from AKR|Association of Kenyans Living in Rwanda
Dear Fellow Kenyan,
The AKR Executive Committee, the Students and Management of Mount Kenyan University cordially invite you to the first ever MKU Cultural Night this friday18th November 2011 at the Sports View Hotel Remera starting from 6 pm. MKU will showcase their various talents through performing Art and the Mr. and Mrs. MKU Beauty Pageant.
This event will create a forum for the University, the business fraternity and the general public to interact and learn from one another. The celebrations will also mark the first year since MKU opened the Kigali Campus.
Please let us attend in large numbers to support and learn from the staff and students of MKU. The Chief Guest will be the Rwanda Minister of Culture and Youth. The Vice-Chancellor MKU, Prof. Stanley Waonda will be also grace the occasion. Kindly invite Family and Friends.
Entrance cards to the cultural event will cost Rwf. 5,000. This will cover the cost of Dinner and prizes for Mr. & Mrs. MKU. You can contact myself on 0788 706652 or Ann Mwaura, The AKR Treasurer on 0785 658522 for a card.The cards will also be available at the door on Friday.
Carol for chairman.