A L I C E T H A N K S, Y O U R M E S S A G E D R E W R A I L A C L O S E R T O G O D.

Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 20:58:25 -0400 [07:58:25 PM CDT]
From: Joram Ragem
Subject: A L I C E T H A N K S, Y O U R M E S S A G E D R E W R A I L A C L O S E R T O G O D.


Raila listents to ordinary people. Alice asked me to pass Agwambo a message. I did. It Touched him.
Here is the message:


How are you sir? You don’t know me. My name is Alice Okello. I once read an article you wrote to Bidii Africa. One of the things you said in that article is that you are one of the people who advices Hon. Raila Odinga. Based on that I assume you are close to him. I have a request. I beg you to pass this message on to our Prime Minister. Ask him to lead this nation back to God. Ask him to be true to the words he spoke in Nakuru. The destiny of this nation depends on it. I dont believe am asking for much. I know he probably has alot to deal with right now especially with issues concerning The HBC in parliament. I beg you in the Name of the Lord….do not ignore this. Raila is still the leader endorsed by God. Please do it.

Thank you for your time and attention and Nyasaye ogwedhi!!

Alice Okello.”

It is such ordinary simple, common people that move our leaders. Not necessarily partisan pharesees.

Again, I did what you asked Alice, and I am glad Raila listened. Nyasacha Bahaola bende Ogwedhwa waduto.

See picture attached. Picture Credits:Prime Minister Raila Odinga (centre) after being baptised by Prophet David Owuor (left), of the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness in Nairobi, on Monday. [PHOTO: PMPS/STANDARD]


Joram Ragem
wuod Ndinya, wuod Onam, wuod Amolo, wuod Owuoth, wuod Oganyo, wuod Mumbe, wuod Odongo, wuod Olwande, wuod Adhaya, wuod Ojuodhi, wuod Ragem! (Are you my relative?)

One thought on “A L I C E T H A N K S, Y O U R M E S S A G E D R E W R A I L A C L O S E R T O G O D.

  1. Kuria-Mwang

    Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 12:52:45 -0400 [11:52:45 AM CDT]
    From: Kuria-Mwang
    Subject: Re: A L I C E T H A N K S, Y O U R M E S S A G E D R E W R A I L A C L O S E R T O G O D.

    Wouldnt debapatism be tantamount to getting out instead of getting re-entry? Somebody explained that it works (debaptism/rebaptism) when one backslides and wants to return. Does this then imply that Raila was once baptized and is returning or he is coming for the first time? Would he be making a statement may be to those who had accused him of being a communist and so atheist? The Republicans would be pleased with him and now with a possible support from the dems via Obama, Tinga is fully reborn and ready for another stab at the presidency in 2012. Kalonzo will no longer have the monopoly of being the one and the only messiah to deliver Kenya from the yoke of the devil! Lets hope that heathens dont come up with their own candidate.


    On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 12:24 PM, wrote:

    My Kuria Mwangi/Ragem

    Are you familiar with “debaptism” and other “de-s” associated with religion? The concept seems to be catching on in the US – AM

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Kuria-Mwangi
    Sent: Tue, 5 May 2009 9:03 am
    Subject: Re: A L I C E T H A N K S, Y O U R M E S S A G E D R E W R A I L A C L O S E R T O G O D.

    Good work. Now work on Mwai Kibaki on his desire to get baptized. You know he is known for reneging on his promises and can easily do the same on the promise he made to Pastor Awuor. Once you get Kibaki, focus on Kalonzo since it is possible for somebody to be baptized twice. The rest of the heathens can wait.

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