Kenya: The Ruto case-Delay lies squarely with Ruto.

In this case that has dragged in the courts for years, I would suggest that it is the tactics that such politicians used to delay cases in the 90s into early 2000 onwards that they should blame.

It became norm and fashionable to go to court to seek ‘constitutional interpretations” which were basically ploys to stall cases as they continue with political activity with the full knowledge that such cases would take forever to dispose, given they were also the political masters, especially in the 1990s.

This is however no reason for the judiciary to sleep on cases for eons. If I were Ruto, I would be celebrating the decision by the judges if he is all that innocent because he now has all the room and space to clear his name very quickly and focus back on his presidential ambition.

But crying politics and refusing to resign only cast him as a culprit(as our political class have come to be known when faced with corruption cases) rather than a victim of politics.

And this goes for all those who cry politics when faced with corruption allegations, go to court and clear your names and stop spewing politics, the court of justice is what clears names, not the court of public opinion. It is a waste of valuable time that could be used to prepare defenses when politicians convene tribal rallies in their backyards with a few psychophants yelling, “we are being finished!!!”

Otieno Sungu.

One thought on “Kenya: The Ruto case-Delay lies squarely with Ruto.

  1. manyamuala

    It is unbelievable that the massive corruption which has been going on in Kenya since 1963 started with William Ruto! This is a big joke!

    Numerous Ministers, MPs, Permanent Secretaries, PCs, DCs, DOs and those working for them have acquired/sold pieces of Kenya for bribes. All of these people cannot explain how they got so filthy rich on their civil servant salaries.

    I believe this is a strategic method of destoying an opponent, Ruto and putting final nails on ODM coffin! If Ruto is the most corrupt individual I wonder where Kenya would place people who participated in Anglo-Leasing? Is any of them in jail?

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