From: barack abonyo

Respect for the law is measure of civility in a nation. In Kenya many have shown uncivility by ignoring the laws of the land not knowing that the same impunity can be applied by every citizen especially if the custodian or the lawmakers are not obeying the same law they make.It is time for Uhuru and Muthaura to be civil. They have a responsibility to serve as goo…d examples in this new dispensation where every Kenyan is required to be law abiding.
Even though the ICC decision does not prove they are guilty of any offence yet, the rulling make it impossible for for them to carry out the duty of our nation devoid of suspiscion. A suspect in such a high level position is a dangerous suspect especially if that suspecvt may have the capacity to paralyze the country’s function. In my view it is important that the prime minister and the president realize that these guys are not accused of a misdeamenor. They are accused of killing people and maitaining them in power is giving them a bad window of opportunity that they may use for bad thins. They may use this very same power to muscle up the witnessesand shut them up for good. At this point Muthaura is a dangerous guy especailly when he still has powers to give orrders to the police, the military and even the permanent secretaries. It is suicidal to give a potential dea throw inmate a rope inside a jail house. By allowing Uhuru to hold the finace docket and Muthaira being the secretary of the cabinet office we have a bad combination. We are basically leaving loaded guns in the hands of suicidal mad men. It is time for all Kenyans to demand that the two resign immediately.

Dr. Barack Otieno Abonyo
Associate Professor of Pharmacology
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Florida A and M University
1415 Martin Luther King Dr.
Tallahassee Fl, 32304



Yes, Comrades, Uhuru and Muthaura should have long stepped down from office – and must do so now – voluntarily through resignation, through removal by appointing authorities, or by public demand.

In the same manner, I also strongly believe that:-

1) Justice must not only be done, but also SEEN to be done, and
2) Selective justice is NOT justice.

I am still to see convincing reasons why the 2 principles were not also dragged to the Hague, or does anyone have any? Under these circumstances, a Local Tribunal should immediately be started to try both small and big fish (including the 2) that were involved or suspected to have been involved in the post-election violence, otherwise we’ll have set a very bad precedence. At a minimum, the ICC process has sent a strong message that when the time of reckoning comes, no-one is above the law (even the high and mighty). But how about the 2? You may even wish to throw Kivuitu in there!

May justice be our shield and defender,

From: Emmanuel Dennis

There was a silent voice making rounds that the then Minister for internal Security, upon the ODM calls to go to ICC, he collected all the intel mostly collected on the activities of the sturborn ODM proponents and traded with his independence.

Wonder why he was never mentioned on the envelope yet he is the one who was giving orders to special police units. He bought his freedom by providing Ocampo with hard evidenced stamped Government of Kenya.

That is what Ocampo relied on heavily to indict the Kenyan guests to the ICC. He has evidence beyond reasonable doubt. The four guys are going down. Me thinks there are more surprises coming our way especially with the key witnesses that might be dragged into the whole fiasco.
The debacle has just began.
Let justice be our shield and defender.
Uhuru and Muthaura must step aside.


On 24 Jan 2012, at 20:50, roz kahumbu wrote:


I really have no idea. There are numerous videos of the PEV all over the internet and on UTube. I have met this particular photographer/film maker but where Ocamp gets his evidence from is anyone’s guess.BBC, Aljazeera have some good film which can be found on UTube and UN observers were all over Kenya at the time.

NSIS biz with ICC is unknown to me too.


From: Jagem K’Onyiego


Is it true that ICC used all these Pictures and many more, plus narration from surviving victims, to arrive to their conclusion?
And what was it that was given to Ocampo, by NSIS which they have kept Confidential to this day?


From: roz kahumbu

Like the photographer says from his heart


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