Africa has Built the World through Colonial Masters, Yet People of Africa remain poor.


All this is short-sightedness, messed-up idea to the Black Community. I am sad that this is going on. After 10 years from now, no one will be a winner. We will have all missed out on the bigger picture.

1)….. The Black Community have a rich resource in Africa the reason for the scramble by the International Corporate Business Community

2)….. The Black Community in the 50 years of Slavery struggle and for Civil Rights, the reason why Tom Mboya came to America to meet with Martin Luther King with other Civil Rights, was to join forces to find freedom from Civil Rights and from Slavery and so we can be able to manage our Natural Resources which are in big Demand, that which has build the world Economy and promoted science to the Space Shuttle…….that which is benefiting other economy such like those of China and Asia to a super power ….. from our stupidity….which is on us to blame.

3)….. We have achieved nothing except Blame Game……, but, if we get organized, embrace Democracy, Transparency, checks and balances, we are able to make a formidable force to ACCOMMODATE REALISTIC AND SUSTAINABLE CHANGE TO BENEFIT ALL in a SHARED PLATFORM of Governance……

4)……We keep staying on a rollercoaster, playing on “His Masters Voice Chess Cards” and living on less than 1%age population gained hand-outs from Game-Player Colonial Masters, denying survival to millions of world’s public poor population, so the International Corporate Business Community have their cheap way “self-made” policy to benefit themselves and protect them, so they are able to acquire our VALUABLE NATURAL RESOURCES at No Cost Value to them……

5)……In return we have to pay through our Nose, give them our tax-payers money, for them to do business, bail them out when their business collapse, they raise cost of survival to us………

6)……Everyday they are on the drawing board… the end of the day……Who is the looser….?

7)…….Is the Civil Society movement and Slave Trade, the values Martin Luther King and Tom Mboya struggled for, been achieved?

Where will be our in-fighting and selfishness take us to…….Can President Obama bring the Change we so needed and struggle for, by himself or can each and everyone of us be a player in this case?????

This has nothing to do with Obama’s father being from a Luo Community of an African origin, but God made a common ground to all of us…..President Obama is not an African nor a White……he is half of each…….God is using him so he can bring and negotiate for Peace, Reconstruction and Reconciliation……How can we do this better while he is on Throne ?……

God has brought CHANGE at our doors, this is because God loves us all equal….White or Black…..God is unhappy with the inequality we have, intelligently thieving, enslaving humanity, an imbalanced freedom and Rights for humanity, An example …. Why……David was able to strike Golliath…..It is Because God is in His Business……

God cares much for LOVE……He God came to all mankind, He transformed to the likeness of man and experienced PAIN, so that we can CARE and LOVE one another ….

Can we do better, get engaged in our respective corners, commit our elected Representatives to be responsible in their commitments and be able to Legislate Policies that are fair to all in the GIVE AND TAKE…….without short-cut to CORRUPTION and IMPUNITY…….the reason we are STUCK IN THE MUD……and we cannot move forward ?

Is it so hard to do that ?????

In saying this, PM Raila and His Wife Aida are doing a lot of harm than good in their actions……..They have wrong Advocate Advisers in the likes of Jakoyo Midiwo and Professor Anyang Nyongo….people with no Focus…….

First for Kenya to move forward, the New Constitution needed to have been fully addressed and completed in less than three months…….Both Raila and Kibaki are not in favour of Majimbo, the Federal Governance, PM Raila is coming to negotiate Trade Business Agreements, yet he has not organized BEACONS that these Business Community are going to follow when they begin engaging in Kenya…….

How are the Interest of the General Poor Public going to be addressed? and to be protected from such unscrupulous Corporate Business Community against Protection Acts of the International Treaty?????

Are we so stupid and DUMB…????

Unless we change Leaders of Hand-outs, Kenya and Africa have no Leaders……they have created VACUUM windows for INVASION, for the Black Community to continue to be enslaved and be Denied their Human Civil Rights…..We will continue killing our own Africans in Huge Large Numbers for the Enemy to gain footing and ground to finish us…

Sad To Say…….

People, please tell PM Raila not to celebrate on “Government Shut Down” …. because that is what we are all reading……..!

