Tracking Obamas Performance with an Edge


It is a good thing to sober and adjust and not let emotion overtake the best self. This is because life must continue ladies and gentlemen.

There are lots of talk taking a spin turn, most of which go through Media propelled by unhappy bitter Republican gadgets to disrupt, distruct and distabilize or change course of sequence of operations by President Obama Administration to serve the US Public. There are mounting threats on Obama Presidency looming and Secret Service are on top of situation as is reported in the media.


It is common knowledge that such feelings do come knowingly or unknowingly by the spar of the moment when people let anger overtake their best selves. The change of leadership to a Black American person and especially with a descent from the origin of African whose father’s roots are from Kenya an African country from the third world, will not augur well or be stomached easily by many. This is a situation we cannot go to blame game scenario for such reactions.

However, because of years of tradition by the American to protect their values and virtues and respect of human dignity which Americans have have enjoyed for decades, change is healthy many should embrace. It is important that those harbouring dislike for President Obama to adjust from their comfort zones, face realities of change since change is a way of life resulting from circumstancial environmental pressure and for purposes of humanity and survival, to avoid destruction and failure of this Great Nation of the world. It is fundamental for American citizenry to have a common united front in order to face challenges of world crisis and to retain the world’s super power position. The quotes and quotes of ………. I wish he fails………
[Limbaugh is right and here’s why] “Rush Limbaugh says “I hope Obama fails”. Is he the sole voice of reason or a dangerous nutt case? Rush Limbaugh has ONE priority – He sows disharmony for the sake of profit. He wants his supporters to believe the economic downtrend of America is President Obama’s fault that atleast in the past 4 years, if not the past 8 years – or better still, him and his cohorts want to keep President Obama focused in the negative than in the positive focused in securing America and as well to fail in his Campaign promises. He and his likes want to cause to divert attention, disrupt and distabilize the good intentions of President Obama mission and his Administration concentrate on effectiveness.
Rush said on his Talk Show that he hopes Obama fails. His claim was that Obama wanted ‘Government Control’ of the banks the, Auto Industry, etc. He is against ‘Liberalisim’ and therefore hopes Obama fails.

Is there any way to take this except to say that Limbaugh hopes America fails?”

does not justify solidarity or stabilize the Americans Dreams, Values, Virtues supports its outstanding Human Dignity – but in all sided coin, such attitudes will bring America to a failing status to the level of those like in the third world no one wants to go through that route. This is because if Obama fails, the whole America fails. It is therefore paramount that together, forget the past in the spirit of sportsmanship join the team and move on. Each and everyone rolls their sleeves, put on jeans, boots and gloves with googles on their face, charge their skills and talents, embark on activities for personal success and achievements in development programs and projects without looking back.

Consequently, the Republicans and other Independents should equally rally behind Obama back him up – for “United We Are Strong”. It is not a secret, the Republicans under former President Bush with all his failing slots, Democrats, the Independents and the rest of Americans stood up for him and they worked together as a team to keep America afloat and secured.

Yes, critics is the grease by which it lubricates and provide smooth easy spin of wheel joints, which startles and creates motion for the just and meaningful challenge for change we all want. Without critics, leaders get giggers on their feet which could make them lazy or slack from campaign promises to voters. Having said that, we must note that there are healty critics and those that are destructive, baised or selfish criticism we have heard in quotes …… “Rush Limbaugh says “I hope Obama fails” is not healthy.

Teaming for Success
The best we can all do is to team up for America to succeed as a Community of Nations previously known as the Worlds Super Power – and as a Team we must come together and help others to heal from this present change of leadership through caring for each other in a social community networking. It is not easy, but slowly with TIME (the healing agent TIME factor) Prayerfully, America will come together in a United Spirit and be one. We have seen other Nations fail, but this should not happen to America.

Thank you all and may God Bless each and every human souls of the world, May God Bless and bestow Wisdom upon President Obama and annoint his family, May God Bless America and the World Nations together with stability, peace and love prevail upon the race of humanity.

I love you all.

Judy Miriga
Diasporah Spokesperson

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Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 15:20:17 -0800 [05:20:17 PM CST]
From: Judy Miriga
Subject: Tracking Obamas Performance with an Edge

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