Rawanda & Kenya: Future Cities in CNN this morning

from odhiambo okecth


I was watching CNN this morning and I really appreciated their Future Cities segment that focused on Omuganda Day in Rwanda besides other positive things taking place in Rwanda.

This should be a must watch for lovers of Mother Nature. It was a pleasure watching Rwandese, led by their President, doing manual work in the streets. It was a pleasure watching the Mayor of Kigali leading the people in slashing an area that was over grown with bush and thereafter rupturing in song and dance in appreciating some work well done..

It was a pleasure seeing the enthusiasm of the Rwandese as they participated in the clean-ups.

I bet this should be something worth emulating. At KCDN, we are happy that we have been in the front line mobilizing Kenyans to the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaigns. We are happy that through a partnership with the City Council of Nairobi, we launched a City Wide Clean-up Campaign on 18th September 2010 at Eastleigh. It is our pleasure that this effort has picked up and many teams across all Nairobi have joined in the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign in Nairobi, the latest being the Kenya National Muslim Alliance, again, at Eastleigh.

We then moved to Mombasa and on 22nd February 2011, in partnership with the Municipal Council of Mombasa, MCTA, Bembe Leza Taka, and other groups, we officially launched the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign as a National Drive in a function that was presided over by Hon Amazon Kingi- the Minister for Fisheries Development on behalf of the Rt Hon Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya. We are happy that the Town Clerk and his team and our partners in Mombasa have picked this up and they are mobilizing the clean-ups every month.

This Saturday- the 21st May 2011, we are rolling the same campaign in Eldoret Town at Huruma Estate and this is going to be the Turning Point for Kenya and Kenyans in the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign. It is going to be big and exciting. We are going to clean, dance, chat and have fun. We must make cleaning our Towns a lovely and lively affair. We must dance, cheer and clean, and all Kenyans are being invited to this fun.

The event will bring together the Town Clerks of the City Council of Nairobi, Municipal Council of Mombasa, the Municipal Council of Eldoret and the County Clerk County Council of Wareng together as we show case what we can all do as a team if we so want. We have also invited all the local Members of Parliament- Eldoret East MP, Eldoret South MP and Eldoret North MP, the Director of KACC, the PSs for Environment, Housing, Local Government and Education. Our Guest of Honour will be Hon Prof George Saitoti- the Minister for Provincial Administration and Internal Security.

As we invite Kenyans to make the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign a monthly affair, let us make the drive lively and lovely. It brakes no bones to dance as we clean.

Lastly, we want to thank our local partners in organizing the Eldoret Clean-up at Huruma and the tree planting at Baharini Dam on the same day. We want to thank the following groups for their partnership so far;

Town Clerk- Municipal Council of Eldoret
County Clerk- County Council of Wareng
Mr. Paul Lelei- Chairman Middle Sosiani Water Resources Users Association
Mr. Mohamed Ali- Chairman Eldoret Green Town Initiative
Mr. David Busienei- Secretary General- Centre for Community Dialogue and Development
Mr. Moses Tanui- the Olympic Champion and all his colleagues who will be joining us
Major [Rtd] John Seii and the Kalenjin Council of Elders for their moral support

Mr. Obed Anyona- Kenya Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Nema- Eldoret office
KCB Eldoret
Corporates who will be joining us- we will list their names immediately after the events
and the people of Eldoret

Thank you all and let all roads lead to Eldoret Town- Huruma Estate on 21st May 2011 at 7.00am

If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean Kenya Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.

Peace and blessings,

Odhiambo T Oketch
CEO KCDN Nairobi
Nationwide Coordinator – Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
PO Box 47890-00100,
Nairobi Kenya .
Tel; 0724 365 557 0735 529 126
Email; oto@kcdnkenya.org, komarockswatch@yahoo.com
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

Odhiambo T Oketch is the current Chairman to the City Council of Nairobi Stakeholders Evaluation Team on Performance Contracting and Rapid Results Management. He is also Chair to the Nyamonye Catholic Church Development Fund.He was also the Co-Chair and Coordinator of The Great Nairobi Walk against Corruption that was held in Nairobi on the 22nd October 2010

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