Re: God answers Prayers!!!

Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 09:43:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Absalom Bira
Subject: Re: God answers Prayers!!!

Sister Janet,

Thanks for this testimony. It has spoken to my heart. As much as it’s possible, continue sharing your faith. I thank the man of Galilee for what He has done in your life. That is why I have always loved Him and will continue to.

Pr Birai

— On Tue, 5/19/09, Janet mafunga wrote:

From: Janet mafunga
Subject: Re: God answers Prayers!!!
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 7:41 AM

I agree,

Thanks for sharing. I remember about 5 years ago while working on short term contracts (those who know the UN system will attest to this). I used to get 3 months, 1 month, 6 months, 6 weeks, etc. It was frustrating. You could not even get a residence permit as the swiss mission would say by the time you get the permit your contract will be over. so you just chill and say.. welll what to do? Then one day, I went for prayers and my prayer topic was “Permanency” and in my mind was my job situation. Then at the end of that contract, i actually got an 11 month contract and I thought well…. He heard me! Then in January 2005 my main prayer topic was “No more mock interviews” (This was because I had applied for so many jobs in-house and been called for interviews but never go the jobs. and most of the time you could see that the person who was chosen was 1) the one who had always been there 2) qualification wise I was way ahead esp when they took foreign languages into consideration as they insisted on the vacancy notice). I told God, the next interview I go for, I am GETTING the job. Come April I got an email to go for a written test and i remember telling God “Remember my prayers in January?”. Well I got that job and it was a Fixed term Post (2 years). 3 years while i was home in Dec for holidays, one day i log onto my office email with the intention of sending my boss an email saying that i will extend my leave by another 2 weeks. I see an email email inviting for to sit a written test at the Global Fund so that meant i am on the flight back to Geneva. And I told God again “Remember that prayer Lord”. long story short… I got the job, started 1 May and I am enjoying it. And it is a lifetime contract till i get to 65. And I also remember sowing a seed one day when we had a visiting pastor in our church. I just said to God before putting the envelop in the basket that it was for the job interview I was going for the following day. I remember praying (maybe a little selfish prayer ) that when i got into the interview room, the panel would forget everyone else they had interviewed before and after me. that they would forget their faces and that I may have a lasting impression on them in my answers and my whole demeanor.

And two days ago while having coffee with one of the people who were on the panel, he told me that the thing that stuck in their minds most was the questions I asked at the end of the interview.

And I encourage those going for interviews, I know you have heard this a thousand times before but be prepared, take time to pray about it… Take time to read about the organization and when they ask you at the end, do you have any questions, don’t just concentrate on questions like, how much is my salary going to be, what are the benefits, when I can hear from you etc. In as much as these are important too, Ask questions that relate to the organization or your future boss too. Show interest in the two. I am sure there are HR specialists here who could give tips and advice on how to present and answer questions during an interview. And ask yourself “Would you hire yourself if you were sitting at the other end of the table?” Would you?

Jeanette M. Khaoya

— On Tue, 5/19/09, Norah Matheka wrote:

From: Norah Matheka
Subject: God answers Prayers!!!
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 2:31 PM

Answered Prayers.

There are many answered prayers in my life. I will just highlight some of them.

1. God provided for my fees when I was in Daystar. My parents struggled to get that money and I agonized in prayer concerning that. I remember that I shared this request with my prayer partners in my church and I just cried seeing the struggle my parents were going through to ensure that I got a degree. Praise be to God I did.

2. Just before clearing Daystar in my last year my mind went blank as to what to do next and it was scary. I committed to the Lord my future and to cut the story short I got to be amongst a group of young people who went to UK for one year on volunteer basis all paid for and allowances given during that year. It was a memorable, treasurable year.

3. The jobs that I have received have been answered prayers and miracles since I have just had people call me for the jobs. I was in one job for a very long time until it got time to move. The move was abrupt and it was not my decision but the employer. It was a shock but prior to that I believe God had prepared me for it. You see what happened is that I had a feeling or sense of death which drove me to give my friends Christmas cards in the month of November though I did not want to die! I did not know the death was the end of my job which I had enjoyed doing for a long time. The job ended before that month of November.

4. I was out of a job for like 3 months, which were very busy months for me since I was involved with some groups that needed work to be done. I got another job via my former boss introducing me to my current employer. God answers prayers!

5. I had for a long time together with my mum prayed for a house for them, that is for my mum and dad. I do not think one year ended my dad purchased a house after renting for sometime after retiring! And to date I do not think he got a loan to purchase it! It is a wonderful house oh praises God!

6. For a long time my mum suffered with a lot of pain not knowing what was wrong but some 5years ago we discovered she was ailing from osteoporosis and she had to undergo two surgeries. To get blood donors was another answered prayer.

7. I desired and saved for like one year to go to a driving school. Eventually I did (AA) and went for my second driving test. I passed with the hand brake half way through the test!!! That day I remember I bought a sumptuous lunch of fish to celebrate!!! Answered prayer. Then I trusted God for a car and I got one!!! (Those who are looking to get a driving license and a car do not give up! You might just get a job that takes you to a driving school and gives you a car!).

8. When I moved to my current job the salary was not marched but trusted God to sustain me even as I kept using the car-though at some point left it at home. So far the car has been running well, I have taken it to the garage for maintenance and repair. People who get the car to maintain and those who drive in it comment that the car has been well maintained. God is in all of this. I have been involved with several mishaps lakini God is always watching over me. Many answered prayer concerning the car’s activities (stories for another day maybe!)

9. For the houses I have lived in since I moved out of parents home has been a blessing. Actually I have had to move from those houses out of circumstances and not wanting to move. For the last house I prayed and requested my prayer partners to join me in prayer. I got the desire of my house. It is my castle!!, I always look forward to going home and try to get at least a whole weekend at home to enjoy it. Incidentally it is in Rongai which is far and causes me to get out of the house before 6 am on a working day yet I do not want to move. For those looking for houses trust God to provide, you will be writing in this forum to tell us of what God has done.

10. I can go on and on and on and on… about answered prayers but let me end it here. Still trusting God for so many things e.g. a good God fearing husband, a house, healing for my brother from alcohol, continued healing for my mum, spouses for my friends, visa for a friend, jobs for friends, fees for loved ones, training to be aerobics instructor etc.

God bless you all. I hope this is an encouragement to you. If you want me to stand with you in prayer let me know.

Norah Matheka, 0721-725672.

One thought on “Re: God answers Prayers!!!

  1. mirriam munywoki

    I have been exited by the many testmonies have read and im pround of such faithful christian and very encouraged to continue trusting in the Lord

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