Writes Leo Odera Omolo In Kisumu City

The proposal that the Luo-Nyanza should be further sub-divided to have a room for the creation of a new Central Nyanza sub-province has received overwhelming support from a number of prominent Luo personalities.

One of the prominent personality who said he is in full support of the suggestion and termed it as a good and progressive idea is the former Central and Nyanza P.C. Peter Raburu.

Raburu said in a telephone interview with this writer that judging from the population of the region covering Kisumu West, Kisumu East, Nyando, Nyakach and Muhoroni administrative districts, the creation of a Central Nyanza Province is viable. “It would bring administration and governance close to the people”, he said.

Mr Raburu said such a move would leave areas like Rarieda, Bondo, Gem, Ugenya and Alego Usonga in the new administrative sub-Province to be known as Nyanza West. The populations in those five districts area sufficiently enough and the new administrative or sub-district headquarters should be established at Siaya town or in any place of their choice.

Also backing the proposal is the former Police Commissionmer, Mr Phelemon Abong’o. He said the idea is not to divide the community, but to bring the administration much closer to the people for effective administrative work.

Abong’o said he was glad hat the residents of the greater Southern Nyanza as well as those living in the Gusii sub-region have been given their own sub-Provinces with their administration headquarters at Kisii and Homa-Bay respectively. The move is commendable, and the government should do the same and sub-divide the remaining areas formerly known as Central Nyanza into two, Central and West.

He said the government would be very much fair to the Luos a one of the most populous communities in this country by giving them more administrative regions so that the community can develop much faster like any other communities, after long years of marginalization by the previous regimes.

Another prominent Luo who registered his support for the sub-division of Central Nyanza into to sub-regions is a prominent businessman in West Karachuony, Kanam in Rachuoyo district Mr. Henry Hastings Julu Kokombo.

Mr. Kombo said he had read malice and political naivety in some of the Luo leaders who have been insisting in the past that the community should be left intact for simple political expediency by a few greedy and selfish individuals. He addedthat Luo nation is big enough to be sub-divided into several provincial governance units. This would give the community the leeway to develop its vast land which is endowed with a lot of natural resources much faster.

Last week, a group of Luo elders led by Mzee Walter Kitoto Adell had suggested in a press conference held in Kisumu that a new sub-region to be known as Central Nyanza should be created immediately to cater administratively for the residents of five districts, namely Nyakach, Nyando, Muhoroni, Kisumu West and Kisumu East, arguing that geographically the areas deserves to be administrated separately as a sub-region.

Mzee Adell, who is the chairman of the Luo Elders Development and Cultural Group was accompanied by Mzee John Ouko Reru (Kisumu) and Ex-Chief Ndolo Mbom (Kajulu). They said politics should be set aside when tacklling issues such as administrative matters of grave concern. By having more sub-regions, the community would benefit a lot from government funding of various economic projects.

Another call came from a retired senior civil servant, Mr. J. Adera-Owiny in Ahero, who pleaded with the Luo MPs to take up the matter with President Mwai Kibaki and the Luo elders who met the President during his recent tour of Nyanza . But our expectation became a pipe-dream after the group merely presented the Head of State with trivial issues bordering on what is common in Luo-Nyanza as politics of sycophancy. The issue is a burning one, and well conceived by the majority of people

Luo MPS could not be reached for immediate comments, but the rumor making the round have it that some of them have welcomed the idea as well intentioned. Two former MPs are said to be backing the request, and so are a number the ODM party and its leadership.


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From: Leo Odera Omolo
Date: Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 8:35 AM


  1. Domnic Okello

    Since kenyans have kept quiet over the creation of sub-regions
    which to me was not necesarry at the moment,i attend to agree with approposal of dividing the old central nyanza
    district into two.We all hope the massrooming of creating many
    adminstrative units is not implement gema political schemes.

