Kenya: To all the nay sayers, the cautious & the righteous.

From: Joram Ragem

To all the nay sayers, the cautious & the righteous.

I do not endorse anyone (Raila or Kibaki) in asking that we pass this draft. I would vote for thisit if they said no. If Quinine is good for malaria, I do not care if it is given by the US ambassador, civil servant, by force, with honey, or whether the parents approve of it or not. Let us vote for YES. It is good for KENYA. I know it. The whole world knows it!

So, don’t drag us behind. Don’t be holier than the Pope. We’ve had a Katiba and we’ve messed up in the past. Lets pass this Katiba, and use it to vet the politicians, and just change our whole way of politics and life.

If we cannot do it, we just might never will. If we don’t pass it, it will be easier for us to change our country’s name to NEVER EVERLAND. Or is it Nineveh?

Above all else, lets do it for the children.

Joram Ragem
wuod Ndinya, wuod Onam, wuod Amolo, wuod Owuoth, wuod Oganyo, wuod Mumbe, wuod Odongo, wuod Olwande, wuod Adhaya, wuod Ojuodhi, wuod Ragem! (Are you my relative?)

3 thoughts on “Kenya: To all the nay sayers, the cautious & the righteous.

  1. OPADO

    CONSTITUTION as the law of the land for our children is but heaven gift.Just imagine that its speaks of apregnant Atoti! Just close your eyes imagine how beautitul the pregnancy makes her to be!Our new law has eyes so that we can save life to the beloved one.The united states borrowed kenya aman to be commandant in chief of their armed forces and let me assure you that this law shall be marketed arround the planent.
    The Nyayo opposed to our news law are devils known in the land.The dictator love to go church every sunday we closed our eyes in prayer he grabbed all.
    He loves to speak of Amani!Panga Uzazi.Our mothers were druged by pill and the children were forced with milk at school and schools turns to hell and if you want to study you must be in the so call Moi or Nyayo instute to make it to campus!Corruption was born so do mungiki etc!

  2. Maurice Adoyo-Adoyo

    In my view it could have not been any better, so I will take it and so will my wife and my many good friends. Let’s pray the winninng margin overwhelms. YES is the way to vote.


    kenyans ladies and Gentlemen.

    Men were chained tortured and detained by these team saying NO. We are all suffering in their hand they have stolen all our rights and they are sitting on the heart of the country with abig sword to finish the country.

    Vote yes!

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