Kenya: A call for unity of all Kenyans to make the country a better place for all

From: gordon teti

To JJ Kamotho,

My fellow Kenyan, I greet you in the name of the Lord. I read your comments posted on Capital FM Kenya on Tuesday, March 15, 2011, entitled “Stick to your political party ideology or quit,” could not resist reaching out to you. If God reached out to Saul, and changed him to preach the gospel, Kenyans need to reach out to those who ruined their country during the tyranny of Moi era. That era of anything goes was perfected by none other than KANU Secretary-General, JJ Kamotho. As the mouth of piece of KANU when it was at its peak with a manifesto designed to enrich a few and poverish the rest of the population, there is nothing refreshing that Kenyans can learn from you. I am sorry but that is the truth. Please, instead of wasting your energy on misleading articles, relax and enjoy your easy earned loot from the Kenyan coffers.

I could not help but wonder silently when going through your article that Kenya of today is the same or worse off than that of baba na mama. While my intention is not to emasculate you from expressing your mind, your argument is distorted and narrow; it simply can not pass the litmus test. Today, unlike the days Njogoo, your days at the helm of a one-party dictatorship, Kenyans can express their opinion without the fear of being tortured at Nyayo House. Today, Kenyans can blog and express themselves freely in such fora such as this one without looking over shoulders.

It is in this context that Kenyans will stand together to resist being taken back to the old days of KANU that Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto and Kalonzo Musyoka are scheming for. Today, Kenyans stand united to move the country forward to a future of prosperity for all. Kenyans have closed the rank to make the country a better place for everybody and not for a few greedy people. The KANU boys are now regrouping under the umbrella of KKK. These are the same people who ruined our country and now think that Kenyans are foolish to follow them blindly. Kenyans are ready to die for their country to stop William Ruto, Uhuru Kenyatta and Kalonzo Musyoka from taking Kenyans back to the years when people were being killed for just speaking their minds. And this was never a secret as Moi openly told those who were opposed to his despotic rule that “nita wasiaga kama unga”. And in deed, KANU under Moi and JJ Kamotho crashed political opponents like flour. Kenyans will not revert to those past dark years when the country was raped and looted with impunity. Kenyans are ready to stop the gang from taking our country back to those dark days of the past.

God bless Kenya.

Gordon Teti

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