By Leo Odera Omolo

A new waves of violence robberies have hit Awendo Town and its environs causing fear among the business community and member of the public alike.

These robbery by heavily armed thugs normally target lone motor bike taxi riders on remote and isolate feeder and accesses roads traversing sugar cane farming villages.

The robbers are said to be armed with hand guns and at time the concealed AK 47 riffles appear to be forgetting motor bike taxi, riders.

The areas in which these 8ncidents normally occurs include Awendo Moriwa road and Rapogi-Road in Rongo and the newly created Uriri districts

These thugs are known to be using unorthodox method and tactics of using pretty young girls as their baits. Your beautiful girls usually turns up, approach of motor bike taxi riders, make the deal requesting to be taken to a certain destination. or a nieghbouring school and some places

The girls, according to our informer pays handsomely to the motor bike taxi man. But upon reaching some place, the girl tactfully excusing herself by ordering the motor bike taxi rider to stop the bike in one place so that she could talk to a motorist. A conduit vehicles, mostly reported to have been stolen cars are used for this business..

As the motorbike rider obliges and stop his machine heavily armed emerges from inside the vehicle and grab the motor bike taxi man at gun point. One of the passengers emerged from the vehicles and take charge of the motor bike, while the taxi man is forced into the vehicles bout and locked in. The vehicles drivers away and the girl who had hired the motor bike taxi man suddenly vanished in the thin air.

Soon after this the motor bike taxi man is driven to a remote section of the road, and then
ordered out of the car bout and told to find his own way home. These thugs ensures that
the place is far away from the main road or to any nearby police station. And by the
time the taxi man come into contact with other motorist or local people, these thugs had
gone very far and even crossed the Kenya-Tanzania border.
Presumably remote areas in the sugar cane field. Though the victim is released unmolested, the thugs usually make it a path that it would take him several hour to wake back to the main road to communicate with anybody.

If the motor bike had a mobile phone this is also confiscated plus his money after his pockets are turned up side down money taken forcefully taken;
Close to a dozen motor bike taxis have been seized in this manner, and the victims says they suspected these thugs as c oming from Migori Town, which is close to the Kenya-Tanzania border.

An incident occurred last week in which a motor bike taximan was robbed of his mach9ne on thre Rapogi Uriri road. After he had delivcered his passenger at Uriri, the same passenger told him that he had forgotten an important parcel and wanted to be taken back to Rapogi, but somewhere imn between Rapogi and Uriri centre a white car emerged and his bike was taken away at gun poinmt.

A few days later the same motor bike was spotted at Rapogi centre as it was driven by a stranger. A dozen of taxi men at Rapogi ganged up and gave a chase. And while they were chasing the stranger suspected to be riding a stole motor bike, one of the taxi man was heard issuing a warning to the man that he was being pursued by a large number of bike riders.

The man vanished and the taxi men settled on the mobile phone user. It was established that he had been in contact with the thief for more than ten times within a day. His colleagues settle on him with kicks and all kinds of missiles. He was rescued by the Administration policemen from the Rapogi DO office, who took him to hospital and to police custody..The suspect was beaten unconscious and is still receiving treatment undr the watchful eyes of the police. town.

These robber are targeting mostly the newly purchased motor bikes without number plates. The motor make tax men in Awendo and within town have new appealed to the police in the region to come to their rescue.


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Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 08:02:56 -0700 [05/02/2009 10:02:56 AM CDT]
From: Leo Odera Omolo

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