Nyando – – constituency won by mediocres

Nyando is a constituency that has been won by mediocres. At one time we had an Onyango Midika who turned out to be a felon followed by many other folks whose names vanished with the wind that whisked them into the limelight. No Nyando MP has ever made an impact into Kenyan national politics. To date I still wonder who is the king maker in Nyando and does Nyando care about leadership. Do names like Otieno Odongo and Dr. Okeyo Owuor mean anything to Nyando people.

Now we have a former Canada barrister who seem to be an interlectual but fails in being a people person. Arrogant, unpredictable, unapproachable and cruel, he seems to be engrossed in PanAfricanism that means all to him but nothing to Nyando people. Sure I am young but history of my age has not failed me. I remember when we used to ran with twigs praising people like Ogalo Ogada, Kitoto Adel and others hoping for manner from above only to realize that the so called savious were indeed crying to be save. They were mere job seekers just like the Canadian barrister. It is a jungle out there.

Now I am fourty, looking for leadership and what do I get, Fredrick Outa. Waw! Fredrick Outa? Who is this guy? and Where did he come from? No one is an island and I dare not underestimate a creation of God but still Nyamgondho and Lwanda Magere only existed in the luo short story books. I may be wrong but you have to to prove that Lwanda Magere indeed was a luo warrior. None of such can neither be created nor get destroyed in our minds but the hard unrefurbished fact is that the existance of Nyamgondho or Lwanda is wanting when subjected to the tests of time, date and age.

And my point is, it is time for Nyando to stop fumbling in choosing their leaders. It is time to be careful. There is no Abra Cadabra the magic man. You cannot expect anything from parlierment or government if your MP is a whimp. If your MP does not have the legs to walk in the corridors of power and crack a whip of his own, his message will sink in the dugneon of absolute darkness and ultimate death that is actually a commonality in parlierment. His idea will be rubished and burried in the valley of death. An MP must have a command of language and an an awe of a king if you know what I mean. He must not be a bootlicker either. I will tell Nyando people this, Outa cannot even get an appointment with the PM. His position is inconsequential, his contribution is immaterial. Nyando is full of great leaders and it is time they choose one. They must stop electing mediocres.

I will not make suggestions, but the time has come to choose soldiers not followers.
Dr. Barack Abonyo

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Date: 7 May 2009 00:18:56 -0700 [02:18:56 AM CDT]
From: barack abonyo
Subject : Nyando – – constituency won by mediocres

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