Re: The lane is open/closed!

On this last day of the year 2008, I learned one more lesson from my work place-Perhaps the most important of all! Let me explain!

There are three basic signs that let the customers to know that the lane is open. Here they are:

1. The light is on
2. The cashier is standing there
3. The absence of “lane closed.” sign!

Today, was one of those very busy days! Business was great! So at the lane, I turned on the light and stood there waiting for the customers! For some reason, no customer was coming through my lane! They all stood by the other lanes waiting to be checked out!

When I called some customers, one of them asked me if I was open! “Open! What a question!” I asked myself as I nodded my head! As if the customer read my mind, he added this, ” I asked so because there is a sign indicating that you are closed! Ops! I had goofed by forgetting to remove the “lane closed” sign!

On taking off the sign, almost all customers who had begun to be frustrated shifted to my lane! As to how I felt, I will leave that to you to judge!

On my way home, it hit me hard that here was a spiritual lesson that I need to share! And here is the lesson/question: “Is it possible that we proclaim loud and clear that we are on the Lords side but then go a head and close our hearts un-knowingly to the Small voice of our God! It is any wonder that the Lord of the universe pleads with us daily: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
(Revelation 3:20)

Of course the big question is, ” Will I let Him in? Will you?”

Just a thought!

Pr B

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Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 14:42:30 -0800 [12/31/2008 04:42:30 PM CST]
From: Absalom Birai
Subject: Re: The lane is open/closed!

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