However, it is not too late to change PATTERN and STRATEGY……..We MUST all get engaged one way or the other for us to see Real Change we all WANT…..

People of African Decent Unite for an improved better cause !

God Bless you all …… !!

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

2 thoughts on “Africa has Built the World through Colonial Masters, Yet People of Africa remain poor.

  1. onyango-ouma

    Judy I don’t understand what you are trying to communicate. I got confused when in the middle of the article you brought in PM Raila and his wife Ida ( not Aida) and then threw another tirade at Prof Nyong’o and Hon Midiwo as people of no focus yet retained as advisors. The intent of your communication is rendered meaningless by these irrelevant sentences. Sometimes I wonder whether you diaspora guys simply write because you are bored in the diaspora or you really have something to tell us!!

  2. Andrew O Omollo

    It pains me to see that we in Afriac are so rich yet so poor. I have been paying keen interest in the relationship between Whites and Afriac and also between the lardger ethnic groups in Kenya. This was prompted but the fact that I see alot of tribalism yet when I was growing up and staying within mixed neighbourhood, I never noticed this happening. I have come to the conclusion;

    That tribalism is a tool used by the corrupt individuals to acquire and protect their ill-gotten wealth. The few rich have made sure that the rest live in pooverty for ease of manipulation for their own shelfish gains. This is the reason why even simple leadership nomonations or elections cannot be done properly at the village level. Let me state here that even during the grassroots elections for leaders in Luoland for example, majority of those who found their ways to Parliament bought the Certificates. The result is that they don’t care what the people say, they are busy making money to buy certificates in future.

    The Colonialists short-changed us at the Indepence Stage. They made sure that true freedom fighters did not come to power. They were killed just before or after the countries gain their independence. I am not a histiorian but ia have this observations. Just for example, Patrice Lumumba did not live to liberate his people fully. The people were deceived and celebrated a Dictator to power. As the word of God says, God will avenge the spilling of innocent blood. What happened to the Mau Mau of Kenya? Even though it was a land struggle that was later “baptised” as Freedom struggle, the freedom fighters never lived to share the fruits. Even their children and grand children are still not allowed to move closer to the fruits. The sons and daughters of formers Chiefs who are true collaborators were given power. Because of this injustice, they have made sure that they safeguard the wealth inheritated from their Fathers and Grand Fathers. Look at South Africa where the trus freedom figher came to power. The transition has been smooth and the leaders worry about nothing because they did not grab power. We need to liberate our inner thought. Even if leadership come to my tribe, there will be problems still the scrumble will shift from Tribe to County, District , Constituency and to Village. Even at family level, it will go the issue fo Father to Father. What is needed is complete change of system from top to bottom, NOT bottom to top. It sad to say this but as much as Iddi Amin was barbaric in his action, Uganda remained to Ugandans. They are developing slowly but surely by themselves. The economy has been in their hands, though that is changing because of the greed of a few leaders who want to retain leadership by the support of the west. For the support of the west, they have to trade the economic power of the country and eventually the sovereignty of the country.

    Africa is lucky to be independent at the age of modern technology, but due to corruption, few want to appreciate or embrace the technology because technogy such as computers will remove the obstacles associated with corruption. Why are we making it here in the Diaspora while we can’t make it at home? The answer is corruption at home and transparency in the Diaspora.

    For so long, politics have been viewed and left to the iliterate. The interlectuals have always played it safe by not even voting at times. This made politics become a “dirty” game, left to the looters. Legislations have been passed but nobody enforces them. During the campaign for the New Constitution, I maintained that the problem was not the Constitution we had but the implementation and respect of law. Was the freedom of association and human rights not in the Old Constitution? How many people were detained and killed for exercising these rights? All can see what is happening now in Kenya, money is being spent from the public coffers for individuals who are rich and who should be prosecuted by the same Government who is defending them. How can you defend somebody and then tell the world that you will prosecute and send them to jail if they are guilty?

    Afrians are behind because we don’t want to risk. We always want to play it safe and only move if everything is clear. This has made as be at the backyard while the white risk their lives and conquer the world. We need to move with speed and make some bold changes within family levels first.

    Only radical end to the rule by the former colonial collaborators will free Africa economically and politically and an end to Impunity.

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