Who is the Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade?

Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 07:27:10 +0300
From: Paul Nyandoto
Subject: Vs: Who is the Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade?

Judy & all

If Kenyans name Kimunya to head or be a member of AGOA, then kenyans will not benefit anything under Obama`s administration. Obama is against corrupt elements or people who have been named in corruption dills. The USA also yesterday gave avery good example by jailing Bernard Madoff for 150 years. Do Kenyans read news papers at all. Jailing a 71 year old man for 150 years was a message to the money swindlers all over the world. So who ever named Kimunya in anything to do with USA is directly not serving Kenyans interest at all. It is a proactive focus which will not benefit anybody. I thought Kenyan leaders have strategy for the country`s development, but it looks as if they are no better than a goat keeper who keeps on taking the goats to a place where the grass have already finished until he realises that all his goats are dead while his neighbours goats are just thriving. USA is also now having very good relationship with the rest of the world including EU, , Japan, Russia and china and let these present Kenyan leaders not cheat fellow Kenyans that if USA does not do this for us another country will do it. Guys Kenyans are going down under this so called coalition government, it looks that these leaders have suspended all the developments until 2012 election.

Paul Nyandoto.

>>> 30.6.2009 1:06 >>>


Is Kimunya back to Treasury? Who is the Minister for Foreign Affairs or External Trade in Kenya? Why Kimunya? I thought Kimunya is under scrutiny of some sort? Isnt he bared?
Is there nobody else qualified to handle this in Kenya? Does this not affect Eligibility of Kenya to host if proper protocol cannot be followed and corruption seem to be doing its turn? Are we missing something people????? Are we back to doing things kienyegi…..Kenya Kama Kawaida……. KKK?

Kenyans, are you entitled to knowing what goes on in Kenya’s Trading partnership with USA? Is this Agoa for a few connected? Agoa is a Trading business under constitution agreement partnership between Kenya and America. It must benefit all Kenyans without discrimination. We want to know, which Trading Commodities and Companies are recommended by Kenyan Government to Trade with the America? These are some of the corruption that have been trading in Kenyan Embassy in the US. Another smokes screen why Akinyi Odinga is appointed to propagate interest of PM Raila. This is completely a family affair.

Anywhere you put Kimunya before clearance, corruption is what comes to surface, and why must he head AGOA? Can someone explain whats going on, Why Kimunya is heading AGOA and in whose interest? We are not done with Anglo Leasining yet, we are not done with Goldenburg……….we are not done with Artur Brothers……..whats going on Kenyans? Can someone unravel the puzzle?……….
Kenyan business trading under AGOA utilized Public Utility and Facilities and was initially financed from tax payers money. This is the reason why EPZ was created, then it was hijacked in the air by politicians…….People must know. Can the Government explain this? Agricultural produce and Cotton is another package Kenyans aught to have benefited from AGOA Trading opportunity, but not a handful tribal group or politically connected cartels. Folks…..this cannot go solo without scrutiny people……..we must ask FBI to investigate and bring this matter to surface so people know if this arrangement is legitimate or qualifies eligibility to host the forum.

Where is Chamber of Commerce???????

We need some explaination………

Watch this……






Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

Obama administration expected to support Agoa trade agreement

Published on 06/11/2008

By Benson Kathuri

Kenya expects US President elect Barrack Obama’s administration to support the current trade arrangements under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa).

Deputy Prime-Minister Uhuru Kenyatta said the Government would work closely with the new administration to expand the trade pact that has generated thousands of jobs mainly within the Export Processing Zones (EPZs).

“As the current chair of the African Consultative Group of Ministers on African Growth Opportunity Act, I look forward to a close working relationship with President-Elect Obama in pursuing a fair trade agenda for the mutual benefit of our people,” he said in a congratulation message yesterday.

Agoa allows exporters from 38 countries in sub-Saharan Africa to export to the biggest world economy quota and duty free but the country is yet to reap the full benefits due to low volumes of exports.

The country exports mainly textile with raw materials sourced from China and India. The move was initially intended to revive the cotton industry that collapsed under liberalization of the late 80’s to provide the raw materials.


The country qualified for the Agoa ‘Wearing Apparel’ provisions on January 2001, being one of the first Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries to do so.

Other exports include agricultural products, mainly tea, coffee and flowers as well as electronic products. Between January and March this year, export earnings stood at Sh1 billion ($13.2 million) while total exports stood at Sh42 billion ($526 million) and Sh46 billion in 2006 and last year.

However, petroleum products continued to account for the largest portion of Agoa exports from SSA with a 93 per cent share of overall exports. According to US trade report 2008, AGOA textiles and apparel imports remained virtually constant at $1.3 billion, minerals and metals imports increased by 34 per cent to $796.3 million, transportation equipment rose by 19 per cent to $588.5 million, and chemicals and related products increased by eight per cent to $308.9 million.


“Agricultural product imports, however, fell by 25 per cent to $271.5 million,” said the report.

The top five Agoa beneficiary countries included Nigeria, Angola, South Africa, Chad, and Gabon while other leading Agoa beneficiaries included Republic of Congo Lesotho, Madagascar, Kenya, Cameroon, Swaziland, and Mauritius. US exports also increased by 19 per cent to $14.4 billion, driven by growth in vehicles and parts, parts for oil field equipment, wheat, non-crude oil, and medical equipment.

Of the top five African destinations for US products, exports to South Africa rose by 24 per cent, to Nigeria by 25 per cent, to Kenya by 11 percent, and to Gabon by 253 percent due to the large sale of platform(s) for offshore oil drilling during the first quarter of last year.

In July, Mr Kenyatta and other ministers from eligible countries attended the 7th Agoa forum in the US whee they asked for the intitiative to be made more permanent.

“There is need to make Agoa permanent and predictable to make our region more attractive to invettors,” Kenyatta told the forum. “This will help us to address our long term objectives of foreign inveestments, especially from US corporate.”

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