From the voices of lake region people want to take this opportunity to give THUMPS UP!..
To:. MP. Kahalwale, MP. Ethuro, MP. Duale, MP. Mungatana, MP. Mbadi, MP. Odhiambo, MP. Anyanga, MP Musila, MP. Munyes, MP. Khaniri, MP. Ethuro and MP. Musyimi

These MPs may be “Back Benchers” in this parliament but for lake region people you are ” Front Benchers ” on taking Migingo dispute in patriotic way with Museni Uganda. Thank you for putting tribal and party politics in addressing down Musevini on occupation of Migingo Island and his verbal attack on segment of Kenya population on this dispute. History of preserving the borders of this border/ territorial integrity will judge you kindly. It is refreshing to see MPS from different tribal group, region and political parties coming together to defend this country for a change! Where Musevini see Migingo as “majaluo/wajaluo” issue, you see Migingo issue as Kenya problem and you should be commended by every body in this country.

Other Kenya leaders and politicians who are still hiding behind the curtains of diplomacy will one day follow your lead. If they don’t they will come to regret it when this country is devyvied up in peace meal by the so- called friendly neighbors!. Musevini and his spokes people who are free to lie on how his words words were taken out contest by BBC reporters. In other words Musevini did “hear the voices” of wajaluo to call them names!. BLAME THE REPORTER FROM FOR YOUR DAMN ANSWERING..the reporter made me do it defense..only an African leader make lame excuse like this and people will believe him!

For those people who don’t follow politics or “political speak” as some of us do, any time you hear politician saying that “his words/statements were taken out context” this means his/her first statements were true!. Politicians only claim their statements ” taken out contest” when they feel heat after expressing their true feelings from the original statements. Musevini is now backtracking to cover his “ass” and to please Kenya politicians who are still insisting on diplomatic avenue to solve this issue. It is pathetic to see a President of a country picking a fight underling politician from another country in this case demanding that Mr. Orengo of Kenya to apologise to Uganda making derogatory remarks on this issue. In this case if Mr. Orengo cannot apologize to Musevini then he will not apologize to Luos!. One must wonder who is “small” in this exchange?.. when did Mr. Orengo became Msevini’s equal in Kenya or in “Luo nation”? .We are now asking Mr. Kibaki to demand apology from Uganda Co-operation Minister who said “Kenya would loose if they go to war over Migingo… Uganda is the food basket for Kenya” Does this means that Mr. Kibaki his government has sold Migingo Island for Uganda for food supply???????. To be fetiosous, lake region people should now demand a large share of the Migingo/Uganda food transaction because they are the one who will be loosing the island to Uganda!.

On serious note, here is my free advice to African politicians like Musevini. When speaking in public or making political statements,… when you are asked a question by reporter you have the right to say simple word ” no comment”. If you don’t want to answer a question or tell lies..just answer the question that has not been asked!. In other words you have full control of what want or don’t want to say to the reporter(s). For the brave Kenya MPS who have forward to defend this country on Migingo issue, I say to you don’t waste your time on demanding Musevini’s apology he is not your President. You should focus and put pressure on your President to bring Migingo dispute to just closure to the people of Kenya. You can NEVER substitute Kenya national interest with petty tribal or party politics in this country when our borders are violated by Musevini Uganda!

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Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 13:47:49 -0400 [05/15/2009 12:47:49 PM CDT]
From: Dan Orao

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