, but I want you to be in the frontline not sitting in some European countries enjoying alcohol and beautiful women while you fan ethnic hatred in the name of Luoism.

      Posted on behalf of Leonard by Jaluo Press.

    11. Lucia

      To admin @ Mar 14th, 2008 at 3:51 am

      America, Britain and EU are so opposed to a populist like Raila or ODM party that they were willing to help Kibaki and his cronies rig the 12/27/07 Kenyan elections. All you need to prove this is the speech given by US Ambassador a few days before the rigged electins “Everyone must Accept the election results”.

      These are the people who believe that riches should be in the hands of a few people, themselves and the elites who serve their interest. The rest of us should toil or suffer until we drop dead.

      These are the same folks promoting sexual slavery or exploitation of Kenya’s youths at those tourists villas on Kenya’s Indian Ocean Coast while claiming that tourist is a very profitable business for Kenya. These are the same villas built by displacing Kenya’s land owners and sendinng them to coastal slums.
      Our values and cultures are being eroded by these borderless sexual perverts and child molestors who may have gotten rich by looting the resources our elites in power let take for bribes.

      The Kofi Annan’s truce was arrived at through the bully tactics aserted by Switzerland, Condoleeza Rice and 43-years old British Foreign Secretary. These people were being asked to resolve a mess that took a century to create by the British. They were required to resolve this within a few weeks or else……… Raila, Annan and Kibaki are 63, 70 and 77 years old respectively. What, exactly, is the purpose of setting a 43-year old bully on these guys on a problem this huge?

    12. gerry owiti

      am still shading tears for my age group which fall under very sad but time has come when we are sending our top leaders packing for the little they have done to us despite that they are busy looting our resources in our region for their self gain.time has come to say no to handouts for our self good.we are trying to develop ourselves from the little we have lest to be used again.we are going to elect the leaders of our choice through the council of youngstars both within and in diaspora.the little known mps should stop interfearance and let us move by not coming to us with unspecified amount of empty promises which never work.gerry owiti.youth leader nyanza

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