Mr. President read Kenya Nation paper (5/12/09) to see what Musevini’s true feelings about Migingo Island no matter what he has told in you in private Mr. President history of this country will not be kind to you if you let Migingo occupation stand as Musevini has decided to take this Island away from Kenya… because he thinks it only belong to Luos. Your predecessors: Kenyatta, Moi and the Colonial government left Kenya borders intact and Migingo Island on Kenyan column..why should you concede this Island to Uganda now?.

For all Kenya politicians, you must now speak with one voice on Migingo. Uganda aggression on this Island is NOT only Lake region politicians problem but Kenyan national interest issue. If you cannot come together and defend this Kenya territory soon or later you will not have a country to be MPS in. This is the one time you Kenya MPS must put off your tribal affiliations and party politics aside to defend your country that has benefited you more than any (wanainchi) in this country!. If you let Migingo go, your accumulated wealth will not be save for long..other country will be emboldened to claim Kenya territory in piece meal fashion. The public is urging Kenya MPS and Mr. President at least for now to put off internal/provincial political boundaries to focus on efforts to solve Migingo Island dispute with Uganda. Yes, the public is being told that the map makers/surveyors are working on this issue but this is only delay tactic by Uganda .Musevini has spoken on this issue regardless of what the map makers will come out with!.

Mr. President the public is not asking you to lower your self by calling Musevini names! as he is now calling your people!. It is incumbent on you to tell your people and this country where you stand on this issue. Musevini is NOT the President of this country and Kenya people should not rely on him to tell them the status of Migingo Island..this is your job Sir. Mr. Musevini has now spoken by calling a segment of your country people names and we don’t expect you to resort to name calling in this dispute. Let name calling to the public they will come up with some “good names” for Musevini and his country. Mr President we urge you to stand up..speak up directly on this issue now Musevini has spoken and calling your people out!. Memo to Musevini although Kenya President and Politicians will NOT call you names.. soon or later Kenya people will find out something about you and your tribe in Uganda!. The name calling messages are on the way for your lack of vocabulary and judgment in singling out Luo people by names in this dispute. For your information Luos are more than fishermen in Kenya and world wide!

JD Brown

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Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 17:21:24 -0400
From: Dan Orao

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