Re: Why Raila must equally take blame!!

Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 11:55:37 +0300 [03:55:37 AM CDT]
From: Betty Otieno
Subject: Re: Why Raila must equally take blame!!

Sungu you are not being fair or serious. Kenya had to move on and we assess ourselves a year later just as Obama has done 100 days later.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 12:28 AM, otieno sungu wrote:

Raila Amolo Odinga assured Kenyans for close to a year that the coalition was working when he knew very well that he was not being consulted as the Accord requires.

This was a great deception to the people of Kenya and absconding duty that gave Kibaki the lull that he was the de facto President.

Raila should have raised hell immediately he smelled a rat on consultations and let Kenyans know and judge Kibaki alone. By carrying us along with this lie, he stands accused just as the man who imagines stealing elections is one way of earning legitimacy.

Raila cannot come out one year later when the National Accord that saved us has been raped, dragged through the mud and cast aside.

For this, I hold him accountable, for the rest of the failures in government, I hold the man who stole our legitimate right to elect a leader who could solve our problems.

No wonder he cares less what happens to us, we did not elect him and thus he is not answerable to us.


One thought on “Re: Why Raila must equally take blame!!


    I want to share your frustrations,similiarly i want you to share the frustration of the primer in his endevors to deliver as per the national accord.Its earsier to criticise when you are out,the primer had to be at least patient lest he could have been dismished as not only power hungry but also an impediment to the realization of the accord.The primer has done his home work fairly well,he has learnt vital political lessons.
    We must understand that we are dealing with kibaki,aman who will do anything to maintain status-quo,people are absolutely not for any meaningful change,dismantling such a complex beauractic web is not a matter to to judged within a year.
    I would pose the question to you,what could have been your options if you were the primer? you cant honestly be having many choices,one the worst you could do is to call for immediate general elections,but where is the election body?Lets not pretend that we dont know,if he was to announce today at his treasury office that he has pulled out of the govt.before he he arrive at the parking bay to get into his car,kibera would be fire ,and nakuru-malaba routes will be no-go zones.We will be back to december 2007,this are the bitter realities.The moment we go back the the ICC,we have a good case against him.Wichever way you look at the options are fairly slim,we must be patient to put the electrol body in place,and enact new constitution.
    In my considered opinion the primer has done fairly well ,i would without fear contradiction award him 83.7%.

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