Uhuru in the USA for over One Month


The Minister for Finance who is also the Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta has been visiting in the USA for over one month.

Can the President tell us who is running his Offices in Kenya while he is away for that length of time, and also is it constitutional for person of a Minister to leave an Office for more than one month for a Foreign Country? And is he spending Tax Payers money for that length of stay?
Can President Kibaki explain what assignment he is doing in the USA?


Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

– – –
From: jbatec@ . . .
Date: Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 6:04 PM
Subject: Uhuru in the USA for over One Month

3 thoughts on “Uhuru in the USA for over One Month



    He is in the US that long because the West wants to sanitize this post-election genocidaire son of the genocidaire Jomo Kenyatta, to become Kenya’s president after Mwai Kibaki through thick and thin come 2012 presidential elections.

    Remember the US and their Ambassador Ranneberger’s role at the KICC in the Mwai Kibaki rigging of the 27th December 200 presidential elections! The grand coalition is the result and you can see how we have ended in a political quagmire.


  2. Judy Miriga

    From: Judy Miriga
    Date: Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 4:00 PM
    Subject: Re: [YP_Ke] Re: Uhuru in the USA for over One Month

    Mr. Magiri,

    Please dont get irritated because this is a genuine case we must
    communicate so we can solve a situation. Its a burning issues and we
    are concerned. We want to know because this culture of the misuse of
    Public Tax Payers money without accountability is pinching and is putting
    Kenyan’s poor to an awkward situation thats why. We are asking for

    What was it that he the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Uhuru was
    performing Sterlingly in USA for more than one month without Public
    information? Please ellaborate or substantiate so we do not speculate.
    Up till now we are acting on hearsay. We are talking about the matter
    of accountability, are we not entitled to be told the truth? Is it also in
    order for the Minister to lobby within the World Bank personnel to
    influence employment on ethnicity line so to be stationed in strategic
    positions to serve personal interests like the case in one of a Ms. Eva
    Nyawira Waithera, if there is one with such a name, who works at the
    Dept. of International Trade Insurance Services an affiliate of the World
    Bank who has now been posted to Kenya? Dont you think we have the
    right to complain or get skeptic if issues such as these are done under
    table? We want to know if this Nyawira’s position to Kenya was as a
    result of facillitated influence resulting from Uhuru’s visitation here? Was
    there no other suitable staff personnel from World Bank to have been
    posted to Kenya to avoid this tribal animosity thing which is now spreading
    like cancer in Kenya and is causing ripples?

    Rumour is milling that the Minister has jetted to UK last night,
    dont you think there is a concern we must be told whats going on?

    We hope Speaker of National Assembly Hon. Marende will provide
    a satisfactory answer why Foreign Minister is out of Country for more
    than one month? Our Destiny is in Jeopardy we want answers.


    Judy Miriga
    Diaspora Spokesperson
    Executive Director
    Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

    — On Wed, 7/29/09, Murithi Magiri wrote:

    From: Murithi Magiri

    Subject: [YP_Ke] Re: Uhuru in the USA for over One Month

    To: youngprofessionals_ke@googlegroups.com

    Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 12:44 PM

    Judy on this one you irritate me. How did you know the Minister was heavily drunk? Please let us not spread falseholds, cheap rumours and fabrications. It does no one any good, not even you. And what is it if the Minister can drink and perform sterlingly?

    Please be cautious in what you say.

    Njioni Njema,
    Murithi Magiri

    “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” Thomas Jefferson

  3. Obesh

    The Minister for Finance who is also the Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta visit to the USA for over one month is Bure kabisa


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