  2. Jaluo wadu

    Kaluwore gi wach pogo kuonde od bura ma ibiro tim ndalo moko mabiro e piny Kenya ka, kaka yande otim provinces ma koro wan gi ariyo ei Kaluo, kanyakla kaka oganda Luo ma chandruoge oseduoko chien e weche dongruok kuom higni mangeny, onego wayiere kendo waked mondo kuonde od bura mawa malach kata ma joge ngeny mondo opog mondo wan bende wayud ber ma chenro ni birokelo.
    Ka wangiyo maber kuonde od bura ma nie pinywa ka to wabiro fwenyo ni nitie kuonde od bura ma jogi tin kata ma matindo, to en nikech jo kwonde go neoseneno rieko gi ber mar timo mano, ma gin medo dongruok gi duol e od bura.
    Ber mabiro bedo ka kuonde od bura mawa opog en:
    1) biro medonwa kwan, duol gi teko e od bura mar kedo ne gi yudonwa dwachwa kaka joma ochungnegi e od bura gi ma odak kuonde od bura gogo mondo yore dongruok wa omedre.
    2) Biro medonwa omenda mar dondo kuonde od bura mondo osirnwa kendo oyudnwa dongruok moopgre moriwo gero kuonde tiegruok gi thieth; kunyo sokni mag pi; loso nderni, chirni gi ute obila mag rito go kwe e gwenge; siro yore pur, lupo, ohelni gi tuke mopogre; gi medonwa omenda mar tiego go jopuonjre maonge nyalo, gi weche mamoko nikech kwan omenda koro biro chopo nyadiriyo e od bura ma nyocha en achiel. Ma tiende en ni dongruok gi chopo dwach gweng biro bedo mayot nikech kwan jii gi lach ka rod bura biro bedo matin.
    3) Biro tieko akweda ma jo od bura mawa moko nigo korka dongo kuonde moko manie kuonde od bura maggi, nikech gineno ni kuonde go okber ka dongre, kata jo kuonde go ohero siemo wang ja od bura ma kanyo kaluwore gi tije gi akweda ma engo. Moko be ochayo kata ni gi wasigu gi anyuola ma kuonde moko manie e ka rod bura ma ochungne, koro okwero nyaka bayo kono. Timore. Emomoiyo ber ka iyiero ngato kaluwore gi kite gi time, ok duond bura ma ochung godo nikech kanyo ema obiro pondo e ka tije oserem.
    4) Biro bende medo thuolo mar laro kombe od bura
    Gi weche moloer go, ber ka division ka division, kaka ne otim districts, iloko to bedo kar chung od bura, kaka Usigu, Madiany, Boro, Karemo, Ukwala, Ugunja, Yala, Wagai, Kombewa, Maseno kata imedo pog kuonde malach to iketo bedo kar chung od bura.
    Kae to locations ariyo ariyo to imiyo division mondo okelnwa machieggni kendo ongadnwa bor gi pek chopo gi yudo mapiyo kony ma oluwore gi tije mayude e division, kaka wangeyo gi. Districts be ok onego mi nying kaka Ugenya, Gem; nego olokgi mondo gibed kaka gin adekno, Siaya North, Central gi South, kae to Nyakach bende bedo Nyando South, kaka kuonde moko e piny ka itimo, nikech kaka gin sani biropogo oganda wa korka tudruok.
    Ok en adier ni ka opog kuonde od bura to biro mayo ja od bura kwan mag ombulu kata teko e od bura, kata mar yudonwa kom ker. Gima mondo wange kaka oganda en ni koda wuodwa moro oyudo kata orem yudo kom ker, dwachwa kaka jopiny ma odak kaluo kendo kaka jo kuonde od bura ma ni gi ja od bura moyier mondo ochungnwa e od bura maduong, nyaka yudnwa kokalo kuom ngama wayiero no. en nikech tije kaka ja od bura en loso chike mabiro tayo chenro mag dongruok e pinywa ka gi mabiro bero ngima jopiny, gi tero yuak gi dwaro mag joma ochungne e od bura maduong ma one ni serikal okawo okang ma oremre gi weche go, kata onyalo tudre gi jatend migawo ma wachno ochomre godo mondo dwaro go oyudore. Emomiyo gweng ka gweng e pinywa ka ni gi kuonde od bura gi jo od bura. Rachni, kendo ka wangiyo seche ma jo od bura twak e od bura maduong, to wabiro neon pogruok maduong e kind penjo gi dwaro jo od bura ma gwenge moko gi mawa ma Kaluo. Jo od bura ma