Re: we are our own enemies.

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 14:41:25 +0000 [04/30/2009 09:41:25 AM CDT]
From: Victoria Kioko
Subject: Re: we are our own enemies.

Hi Francis,

Probably what I could do is to point out to you and to others that Kenya is currently flooded with deep destructive tribalism, and so is Kenya flooded with deceit, corruption, backstabbing, injustice, poverty, hopelessness, stinking rich but filthy and immoral fellows etc.

So long as these vices exist in society, the powerful will take advantage to mint their own selfish ends!


Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 02:22:38 -0700
From: franklinm3@ . . .
Subject: we are our own enemies.

I have been thinking about this for a very long time….its true that our leaders say there is tribalism in our country….i would like to differ and before you start throwing stones, let me explain;

jana i was having a discussion with some many young professionals here in the office and the issue of tribalism was brought. This is my theory……Kenyans are not tribal…..our leaders use this weakness just to protect themselves and there wealth. think abt it, before the post election….many people had lived together for more than 15 years!!!! without a conflict ….all over sudden, our leaders promise us heaven and we turn aganist each other and you never ask yourself why they do it….

Do you honestly guys think that the real change people have been willing and yearning for will be brought by the current crop of leaders??….my answear isa very big bold NO!!!!!….they will always want to rule you and the only easy trick they can use is that one word TRIBALISM….devide you as much as possible so that you cant see the real pressing issues like ;

1. Unemplyment
2. poor infrustructure
3. lack of basic needs and many more.

the day we shall realize that the buch we have today is just a cocone of selfish leaders …thats when we shall have a real revolution….even if its Madagascer way.

Look at this guyz….do you ask yourself why the politicians kids will always have a degree….not even one and not the hardway?….do you know how young the kids start driving and not just cars…real cars…like a Range Rover …my friends…..some daugther the other day lost 2 million shiliings to a mboch….yes 2million…and that is petty cash…..

Do the kids even know where Muthurua is ???…..come on guyz…..lets wake up and realize that we are our own enemies….

I remember once the total man said he can do all in his power to protect his wealth ……..just guess what they can do to divide you until you cant think anymore…….we shud realize that we have a group of few rich wealthy leaders who will always want to freeeze you more and more..

PEACE out and lets unite and make sure that in ten years time…we have good leaders not for us coz we are already ruined but for our kids kids….its not abt kibaki cant do this and someone cant ….they are all together in this……just wake up!!!!


One thought on “Re: we are our own enemies.

  1. wilei

    Its time kenyans stopped blaming leaders and took responsibility for their fate. First the culture of beating around bushes should stop. The first weakness you have is fear of the unknown and the stupid brain wash of better the devil you know.(used in 2002)

    secondly,there is inate fear for the luos and smart people. Think about it this way… who is more likely to mistreat you at work your educated boss or the one who barely passed a single exam? of course the later is threatened and would like to keep hs Job while the former will likely try to better themselves. Well apply it to leadership. I am not even kenyan but have an msc in psychology. The only kenyans i have interacted with(all from one) seem to have fear of one group’s leadearship and i ask has the group(tribal) been given an opportunity they say no. So how do you pre judge like that?

    Finally leaders dont have they power to do anything kenyans do. My ancestors were colonialists no apologies and your leaders sold you out. it is the power of the people that won africa back. Otherwise if left to the leaders you would have been like the US and Australia. It only takes one person to start a revolution.

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