The wind of change sweeps the Arab world

From: Stevens Musuku

Civilization, it is said, started from the north towards the south. And so did freedom/independence. It started from the north, cruising the difficult and hard-core minds and hearts of dictatorial colonialists, heading to the down south of the black Africa.

We followed suit; we fought, we got killed in masses, but eventually, we got our independence at at and when we did. Each country at a time. History is now repeating itself in a reverse manner. Democracy is now sweeping the world from down south, towards the north.

But this wind is a little more different from the first two winds. This is more specific and more particular. I will call it “The Wind of Change Sweeps The Arab World”. Sorry for our Muslim brothers and sisters; this is just for discussion purposes and does not mean any negativity. This wind of change that is sweeping the Arab world is so very calculated that at some point I stop and ask myself if God has a hand in it. But I guess, people have just had it with the kind of leadership, (is it leadership or rule?) of the Arab nations. They seek equality, equal distribution of national resources et al. They want democracy. In simpler terms, democracy is all they need, all they are asking for. Make no mistake, brothers and sisters, this wind shall sweep until they get what they desire to have.

It started with Sudan, then it went to Tunisia, Egypt, flew all the way to smaller Bahrain, sprinkled into Jordan, a whirlwind took it over to Yemen, and then, there it is……. Libya. Muammar Guaddaffi is on his way out, just like the Tunisian top man and the Egyptian ruler. Nothing is being spared, no country is being spared in this whirlwind of change. The whole of the Arab world is in for a great surprise this time round. God help these brothers and sisters of ours.

Back to Kenya, do we need change? If so, what kind of change? How best do we go about getting this change? Following the kind of government we have in place today and the ills happening in our society, we do need that change very badly. Kenyans may have to go the Arab-type search for change. As much as I respect humanity, I would not not want to see lives get lost for the sake of change. Lives were lost during the fight for independence which we got in 1963. We do not have to shade more blood like the Arabs are doing. What we need is a mature, calculated achievement of change; the ballot. I love my Country, and I would hate to see it rubbished by a few cruel politicians who are turning it into a tribal coin to be tossed right left and centre.

I hate their attitude.


One thought on “The wind of change sweeps the Arab world

  1. Muita Wangoko

    The change of times has caught some of by surprise! Well, but who came up with the idea of men rule other men, that some “animals” have more rights that the others?


    ./Muita Wangoko



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