Re: Not too late to turn around!

In all fairness, I can not claim to be good at directions. Granted,
I can tell west from East, and North from South. But when you place them together, they no doubt confuse me. And because of this, I have often times given people wrong directions. Whenever they call to say that they are lost, I ask them to turn around and head the right direction; of course after giving my sincere apologies!

Turn around and head the right direction!

It comes as no surprise to anyone, at least not to me, that many are the people out there who have either chosen to, on found themselves headed the wrong direction! Allow me to highlight, but a few:

1.There were many people who were once happily married. Everything was fine as long as they remained in the Lord, who by the way is the firm foundation of all marriages. They ignored all words of wisdom and went separate ways! Since the day they separated/divorced, things have gone from worse to worst!

2.There are many husbands and wives who as I write are headed a wrong direction. Instead of sitting down, examining each one to see where things went wrong, they have instead justified each other’s behavior, actions, attitude and what have you. For a long time they have left so many minute things un-attended to a point that there is so much anger, frustration and a sense of loss and betrayal.

3.There are many people out there who at one time were God fearing individuals. For some reason, they changed course, stopped going to church or even studying the Bible, chose to work even on the Sabbath and cheated themselves that all was well. The truth of the matter is that unless they come to themselves and turn around, they are headed further south!

4.There are many people whose lives are messed up due to the influence from other people. In a desire to become like their peers, they not only chose wrong company of friends, but also chose to behave like them!

5.There are many people out there whose lives are totally messed up due to drinking and smoking. Instead of owning up to their bad behavior and accept to change, they have for a long time now, lived a life of denial! Things will get worse unless they chose to turn around!

I can go on and on, but the bottom line is that there are people out there who are headed the wrong direction. They have been driving the wrong direction for so long that somehow they have come to tell themselves that after all things will be alright!

Are you one of them or do you know anyone who is headed the wrong direction! Here is the good news. There is only one-the man of Galilee- who alone can sure mend broken lives. If you choose to connect with Him today by following His well written directions, your life will never be the same again.

And remember that it’s not too late to turn around. The question is am I willing to turn around? Are you?

Just a thought

Pr Birai

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Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 01:32:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: Absalom Birai
Subject: Re: Not too late to turn around!

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