Re: Mutula is the Worst Sycophant in Kenya Today…

Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 19:55:08 +0300 [11:55:08 AM CDT]
From: “Eng. Thomas Senaji”
Subject: Re: Mutula is the Worst Sycophant in Kenya Today…


I hope you are all fine

Just some thoughts, what is it with the constitution that it should take up to August next year? It appears to me to be some scheme to delay it. Is a new constitutional dispensation critical and urgent? if it is, then there is need to speed it up; even through popular demand because it is not the executive to prescribe when to deliver at their convenience.

Best regards


On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 12:28 PM, kiama kaara wrote:

Who isn’t????? It doesn’t matter whether you are the number one sycophant or the last. At the Sycophants Academy, i would rather you were number one. It has more benefits and practice has shown.

Come on man, what we are dealing with is a systemic issuse that needs a broader analysis and work towards a paradigm shift.

Otherwise, we just change one set for others.

Million dollar question….How far do we think we can go with this???


— On Tue, 5/5/09, Kennedy Oduor wrote:

From: Kennedy Oduor
Subject: Mutula is the Worst Sycophant in Kenya Today…
Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 6:23 AM

Mutula Kilonzo is the worst sycophant in Kenya today. He the
one who represented Moi the dictator for quite a long time
while Kenyans were suffering under the same dictator-NOW
TURNED REFORMER..REFORMER..Really..Kenyans lets not have any
hope in this man but lets hope that parliament together with
MP and the experts wil give us a new constitution…

List of the best sycophants in Kenya today:
1.Mutula Kilonzo
2.Alfred Mutua
3.Kalonzo Musyoka
4.Johnstone Muthama
5.Samuel Kivuitu

In the first Kibaki Administration-Top Five sycophants
1.Kivutha Kibwana
2.Mukhisa Kituyi
3.Kiraitu Murungi
4.Martha Karua
5.Danson Mungatana

— On Mon, 4/5/09, Panda wrote:
From: Panda
Subject: Can Mutula justify his claims that karua failed.
Date: Monday, 4 May, 2009, 2:40 PM
I have just watched todays 21:00hrs Ktn news…i was lost
of words when i saw Mutula takin up office of justice n
constitution…with a
wide grin he tweng’ that people were waiting 4 him and
he wont fail like the predecessor Karua….sincererly we know Mutula n
who he represents,who was waiting 4 him anyway and did Martha
kutuchezea akili….cn he sort out IDP’S kwanza then we
as wakenya
start having hope in him,then spear head Constitutiön rfms
in less than 101 days…whats ur take wanabidii

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