From: Kenya Youth League
Due to the whipped up of emotions in the past week, with regards to the ICC process which has divided Kenyans further, we are of the considered but painful view, that we need to postpone the day of the start of the NNE NNE REVOLUTION originally scheduled for April 4th 2011. A new date, certainly not too far off, will be given in due course, since we need to move forward as a united new Nation.
We acknowledge the excitement in the various grassroot networks and the raring to go, but just to caution that Power is nothing without Control. We apologize for the inconvenience.
In the meantime, we consolidate progress achieved so far as we continue the unification of the Kenyan youth regardless of tribe, ethnic group or political party affiliation. As we move towards the change of power from the old class to a new young class of Kenyans who are keen to erid Kenya’s Poverty Hunger and disease. God bless Kenya.
Deputy Team Leader
Kenya Youth League