gwenge mamokogo pile pile ibiro neneo ni gidich gi weche, penjo gi dwaro mag kuonde od bura maggi gi joma odak kuondego. Chalni jo od bura mawa pokofuenyo mano kata gichayo penjo gi dwaro mag joma gichungne e od bura, to en wach ma ongere ni Kaluo ni gi chandruoge mangeny ma onegobedni giwacho e od bura mondo serikal okony kama nyalore, kaka wajaneno ka itimo e gwenge mamoko. To emomiyo dongruok ni kuonde do nikech jo od bura oyie wacho maonge wich kuot chandruoge manie gwengegi. To emomiyo kata diere mane kech omako pin ka, serikal ne oyie pogo chiemo kuonde mane yuak nitie; wan to ne ikwero jii ka iwacho ni biro miyo wabed jonyawu ka gima diero nenitie koth Kaluo to ne en kech momako piny ngima. E rach tend Jaluo; gimoro amoro mabiro Kaluo kata madhikonyo Joluo to gitangga go mondo chandruege wa obed abeda; nyaka karango? Chandruoge mawango nyaka awful e lela mondo one kaka iyalo kony, to bende telo marem be nyaka siem mondo okang ma oromre one kaka ikawo mono kaluo bende odongre kaka kuonde moko.
    To nango be en Kaluowa kende ma tudruok e kind jo od bura moyier manyien gi moyombi e yiero kata ma chon ongega? Kata sani, neon ja od bura katiyo gi ngama nyocha oyombo e yiero, kata mondo girom, tek ahinya, to e gwenge moko to ibiro neon ka gitiyo kanyakla maonge kibaji moro amora.
    To bende, neon ja od bura moro amora ma Kaluo komako bad ja od bura ma duond bura mopogre di mare mondo okonye gi paro kata e solro moro kata mana tere e limbe ka rod bura mare, tek ahinya. Tudruok moro amora gi ogendni mamamoko e weche dongruok kata e ngadre rieko okwadwar kendo okwahero kata matin. To wan bende emokwahero konyre kata ngadre rieko ma dongruok onen, kata kwero jatelo moro kaketho tudruok mar oganda wa gi moro kata ka orem e tich. Wan e oganda ma opogre gi mamoko nikech kido ma ka ma, wan emawango kendwa.
    Be nitie kama wachungega e weche dongruok, nikech chandruoge manitie Kaluo kata ma Joluo nigo dikoro ok kaka gin, nikech lony be wan emawalony mokalo. Nyaka wabed gi duol achiel ma gima waseyiere korka dongruok to bedo.
    To okni telo ema pokwabedogo, kata chik moro emotamo kaka wajaneno tendwa odich gi kedo mondo chike olok. Adier adier, onge chik moro amora e Kenya ka motamo dongruok moro amora kiknen kata kikchop Kaluo, to onge be motamo jatendwa moro amora e chako, kata ngato manyalo yawo, kata kelo kambi, mbarariany, bengi, od thieth ma wegi kata gero migawa kata udi mipango kamoro amora ma ni Kaluo. To ka nitie, to gin gi od bura maduong ma chikno ginyalo golo, kata inyalo loke. To bende dikoro gisetero yuakgi e od bura, manyiso ni onge chik ma kamano, en yo mar tiyo go e manyo telo.
    To telo wasebedogo chakre Kenya yud loch, nikech yawa osebedo katelo e migepe mopogre gi kambe bende kaka KPA, Railways, Pipeline, KBC, duol maduong, bengi, kambe niang to yawuotwa bende osetelo ne abila ma pinywa ka kendo nyadiriyo gi ne jolweny marito pinywa gi yo ka nam chumbi. Ma tiende ni dongruok en chuny ngato, ok en teko kata ngeny migepe telo.
    To gi siasa tendwa magerga, to gi kitgi mar tieko joma giseketogo wasigu nikech pogruok mar paro kata magiluoro nikech gi chung kendgi motegno, to kata kom ker biro bedo mateknwa yudo, gi telo be ma okodewo kaka jii odak nikech mondo ngato obed gi thuolo mangeny mar yudo kom ker, gweng ma joge ngeny nyaka bed gi mwandu gi yore dongruok mopogre mondo omi jo ma odak kanyo teko mar sire, ok dhier ma osiko ka marwa, telo to wasebedo ka waloko. Ngama pache oyawore to biro winjo weche gi maler.

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