Kenya: These people are sinking Kenya


These politicians are now sinking Kenya fore good. The other day it was the minister of higher education who told Kenyans that he will not step down, people can kiss his ass bla, bla, he claimed he was innocent. At last president Kibaki told him to step down. And Ruto assured people that he will be back in his ministry, What???. Then the innocent Watengula (foreign minister), had the courage to tell the USA ambassador one time to mind his own business and should do his ambassador job well. Some days ago he Mr. Watengula surprised us by saying he does not know anything going on in his ministry even when over 1 billion tax-payers money is swindled. The questions is; every year the minister of finance makes the budget and gives money to every ministry, so does watengula wants to tell us that he is not even concerned about how much money is spent in his ministry and for what purpose?.

But the most amazing event is written below. I can not imagine that things so important as defence of our motherland can be messed with like this ministry of defence is doing. Buying a fighter jet which can not fly, or a jet which can not fly under certain weather condition because of lack of visibility. What are these idiots trying to tell us. They think that if we are attacked by a foreign country on a bad weather then our country men and women will just give up or what?. No enemy will come on a good weather day.
Second and most important; why buy a jet fighter from a country like Jordan ?: Jordan does not have any jet building industry and Jordan is very inferior in military technology even compared to her neighbour Israel. So why buy second hand useless things with tax-payers money. Those jets can not even fight Al-Sabaha or Somalian militants. We can now understand why Somalian militants are giving African army in Somalia hell. Guys; Kenya is buying military equipment only to thwart civilians in the country or unarmed men in the country. With those second hand stupid jets Kenya can not stand even Gadaffi or Egypt army for a week if they decide to invade or they want to install a government of their own. No matter why the Nile and lake victoria water is still not solved.

These people are just a group of thugs who happen to be in high position in the country. Great people lost their lives fighting for our country`s independence, in fact now we have a holiday on the 20th of October as hero’s day. But will our defence ministry defend our land and protect our independence with those toys they bought from Jordan?. There are a lot of Kenyans outside here who can be contacted if our country needs good weapons for defence. Please make use of Kenyans, do not ask idiots for advice. janks from Jordan should be returned back. Kenya needs good defence. The idiot who bought those jets should be jailed straight, we are already tired of step down for investigation and later re-enstated. I hope PM, Raila should not go for aride on this, let Kibaki and Raila do something the country`s independence and defence is at a stake here. In fact even Somalian militants can take that country in a week if those ministry of defence have been buying only second hand toys. Do they know that it is cheap to buy second hand weapons, but maintaining them will be finally more expensive than if they would have bought brand new ones?.’s%20’new’%20fighter%20jets%20cannot%20take%20off

Paul Nyandoto

One thought on “Kenya: These people are sinking Kenya

  1. Muita Wangoko

    Sir. Nyandoto,

    This goes to show how some Kenyans have malnourished morals. Sometimes I really fail to comprehend what makes some Kenyans engage in some affairs that rather is of their benefit but not of the land and the people they are meant to serve.

    How brainless can some Kenyans in co-operation with non-Kenyans be. How mindless indeed. See, even as you “eat”, please “eat” in a smart manner that at least there should be just but enough “remains”. I am not advocating for “small stealing” but due to human weakness amongst other factors, let us try and do things in a smarter way.

    Could be that some ministers/leaders are kept in the dark during some suspicious transactions that by the time they realise what is going on, the damage is already done. Could be, just could be. But again, given that one’s instincts are still durable, why would make some fellows fail to smell the rat.

    How I wish that some of us will try and think twice before engaging in some of this deals. How I pray that some of us will be responsible enough. How I wish that they will always widen their scope beyond their stomachs! and realise that some of the consequences of their actions are too harsh for “the common man” to handle.

    Surprisingly, some of this deals are so entangled that the chain leads up to the “Big Man”, and that the “small elements” have to bite the bullet for him/her. Even more surprising is that some are ready to bite the bullet.

    Kenyans of goodwill, let us try our best in the right way possible.

    Best Regards,
    @Muita Wangoko

    “The obvious my not necessarily be true”

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