Death Announcement

From the Nyamwange family (Illinois), please accept our deep and heartfelt sorrow on the passing of a great man.  His influence has reached far and near.  May the words of Jesus comfort you at such a time as this.  “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25,26)
Keen Nyamwange

lyna wrote:            

It is with deep sorrow and sadness that I announce the death of MZEE WILLIAM OBARE KIYONDI of Nyamagesa, Nyaribari Masaba, Kisii, Kenya.
Mzee Obare is survived by his wives Aska Mong’are(Nyamagesa) and Margaret Kemunto(Detroit, michigan). He was the elder brother to Mama Leah Kwamboka Nyamwaya(Minnesota), the late Mama Miriamu Machuki (Keroka) and Mwalimu Joel Amenya (Macho Nne). He was the brother-in-law to Mzee David Machuki (Keroka), Mama Susan Amenya(Gesonso,Kisii) and the late Nyamwaya Nyambweke (Keumbu, Kisii). He is survived by many children: James Nyarunda(Suneka, Kisii), Milka Mogaka(Nairobi), Pauline Nyaboke(Matutu, Kisii) George Obare(Eldoret), Philip Obare and  Pamela Obare Mogaka (Detroit, Michigan), Rebecca Obare Ruoti(Nyamagwa,Keumbu), Anna Obare(Kisii), Richard Obare (Nairobi), Tom Obare(Kisii) and Lily Obare (Nairobi). He has many sons and daughters-in-law including Dr Joram Mogaka(Michigan) and Mzee Mogaka(Nairobi) to name a few. He was uncle to many including Pauline Nyaboke(Minnesota), Shem Nyamwaya(Minnesota),and Kennedy Machuki(Minnesota). He was grandpa (sokoro) to many including Susan Maranga(Minnesota), Debbi Mogaka Ogeto(Texas), Naomi Maranga(Michigan), Dorca Maranga(Maryland),Damaris Mokua(Minnesota), Lyna and Lola Nyamwaya(Minnesota), and Alex Nyamwaya(Rockford, IL). Those who knew and loved him will miss him deeply. Please pray for his family at this trying time. Funeral arrangements are underway.
Thank You.
Lyna M Nyamwaya (New Hope, MN)
Pam Obare (Magokoro Kemunto): 313-378-9576 or 248-661-1402

Pauline Nyaboke (Magokoro Kwamboka): 763-208-6935

2 thoughts on “Death Announcement

  1. Vincent Kiminyu

    With deep regret do I announce the untimely passing on of mwalimu MICHAEL MARINDA, who until his sudden demise was the principal – Mbita High School, Suba dustrict. Earlier, he had taught in reknown Kanga High School and Lambwe Mixed Secondary School.

    Mwalimu your prowess in Mathematics and administrative skills will be highly missed by your students, both current and former.

    May God rest his soul in eternal peace!

  2. Mbajah

    It is sad that Mr Marinda had to leave this world at a time when his mathematical prowess was highly needed. For those of us who were at Mbita High School between 1991-1994, we will forever remember him for his ability to ‘conjure up’ tan, cos, sin, log, antilog etc without consulting mathematical tables. Even the dumbest in maths loved his classes because he made maths look so simple. Rest in Peace “wuod jaduong’.”

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