WECHE ….ODM Mass Action


Wed, 20 Feb 2008 05:11:22  

by Ceeloh
  The Orange Democratic Movement parliamentary group has issued a one week ultimatum for parliament to be reconvened for necessary constitutional amendments.  If it is not, then they say that they will resume countrywide peaceful mass action.
  The ultimatum also applies to the Annan Mediation team who are expected to give a solution to the election crisis or change the talks to discuss the country’s boundary definitions.

  Addressing the press at the parliament building, the party’s Secretary General Peter Anyang Nyong’o blamed the Party of National Unity for using delay tactics to frustrate ODM and the talks by taking hard-line positions and using the constitution to resist democratic change to protect their selfish interest.
  Nyong’o added that, in 1964, a precedent was set when the constitution was changed to abolish regional assemblies and the Prime Minister’s post so as to give the president more powers without going to the referendum.
  Pentagon Member Najib Balala also blamed PNU for portraying arrogance in the talks and referred to last week when the talks were postponed in Kilanguni because it was Valentines Day as they were postponed today because the government side wanted to attend a funeral service.

3 thoughts on “WECHE ….ODM Mass Action

  1. Were

    Well, mass action isn’t a panacea and please ODMers don’t dream about breaking up the country. You’re alienating more people with your ill conceived ideas and reckless talk. What has gotten into the head of Nyon’go? Is it senility or dementia catching up with him pretty fast?

    If the logic of people to relocating to their ancestral homelands is to be followed to its conclusion, then Najib Balala should start packing his bags and head back to Yemen.


  2. Were

    Well mass action isn’t a paneacea and please ODMers don’t dream about breaking up the country. You’re alienating more people with your ill conceived ideas and reckless talk. What has gotten into Nyon’go’s head? Is it senility or dementia catching up with him pretty fast?

    If the logic of people relocating to their ancestral homelands is to pursued to its full conclusion, then Najib Bala might as well start packing his bags in readiness to head back to Yemen.

  3. admin

    Subject: Re: Kibaki, Uhuru and Mungiki
    Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:56:30


    Balala meant that Kenya will be divided and one part will be like Lesotho
    which is a land locked country. In other words central province will be isolated
    if they keep on with delaying tactics and arrogance. He didn’t mean reduce
    in physical term, but he was referring it a political term. Remember Lesotho
    is land locked which will be like central province where Kenya’s manufactured leaders come from.



    In a message dated 2/21/2008 12:41:44 A.M., Ochwangi writes:

    There you go again Onyango! Wasn’t it ODM’s Balala who just hours ago in
    broad daylight in front of cameras told the whole world that ODM will reduce
    others into an Island like Lesotho? Why don’t you address that? Kibaki will not capitulate to thuggery nor demagoguery, get used to the idea and next
    time you plan mass rallies, come prepared! Violence will not be tolerated as a means to resolve the disagreement, that is clearly primitive and mediocre
    man. And just so you know, we do have a silent majority in Kenya, while the
    Nilotes are busy clamoring for power by all means necessary, there is 65% of Kenyans (Bantus) who haven’t had their say yet, are you sure you want to agitate that?


    Posted on behalf of Okeyo by Jaluo Press.

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