
Taking the cue from the lamentations of Mw Edari as to how Kenyatta and Co messed up with Kenya’s constitution to serve personal ends, I  searched for, located and have read Kenya’s Indpendence (1963) Constitution, and I recommend that you too read it! 
I find that it has all that Kenyans wanted (even at the Bomas Constitutional Review Conference) in a pro-people constitution.

Why then do we need to ‘reinvent the wheel’? 

Some of us were not yet born when Kenyans held protracted negotiations over this document, which was finally agreed unanimously, paving the way for Independence. 

It was subsequently adulterated at whim by the first president of Kenya to suit his, dare I say, PERSONAL interests!
Recognising the people’s need for an accountable and responsive governance within an accountable and democratic institutional framework, the Independence constitution provided for the following:
1. Bicameral parliament (Senate and House of Reps);

2. Regional Assemblies (1 in every province);

3. Executive PM as Head of Government, appointed by Parliament and answerable to the Kenyan people on a daily basis through parliament;

4. Ceremonial president as head of state (like Israel; Germany; Italy; etc);

5. District Education Boards;

6. District Medical Boards;

7. District Agricultural Boards;

8. 100% empowered and locally accountable local authorities/local government (County Councils, etc).

Aren’t these the stuff Kenyans are looking for in the new constitutional dispensation as attested by the views at BOMAS and throughout the country?
Why then do we need to go so far to give ourselves a brand-new constitution when all we can do is CALL the very same Parliament that has interfered with the contents of the FIRST CONSTITION to sit down and ANNUL / REPEAL all such previous alterations/amendments so as to let Kenyans REVERT to the very same document we had on DAY ONE of our Independence?
No more referendums, no more wastage of money, and we get back what we already agreed unanimously to guide our national collective?
As I said before, let Martha Karua and her PNU thieves not tell us about ‘constitutionality’ when Kibaki and her likes have failed to deliver a contitution responsive to the needs of Kenyans!
For, deeply burried in the very same current constitution, is the document that we all need: … all that we have to do is FAST-REWIND to the document before any change was made to it, and BINGO – we are home and dry!
Here is the document for all of you to download, digest and promote!
It is the kind of constitution Martha Karua would demand to have in place were Raila to be the Executive President and Head of State under the current constitution! That is how good the document is, and certainly a very long way from “the Kilifi Draft”; “The Wako Draft”, or the “Naivasha Consensus”, whatever!

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