Museveni’s phobia for strong Leaders-John Garang, Raila Odinga!!

There seems to be a likehood that Museveni frets strong leaders in East Africa, going by what happened to the Late John Demabior Garang(RIP Pan Africanist!!) and now the phobia he shows towards Raila Amolo Odinga.

Museveni wants meek leaders and docile ones whom he can manipulate and intimidate so that he can be the President of East Africa, a tall order even though this has been his pet dream.

This is why he wants to project himself as strong, able, dependable,and decisive. On the other hand, his antics, like with Kibaki now, are meant to potray Kibaki as meek and a weakling who cannot be entrusted with the EAC leadership.

Because he cannot try this kind of nonsense and monkey tricks with Jakaya Kikwete, a former army General himself, he has turned to our “General Kigwoya” and it is really working for him.

Otieno Sungu.
Juba-Southern Sudan

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Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 05:03:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: otieno sungu
Subject: Museveni’s phobia for strong Leaders-John Garang, Raila Odinga!!

2 thoughts on “Museveni’s phobia for strong Leaders-John Garang, Raila Odinga!!

  1. akech

    Mr. Sungu;

    Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and his partner in crime, Paul Kagame of Rwanda, have already dug a big hole through the back door channel called East African Community. Raila will fall into that hole incase he is not there already.

    Kenyan and Tanzanian lands are becoming puplic domains; meaning anybody from the heavily populated countries of Rwanda and Burundi can now own pieces of land either in Kenya or Tanzania.

    The only country that has tried to push back that idea is Tanzania. Kenya seams to favour the East African Community’s that land grab policy sponsored by Kagame of Rwanda, possibly because of 2007 elections turmoil that rained in on most people who had land proerties in Rift Valley. Paul Kagame is the current chairman of EAC (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi).

    If ODM members are asleep at the wheel, the turmoil which rained in on Kenya after 2007 general elections is going to look like child play because Paul Kagame is a ruthless killer based on his track record in the Democratic Republic of Congo where 1.5 million Congolese have perished!

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